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Record and Library Journal
Published by Universitas Airlangga
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Record and Library Journal, with the registered number (E-ISSN: 2442-5168). It is a scientific journal that encompasses library science, records, information, and documentation. Record and Library Journal is a medium for researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students that are interested in the world of librarianship and records. This journal also facilitates knowledge sharing from the results of studies, case study, book review, and literature review.
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Articles 234 Documents
Model of health information sharing behavior among patients in cervical cancer atmi, Ragil Tri
Record and Library Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (514.729 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V3-I2.2017.139-157


Cervical cancer is the second highest cause of death for women in Indonesia, despite a deadly illness, patients with cervical cancer are not desperate to survive. Instead, they are motivated to undertake positive actions, one of which is to do health informtion sharing or share information on environmental health tersekatnya. This study aims to look at how the patterns of behavior of sharing health information on cervical cancer patients, as well as the motive behind their actions the health information sharing. This study uses the method of qualitative research grounded approach. Location of the study conducted in Surabaya, while the search for informants researchers used snowball sampling. The results from this study is there are different behavior patterns of health information sharing among cervical cancer patients who have been diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer with cervical cancer at an early stage level.
The Implementationof of Reference Services on the Library of State Universities in Surabaya Dharma, Gumelar Satya; Dwi P, Andri; Anggraeni, Dini; Fuadilah, Risma; Irlando K, Rona; Rahma P, Mega; Firda, Meyrinda; Setiawan, Agus; Yusna, Darista; Islahnia, Nindhita; Putri, Bella Savira; Ghani, Aditya Ahmad; Eko, Septian
Record and Library Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (434.132 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V1-I2.2015.193-200


Reference servicein the library is a service directly to relatethe reader. Reference service aims to help users to refer the source of the information sought for the benefit of study and research. The study,prepared by the method of quantitative descriptive approach was developed with the aim to determine the implementation of services based on collections, services, infrastructure and human resources in reference services in libraries public University state of Surabaya(UNESA),Airlangga University(UNAIR), Islamic University of Sunan Ampel(UINSA), UPN and Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember(ITS). Besides wanting to know the purpose of implementation of this research is to determine the constraints that exist in each service reference. Respondents in this study is a reference librarian from library public university State of Surabaya. Data collection methods used in this study by using the interview and observe an object of research in the form of library reference services in all public universities in the city of Surabaya. Based on observations on the entire library of public universities in Surabaya, most can be said is still low in the service of providing information through reference services, which still lack the activities provided librarians to the user, the user is not maximized in utilizing the service even collections of reference services. Because users prefer to search for electronic information through online media, so the impact is not utilization of the collection of books in a reference service, where the phenomenon is a major hurdle for library reference services public universities in Surabaya today. Solutions that can be taken to overcome the existing problems that the library should add some activities such as guidance pemustaka reference services, guidance and also conduct searches of e-services The reference to address users who prefer a source of information in electronic form than printed form.
Informational Books for Children Asri, Tri Mega
Record and Library Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (574.657 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V2-I2.2016.128-139


The ignorance of reading activity is a result of condition in which people are not accustomed to read because they are not familiar with the culture of writing. It is fueled by the entry of telecommunications technologies and broadcasting, especially children digital native generation. The ability to speak and communicate in children is very influential in the development of social interaction. Besides the language and communication skills are directly related to the process of thinking and developments in the search for solutions to problems in children. Informational books is one medium that can help the development of language and communication skills in children. Informational books can convey knowledge of all the things they want to know the child, about science, about everything that exists and happens around the child to see the writing in a language that has a characteristic and image. The method used is literature study and data collection techniques to conduct a study review of the relevant literature. Informational books children as a means of communication, various forms of media including books have a major influence in shaping attitudes and behavior of children. A wide variety of informational books that has developed its own current trend where its use on children in need of assistance
Developing Method Use Of Tbm To User Information Literacy In Six Tbm Sambikerep Villages Surabaya City Fahriyah, Fahriyah; Damayanti, Astrid
Record and Library Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (567.289 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V3-I1.2017.85-96


The existence of Community Library in Six PAUD Sambikerep Village,  Sambikerep District Surabaya City expected can closer of resources in the community, causing exasperation reading (literacy) for PAUD mothers and parents of early childhood education, broaden knowledge in public life and certainly indirectly educate and improve lives the surrounding community. The purpose of this study to analyze the influence of the use of community library and information literacy of the PAUD Mother and Parent of  early childhood of in the Sambikerep Village, Surabaya City. The population in this study were all Mother and Parents PAUD as Community Library users totaling 292 people. A sample of 64% from the population that found as many as 186 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study is the probability sampling is using simple random sampling. On average respondents about the use of TBM is 3.687 and the information literacy of users is 3,853. The reliably of the questionnare was calculated to be between 0.951 and 0.882 using the Cronbachs Alpha. The analysis Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test is Significant mean score of 0,000 that each variable were normal distribution. Hyphotesis test shows α (0.05)> Significancy (0.000) were significant and simultaneous relationship. Analysi Cooeficient using Product Moment Correlation Correlations scores was r = 0.669 with significant ρ = 0.000 <α = 0.05 were medium correlations. Significant correlations tcount Test score of 12.196 and Ttable at significantion score of 0.05 with 185 hp 2.34667 (R2) = 0,447 were positive and significant correlation between the use of TBM and the information literacy of users.
Information Retrieval Document Classification with K-Nearest Neighbor Sukma, Alifian; Zaman, Badruz; Purwanti, Endah
Record and Library Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (511.443 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V1-I2.2015.129-138


