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Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jember, Jl. Kalimantan No. 37, Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
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Published by Universitas Jember
ISSN : 23551798     EISSN : 28303903     DOI : -
Core Subject : Social,
ELECTRONICAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES (E-SOSPOL) is a fully open access peer-reviewed scholarly journal that addresses legal issues and questions arising in Indonesia and the Global World Wide. This journal aspires to provide a public policy, administrative, sociology, taxation, tourism, public relations, welfare, communication and politics. And other disciplines such as social anthropology, social psychology, law and social, technology and information, social geography education.
Articles 157 Documents
Pelayanan Sosial Pekerja Sosial Medis di Rumah Sakit Dr. Soetomo Surabaya M, Musfikirrohman; Rahmawati, Atik
e-Sospol Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Pola Asuh Anak di Lingkungan Lokalisasi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Hospital are institution that deal with public health problem for both medical and non medical. Service in the medical field made by the medical team, whereas the non medical service performed by medical social worker to deal with social problem in patient. Focus this study in research about social service of medical social worker in hospital. The hospital also has a field of non medical service one of which is Dr. Hospital. Soetomo, where the ministry seeking holistic service in both the medical and non medical service.. Dr. Soetomo hospital have a one social worker at the medical paliatif & free Pain. Social workers will serve in and out of the hospital, like a visit in a home to the care of patients. A patient's medical workers from the social services such as a defect an amputation, paralyzed, and young people with the poor condition. Forms of administrative services, such as the motivation, a device to help you, the drugs, for the and education to propose problems.
Pengelolaan Keuangan Laba Rugi pada Home Industry Alat Musik UD Kayu Mas Balung, Jember Puspitaningtyas, Erlinda; Toha, Akhmad; Prakoso, Aryo
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Komunitas
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Finance management is aimed at finding out the finance position of a company so as to reveal finance condition, which serves as the cornerstone in business decision making. Finance management also functions as an evaluation tool to business appropriateness in order to assess its accountability, probe its finance condition related to profit and loss, control business finance, and meet the obligation as citizen to pay tax. The finance condition aforementioned is germane to the administration of profit-and-loss finance which complies with the procedure as well as standard stipulated in Law number 20 of 2008, concerned with the obligation of home industry to carry out finance management as regulated in The Finance Standard of Entity with no Public Accountability (commonly known as SAK ETAP) to put home industry at ease when dealing with finance management. This research was projected to explain profit-and-loss finance management at UD Kayu Mas Balung, a home industry specializing on music instrument, in Jember district. The research employed qualitative method, coupled with descriptive analysis. The research findings revealed the profit-and-loss finance management which already complied with the very standard due to improvement on several production processes and the documents of finance administration carried out by the business owner.
Alasan Indonesia Melaksanakan Program Ekolabel Putri, Destyane Pristanti; Susilo, Djoko; Yuniati, Sri
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract Cooperation among countries in international trade and environmental issues are early stages of the idea of ecolabel. Ecolabel program is a product certification that provides information to consumers about product’s life cycle in stating that the product provides smaller environmental impacts than other similar products without ecolabel mark. The vision of ecolabel implementation in Indonesia is the realization of ecolabel as an effective device for protecting the environment, the society interests and the improvement of production efficiency and competitiveness. Meanwhile, the mission carried out by Indonesia ecolabel program is to establish synergy to control negative environmental impacts throughout the product life cycle, to push demand and supply of environmental friendly products and to provide criteria and verification system of ecolabel which is competent and credible on the basis of stakeholders. The research applied descriptive-qualitative method used for data analysis. In subsequence to collection, data were arranged to analyze. This research was intended to determine Indonesia's reasons for implementing ecolabel program. It was found that Indonesia’s reasons to implement the program were to meet the demands of international trade over trade barriers that require a country to produce environmentally friendly products which has relatively small negative impacts on the environment. The purpose of this program was set up in order that Indonesia’s products are able to compete with the products of other countries. Ecolabel program is also an attempt to safeguard the environment as a form of guarantee for environmental security and to protect the environment from damages and to apply the principles of sustainable development.
