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Dede Iswandi
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Department of Civic Education, Faculty of Social Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Nu`man Somantri Building, 2nd Floor, Dr. Setiabudhi Street No. 229 Bandung 40154, Phone (022) 2013163, Ext. 25244, 25248, 25249.
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Jurnal Civicus
ISSN : 14125463     EISSN : 26563606     DOI :
Core Subject : Education, Social,
urnal Civicus is a periodic scientific journal that is published twice a year (June and December) that publishes the results of original and recent research on Citizenship Education. This journal aims to develop concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms, and methodologies in the study of the science of Citizenship Education. Jurnal Civicus print ISSN is 1412-5463. Civicus Online ISSN is 2656-3606. Jurnal Civicus is published by Civic Education Department, in collaboration with Asosiasi Profesi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia (Indonesia Association of Pancasila and Civic Education/AP3KnI). Jurnal Civicus invites to submit original and unpublish manuscript in citizenship studies i.e civic education (curriculum, teaching, instructional media, and evaluation), political education, law education, moral education, and multicultural education.
Articles 254 Documents
The Development of Faith, Piety, and Noble Morals in Civics Education Achmad Panji Waluyo; Suwarma Al Muchtar
Jurnal Civicus Vol 20, No 2 (2020): JURNAL CIVICUS, DECEMBER 2020
Publisher : Department of Civic Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/civicus.v20i2.45541


This research was conducted to describe approaches, strategies, obstacles, efforts to develop the faith, piety, and noble morals towards students character in SMP Negeri 10 Bandung. The approach chosen is a qualitative approach with the method is case study. Data collection techniques using interview techniques, observation techniques, and study documentation. Techniques in data analysis namely collection data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The final results of this study show that there are various approaches and strategies used by the informants. Then there are also obstacles faced, both from students, the social environment, and government policies. Then there are efforts made together, both of schools, communities, and parents of students. So that the approach and strategy gives good results in developing the faith, piety, and noble morals towards the character of students.
Effectiveness of Learning Using a Moodle – Based Learning Management System (LMS) in Improving Students’ Civic Knowledge on Diversity Materials Rany Safitri; Sapriya Sapriya; Dadang Sundawa
Jurnal Civicus Vol 23, No 1 (2023): JURNAL CIVICUS, JUNE 2023
Publisher : Department of Civic Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/civicus.v23i1.49282


This research was motivated by distance learning as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic which caused the use of Moodle e-learning media in learning activities. This study uses a mixed method. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, cognitive tests, and questionnaires. The findings in this study; 1) Moodle-based e-learning plans for both schools and Citizenship Education teachers have developed and designed learning steps in a systematic manner that are in line with the learning objectives. 2) Based on the researcher’s observations from the opening activities, education has prepared learning resources in accordance with the lesson plans before learning begins. 3) Student learning outcomes based on cognitive tests at the end pf the lesson showed that most of the students had completed the learning sub unit with a percentage 64% of the overall class VII students which was a sample of 78 people, this was certainly influenced by the learning process in class and various assignments that have been completed by students. 4) The effectiveness of Moodle based e-learning at SMPN 30 Bandung in improving the civic knowledge of students in civics subjects, there are several things that must be considered. So it can be concluded that the use of Moodle in learning is effectively used in increasing the civic knowledge of students.
Implementation of The Learning Value of Pancasila and Citizenship Education in Religious Moderation Activities Siti Fatikhatus Syaadah; Zaenul Slam
Jurnal Civicus Vol 23, No 1 (2023): JURNAL CIVICUS, JUNE 2023
Publisher : Department of Civic Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/civicus.v23i1.52951


The implementation of religious moderation through Pancasila and citizenship education is the subject of discussion in this research. Indonesia is known as a multicultural country, and to create peace, of course, requires the role of religious moderation to avoid problems that occur in society. In this research, religious moderation is discussed in terms of its comprehension, how it is taught in Pancasila and citizenship education, and how it is put into practice. A review of literature is used in this research, methodology through analysis of literature from various existing sources. Through this research, it was found that religious moderation is a fair and balanced behavior in practicing a concept by applying a moderate attitude in life to create a harmonious and peaceful life.
Legal Protection of Copyright for Traditional Cultural Expressions of Traditional Ceremonies in West Java Reh Bungana Beru Perangin-angin; Angel Angelina Putri; Defna Nobirianto Putra
Jurnal Civicus Vol 23, No 1 (2023): JURNAL CIVICUS, JUNE 2023
Publisher : Department of Civic Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/civicus.v23i1.52508


