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Bisnis Internasional, Ekonomis Bisnis, Etika Bisnis, Kewirausahaan, Manajemen Administrasi, Manajemen Keuangan, Manajemen Operasi, Manajemen Pemasaran, Manajemen Pendidikan, Manajemen Produksi, Manajemen Strategis, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Pasar Modal, Perilaku Organisasi, Sistem Informasi Manajemen
Articles 115 Documents
Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Yang Dimediasi Oleh Produktivitas Kerja Perusahaan CV. Laut Selatan Jaya Di Bandar Lampung Hepiana Patmarina; Nuria Erisna
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (363.966 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jmb.v3i1.493


CV. Laut Selatan Jaya engaged in product distributor PT. Mandom Indonesia Tbk face the problem of lack of work discipline shown by the high employee absenteeism and declining productivity of employees that may affect the company's performance. The research problem is: Is employee discipline affect the performance of the company, whether the employee productivity affect the performance of the company, and whether the employee disciplinary effect on labor productivity in CV. Laut Selatan Jaya. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of employee discipline on company performance, employee productivity effect on corporate performance, and employee discipline effect on labor productivity in CV. Laut Selatan Jaya. Based on the results of quantitative analysis with multiple regression models obtained by the equation: Y = 32,195 + 0.0000001831 0.000000090926 X1 + X2. From these equations it can be seen working discipline coefficient (b1) and employee productivity coefficient (b2) is relatively small. This suggests that the effect of labor discipline and productivity of employees on company performance mediocre. Product Moment Correlation calculation results obtained r1 = 0.08 and r2 = 0.06 means that the discipline of work and employee productivity has positive influence to company performance. The results of the calculation of the coefficient determinant of labor discipline by 64% which means that the influence of labor discipline on corporate performance by 64% and the effect on the performance of the employee's productivity to company performance by 34%. Thus the hypothesis which states that: employee discipline effect on company performance, employee productivity affect the company's performance, and employee discipline effect on labor productivity in CV. South Sea Jaya in Bandar Lampung, is acceptable
Pengaruh Karakteristik Perusahaan dan Ekonomi Makro terhadap Return Saham Syariah yang Listing di Jakarta Islamic Index A. Ifayani Haanurat
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 3, No 2 (2013): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (390.494 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jmb.v3i2.598


Saham  syariah merupakan saham perusahaan yang sejalan dengan prinsip syariat Islam, baik mengenai produk maupun manajemennya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat  bagaimana pengaruh karakteristik perusahaan (EPS, DER, ROA, CR) dan Ekonomi Makro (Inflasi dan Kurs) terhadap return saham syariah yang listing dalam Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). Obyek penelitian ini adalah seluruh saham syariah yang tercatat dalam Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) di Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ) periode 2008 – 2012 sebanyak 30 emiten dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 9 perusahaan dengan melewati multi shapes purpose sampling berdasarkan ketersediaan data selama periode penelitian dan jenis datanya adalah data sekunder, adapun metode analisa yang digunakan adalah model regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial variabel independen ROA (X3) = 2,255   dan kurs   valuta   asing   (X6) = 2,347 berpengaruh  positif  yang signifikan   terhadap   return   saham syariah.   Sementara itu, tingkat   inflasi (X5) = -6,133 berpengaruh  negatif yang signifikan terhadap   return   saham syariah. Variabel EPS (X1) = -1,875 , DER (X2) = -1,819 dan CR (X3) = -1,394 terbukti tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap return saham syariah serta hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa inflasi merupakan variabel yang paling dominan mempengaruhi return saham syariah.Islamic stock is a stock company in accordance with the principles of Islamic law, either on the product or its management. This study aimed to see how they affect the characteristics of the company (EPS, DER, ROA, CR) and Macroeconomics (inflation and exchange rate) to the return of Islamic stocks listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). The object of this study are all Islamic stocks listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) in the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) in the period 2008 to 2012 as many as 30 listed companies and a total sample of 9 companies to pass multi shapes purposive sampling based on the availability of data during the study period and type of the data is secondary data, while the analysis method used is multiple linear regression model. The results showed that partially independent variables ROA (X3) = 2,255 and foreign exchange (X6) = 2.347 have a significantly positive effect on stock return of sharia. Meanwhile, the inflation rate (X5) = -6.133 have a significantly negative effect on stock returns of shariah. Meanwhile, the The Variable EPS (X1) = -1.875, DER (X2) = -1.819 and CR (X3) = -1.394 proved no significant effect on the stock return of shariah and the results of this study indicates that inflation is the most dominant variable affecting stock returns of shariah.