Along with the rapid advancement of technology development led to the amount of information available is also increasingly abundant. The aim of this study was to determine how the implementation of information retrieval system in the classification of the journal by using the cosine similarity and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN).The data used as many as 160 documents with categories such as Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Science, Health Science, and Social Sciences and Humanities. Construction stage begins with the use of text mining processing, the weighting of each token by using the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF), calculate the degree of similarity of each document by using the cosine similarity and classification using k-Nearest Neighbor.Evaluation is done by using the testing documents as much as 20 documents, with a value of k = {37, 41, 43}. Evaluation system shows the level of success in classifying documents on the value of k = 43 with a value precision of 0501. System test results showed that 20 document testing used can be classified according to the actual category
Library for the Digital Natives Generation: What to do Halim, Siana; Wulandari, Dian; Kasih, Demmy; Felecia, Felecia; Inggrid, Inggrid
Record and Library Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (797.002 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V2-I1.2016.58-63


Nowadays, people does not need to go to the library for searching knowledge or information. World does change. We come to the new generation that so called as digital native generation. Information can be search through the gadgets on hands which connected to the internet. Then comes the question. Is the library still important? What the library should do? It is no wonder that most of the libraries have decreasing number of visitors as well as decreasing number of books that out of the shells. This paper describes the characteristics of the digital native, their habit in learning and reading books.  It also summarized some discussions among the head of the three university libraries in Surabaya, i.e, Intitut Teknologi Sepuluh (ITS) Nopember Surabaya, Petra Christian University (PCU), Surabaya Universities (Ubaya). The results of the discussion shows, that library has to be changed so that they can accommodate the needs of the digital native. It is not only the place for borrowing books, but also the place for doing discussion, watching videos and listening to audios, and of course the online materials must be provided to encounter the decreasing visitors.
Institutional Repository Access Policy: A Case Study in State University of Malang Library Ernaningsih, Dwi Novita
Record and Library Journal Vol 3, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.941 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V3-I1.2017.25-37


This article discusses about access policy to institutional repository in State University of Malang Library. This study aims to analize access policy and accessibility to institutional repository, barriers to adoption of open access, as well as the views of stakeholders to open access institutional repository. The method used is the case study method with qualitative approach. Data was collected by observation, interviews, and document analysis. The result shows that the resistance and disagreement among the stakeholders toward open access institutional repository affect the access policy and accessibility to institutional repository. In protecting academic work, access restrictions which is explicitly does not have legality is applied. The access restriction affects users and visibility of institution. It generates complaints from library users most of whom are digital generation. The restriction also declines the university rank in Webometrics.
Big Data, Data Analyst, and Competence Improvement of Librarian Narendra, Albertus Pramukti
Record and Library Journal Vol 1, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (661.154 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V1-I2.2015.83-93


Issue of Big Data was already raised by Fremont Rider, an American Librarian from Westleyan University, in 1944. He predicted that the volume of American universities collection would reach 200 million copies in 2040. As a result, it brings to fore multiple issues such as big data users, storage capacity, and the need to have data analysts.  In Indonesia, data analysts is still a rare profession, and therefore urgently needed. One of its distinctive tasks  is to conduct visual analyses from various data resources and also to present the result visually as interesting knowledge. It becomes science enliven by interactive visualization. (Thomas and Cook, 2005). In response to the issue, librarians have already been equipped with basic information management. Yet, they can see the opportunity and improve themselves as data analysts. In developed countries, it is common that librarian are also regarded as data analysts. They enhance  themselves with various skills required, such as cloud computing and smart computing. In the end librarian with data analysts competency are eloquent to extract and present complex data resources as “interesting and discernible” knowledge. 
Citation Analysis as a Tool of Library Collections Evaluation Hayati, Nurul
Record and Library Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.091 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V2-I1.2016.1-15


This paper discusses about citation which one tool can be used in performing library collection evaluation. Throught this citation analysis, it can be known science growing and development in certain subject. In citation analysis also can be described relation between part or all document cited with citing document. So, it can be count how many the works cited by authors. For libraries, the result of citation analysis can become consideration in making collection development policy.
Emotional Branding as an Effort to Improve the Quality of Library Service in Order to Increase the Use of Library Komariah, Neneng; Rodiyah, Saleha; Saepuddin, Encang
Record and Library Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : D3 Teknisi Perpustakaan Fakultas Vokasi Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (553.005 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V2-I2.2016.188-197


This paper is a study of implementation of emotional branding in library services.    Emotional branding is a new paradigm in marketing world. It means create emotional nuance and its objective is to create an emotional nearness between a brand and its consumer. The library as an institution which provide information services may implement emotional branding concept in creating emotional nuance which will build emotional nearness between the library and its users. It is hope that the emotional nearness  will create users’ satisfaction and  loyality, so the use of library will  increase. Emotional branding in library can be created through working performance of librarian who always try to create and maintain good relationships with users. Some strategies could be implemented, those are always ask the user first, ask their name and try to remember it, know information which usually needed, tell them when there is new information which relevant for them, create a situation that librarian always ready to help, show them that the librarian like to discuss with them, be a good listener, the librarian should be wear uniform with name tag, and be a mobile staff and ask the user if they need some helps.  The implementation of emotional branding in library services need a crucial change in mindset of library management in order to provide qualified services which suitable with users’ demand.

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