Indonesia is a vast country with a population exceeding 200 million and cultural diversity that emerges from Sabang to Merauke. This cultural diversity has aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), which give rise to various kinds of intellectual creations within the scope of art, literature and science. The results of these intellectual creations are generally referred to as traditional knowledge. Traditional knowledge is knowledge possessed by a community for generations, which includes the management of biological wealth, such as songs, stories, legends, as well as arts and culture of other communities. The use of the term traditional knowledge is applied to all terms that are still included in traditional intellectual works, both in the fields of art, literature and science as well as intellectual works in the industrial sector. In relation to this broad traditional knowledge, there is another term known as cultural tradition (folklore). it became an expression of traditional culture. One form of traditional cultural expression found in West Java is the traditional ceremony. Traditional ceremonies in each region have different characteristics in Indonesia. As one of the expressions of traditional culture, traditional ceremonies are a form of intellectual work that grows and develops from and within a communal society, which is then passed down from generation to generation in its preservation. Traditional ceremonies in the West Java region are a form of cultural heritage that must be given legal protection in the form of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) to protect the nation's cultural heritage.
Actualizing The Nationalism Attitude of Millennial Generation Towards Pancasila and Citizenship Education in The Digital Era Salsabila Maharani; Siti Maizul Habibah; Riska Hilshcer
Jurnal Civicus Vol 23, No 1 (2023): JURNAL CIVICUS, JUNE 2023
Publisher : Department of Civic Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/civicus.v23i1.57217


This study aims to identify the causes of the decline in nationalism in the millennial generation and find effective ways to awaken and maintain this nationalism through Pancasila and civic education, as well as the role of education, family and government. The research method used is literature study using sources such as books, journals, and internet media articles. The results of this study reveal that the decline in nationalism in the millennial generation is caused by two factors, namely internal factors and external factors. Internal factors include feelings of disappointment, for example towards the government's performance in managing various legal processes. External factors related to the influence of globalization and modernization. To grow and maintain an attitude of nationalism in the millennial generation, this can be done through the use of technology as a means of conveying information, providing an understanding of the importance of nationalism through Pancasila and citizenship education, and preserving regional culture.
Effectiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Program to Increasing Civic Economy Creativity Towards Socio-Economic Problem Women's Welfare Rivi Ahmad Jalari; Endang Danial; Prayoga Bestari
Jurnal Civicus Vol 23, No 1 (2023): JURNAL CIVICUS, JUNE 2023
Publisher : Department of Civic Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/civicus.v23i1.49596


As one aspect of being a citizen who is motivated by economic problems that take place in an area of Bandung Regency which is famous for its superior products run by socio-economic vulnerable women with assistance from the local government through the Family Welfare Program, this implementation is a factor in meeting needs. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) are one of the implementations of the economy civic that emphasizes an aspect of community benefits, this research is motivated by a qualitative approach with a case study method conducted in Tanjungsari Village, Cangkuang District, Bandung Regency, and the results of the study show that there is a formation of creativity in oneself. them as business actors from the results of observations, interviews, and documentation studies with data analysis in the form of data reduction. This shows that the implementation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) activities that increase creativity in PRSE is part of the economy civic as well as an increase in the economic impact of the community.
Forms and Types of Literacy on Social Media Tiktok in Increasing Civic Literacy for FPIPS UPI Students Dewi Angel Simanjuntak; Karim Suryadi; Syaifullah Syaifullah
Jurnal Civicus Vol 23, No 1 (2023): JURNAL CIVICUS, JUNE 2023
Publisher : Department of Civic Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/civicus.v23i1.50023