Analisis Rasio Keuangan untuk Mengevaluasi Tingkat Kesehatan dan Perkembangan Usaha PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Cabang Kedaton Toton TOTON; Galuh Fajar Kusuma
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 3, No 2 (2013): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (303.045 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jmb.v3i2.603


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kesehatan dan perkembangan usaha PT Pegadaian (Persero) Cabang Kedaton di Bandar Lampung. Data yang digunakan adalah data keuangan perusahaan yaitu neraca dan laba rugi Tahun 2008 - 2012 dan kemudian diolah menjadi data yang lebih spesifik agar mudah untuk dianalisa. Analisis rasio keuangan yang digunakan sebagai dasar penilaian tingkat kesehatan keuangan PT Pegadaian (Persero) telah diatur dalam SK Menteri Badana Usaha Milik Negara No. 10 kep. 100/MBU/2002 tanggal 4 Juni 2002 yang meliputi delapan (8) rasio, yaitu return on equity, return on investment, cash ratio, current ratio, collection periods, perputaran persedaiaan, perputaran total asset, rasio modal sendiri terhadap total aktiva. Analisis perkembangan usaha PT Pegadaian (Persero) Cabang Kedaton ditinjau dari rentabilitas ekonomi selama periode yang diteliti dapat dianalisis dengan cara menghitung besarnya rentabilitas ekonomis untuk periode yang diteliti dan untuk menguji hipotesis yang kedua digunakan rumus analisis trend linier dengan menggunakan metode least square. Kinerja keuangan PT Pegadaian (Persero) Cabang Kedaton pada tahun 2008 samapi dengan tahun 2012 memiliki rata-rata kondisi yang sehat dengan kategori A. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh rata-rata penilaian kinerja keuangan diperoleh nilai sebesar 50,6 persen. Nilai tersebut lebih besar dari batas minimal perusahaan sehat sebesar 45,5 sehingga hipotesis pertama yang menyatakan bahwa tingkat kesehatan finansial PT Pegadaian (Persero) Cabang Kedaton selama periode penelitian telah memenuhi klasifikasi  sehat, diterima. Pencapaian rentabilitas ekonomis dari tahun 2008 sampai dengan tahun 2012 cenderung mengalami penurunan, hal ini ditunjukkan dari hasil analisis trend yang diperoleh berkoefisien negatif, yaitu sebesar -3,607 sehingga hipotesis kedua yang menyatakan bahwa perkembangan usaha PT Pegadaian (Persero) Cabang kedaton selama periode penelitian mengalami peningkatan, ditolak.The purpose of this research is to know the level health and the development of  PT. Pegadaian (Persero) Branch Kedaton in Bandar Lampung. This Research using finacial data such as profit and loss bal ances at years of 2008 through 2012. The data will being calculated to become a specify data and makes it’s easy to analize. The analize of financial Ratio being used as a indicator of financial health of PT. Pegaradaian (Persero) has been ruled in Minister Of Goverment Finacial Organization Policy Number 10 Kep. 100/MBV/2002, june 4, 2002 which consider to 8 ratio, such as  : Return On Equity, Return On Investment, Cash Ratio, Current Ratio, Collection Periodes, Funds Circullation, Total Asset Circullation,Prive Artio To Total Aktiva. The analize of PT Pegadaian (Persero) effort Branch Kedaton beinglooked at economic rentability alongthe periode which being research, to test the second Hipotesis used linier Trend Analize using Least Square Methode. The financial performance at PT pegadaian (Persero) branch Kedaton in years 2008 through 2012 hadaverage kealth condition in A categories it based from the finacial performance average which value 50,6 percdnt. The value more valuable then the company health limited which value at 45,5 percent based from that assumption the first hipotesis had fullfilled to the classification. Rentability economy reach decending trend at years 2008 through 2012, analizing to the case using trend anailize the negative koefesien being approved at -3,607 according to the assumption the second hipotesis will not approved.
