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A Review on Risk Factors in the Project of Oil and Gas Industry Rodhi, Nova Nevila; Anwar, Nadjadji; Artama Wiguna, I Putu
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science Vol 28, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : IPTEK, LPPM, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.968 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j20882033.v28i3.3217


In Each activity in the oil and gas industry there are risks that could hamper the project and also there is a huge risk to the environment, social and economic. Besides oil and gas industry projects also have the potential to be dangerous to life, property and the environment, the hazard can occur if the activity is not controlled and regulated by appropriate. Basically, the disaster is certainly not possible to be planned and can occur at any time. But the circumstances of a disaster can be anticipated, that is the way to plan preventive measures and control.Based on the description above, this paper aims to discuss risk factors and risk assessment techniques that can help sustainable development programs. From the results of this study note that the risk factors of projects in the oil and gas industry is very complex, so a risk analysis must be done from various aspects, namely the project itself, the environment and disaster and should be integrated with aspects of sustainable development. As for the suggested technique is a combination of monte carlo and system dynamics.
Simposium II UNIID 2017 Vol 2 (2017)
Publisher : Simposium II UNIID 2017

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (307.885 KB)


Kontrak Berbasis Kinerja (KBK) merupakan kontrak terintegrasi sebagai salah satu upaya pemerintah agar jalan raya selalu dalam kondisi mantap. Sebelumnya, pemeliharaan jalan dilakukan dengan kontrak konvensional dimana perencana, pelaksana pekerjaan konstruksi dan masa layanan pemeliharaan dilakukan oleh penyedia jasa yang berbeda. Sedangkan kontrak berbasis kinerja ini menyerahkan semua tanggung jawab tersebut pada satu penyedia jasa (kontraktor) dan dibayar secara lump sum sesuai kinerja yang dihasilkan. KBK mendorong penyedia jasa untuk menyediakan pekerjaan bermutu jika tidak ingin mengalami kerugian lebih besar pada masa layanan pemeliharaan. KBK telah digunakan di negara maju dan negara berkembang serta berhasil memberi manfaat bagi otoritas jalan berupa penghematan biaya pemeliharaan dan peningkatan kondisi aset jalan yang dikontrakkan. Pada dasarnya kontrak berbasis kinerja merupakan usaha penempatan risiko kepada pihak penyebab risiko. Pada kontrak konvensional, risiko tersebut menjadi beban pihak pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk identifikasi risiko-risiko pada tahap persiapan kontrak berbasis kinerja yaitu tahap prebidding, bidding serta tahap perencanaan konstruksi, tahap pelaksanaan konstruksi dan masa layanan pemeliharaan. Tahap prebidding dan bidding merupakan lingkup pekerjaan pemilik proyek (owner) sedangkan tahap selanjutnya yaitu tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan masa layanan pemeliharaan merupakan lingkup pekerjaan penyedia jasa
Studi Optimasi Pola Tanam pada Daerah Irigasi Warujayeng Kertosono dengan Program Linier Ahmad Ahmad Wahyudi; Nadjadji Nadjadji Anwar; Edijanto Edijanto Edijanto
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol 3, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM), ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (604.377 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j23373539.v3i1.5428


Daerah Irigasi Warujayeng Kertosono berada di wilayah Kabupaten Nganjuk yang melewati Kecamatan Tanjunganom, Kertosono, dan Lengkong dengan luas baku sawah 12,384 Ha. Sumber air irigasi dari Kali Brantas melalui Bendung Gerak Mrican dengan pengambilan dari pintu Mrican Kiri. Terbatasnya jumlah air di musim kemarau dapat mengurangi pemberian air ke sawah. Untuk memaksimalkan produksi tani perlu peningkatan produktivitas lahan dan pemberian air yang teratur sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan persediaan. Untuk analisa ini digunakan program linier Quantity Methods for Windows 3 dengan input kebutuhan air tiap jenis tanaman dan volume andalan sebagai kendala/batasan untuk pengoperasian program linier. Output dari program ini ialah luas sawah maksimum tiap jenis tanaman, musim tanamnya dan keuntungan hasil tani yang didapat. Dari beberapa alternatif rencana, didapat pola tanam yang menghasilkan keuntungan terbesar yaitu pola tanam padi-tebu, padi-palawija-tebu, palawija-tebu pada awal tanam Nopember 1 dengan keuntungan Rp. 281,541,700,000.00 dan intensitas tanam 300 %.
Optimasi Pola Tanam Menggunakan Program Linier (Waduk Batu Tegi, Das Way Sekampung, Lampung) Anindita Hanalestari Setiawan; Nadjadji Anwar
Jurnal Teknik ITS Vol 6, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM), ITS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (977.979 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j23373539.v6i1.21116


