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Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Edisi 2
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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The purpose of this study is, 1) to determine the use of facebook as a medium supporting distance learning course on Introduction to Anthropology on program Sociology Anthropology of Education Program in 2012, 2) To know the benefits of facebook as a medium supporting distance learning course on Introduction to Anthropology Education Program Sociology Anthropology in 2012, 3) To determine the barriers and the efforts to handle the media supporting distance learning course on Introduction to Anthropology on program Sociology Anthropology Educational Studies academic year 2012.This study used a qualitative approach and study research. The data source is the informant, place and events, archives, respondents, and document analysis. The sampling technique used was snowball sampling. Method of collecting the data is interviews and documentation analysis. The validity of data using triangulation data (source), while the analysis of the data using interactive analysis.Based on the analysis it can be concluded: (1) Implementation of the Learning Activities by Leveraging Social Media Facebook as a Learning Support. Facebook is not only used as a medium of support but also be used in full for one semester, as a lecturer abroad. Facebook is used as a medium for distance learning because almost all students use facebook. Facebook is used for communication between faculty and students and among students to discuss courses, announcing assignments and exams so that all members can see all the information on group. 2) Excellence in Learning by Using Facebook as a Media Support Distance Learning: a) Increasing levels of interaction between students with learning educators, b) Enables the interaction of learning from anywhere and at any time, c) Reaching learners in coverage, d) Increasing activity in the learning activities. 3) Obstacles in Learning Using Facebook as a Media Support Distance Learning: a) The difference in speed access and delays with predetermined targets, b) error application, c) Lack of character, d) inadequate facilitiesTo cope with such the. From the above it can be an obstacle in efforts to minimize these barriers is to: a) The material should be concise and clear, and not too much, b) provide respite deadlines and provide confirmation.Keywords: media, facebook, college
ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI DI PMI KOTA SURAKARTA Cahyaningtyas, Diana Agti; Murtini,, Wiedy;  Susantiningrum,  Susantiningrum
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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The purpose of this research are for knowing : 1) Organizational culture in Indonesian Red Cross Surakarta Region. (2) Inhibitor factor in building organizational culture in Indonesian Red Cross Surakarta Region. (3) Efforts for handling the problem in Organizational Culture in Indonesian Red Cross Surakarta Region.This research is a qualitative research with descriptive methods, case study approximation. The research strategy is single research strategy. The source of data came from informan, time and place, documents, and archive. Sampling technique that we use is Purposive Sampling and Snowball Sampling. Collecting Data are from interview, observation, and documents analysis. Data validity technique that we use are triangle data and triangle methods. Data analysis technique that we use are interactive analysis technique start from collecting data, reducing data, perform data, and conclusion. Research procedure consist of preparation step, excecution step and primary data analysis, final data analysis, conclusion, making a report, and copying reports.The conclusion of this research are: Indonesian Red Cross Surakarta Region have culture organization that are professional, perceptive and loved by people. (1) There are many way to build organizational culture in Red Cross Surakarta Region. That are (a) The person who can be a center (b) education and training for Human resources (c) regular meeting once two weeks. (2) Inhibitor factor to build organizational culture in Indonesian Red Cross Surakarta Region are : (a) Individual person (b) there just a few media to sosialize organization vision, mission, and main purpose (3) The efforts to build organizational culture in indonesian Red Cross Surakarta Region . Are : (a) Regular meeting once in 2 weeks (b) Adding media that contains organization vision, mission, and main purpose.