Media sosial TikTok merupakan media sosial populer yang popularitasnya semakin meningkat mulai tahun 2019-2022. Selain itu, media sosial TikTok juga mendukung pencapaian gerakan literasi nasional. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bentuk-bentuk literasi dan jenis-jenis literasi di media sosial TikTok yang dapat mengasah kemampuan literasi audiens terhadap isu-isu sosial. Sehingga penelitian ini akan dikaji berdasarkan perspektif pendidikan kewarganegaraan dan ilmu komunikasi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif, yaitu metode penelitian yang memudahkan peneliti menemukan fakta-fakta baru di lapangan secara faktual untuk dianalisis dan disajikan guna memberikan informasi yang akurat, menyeluruh, dan berimbang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk literasi pada media sosial TikTok yang menarik minat audiens dan dapat meningkatkan intensitas penggunaannya adalah literasi audio visual. Sedangkan jenis literasi yang dapat menunjang literasi mahasiswa FPIPS terhadap permasalahan sosial antara lain: 1) Literasi membaca dan menulis; 2) literasi numerasi; 3) literasi media; 4) literasi informasi; 5) literasi digital; 6) literasi budaya dan kewarganegaraan; 7) literasi sains; dan 8) literasi keuangan. Penelitian ini bersifat temporal karena berkaitan dengan penggunaan media sosial yang dibatasi oleh waktu.
Implementation of The Madrasah Movement in Heart Towards a Culture if Achievement in Realizing The Profile of Pancasila Students at MAN 1 Jepara Muhammad Andi Kurniawan; Tutik Wijayanti
Jurnal Civicus Vol 23, No 1 (2023): JURNAL CIVICUS, JUNE 2023
Publisher : Department of Civic Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/civicus.v23i1.55019


This research is motivated by the needs and challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which is accompanied by low attention to Education 4.0, the degradation of morality and character of the younger generation. Therefore, there is a need for system innovation and school cultural management as an effort to improve the quality of education as well as strengthen the character of the younger generation by implementing GEMATI towards a Culture of Achievement in realizing the Pancasila Student Profile at MAN 1 Jepara. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with research locations in MAN 1 Jepara. Data collection was obtained through primary and secondary data sources, with data validity techniques through source and technique triangulation and using interactive data analysis models. The results of this study indicate GEMATI implementation planning towards a culture of achievement in realizing the Pancasila Student Profile begins with channelization and curriculum development and focusing on the basic concentration of ISL-based disciplines; learning formulation 4.0; implementation of Achievement Culture by cultivating 5 basic values in realizing the P5 dimension. GEMATI moves simultaneously to build Religious, Humanist, Smart, Innovative, and Competitive as a cultural foundation that mandates the essential function of realizing the P5 dimension. Evaluation management is carried out structurally top down and produces a structured pattern for monitoring, supervision and evaluation in the implementation of work plans.
Civic Education Learning Based on Law-Related Education in The Development of Student Legal Attitude Baeihaqi Baeihaqi; Kokom Komalasari
Jurnal Civicus Vol 20, No 2 (2020): JURNAL CIVICUS, DECEMBER 2020
Publisher : Department of Civic Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/civicus.v20i2.51938


This study aims to describe the implementation of Pancasila and Civic Education learning by using the Law-Related Education (LRE) approach in the learning process of teaching and learning activities. This study uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental method covering two research samples and giving different treatments. The control class uses conventional learning, the experimental class uses the Law-Related Education approach. This research is located at SMA Laboratorium Percontohan UPI. The results of the study indicate that the LRE approach in Civics learning is relevant to be used in the teaching and learning process in the context of legal material in Civics. Through the integration of LRE, which increases the knowledge, skills, and values needed by students to work effectively in a pluralistic and democratic society, the rule of law, so the integration of Civics and LRE is a significant solution effort to develop students' legal attitudes. Therefore, the implementation of legal learning in Civics must be carried out in an integrative, interactive, and collaborative manner. This has implications for the development of legal awareness for students to find social problems, especially those related to law in the community.
Implementation of Probing – Prompting Model on Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Learning Civics Education Through Quizizz Diah Citra Raesi; Endang Danial AR; Syaifullah Syaifullah
Jurnal Civicus Vol 20, No 2 (2020): JURNAL CIVICUS, DECEMBER 2020
Publisher : Department of Civic Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/civicus.v20i2.45474


Based on the background on observations in the VII-G class during the study of PKn. It was found that students had a motivational learning and low critical thinking ability. The purpose of this research is to improve students' critical thinking in class VII-G SMP Negeri 40 Bandung with probing learning Model –prompting. This research uses qualitative and quantitative approaches to the method of class action research (PTK). This research was conducted in SMPN 40 Bandung with research participants of teachers and students of class VII-G SMPN 40 Bandung. Data collection In this research is done through observation, interviews, documentation study, literature study, field records with processing/data analysis techniques using data-triangulation technique i.e. data reduction, data presentation, conclusion/verification (conclusion). The results obtained from research with model probing-following prompting during the three meetings/cycles showed an increase in students' critical thinking ability, cycles of 1 24.2% "less", cycle II 34.9% "less" and cycle III 60.8% "insufficient". Probing-prompting models are not only for increasing student critical  thinking  but helping students to expand all  questions,  describing new knowledge, being able to help motivate learning better.

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