Pengaruh Pelatihan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bagian Bongkar Muat Barang Di Terminal Peti Kemas Cabang Panjang Nelson NELSON
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (335.338 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jmb.v3i1.494


Container unit as one part of the PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) to manage the loading and unloading of goods in containers. Therefore, employee training is needed to improve employee performance. The problem faced is: not all oprator cranes have the same speed in performing activities of unloading and reloading of containers, the understanding and control of container cranes loading and unloading equipment varying, frequency of training is less likely to cause a lack of understanding of the use of total padap terh loading and unloading equipment, yan and low employee performance. The formulation of the problem is whether the effect of job training on the performance of employees in the loading and unloading of goods in Container Terminal cabang Panjang. The purpose of the study was to determine pengharuh job training on the performance of employees in the loading and unloading of goods in Container Terminal cabang Panjang. From a qualitative analysis of the results obtained: 40% for job training job training of employees expressed well, 40% moderate, and 20% lower, 36% for employee performance expressed well, 44% moderate, 20% lower. Based on the results of quantitative analysis with a linear regression model as a regression equation: Y = 7.666 + 0,622X which shows that the constant 7.666 means if the job training = 0, then the employee's performance is positive at 7.666. Variable regression coefficient of 0.622 job training job training means that if = 1, then the employee's performance will be increased by 0.622. The coefficient of determination of 37.1% means that job training has contributed as much as 37.1% on employee performance and by 62.9% influenced by other factors. Based on t-test results obtained by t-test 3.684> 2.069 t-table, then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, which means job training effect on employee performance. It can be concluded that the hypothesis that job training have a significant effect on the performance of employees in the loading and unloading of goods in Container Terminal cabang Panjang acceptable.
Daya Saing dan Kebijakan Ekonomi Internasional Kayu Lapis Indonesia M. Yusuf S. Barusman
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 3, No 2 (2013): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (395.487 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jmb.v3i2.599


Ekspor kayu lapis Indonesia dominan selama periode 1988 hingga 2003, volume ekspor kayu lapis selalu lebih besar dari Malaysia sehingga Indonesia dianggap sebagai pemimpin pasar (market leader) khususnya untuk kayu lapis tropic (tropical hardwood) sedangkan Malaysia sebagai pengikut pasar (market follower). Sejak Tahun 2004, Malaysia menggantikan posisi Indonesia sebagai pengekspor kayu lapis yang dominan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) Menganalisis daya saing internasional industri kayu lapis Indonesia ditinjau dari model Heckscher-Ohlin factor endowment (H-O), 2) Menganalisis kebijakan ekonomi internasional dalam pengembangan industri kayu lapis Indonesia, dan 3) Menganalisis strategi kebijakan ekonomi internasional produk kayu lapis Indonesia dalam menghadapi era globalisasi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1) Dari analisis dengan model Heckscher-Ohlin factor endowment (H-O) diperoleh hasil bahwa secara teori ketersediaan factor endowment merupakan faktor yang dapat mendorong terciptanya daya saing internasional, namun secara empirik ketersediaan factor endowment tersebut bukan satu-satunya faktor penyebab terciptanya daya saing internasional.  2) Dari analisis kebijakan ekonomi internasional pengem-bangan industri kayu lapis Indonesia diperoleh hasil: a) Kebijakan larangan ekspor kayu bulat Indonesia memberikan pengaruh positif dan negatif terhadap daya saing internasional, menjadikan industri kayu lapis sebagai industri yang tidak efisien dan tidak memiliki daya saing internasional (kelangsungan hidupnya tergantung pada kebijakan pemerintah), serta menyebabkan sumber daya hutan alam menjadi rusak sehingga ketersediaan factor endowment (kayu bulat) menjadi langka dan mahal dan pada akhirnya kayu bulat bukan lagi sebagai factor endowment. 