Analisis Manajemen Kesan Pengguna Facebook Alfiyah, Elis; Jannah, Raudlatul
e-Sospol Vol 1 No 1: Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract The use of facebook as a social network site wins a lot of demands. Moreover, in Indonesia, facebook fever becomes a trend among young people. The phenomenon of facebook use in Indonesia has been widespread in many areas such as in Jember Town. The town is also supported by the existence of educational facilities such as state universities, one of which is the University of Jember. Facebook has become a means of making an impression management in facebook. This research was aimed to identify, describe and analyze the impression management of facebook users conducted by students of UNEJ in accordance with the impression management theory by Erving Goffman. The method used in this research was qualitative with purposive sampling technique. The research results showed that the impression that one wanted to show was in line with certain situation and condition depending on the audience. The impressions that one wanted to show up, among others, were impression of a university student, impression of people in pairs, impression of people who love traveling, impression of beautiful look, impression of confusion, impression of familiarity and impression of people who like sports. The impression management could not be separated from the appearance through clothing, makeup, and items such as purse or laptop, then the manner or style shown through expression described in photographs such smiling, staring eyes. It can be concluded that someone is considered more ideal when he is able to behave and act in accordance with common view as an individual who always interacts in community live, so facebook users always show and manage a good or positive impression in his friendship networks
Kinerja Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Madiun Umbul Square di Kabupaten Madiun Berdasarkan Metode Balanced Scorecard Marfuah, Evie Titin Marfuah Titin Marfuah; S, Sutomo; A, Anwar
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 1 (2017): Komodifikasi Tubuh Perempuan di Instagram
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract This aimed to describe the performance of PD. Madiun Umbul Square in 2014 using Balanced Scorecard method. The problem in this research covers financial problems in the form of the decline in the company earnings and nonfinancial problems faced by service management. Municipal companies that have a goal in financial and nonfinancial matter need performance measuring tools to measure the performance aspect of those goals. The research used descriptive type with quantitative approach. The research was focused on the measurement of four variables in Balanced Scorecard i.e. financial perspective, pelanggan perspective, internal business perspective, and learning and growth perspective translated in the performance indicators. The location of research was at PD. Madiun Umbul Square. Informants were selected using purposive and snowball sampling, and the respondents were all employees of PD. Madiun Umbul Square. Data were collected using questionnaire, unstructured interview and documentation. Validity and reliability of data were examined by using product moment correlation and internal consistency. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis by analyzing the data obtained from the four performance variables in balanced scorecard and described without generalization. The results showed that the performance of PD. Madiun Umbul Square from financial perspective variable was 21.78% with very good performance criteria, from pelanggan perspective variable was 27% with very good performance criteria, from internal business perspective variable was 19.51% with good performance criteria, and from learning and growth perspective variable was 20.21% with good performance criteria. It was concluded that the performance of PD. Madiun Umbul Square in 2014 was in good criteria but had experienced a decrease in performance compared to that in 2013; only pelanggan perspective variable met performance target.
Penolakan China terhadap Arbitrase Filipina atas Penyelesaian Klaim Laut China Selatan Amir, Firdaus; Yuniati, Sri; Hara, Abubakar Eby
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Komunitas
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract On January 22, 2013, the Philippines had submitted an arbitration proposal to the international court of arbitration. The proposal was intended to sue China's claim over the nine-dash line through the map which was considered to be an overlapping claim toward sovereignty of some countries in the South China Sea. China considered that the Philippine’s initiative in resolving these issues through arbitration was a wrong option. China also considered that the Philippines had broken up the consensus of Declaration on the Conduct (DOC) that took the initiative to solve the problems of the South China Sea through peaceful measures. Therefore, China had declared to refuse to participate in the one-sided tribunal. This research aimed to identify China’s reasons to refuse to participate in the arbitration court. The research applied literature research and interviews. The results showed that China refused to participate in the arbitration for two reasons. First, China believed its sovereignty of South China Sea. Second, China considered this one-sided justice would take it to defeat because the tribunal would only be based on different interpretations from the way of acquisition of China’s territorial sovereignty.
Kebijakan Cina Membatasi Ekspor LTJ (Logam Tanah Jarang) ke Amerika Serikat Saadah, Kurniawati; Kusuma, Sugiyanto Eddie
e-Sospol Vol 1 No 1: Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan
Publisher : University of Jember

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Rare Earth Metal (REM) or Rare Earth Element is one of unrenewable natural resources as a main resource in electronic, automotive, and military industries. Almost all of resent high technology and green products, such as, television, smart phone, hybrid car, and nuclear guidance tools use REM. China is the world largest REM user, producer, and exporter, in which China also has the highest percentage of aplication of REM. However, since 2005, the REM prices have decreased significantly and the Chinese Government started to restrict the REM export to the importer countries, especially United States. The reason behind REM export restrictiotion was based on costs and benefits consideration whose goals are to replace all the costs that had been used, and to fulfil increasing domestic needs and stockpilling, as in line with International Political Economy concepts. China also tries to hold global market monopoly of REM and to increase a dependence among importer countries. Aside than that, Chinese Government focus and concern relate to environmental destruction due to the increasing of smuggling and illegal mining that have happened for several years. This environment problems are the main reason why the Chinese Government restrict it's REM export. As the implication of this policy, some importer countries, such as, United States, Japan amd European Union sued Chinese Government to WTO due to China's REM export restriction and monopoly. Keywords: China, export restriction, political economy policy.