Waduk Batu Tegi terletak di DAS Way Sekampung,SWS Way Seputih-Way Sekampung, Batu Tegi, Kecamatan Air Naningan, Kabupaten Tanggamus, Lampung. Waduk ini berfungsi sebagai penyedia air untuk irigasi, penyedia air baku, dan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA). Dengan keterbatasan volume air yang tersedia di waduk, dilakukan optimasi agar dapat mengoptimalkan kebutuhan air untuk irigasi yang menentukan intensitas tanam suatu lahan, air baku untuk sektor domestik dan non-domestik, dan potensi PLTA. Tujuan dari optimasi pola tanam adalah menentukan harga maksimal hasil panen yang dapat dihasilkan suatu lahan dengan jenis tanaman yang berbeda. Optimasi dalam kasus ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan program linier program bantu Quantity Methods for Windows. Perhitungan optimasi dengan pola tanam rencana dilakukan agar optimasi berupa intensitas tanam menghasilkan panen yang lebih maksimal jika dibandingkan dengan pola tanam eksisting. Dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa debit andalan 80% waduk yang terbesar adalah 76,7 m3/detik yang terjadi pada Bulan Februari dan yang terkecil adah 4,30 m3/detik yang terjadi pada Bulan Oktober, model alternatif pola tanam yang menghasilkan luas lahan dan keuntungan hasil panen paling optimum adalah Alternatif 5, besar kebutuhan air untuk irigasi dari alternatif 5 adalah 346,2 x 10 6 m3dalam satu tahun, besar kebutuhan air untuk air baku saat kondisi jam puncak pada tahun 2010 adalah 27,69 m3 x 10 6 m3 dan kebutuhan air untuk PLTA adalah 734,8 m3 x 10 6 m3, serta keuntungan maksimal yang didapatkan dari hasil produksi lahan sawah dengan menggunakan pola tanam alternatif 5 adalah Rp 1.890.843.057.506,00.
Developing of Total Suspended Sediment Model Using Landsat-8 Satellite Image and In-Situ Data at The Surabaya Coast, East Java, Indonesia Teguh Hariyanto; Trismono C. Krisna; Khomsin Khomsin; Cherie Bhekti Pribadi; Nadjadji Anwar
Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol 49, No 1 (2017): Indonesian Journal of Geography
Publisher : Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (722.493 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijg.12010


The decrease of coastal-water quality in the Surabaya coastal region can be recognized from the conceentration of Total Suspended Sediment(TSS ) . As a result we need a system for monitoring sediment concentration in the coastal region of Surabaya which regularly measures TSS. The principle to model and monitor TSSconcentration using remote sensing methods is by the integration of Landsat-8OLI satellites image processing using some ofTSS-models then those are analyzed for looking its suitability with TSS value direcly measured in the field ( in-situ measurement). The TSS value modeled from all algorithms validated usingcorrelation analysis and linear regression . The result shows that TSS model with the highest correlation value is TSS algorithm by Budiman (2004)with r value 0.991. Hence this algorithm can be used to investigate TSS-distribution which represent the coastal water quality of Surabaya with TSS value between 75 mg/L to 125 mg/L.
Evaluasi kinerja penyediaan air baku Embung Sei Gesek dengan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard Wisdawaty Situmorang; Nadjadji Anwar; Theresia Sri Sidharti
Jurnal Manajemen Teori dan Terapan | Journal of Theory and Applied Management Vol. 12 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (462.922 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jmtt.v12i1.12322


Retention basin is one of the most reliable water resources infrastructures to supply raw water needs in Bintan Regency, one of them is Sei Gesek Retention Basin. Water debit of Sei Gesek Retention Basindecrease every year. In addition, blooming algae on storage surface,and handling of sedimentationthat has never been implemented is feared to affect the performance of raw water supply. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the raw water supply ofSei Gesek Retention Basin. In this study, performance evaluation is carried out using a balanced scorecard that uses five perspectives (Critical Performance Area) in measuring the organization performance, namely mission, customers, learning and development, internal business processes, and finance. Grading for the questionnaire refers to assessment guide prepared by the author with using a rating scale 1 to 5. From the study results obtained the performance value for each perspectives they are mission is 4.34; customer is 4.28; learning and development is 4.16; internal business process is 4.24, and financial is 4.25. Therefore, performance of raw water supply for Sei Gesek Retention Basin is considered good. 
Journal of Civil Engineering Vol 29, No 2 (2009)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.839 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j20861206.v29i2.1730


