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Optimization Of The Use Of Energy-Weighted Avo Attributes To Identify Hydrocarbon Noor Fauzi Isniarno; Dono Guntoro; Wahyu Budi Khorniawan; Ashari Aries
ETHOS (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian) Vol 11 No.1 (Januari, 2023) Ethos: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pangabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Sains & Tekno
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/ethos.v11i1.10179


Amplitude Variation with Offset (AVO) is a technique that is often used as an indicator of the presence of hydrocarbons in seismic data. This technique mathematically uses an approximation to the Zoeppritz equation to identify the change in amplitude as a function of the angle of incidence and relate it to the rock properties and the fluid content in it. The energy weighted AVO attribute is very effective in identifying the presence of hydrocarbo. This is because, in principle, the energy weighted AVO attribute is to increase an anomalous response related to the presence of hydrocarbons and attenuate a seismic around the anomaly. The advantage of this attribute is that it is able to distinguish the response of hydrocarbon anomalies to other anomalies caused by lithology such as coal. In addition, this attribute is applicable to pre-stack and post-stack seismic data.
Collaboration On The Use Of Corn Cob Waste As Charcoal Brickets In Sukamulya Village Selvia Aprilyanti; Faizah Suryani; Tolu Tamalika; R.A Nurul Moulita; Azhari Azhari
ETHOS (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian) Vol 11 No.1 (Januari, 2023) Ethos: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pangabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Sains & Tekno
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/ethos.v11i1.8507


The Briquettes are solid fuels that are used as an alternative energy source that has a certain form and is an energy source derived from biomass which is commonly used as an alternative energy substitute for petroleum and other energy derived from fossils. Corn is one of the leading commodities in Sukamulya Village, Sematang Borang District, where corn production has increased from year to year. The goal to be achieved in this activity is to reduce pollution from corn cob waste and obtain an alternative technology as a substitute for fuel oil. Usually the remaining corn cobs that have been taken from the corn will be thrown away and burned just like that. Even though this corn cob can be processed to make briquettes that have marketability. Therefore the service team is interested in doing community service in the field of the Community Partnership Program with the title "Utilization of Corn Cob Waste as Charcoal Briquettes in Sukamulya Village, Sematang Borang District". The activities carried out are counseling and training in processing corn cobs into charcoal briquettes. Making charcoal briquettes consists of two processes, namely the carbonization of corn cobs and the making of the briquettes themselves. The benefits of this activity are being able to increase the insight of the people in Sukamulya Village regarding how to process corn cobs to become more useful as an alternative energy source, and reduce corn waste around the local community.
Inter-Village Network Of Joint Village-Owned Enterprises For Local Economic Empowerment Tarlani Tarlani; Gina Puspitasari Rochman; Lely Syiddatul Akliyah; Adhyasta Firdaus; Haifa Aulia Shoobiha; Rifqi Fajar
ETHOS (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian) Vol 11 No.1 (Januari, 2023) Ethos: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pangabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Sains & Tekno
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/ethos.v11i1.10185


Villages as the frontline of poverty alleviation are required to adapt and be able to utilize the information and communication technology. The Joint Village Owned Enterprise (BUMDesma) Panca Mandala innovates through the development of technology-based business units in the fields of information technology, animal husbandry, and agriculture. This study aims to identify inter-village networks as part of local economic empowerment efforts. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection using interviews and institutional surveys (purposive sampling) and data analysis using qualitative descriptive analysis methods. There are 16 key informants, namely stakeholders who have a relationship with BUMDesma, managers, village officials, and the village society. Study results show that the inter-village network is built on the initiative of the community who are aware of the gap in the economic condition of the village community and can take advantage of digital gap opportunities. The inter-village network is built by villages that have the same goals and funding capabilities for their respective BUMDes. The networks are not only formed between villages, but also with external parties. The inter-village network was built because of local economic empowerment and development. Meanwhile, external networks are formed for the development of innovation and utilization of business units.
The Effectiveness of Making Chicken Floss Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Women Farmers Group (KWT) in Kliripan Hamlet Fadia Fitriyanti
ETHOS (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian) Vol 11 No.1 (Januari, 2023) Ethos: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pangabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Sains & Tekno
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/ethos.v11i1.9856