3) Kebijakan ekonomi internasional produk kayu lapis dalam menghadapi era globalisasi dapat ditempuh melalui berbagai strategi dengan menggunakan konsep marketing re-positioning (MRP), diantaranya adalah: a) Menghentikan kebijakan ekspor berbasis komoditas dan menggantikan dengan ekspor berbasis produk berdasarkan konsep bauran pemasaran, b) Menghentikan kebijakan ekonomi internasional yang cenderung mengatur dan memanjakan industri kehutanan (kayu lapis), c) Mendorong industri kayu lapis lebih kreatif sehingga mampu menciptakan produk turunan berdasarkan konsep bauran pemasaran.The dominance of Indonesia's plywood exports during the period 1988 to 2003, the export volume of Indonesia's plywood is always greater than in Malaysia so that Indonesia can be considered as the market leader (market leader), especially for the tropic plywood (tropical hardwood), while Malaysia is a follower of the market (market follower ). Since 2004 Malaysia replaces Indonesia's position as the dominant exporter of plywood. The purpose of this study was to: 1) analyze the international competitiveness of Indonesian plywood industries in terms of the model of Heckscher-Ohlin factor endowment (HO), 2) analyze the international economic policy towards the development of Indonesian plywood industries, and 3) to analyze international strategic of economic product policy of Indonesian plywood in the era of globalization. Based on the analysis we can conclude the following: 1) From the analysis of the model of Heckscher-Ohlin factor endowment (HO) showed that theoretically availability factor endowment is a factor that could encourage the creation of international competitiveness, but factor endowment’s availability in empirically is not the only factor which caused the creation of international competitiveness. 2) From the analysis of international economic policy development of Indonesian plywood industries results obtained were as follows : a) Indonesia’s banned log export policy  provides positive and negative influences on international competitiveness, making plywood industry inefficient and lacks international competitiveness(which existences depends on government policy), as well as the causes of natural forest resources become damaged so that the availability of factor endowment (logs) become scarce and expensive and ultimately logs no longer a factor endowment. 3) The policy of international economic plywood products in the era of globalization can be reached through a variety of strategies using the concept of marketing re-positioning (MRP), which are: a) Stop the export policy of commodity-based and replaces the export policy based products based on the concept of the marketing mix, b) Stop the international economic policies which tend to set up and spoil the forestry industry (plywood) in the country, c) Encouraging the plywood industry more creatively so as to create derivative works based on the concept of the product in the marketing mix.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Loyalitas Pelanggan Produk Sim Card Flexi Trendy Pada PT. Telkom Di Kota Bandar Lampung Toton TOTON; Addela Sukma
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (800.34 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jmb.v3i1.495


Problems faced by PT. Telkom as the telecommunications company is the number of consumer complaints against service quality flexi users has increased every year. On the other hand the number of consumers has increased flexi users. The problem of this study is: Does Quality of Service effect on customer loyalty flexi user? The purpose of this study to determine the effect of service quality on customer’s loyalty flexi at PT. Telkom in Bandar Lampung. Sampling method used was accidental sampling as many as 78 samples. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire with Likert scale measurement. The analysis tool used is the method of multiple linear regression. The results showed that the quality of service that consists of realibility ( ), Responsiveness ( ), Assurance ( ), Empathy ( ), Tangible ( ), in this way they make positif influence where similarity regresi Y = -12,538 + 0,245X1 0,256X3 +0,325 + X2 + + 0,330X4 0,484X5. Effect of quality of service (realibility, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles) on customer loyalty (Y) with the coefficient of determination (R Square) by 0,692 means that customer loyalty can only be explained by reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles statistically by 69,20% .. While the remaining 30.80% is influenced by other factors. F test results obtained F count (table Anovab) of 32,417. While the F table. obtained 2,45. Thus Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. It can be concluded that the five variables of service quality (reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles) jointly have a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty.