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Desember
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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 ABSTRACT The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) whether or not there is a significant effect of job characteristics on the job satisfaction of the employees in Muhammadiyah Hospital of Selogiri, Wonogiri in 2013; (2) whether or not there is a significant effect of individual characteristics on the job satisfaction of the employees in Muhammadiyah Hospital of Selogiri, Wonogiri in 2013; (3) whether or not there is a significant effect of job characteristics and individual characteristics on the job satisfaction of the employees in Muhammadiyah Hospital of Selogiri, Wonogiri in 2013. This research used the survey  quantitative research method. Its population was all functional employees of Selogiri Muhammadiyah Hospital as many as 86 persons. The samples of the research consisted of 47 persons. They were taken by using the stratified proportional random sampling technique. The data of the research were gathered through questionnaire. They were then statistically analyzed by using the correlational and multiple regression analyses. The results of the research are as follows: (1) there is a significant effect of  job characteristics on the job satisfaction of the employees in Muhammadiyah Hospital of Selogiri, Wonogiri as indicated by the value of rcount = 0.451 > rtable = 0.288; (2) there is a significant effect of individual characteristics on the job satisfaction of the employees in Muhammadiyah Hospital of Selogiri, Wonogiri as indicated by the value of rcount = 0.540 > rtable = 0.288; (3) there is a significant effect of job characteristics and individual characteristics on the job satisfaction of the employees in Muhammadiyah Hospital of Selogiri, Wonogiri as indicated by the value of Fcount = 14.602 > Ftable = 3.209. Other finding of the research is the multiple linear regression Y = -19.5 + 0.908X1 + 0.954 X2 meaning that the job satisfaction of the employees in Muhammadiyah Hospital of Selogiri Wonogiri index average will increase or decrease as much as 0.908 every time there is a one-unit increase or a one-unit decrease in the variable of job characteristics, and the job satisfaction index average will increase or decrease as much as 0.954 every time there is a one-unit increase or a one-unit decrease in the variable of individual characteristics. Each independent variable has a contribution to the dependent variable. The relative contribution of job characteristics to the employee?s job satisfaction is 38.2%, and that of individual characteristics to the employee?s job satisfaction is 61.68%. Furthermore, the effective contribution of job characteristics to the employee?s job satisfaction is 15.29% and that of individual characteristics to the employee?s job satisfaction is 24.62%. Keywords: job characteristics, individual characteristics, and job satisfaction, employee
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 1, No 2 (2012): Edisi 2
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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 The weakness of leaders in Small and Medium Business (UKM) in Indonesia dealing with market oriented are the low motivation of entrepreneurs, the low of leader commitment to apply market orientedmethod in his organization, and lack of training for themselves (Suliyanto, 2011). This research aimed to develop the culture of market oriented throughout the learning of organization that be done by examining the effect of customers and competitorsoriented to the learning of organization.  Respondents of this research are 300 owners or managers of UKM in the Greater of Surakarta. The technique of sampling in this research is purposive sample who has two criteria; an Indonesian and at least has two employees. The technique of analysis was done by Structural Equation Model (SEM). The result of this research shows antecedent variable; entrepreneurs? orientation, under-pressured of managers, training programs, and reward system has effect to customer orientation in Small and Medium Business (UKM).  Key words: customers oriented, competitors oriented, learning organizations
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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ABSTRACT  The objectives of this research are to investigate whether or not there is a significant effects of: (1) the administration of reinforcement on the learning achievement in the subject matter of Conducting the Administration Procedures; (2) the independent learning on the learning achievement in the subject matter of Conducting the Administration Procedures; and (3) the administration reinforcement and the independent learning simultaneously on the learning achievement in the subject matter of Conducting the Administration Procedures. This research used the descriptive quantitative method. The population of the research was all of the students as many as 86 in Grade X of the Office Administration Skill Program of Vocational High School Batik 2 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2012/2013. The samples of the research were 60% of the population or 51 students, and were taken by using the proportional random sampling technique. The data of the research were gathered through questionnaire and documentation. They were then analyzed by using the statistical test with the correlation and multiple regression technique of analysis. The results of the research are as follows: (1) there is a significant effect of the administration of reinforcement on the learning achievement in the subject matter of Conducting the Administration Procedures of the students in Grade X of the Office Administration Skill Program of Vocational High School Batik 2 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2012/2013 as indicated by the value of rcount = 0.468 > rtable = 0.276 at the significance level of 5%; (2) there is a significant effect of the independent learning on the learning achievement in the subject matter of Conducting the Administration Procedures of the students in Grade X of the Office Administration Skill Program of Vocational High School Batik 2 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2012/2013 as shown by the value of rcount = 0.525 > rtable = 0.276 at the significance level of 5%; and (3) there is a simultaneously significant effect of the administration reinforcement and the independent learning on the learning achievement in the subject matter of Conducting the Administration Procedures of the students in Grade X of the Office Administration Skill Program of Vocational High School Batik 2 of Surakarta in Academic Year 2012/2013 as pointed out by the value of Fcount = 20.195 > rtable = 3.191 at the significance level of 5%. In Addition, the other finding of the research is ? = 27.581 + 0.322 X1 + 0.489 X2, meaning that on average the learning achievement in the subject matter of Conducting the Administration Procedures will increase or decrease as much as 0.489 for each unit of increase or decrease in the independent learning. The relative contribution of the administration of reinforcement toward the learning achievement is as much as 43.82%, and that of the independent learning toward the learning achievement is as much as 56.18%. In addition, the effective contribution of the administration of reinforcement toward the learning achievement is as much as 20.02%, and that of the independent learning toward the learning achievement is much as 25.68%. Keywords: The administration of reinforcement, independent learning, and learning achievement.