The sustainable concept of irrigation system appraisal was based on Sustainable Development Concept with 3 components/pillars, Social, Economy and Environment that the balancing of that three values are that sustainable condition. According to Regulation issued by Ministry of Public Works No.30/PRT/M/2007,the irrigation system comprises of Irrigation Infrastructure, Irrigation Water, Irrigation Management Institution and Human Resources. This research combined the concepts of sustainability and irrigation system management. According to research result, there were 15 indicators of Tilong Irrigation System Sustainability based on the calculation method of AHP. The research result for Sustainable Appraisal of Tilong Irrigation System was Sub DI VII in the Sustainable condition, Sub DI V in the condition of Equitable, Sub DI II in the Sustain condition of environment, Sub DI I in the Environment Sustain Condition, Sub DI III in the Social Sustain Condition, Sub DI IV in the condition unsustain, Sub DI VI in the condition unsustain.
Journal of Civil Engineering Vol 30, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1080.875 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j20861206.v30i2.1722


Recently, the flood intensity that brought by tributary rivers in the catchment area of Pacal reservoir has increased, both in the quantity of runoff and sediment volume. The research aims to set up erosion rate modeling and find the formulation of the Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR) at Pacal reservoir. The research used USLE and MUSLE methods as comparator to find sediment yield accuracy at Pacal reservoir, by applying ArcView SWAT-X software. Total average annual erosion rate in the catchment area of Pacal reservoir which has area 82 Km2 calculated using USLE and MUSLE methods are 159,31 ton/ha/yr and 582 ton/ha/yr respectively. MUSLE method resulted SDR which is most closely to SDRobservation if it is compared to USLE method. In this research, MUSLE - Sediment-Discharge Rating Curve method has evaluation values MSE = 0,08; RMSE = 0,29; and Nash = 0,75. Furthermore, Sediment Delivery Ratio at catchment area of Pacal reservoir can be formulated as 0,29 3,83. DAS Waduk Pacal SDR A with value of SDRZulis = 0,27 and sediment yield obtained from MUSLE method equal to 157,40 ton/ha/yr, while from USLE method equal to 43,09 ton/ha/yr. Evaluate sediment yield of MUSLE from SDRZulis to formulation of SDR of former researcher was value of Nash = 0,89; MAE = 0,01. Based on the research result, it is expected that the institution which has responsibility in managing the catchment area of Pacal reservoir would pay high attention to zonation map of erosion risk level and can overcome sedimentation in Pacal reservoir.
Risk Management Effectiveness of Oil And Gas Pipeline Construction in Java Island - Indonesia I Putu Artama Wiguna; Nadjadji Anwar; Amien Widodo; Nova Nevila Rodhi
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 6 (2017): The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering Research (ICCER) 2017
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.357 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2017i6.3308


One of the important oil and gas industry is oil and gas pipeline which serves to support the gas transmission and distribution process. The oil and gas pipeline routes are so long and cross through some areas that certainly raises the risk of adversely affecting the environment, especially for the pipeline located in a densely populated area, where at certain conditions, the pipe can leak and may cause the explosion. Many researches have been conducted concerning on the project pipeline risks which concluded that the oil and gas pipeline project has very complex risks. In addition, the oil and gas project may cause a potential disaster. Currently oil and gas companies have been implementing risk management to minimize the negative impacts, but the negative impacts are still occurred. This is due to ineffective risk management implementation. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of risk management system for oil and gas pipeline project in Java Island. Based on a deep study literature review, it shows that the effectiveness of risk management can be achieved by taking account into environmental, social and economic factors that are the pillars of sustainable development system. The potential disaster was also to be considered as an addition factor. Therefore, four identified factors were analyzed using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Data were obtained using questionnaire which were distributed to oil and gas project team. It is found that the most factors to be considered was social aspect (40%) and the other factors contributed 31% for disaster, 15% for economic, 14% for environment. Those factors should be taken account in the design stage as the most priority.
Comparative Analysis of Water Resources Management Service Costs for Delta Brantas Irrigation Area Widhie Arzy Restuanti; Nadjadji Anwar; Retno Indryani
IPTEK Journal of Proceedings Series No 1 (2017): The 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering Research (ICCER) 2016
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (730.611 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j23546026.y2017i1.2188


A proper fuction of irrigation system needs sustainable water resource management, supported by Water Resources Management Service Costs (BJPSDA). BJPSDA is a partial reimbursement of the cost required for water resource management activities, especially for operation and maintenance activities, must be calculated and set by water resources management. There are two methods that are used to calculate BJPSDA, which is BJPSDA in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 18/PRT/M/2015 and BJPSDA using basic service fee by considering the quality of service and value of economic benefits modelling. This study was conducted by comparing two BJPSDA methods in the Delta Brantas Irrigation Area and will be analyzed descriptively. BJPSDA of irrigation in accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 18/PRT/M/2015 is Rp. 255,-/m3, as cost recovery.. BJPSDA of irrigation value using basic service fee by considering the quality of service and value of economic benefit modelling amounted Rp. 338,-/m3, calculated from basic service fee amounted Rp. 177,-/m3, added with NME for agriculture water in Delta Brantas Irrigation Area amounted Rp. 161/m3, as a water value.