Analisis Kualitas Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Tinjau dari Pendekatan Middle Income Trap Provinsi Lampung Iskandar A.A.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 4, No 2 (2014): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (776.207 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jmb.v4i2.708


Lampung masih menjadi daerah yangmiskin ketiga di bandingkan dengan beberapa provinsi lainnya di Pulau Sumatera, orientasi pembangunan ekonomi yang selama ini terlalu fokus pada eksploitasi sumber daya alam harus sudah di tinggalkan, sekarang harus memperkuat basis industri pengolahan. Selain itu, saatnya Provinsi Lampung menggeser orientasi dari  kuantitas ke kualitas. Middle Income Trap harus ditandai oleh dominasi kuantitasdaripada kualitas, maka saatnya Lampung fokus membenahi kualitas, mulai dari produk industri hingga Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM).Berdasarkan dari pemikiran tersebut maka perlu diketahui berapa jumlah penduduk yang masih tertinggal,  jumlah penduduk pada tahapan Middle class, atau yang sudah maju pesat. Sehingga kedepannya dapat menjadi parameter Pembangunan, khususnya pada kabupaten/kota yang mengalami masalah kualitas pertumbuhan  ekonomi.Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu : 1) Untuk  mengetahui tingkat kualitas pertumbuhan penduduk ditinjau dari pertumbuhan pendapatan perkapita daerah, 2) Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penghambat dan pendorong pembangunan ekonomi di seluruh Kabuaten/kota di Provinsi Lampung melalui pendekatan Middle Income Trap, 3) Memberikan rekomendasi yang harus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan ekonomi daerah. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan model yang sudah baku untuk keperluan penelitian ini yaitu model perhitungan PDRB riil, Perhitungan Laju Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Model Perhitungan Pendapatan Perkapita. Selama tahun 2003-2014. Pertumbuhan Indonesia hanya4,86% per tahun, sedangkan kontribusi pertumbuhan ekonomi Lampung   2,2%. Tahun 2014 merupakan batas waktuminimal untuk  menetapkan  sebagai Negaramiddle income. Secara kuantitatif model regresi atas variable PDRB ADHB dan PDRB ADHK dan jumlah   penduduk berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pendapatan perkapita. Jumlah penduduk terhadap pendapatan perkapita arah negatif, berarti jumlah penduduk berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap pendapatan perkapita, pendapatan perkapita lampung tahun 2014 Rp. 6,002,891 kalau dikonversi ke kategori World  Bank 2014  lower income < US$ 1.045.  Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa Lampung masih  dalam kategori Lower Income.Lampung is still a poor area of the third compared to some other provinces in Sumatra Island, the orientation of economic development has been too focused on the exploitation of natural resources should have been on leave, it should strengthen the manufacturing base.In addition, it is time to switch the orientation of Lampung Province from quantity to quality. Middle Income Trap should be characterized by the dominance of quantity rather than quality. So, it's time to fix the quality focus Lampung, ranging from industrial products to the Human Resources (HR). Based on these ideas, you need to know how many people are still left behind, the number of people on the stage of Middle class, or already thriving. So that future development can be a parameter, especially in the districts / cities that have quality problems of economic growth.The purpose of this study are: 1) To determine the quality level of population growth in terms of growth of per capita income of the region, 2) To determine the factors enabling and constraining economic development throughout Kabuaten / town in the province of Lampung approach Middle Income Trap, 3) give a recommendation to boost the local economy. The data used in this research that GNI per capita as either a hedge of determining how the success of a state in managing the economy. The data were analyzed using GRDP Calculation Model, Palculation of Economic Growth and Percapita Income Calculation Model. Indonesia's growth is only 4.86% per year, while the contribution of Lampung economic growth of 2.2%. 2014 is the minimum amount of time to establish as a middle income country.Indonesia's growth is only 4.86% per year, while the contribution of economic growth Lampung 2.2%. 2014 is the minimum amount of time to establish as a middle income country.In quantitative terms the GDP variable regression model on  ADHB  and  the GDP  and  population  ADHK  significant  effect on per capita income, per capita income  population of the  negative  direction,  meaning the population  of a significant  negative  effect  on  per  capita  income, per capita  income  in 2014 of  Rp  Lampung. 6,002,891 if  converted  to a lower  category  of  the  World  Bank's  2014  income  < US $ 1,045. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the Lampung is still in the category Lower Income. One cause of this is the inability to achieve growth targets.