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Edisi 1
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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Abstract: This study describe to investigate : (1) the implementation of the program of On The Job Training to prepare the students of State Vocational High School 6 of Surakarta to enter the world of work; (2) the constraints encountered in the implementation the program of On The Job Training at State Vocational High School 6 of Surakarta; and (3) efforts taken to cope with the constraints in the implementation of the program of On The Job Training at State Vocational High School 6 of Surakarta. This research used the descriptive qualitative research method. The results of the research are as follows: (1) the implementation of the program of On The Job Training at State Vocational High School 6 of Surakarta has been in compliance with the prevailing procedures an can prepare its students majoring in the Office Administration particularly in the expertise competencies in terms of hard skills and soft skills to enter the world of work; (2) the constraints encountered in the implementation of the program are as follows: the students are not mentally ready to follow the program of On The Job Training, the advising teachers have a low frequency to visit the world of business and industry, (c) not all of the competencies can be done by the students, the theories accepted by the students in the class do not conform to the work practicum in the world of business and industry; and (3) the efforts taken to deal with the constraints are as follows: motivating the students, warning the advising teachers, implementing the rolling system at the work department, the advisors of the institutions give guidance to the students.   Keywords: implementation, the program of On The Job Training, students
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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  The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) the efforts done by Special Job Fair of State Vocational High School1 of Surakarta to improve the job absorption rate of its graduates in the work world; (2) the constraints encountered by Special Job Fair of State Vocational High School1 of Surakarta in conducting its role to improve the job absorption rate of its graduates in the work world; and (3) the solutions taken by Special Job Fair of State Vocational High School 1 of Surakarta in dealing with the constraints to the implementation its role to improve the job absorption rate of its graduates in the work world. This research used the qualitative method with the case study approach. the sources of research data were informants, places, documents, and archives. The results of the research are as follows: 1) The efforts done by Special Job Fair of State Vocational High School 1 of Surakarta to improve the job absorption rate of its graduates in the work world include establishing cooperation with companies of the business world and the industrial world by enhancing the links for channeling its graduates to work world, drawing the students? attentions to work by displaying the profiles of companies, inviting the representatives of companies to the school, improving the hard and soft skills of its graduates, and establishing networks with other special job fairs of other schools in Surakarta City and its vicinity, and establishing cooperation with Indonesian Manpower Agencies. 2) The constraints encountered by Special Job Fair of State Vocational High School 1 of Surakarta in channeling its graduates to work world are students? labile personalities, difficulty in extending information to its students, and the mismatch between the work world and its graduates? competencies. 3) The solutions taken by Special Job Fair of State Vocational High School 1 of Surakarta include motivating its students, improving visit intensities of companies to the school, and disseminating job vacancy information through SMS, and improving cooperation with stakeholders.Keywords:     Special Job Fair, career decision-making, graduates, and Vocational High School
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is: (1) to find out the entrepreneurial values on Indie Clothing entrepreneur in Surakarta (2) to describe the picture of the implementation of the entrepreneurial values on Indie Clothing entrepreneur in Surakarta (3) to uncover the problems that arise as well as problem-solving strategies in running an Indie Clothing businesses.This research is qualitative research strategy with double systematic description. The technique used is the footage of purposive sampling. The technique of data collection is by interview, observation and document analysis. The validity of the data using the technique of triangulation data/sources and triangulation methods. Data analysis using interactive analysis models.Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded (1) entrepreneurial values on Indie Clothing businessman in Surakarta, amongst other things: (a) Able to see opportunities (b) Optimism (c) Are able to take a risk (d) Original: creativity and innovation (e) Commitment (f) Proactive. (2)  implementation of the entrepreneurial values on Indie Clothing businessman in Surakarta, among others: (a) production (b) marketing (c) finance/financial (d) human resources. (3) the problems and solving strategies in running businesses Indie Clothing, problems occurred in running the business of Indie Clothing include: (a) the limitations of venture capital (b) Any production mistakes which led to the quality of the product does not comply with the standard (c) An employee who is irresponsible, dishonest and less competent (d) the existence of the negligence in spending money, the lack of information regarding financial owned (e) An endorsement that is less professional team and imaging characteristics of line of business (f) the existence of a threat from the other party, its strategic location, less effort, lack of parking lots. Steps in problem solving in working Indie Clothing include: (a) borrow from venture capital to the banks and saving (b) controlling production (c) personal Approach towards workers who are less accountable, less competent and less disciplined (d) took note of the financial flows/financial as well as financial control both in production activities as well as private spending (e) marketing by using online media as well as program discounted products. (f) looking for a new location away from the problem, its strategic location and availability of parking lots. Keywords: entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial values, Indie Clothing