The 074 KKN program in collaboration with UMKM partners, Women Farmers Group (KWT) Dusun Kliripan, Hargorejo Village, Kokap District, Kulonprogo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region is an UMKM that has a shredded chicken business where the shredded chicken is not durable and the packaging is simple. The purpose of the 074 KKN Program is to help the SMEs of the Women Farmers Group (KWT) Dusun Kliripan improve the quality of the KWT MSME chicken floss through training on making durable and dry shredded chicken, and changing product packaging to make it look more attractive when traded. The method that will be used to achieve this goal namely practice, intermediary or liaison. lecture. The results obtained regarding the speed of time in the manufacture of shredded products after the spinner tool is 98%, the effectiveness level of the digital scales is 100%, the spinner effectiveness level is 99%, and also the speed of drying time after the spinner tool is 100%. So it can be concluded that the use of digital spinners & scales has a significant effect on the process of making shredded products.
Inkscape Training for Teacher Raudhatul Athfal to Grow the Teacherpreneur Spirit Ferry Darmawan; Arif Hakim; Venny Sevtiany
ETHOS (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian) Vol 11 No.1 (Januari, 2023) Ethos: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pangabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Sains & Tekno
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/ethos.v11i1.10896


This community service activity aims to develop the potential of Raudhatul Athfal (RA) teachers as a teacherpreneur, especially in the information and communication technology field. The ability of RA teachers to face the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 requires improving skills in the digital technology field, at once an effort to improve teacher welfare. Using training and mentoring methods, RA teachers are introduced to the Inkscape computer graphics program to support the creation of visual props for learning media, especially early childhood character development. The community service activity produced several illustrated stories made by the trainees that showed a change in the ability of RA teachers to use the Inkscape program as an accessible free digital image medium. Furthermore, by using Inkscape, RA teachers can create a digital drawing with tracing techniques so that anyone can create a storytelling picture themselves. In addition, teachers are also introduced to the microstock platform, which is currently widely used as a forum for publishing graphic design works and becoming a website for buying and selling digital products so that it is hoped that teachers can start becoming teacherpreneur in today's digital era.
Assistance for the Climate Village Program in Pekanbaru City Trio Saputra; Alexsander Yandra; Khuriyatul Husna; Wasiah Sufi; Eka Eka
ETHOS (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian) Vol 11 No.1 (Januari, 2023) Ethos: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pangabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Sains & Tekno
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/ethos.v11i1.8116


The climate village program in Pekanbaru City was carried out in one Tobek Godang Sub-District. Therefore there is a need to increase understanding and socialization of the Climate Village program so that this program can involve all sub-districts in Pekanbaru City. The Tobek Godang Sub-District Partner is a pilot project of the Kampong Climatic program, which is the target of community service program activities, namely stakeholders in Pekanbaru City. Based on the results of the FGDs and interviews, the partners faced two main problems: (1) Not knowing the climate village program stakeholders (2) There needed to be assistance for each village in implementing the climate village program. Based on the problems, solutions are offered (1) outreach to stakeholders regarding the climate village program, (2) assistance to each village in implementing the climate village program. The results of the dedication that has been carried out (1) socialization carried out by the community service team to increase the participation of two sub-districts that are committed to implementing the climate village program, namely Bina widia sub-district and sidomulyo Barat sub-district, (2) the companion team from tertiary institutions have conducted FGDs with RT, RW, Lurah and the Camat in implementing the climate village program to provide education to the community in implementing the climate village program. 
Village Asset Mapping for The Development of Rawabogo Tourism Village Imam Indratno; Chusarini Chamid; Tony Judiantono; Husni Syam; Siti Al Zyanasya; Vernanda M Sonya; Nurrhisma Yuniar; Muhamad D Zulfikar
ETHOS (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian) Vol 11 No.1 (Januari, 2023) Ethos: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pangabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Sains & Tekno
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/ethos.v11i1.10129