Pengaruh Segmentasi Terhadap Preferensi Konsumen di Koperasi BMT Insan Amanah Natar Lampung Selatan Defrizal DEFRIZAL; Gunawan Suryaatmaja
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 4, No 2 (2014): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (794.84 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jmb.v4i2.713


Lembaga keuangan mikro sebagai salah satu penopang perekonomian negara indonesia dengan memberikan pembiayaan terhadap usaha kecil sangat diharapkan dapat membantu dalam pengentasan kemiskinan di Indonesia. Salah satunya adalah Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) yang memiliki standar operasional yang berbasis syariah. BMT menyelenggarakan usaha pelayanan jasa keuangan dalam skala mikro, kecil dan menengah memiliki misi sosial dan bisnis.BMT Insan Amanah merupakan koperasi jasa keuangan syariah yang berlokasi di Desa Natar, Lampung Selatan. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat penurunan jumlah nasabah yang terjadi setiap tahunnya, tingkat penghasilan nasabah yang pas-pasan dapat berpengaruh terhadap kurangnya modal, serta kurang tepatnya strategi segmentasi dalam meningkatkan jumlah nasabah. Permasalahan yang dirumuskan adalah seberapa besar pengaruh variabel segmentasi terhadap preferensi konsumen.Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh segmentasi geografik, demografik, psikografik, dan perilaku terhadap preferensi yang ada di BMT Insan Amanah. Metode penelitian yang di lakukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi jenis penelitian deskriptif, studi kepustakaan, dan studi lapangan. Analisis yang di lakukan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dan diperoleh persamaan Y = 2.370 + 0. 265 X  + 0.397 X  + 0. 345 X  + 0. 172 X4 + e. Sedangkan untuk hasil Uji Koefisien Regresi Secara Bersama-Sama, diperoleh persamaan F hitung > F tabel (51.214 > 2.50) maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya ada pengaruh secara signifikan antara segmentasi konsumen terhadap Preferensi BMT Insan Amanah di Natar Lampung selatan.Uji Koefisien Regresi Secara Parsial (Uji t), diperoleh hasil Df = n – k – 1 = 80 – 4 – 1 = 75diperoleh nilai t Tabel (0,05;75) = 1,992.Dari hasil berdasarkan penjelasan variabel-variabel penelitian dengan pola yang diprediksi (berdasarkan teori) diperoleh bahwa segmentasi geografik, segmentasi demografik, segmentasi psikografik, dan segmentasi perilaku sangat berperan terhadap preferensi konsumen di BMT Insan Amanah.Dengan demikian hipotesis yang menyatakan bahwa segmentasi geografik, segmentasi demografik, segmentasi psikografik, dan segmentasi perilaku berpengaruh positif terhadap preferensi konsumen.Microfinance institution as one pillar of Indonesian economy by providing financing for micro, small, and medium enterprises is expected to assist in alleviating poverty in Indonesia. One of them is the Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT), which has operational standards based on sharia. BMT organize business financial services in the micro, small and medium enterprises and also have a social mission and business. BMT Insan Amanah is a cooperative islamic financial services that is located in the village of NataR, South Lampung . The problem in this study is the decrease in the number of customers that always happen each year, the limited income of customer can affect the lack of capital, as well as the unsuitable segmentation strategy in increasing the number of customers. The formulted problem is : how much influence of the segmentation variables to consumer preferences. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of geographic segmentation , demographic , psychographic , and behavior of the existing preferences in BMT Insan Amanah . The analysis is multiple linear regression and get equation as follows, Y = 2.370 + 0 . 0397 265 X + X + 0 . 345 X + 0 . X4 172 + e . As the results of Regression Coefficient Test which has done together, equation F count > F table ( 51 214 > 2.50) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted , it means there is significant influence between consumer segmentation to Preferences BMT Insan Amanah in South Lampung, Natar . Partial regression coefficient test (t test ) , the results obtained Df = n - k - 1 = 80 - 4 - 1 = 75 t Table value obtained ( 0.05 ; 75 ) = 1.992 . Explanation of the results based on the study variables with the predicted pattern ( based on theory ) found that geographic segmentation , demographic segmentation , segmentation psikografik , and behavioral segmentation greatly contributes to consumer preferences in BMT Insan Amanah . Thus the hypothesis that geographic segmentation , demographic segmentation , psychographic segmentation and behavioral segmentation have positive effect on consumer preferences .