Posisi Tawar Timor Leste untuk Memperoleh Status Keanggotaan Penuh di ASEAN Rohani, Dian Ayu; Sunarko, Bagus Sigit; Soelistijono, Pra Adi
e-Sospol Vol 3 No 1 (2016): Pola Asuh Anak di Lingkungan Lokalisasi
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract After more than a decade as an observer, Timor Leste’s application to become the eleventh member of the ASEAN has officially submitted on 4 March 2011. Indeed, despite being the youngest country in ASEAN, Timor Leste has already made substantial contributions to the region of South East Asia through its involvement in several ASEAN events included the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) in 2005. The problem is that there are some doubts of its ability to fulfil all the membership obligations at this time. While Indonesia is actively sponsoring Timor Leste’s application for membership in ASEAN and strongly believes that this country is ready to becoming part of the ASEAN Community, some suppose that Timor Leste is not yet ready. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the position of Timor Leste in its attempts to join the ASEAN. The study employs qualitative analysis and utilizes some models of diplomacy and ASEAN charter in examining the efforts that Timor Leste has done in achieving full membership status in this regional organization. The data for the research was collected through secondary sources. The study concluded that Timor Leste has boosted its bargaining position in the last few years and its acceptance into ASEAN is only a matter of time.
Strategi Penguatan Usaha Ekonomi Petani Kakao oleh Gapoktan Guyub Santoso di Desa Plosorejo Kecamatan Kademangan Kabupaten Blitar Basyir, Malik Naharul; Jannah, Raudlatul
e-Sospol Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Komunitas
Publisher : University of Jember

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Abstract The problems faced by farmers in Indonesia still struggling in the weak structure of the network. Where the farmers prefer to depend on kinship relations and chose to run its business outside of the formal organization. The farmers tend to seek own patterns of organizing his business according to their better rational for various reasons. Here, the empowerment and organizing farmers by agents into the formal organizational structure became more important to construct mindset of farmers, so that the farmer can progress towards a better and can sustain development of the national economic. This research used a qualitative method which was located in Gapoktan Guyub Santoso Office and Wisata Edukasi Kampung Coklat in Plosorejo Village, District Kademangan, Blitar. The data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The research results showed that: the solidarity and participation of farmers into a farming institution is a key element that supports the success of Gapoktan Guyub Santoso in strengthening the capital and breaking the marketing chain of cocoa beans is too long and much harm to farmers. With the development of agro area through Wisata Edukasi Kampung Coklat also improve the quality and selling value of cocoa farmers and bring the impact of economic improvement of the surrounding community through various business opportunities. This is in accordance with the concept of participation empowerment explained by Craig and Mayo that participatory empowerment is a potential strategy in order to improve economic, social and cultural transformation. Therefore, emphasis should be emphasized on the importance of alternative approaches to development approaches beginning with the local community empowerment process.
Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan APBD Kabupaten Jember Tahun 2012 Fastari, Agisma Dyah Fastari Dyah Fastari; Wasiati, Inti; B, Boedijono
e-Sospol Vol 1 No 1: Alokasi Dana Desa dalam Formulasi Kebijakan
Publisher : University of Jember

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AbstractVillage Fund Allocation is one type of direct financial assistance for villages given by the regency government taken 10% of balance funding of DAU (General Allocation Fund) and DAK (Special Fund Allocation) of the central board. Village Fund Allocation, often referred to as ADD, has its own rules in its establishment. The rules are stated in the legislation; that is, in PERMENDAGRI (Ministry of Internal Affairs Regulation) No. 37 Year 2007 which is set out in Jember Local Regulation No. 3 Year 2007. Jember Regency government establishes ADD because of lack of village income to finance its own operation. ADD becomes very important since, without ADD or other direct financial assistance to village, it will not exist. ADD which is a form of budget, in its stipulation is included in the budget formulation process. This research was conducted to identify the allocation process of ADD in the local budget policy formulation of Jember Regency in 2012 by applying descriptive-qualitative research method. The research results of were that Jember Regency government in the allocation of ADD, a little bit disregarded the fairness principle and overstated the equity principle. In PERMENDAGRI it is stated that equity principle is in line with the regional conditions. However, in reality, the local government of Jember Regency allocated ADD without considering this. Among villages is only a little difference in allocation. In fact, if using the fairness principle, It would be seen the very poor and the rich villages. Thus, the ADD of villages will have a big gap. It was shown that there was no significant difference between one village and another.Keywords: policy formulation, Village Fund Allocation, legislation

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