In developing a tourism village, one of the absolute conditions that must exist is the existence of natural potential, socio-cultural potential, and the creativity of local communities as assets that can be explored and developed. Rawabogo Village is designated as a tourist village because it has natural potential in the form of Mount Nagara Padang and community agricultural and plantation activities. However, besides this potential, there is another potential owned by Rawabogo Village, but its existence has not been explored optimally. The purpose of conducting this research is to identify further related possibilities of Rawabogo Village, which can be explored through a set mapping, so that an effort can be formulated in the development of Rawabogo Tourism Village. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques from interviews and direct observation. The results of the asset mapping show that the village of Rawabogo has a diversity of assets, not only in nature but also socially and culturally, that can be explored and developed because of its values and character. The results of asset mapping in the development of Rawabogo Tourism Village propose to implement community-based tourism development.
Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Physics in the Kitchen Neng Nenden Mulyaningsih; Dandan Luhur Saraswati; Rita Ningsih
ETHOS (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian) Vol 11 No.1 (Januari, 2023) Ethos: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pangabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Sains & Tekno
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/ethos.v11i1.8130


During distance learning activities, the role of parents is very important in helping and supporting their children's learning activities while at home. Therefore, this community service activity aims to introduce the concept of Physics to parents starting from its application to daily activities in a place that is common in daily life, namely the kitchen. The introduction method was carried out online for partners of Kader Dasawisma Pademangan, in North Jakarta, and was carried out in three stages. The first stage began with providing an understanding of the basic concepts of physics, followed by the second stage by preparing the participants to the atmosphere in the kitchen, then showing the activities that often occur in the kitchen. The third stage ends with an analysis and evaluation of the activities that occur in the kitchen related to the concepts of Physics. The result of this activity was that parents begin to recognize the basic concepts of physics in activities that occur in the kitchen, so that with this result parents can support their sons and daughters in studying at home, especially in studying physics and allowing their children to do physics experiments with facilities available in the kitchen.
Evaluation Of Ergonomic Complaints And Stress Level Of Educational Workers At The Faculty Of Engineering, Unisba Vera Septiawati; Anis Septiani; Hani Burhanudin
ETHOS (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian) Vol 11 No.1 (Januari, 2023) Ethos: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pangabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Sains & Tekno
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/ethos.v11i1.10172


Educational personnel has urgent role in supporting educational administration process. The number of tasks that must be completed by educational workers naturally drains the energy and mind. Change in the work system during Pandemic of Covid-19 increases work-related sitting time and screen time which also applies to the educational personnel at the Faculty of Engineering UNISBA. The main purpose of the study is to discover ergonomics factors (complaints of the body part) and work stress levels as well as the possible contribution that can be given to parties related. The method used in this study is analysis related to ergonomics aspects using Nordic Body Map and work stress levels using Visual Analogue Scale. Measurement is conducted on 27 educational workers at the Faculty of Engineering UNISBA.  Research results show that a number of complaints on body parts include back pain, waist pain, wrist pain, and neck pain as well as the average level of stress experienced that is included in the medium category. Those results show that related parties need to notice problems related to ergonomics complaints and work stress so as not to cause disease (physically or mentally) in the future.
Increasing Food Security Through Waste Management In Pandemic Time Euis Sartika; Sri Murniati; Siti Yuliah; Fatmi Hadiani; Agus Binarto; Retno Dwi Jayanti
ETHOS (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian) Vol 11 No.1 (Januari, 2023) Ethos: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pangabdian Kepada Masyarakat (Sains & Tekno
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/ethos.v11i1.8486


The abstract of the During the pandemic, people's activities were dominantly carried out at home, resulting in increased online shopping activities and their packaging which caused accumulation of household waste. The RW 05 area of Sukamenak Village, Margahayu District, Bandung does not yet have independent waste management, coupled with the low awareness and knowledge of residents about waste. Some residents were affected by layoffs, as a result of which the fulfillment of food needs was disrupted. This is the starting point for the waste problem in RW 05. Bandung State Polytechnic (Polban), takes a role in helping to solve this problem. PKM activities aim is to increase public knowledge in sorting household waste through the 3R program (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle), effective management of inorganic and organic waste, Budikdamber (Cultivating Fish in Ember) aimed at increasing family food security, and building a bank The methods used are training, technical guidance in the field, mentoring, and evaluation. The results of the activity show that inorganic waste management produces daily necessities and can be sold to increase income. Organic waste is processed into liquid fertilizer and solid fertilizer for yard greening. Catfish and kale from Budikdamber can increase family food security, especially meeting protein and vegetable needs. The construction of the "Suka Berseri RW 05" waste bank can reduce the volume of waste and residents can withdraw their savings at any time. The results of the questionnaire show that people's awareness and knowledge on waste management increased significantly.

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