PERAN KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM MENUMBUHKAN KEDISIPLINAN GURU DAN KARYAWAN andriyani, andriyani; Sulistyaningrum Indrawati, Cicilia Dyah; Susilowati, Tutik
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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The objective of this research is to investigate: (1) the leadership role of the headmaster in growing the discipline of the teachers and the administrative staff members of SMK Negeri 1 of Surakarta; (2) the obstacles in the leadership role of the headmaster in growing the discipline of the teachers and the administrative staff members of SMK Negeri 1 of Surakarta; (3) the solution from the role of the headmaster to overcome the obstacles which emerge in actualizing the discipline of the teachers and the administrative staff members of SMK Negeri 1 of Surakarta. This research used the descriptive qualitative method and the embedded single research strategy. The population of this research was the headmaster, the teachers,  the administrative staff members, and  the students of SMK Negeri 1 of Surakarta. The samples of this research were taken by using the purposive sampling technique. The data of this research were gathered through interview, observation, document analysis from informants, places, events, documents, and files. The data were then analyzed by using the interactive analysis technique. The results of this research are as follows: (1) the leadership role of the headmaster of SMK Negeri 1 of Surakarta was done through the activities of discipline building, such as: (a) giving motivation to the teachers and the administrative staff members; (b) giving the leadership role model by having discipline; (c) making efforts in paying attention to the welfare of the teachers and the administrative staff members; and (d) implementing discipline enforcement; (2) the obstacles which emerge in building discipline in SMK Negeri 1 of Surakarta are as follows: (a) the internal obstacles, such as: the characters of personality of some teachers and administrative staff members which are difficult to accept advice and less responsible in doing their job and tasks; and (b) the external obstacles which emerge in building the discipline of the teachers and the administrative staff members of SMK Negeri 1 of Surakarta; and (3) the solutions to overcome the obstacles are as follows: (a) enforcing the rule and making discipline development; and (b) intesifying the shared activities with the teachers and the administrative staff members.Keywords: principal's leadership role, Teacher and Employee Discipline
Jurnal Informasi dan Komunikasi Administrasi Perkantoran Vol 3, No 1 (2014): Juni
Publisher : Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran FKIP Univesitas Sebelas Maret

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ABSTRACT The aims of this study were: (1) to find out whether there was any significant effect of teachers? professionalism to the teachers? performance of Batik Senior High School 2 Surakarta; (2) to find out whether there was any significant effect of work motivation to the teachers? performance of Batik Senior High School 2 Surakarta; and (3) to find out whether there was any significant effect of teachers? professionalism and work motivation to the teachers? performance of Batik Senior High School 2 Surakarta.This study used quantitative study approach, by descriptive method. The population of this study was all teachers of Batik Senior High School 2 Surakarta. Sampling technique used in this study was probability sampling that was simple random sampling by using raffling, in the amount of 35 students from a population of 55 teachers. The data collecting technique used was questionnaire and documentation techniques. While the data analysis technique of this study was statistical test by correlation analysis and multiple regression.Based on the result of this study, it could be concluded that: (1) there was a significant effect of teachers? professionalism to the teachers? performance of Batik Senior High School 2 Surakarta. It was shown by the value of rvalued > rtable or 0.443>0.334 on a significance level 5%; (2) there was a significant effect of work motivation to the teachers? performance of Batik Senior High School 2 Surakarta. It was shown by the value of rvalued > rtable or 0.634>0.334 on a significance level 5%; (3) There was a significant effect of teachers? professionalism and work motivation simultaneously to the teachers performance of Batik Senior High School 2 Surakarta. It was shown by Fvalued > Ftable or 22.528>3.295 on a significance level 5%. Other finding in this study was a multiple linear regression equation ? = -5.978 + 5.82X1 + 7.66X2, which meant that the average of teachers? performance would increased or decreased 5.82 on the increase of decrease of a teachers? professionalism unit, and would get 7.66X2 increase or decrease on the increase of decrease of a work motivation unit. Whereas the relative contribution of teachers? professionalism to the teachers? performance was 40.79%, and the relative contribution of work motivation to the teachers? performance was 59.21%. The effective contribution of teachers? professionalism to the teachers? performance was 23.85% and the effective contribution of work motivation to the teacher?s performance was 34.62%. Keywords: Teachers? professionalism, Work motivation, Teachers? performance