Analisis Studi Kelayakan pada Waralaba Excelso di Bandar Lampung Andala Rama Putra Barusman; Khunsu KHUNSU
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 4, No 1 (2013): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (781.323 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jmb.v4i1.704


Suatu usaha memiliki resiko dan penuh dengan ketidakpastian. Untuk keperluan pendirian usaha Excelso tersebut, telah dirancang besarnya kebutuhan dana berikut sumber dananya untuk membiayai (cost) kebutuhan investasi dan operasional perusahaan. Juga telah dibuat rancangan pendapatan (benefit). Masalah penelitian ini bahwa: berdasarkan rancangan perkiraancost dan benefit dari rencana usaha Excelso tersebut belum dilakukan analisis studi kelayakan sehingga belum dapat diketahui kelayakannnya. Sebelum mendirikan usaha perlu dilakukan perencanaan dan perhitungan yang matang yakni dengan melakukan analisis studi kelayakan bisnisterhadap rencana usaha tersebut.Adapun permasalahan penelitian ini yaitu: “Apakah rencana pendirian usaha Excelso di Bandar Lampung layak untuk dilaksanakan?”.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah “Untuk mengetahui apakah rencana pendirian usaha Excelso di Bandar Lampung layak untuk dilaksanakan”.Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah “Rencana mendirikan usaha Excelso di Bandar Lampung layak untuk dilaksanakan”. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif.Metode kuantitatif menggunakanperhitungan diperoleh  dari NPV = 491.088,95 berarti NPV > 0 maka rencana usaha Excelso dinyatakan layak, Net B/C = 1,302 berarti Net B/C > 1 maka rencana usaha Excelso dinyatakan layak, IRR = 24,79%, > dari tingkat bunga (15%) maka rencana usaha Excelso dinyatakan layak.Hasil perhitunganPay Back Perioddiperoleh 3 tahun 2 bulan dan Break Even Point diperoleh3 tahun 1 bulan Berdasarkan analisis kuantitatif rencana mendirikan usaha Excelso dinyatakan layak dilaksanakan.Berdasarkan hasil analisis kualitatif yaitu aspek teknis,aspek pasar dan pemasaran, aspek organisasi dan yuridis, aspek manajemen serta aspek ekonomis dan lima model kekuatan dari Porter dapat dinyatakan bahwa rencana mendirikan usahaExcelso layak untuk dilaksanakan. Dengan demikian hipotesis yang dikemukakan bahwa rencana mendirikan usaha Excelso dinyatakan layak untuk dilaksanakan dapat diterima.A business has risks and full with with uncertainty. For the purposes of the Excelso business establishment, has been designed following amount of funding needs sources of funds to finance (cost) investment and operational needs of the company. Also has created a draft income (benefit). The research problem is : based on the draft of costs estimates and benefits from Excelso business plan, has not been carried out, so Excelso feasibility analysis study can not be known acceptable or not. Before establishing a business need to do the planning and calculation that by analyzing the feasibility study on the business plan. The problem of this research is: Is the business establishment plan Excelso in Bandar Lampung is feasible?. The purpose of this study is: Determine the plan of Excelso business establishment in Bandar Lampung is feasible to establish. The hypothesis is: The plan to establish Excelso in Bandar Lampung is feasible.. The analytical method used is quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method uses the calculation of NPV = 491,088.95 means NPV> 0 then the Excelso business plan proved to be eligible. The Net B / C = 1.302 means the Net B / C> 1 then the Excelso business plan Excelso proved to be eligible. IRR = 24.79%,> of the interest rate (15%), the Excelso business plan proved to be eligible. The calculation result obtained Payback Period 3 years 2 months and Break Even Point gained 3 years and 1 month Based on quantitative analysis to establish a business plan Excelso otherwise feasible. Based on the results of qualitative analysis that is technical, market and marketing aspects, organizational and legal aspects, management aspects and economical aspects, and five forces model of Porter can be stated that the plan to establish a business Excelso feasible. Thus the hypothesis put forward that plan to establish a business Excelso feasible otherwise unacceptable.
Analisis Portopolio Produk Pada PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputeramuda 1967 Cabang Lampung Menggunakan Matrik Boston Consulting Group (BCG) M. Yusuf S. Barusman; Soni Gunardi
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 4, No 2 (2014): April
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (789.36 KB) | DOI: 10.36448/jmb.v4i2.709


Produk dapat dinilai potensial oleh target pasar karena keunggulannya atau kutilitas yang dapat dihasilkannya demikian juga yang di harapkan PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputera 1967 Cabang Lampung. Masalah pada penelitian ini tahun 2013 hanya tercapai target se-besar 91% dan pertumbuhan tidak maksimal hanya sebesar 8,10% pada PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputera Muda 1967 Cabang Lampung. Berdasarkan masalah maka perumusan masalah pada penelitian ini  yaitu: Bagaimana pemetaan  portopolio  produk  dan staretegi yang diterapkan PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputeramuda 1967 Cabang Lampung meng-gunakan Matrik Boston Consulting Group (BCG)”. Adapun Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu: menganalisis pemetaan portopolio produk dan strategi yang diterapkan pada PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputeramuda 1967 Cabang Lampung.  Metode analisis menggunakan Matrik Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Berdasarkan hasil pemetaan pada matrik Boston Consulting Group (BCG) dapat dijelaskan bahwa  kesebelas produk PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputeramuda 1967 Cabang Lampung  menempati kuadran (posisi) yang berbeda-beda yaitu : Pada kuadran I  atau Question Mark terdapat enam produk yang dipetakan dalam posisi ini yaitu produk asuransi kebakaran, asuransi mobil, asuransi motor, asuransi kredit, asuransi uang, dan asuransi kebongkaran. Ini menunjukan 55% produk yang dipasarkan PT.Asuransi Umum Bumiputeramuda 1967 Cabang Lampung pangsa pasarnya masih lebih kecil dibandingkan kompetitor utama, tetapi tingkat pertumbuhan produk 5 tahun terakhir cukup tinggi. Pada Kuadran II atau Star, terdapat empat produk asuransi yaitu asuransi ke-sehatan, asuransi kecelakaan diri, asuransi surety bond, dan asuransi dokter liability. Ini menunjukan 37% produk yang dipasarkan PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputeramuda 1967 Cabang Lampung dalam posisi yang optimal, di mana posisi yang semua perusahaan menginginkannya, di mana tingkat pertumbuhan dan tingkat pangsa pasar cukup tinggi. Pada Kuadran IV atau Dog terdapat satu produk asuransi yaitu marine cargo. Ini menunjukan hanya ada 0.09% produk yang dipasarkan PT. Asuransi Umum Bumiputeramuda 1967 Cabang Lampung dalam kondisi tidak lagi memiliki daya saing yang unggul dan tingkat pertumbuhan yang lambat.The products can be considered as potential market target because it’s excellence or quality that can be produced, as well as the expected in PT. Bumiputeramuda General Insurance 1967, Lampung Branch. The problem in this research is: by the year of 2013, they only reached the target of 91% and the growth is not maximum, only by 8.10% in PT. Bumiputeramuda General Insurance 1967, Lampung Branch. Based on this  problem formulation in this research is: How is mapping of product portfolios and strategy applied by PT. Bumiputeramuda General Insurance 1967, Lampung Branch using Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix. The purpose of this study are: to analyze mapping product portfolio and strategy applied to the PT. General Insurance 1967 Bumiputeramuda Lampung branch. The method of analysis using  Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix. Based on the mapping results of the matrix of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) can be explained that the eleven product of PT. Bumiputeramuda 1967 General Insurance Lampung Branch occupies different a quadrant (position) : In the first quadrant or Question Mark there are six products that are mapped in this position. the product are fire insurance, automobile insurance, motorcycle insurance, credit insurance, money insurance, and insurance burglary. It shows 55 % of products marketed by PT .Bumiputeramuda 1967 General Insurance Lampung Branch market share is still smaller than the main competitors , but the rate of growth of the past 5 years the product is high enough. In Quadrant II or Star, there are four insurance products, the product are health insurance, personal accident insurance, surety bond insurance, and physician liability insurance. It shows 37 % of products marketed by PT .  Bumiputeramuda 1967 General Insurance Lampung Branch in the optimal position, in which position all companies want, which pertubuhan level and the level of market share is quite high. In Quadrant IV or the Dog, there is one product that is marine cargo insurance. It shows only 0:09 % of products marketed by PT. Bumiputeramuda 1967 General Insurance Lampung Branch in a state that  no longer has a superior competitiveness and slower growth rates .

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