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The Implementation of Fiqih Learning Based on Science Integration through Online Learning of Covid-19 in School Nurjannah, Salma; Sinaga, Ali Imran; Hafsah, Hafsah
Jurnal Basicedu Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/basicedu.v6i2.2314


This study aims to describe the implementation of learning fiqh based on the integration of knowledge online during the Covid-19 period in schools. The type of this research is qualitative with a descriptive study method. In this context, researchers need to observe all the facts that occur in the field (research background) with data collection techniques in the form of in-depth interviews, participant observation, and efforts to correlate (crosscheck) data with document studies. Data analysis uses reduction techniques, data presentation, and verification. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of fiqh learning as a sub-subject of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) based on knowledge integration has been carried out effectively through the online system during the Covid-19 period. This is marked by (1) the ability of PAI teachers to design good online learning tools, as evidenced by learning tools according to the Ministry of Education and Culture during the Covid-19 period; (2) the ability of PAI teachers to carry out the online learning process well, as evidenced by supporting applications such as WhatsApp, zoom, google classroom, google form; and (3) the learning process is carried out in accordance with the learning tools made. The supporting factors for this implementation are the creativity of teachers and students in the online learning process, while the obstacles are students' indiscipline, lack of focus on learning. For this reason, an alternative solution for more effective online learning is through structured and periodic training provided to teachers.
The Developing a Fiqh Student Worksheet Based on Problem-Based Learning to Improving Critical Thinking Skills Br Purba, Risma; Sinaga, Ali Imran; Haidir
JIE (Journal of Islamic Education) Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): JIE: (Journal of Islamic Education) January-June
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah (STIT) Muhammadiyah Bangil in collaboration with Letiges & Association of Muslim Community in ASEAN (AMCA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52615/jie.v9i1.395


The urgency of this research is developing (Problem Based Learning) PBL Student Worksheets to improve fiqh learning in schools, improve students' critical thinking skills and reduce the gap between theory and practice. This research aims to develop a PBL-based Student Worksheet to enhance students' critical thinking skills in fiqh, focusing on design, implementation and evaluation of its impact. This research is R&D research that develops a PBL-based fiqh Worksheet by adopting the Four-D Model, which includes the define, design, develop, and disseminate stages, to ensure a systematic and practical instructional development process. The development of PBL-based student worksheets that consider learning needs and PBL syntax and are validated by experts has improved student learning outcomes, as evidenced by increased N-Gain scores and more active student participation in learning. The limitations of this research include the focus on one school as a sample, as well as limited time for implementing PBL-based Student Worksheets, while the implications emphasise the importance of developing innovative learning methods and continuous support from educational stakeholders to expand the application of PBL-based learning models in learning fiqh. This research proposes a systematic approach to developing Fiqh Worksheets with PBL, starting from identifying challenges to testing and increasing their effectiveness, which contributes to increasing student engagement and learning outcomes, as well as critical thinking skills through proven PBL-based Student Worksheets in the N-Gain test results.
Bisnis Jual Beli Online (Online Shop) dalam Persfektif Hukum Islam Saragih, Elida; Nur, Fauziah; Fahmi, Hendra Alsa; Sinaga, Ali Imran
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jptam.v8i1.12853


Jual beli merupakan suatu akad hal yang paling tehubung dengan pembeli dan penjual, dimana penjual menawarkan barang, dan pembeli melakukan pembayaran benda yang mau di beli. pertukatan barang, dengan cara suka rela dan atas dasar keinginan, bukan paksaan, dimana pertukaran ini terjadi, pembeli mendapatkan barang, dan si penjual menerima uang, serta pertukaran itu terjadi dan dilakukan dengan akad yang sesuai Pada syari’ah islam dan disetujui oleh Allah SWT. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menjelaskan hukum-hukum jual beli online Tujuan adalah untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang jual beli online. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Dalam metode ini peneliti mencaei permasalahn yang terjadi dimasyarakat. Dan fenomena-fenomena yang terjadi sehari, lalu dalam penelitian ini peneliti memilih judul yang akan di kaji lebih dalam yaitu tentang bisnis online pada persfektif hukum islam, lalu peneliti mengambil informasi serta data-data yang sama dengan judul. Berdasarkan hasil penyelidikan tersebut, Jual beli secara online atau adalah bisnis yang dilakukan melalui media tekhnologi, tidak memerlukan pertemuan tatap muka atau secara langsung, serta mencantumkan ciri-ciri serta jenisnya. Media produk, Biaya dibayar dimuka, Produk telah dikirim.Keunggulan jual beli online antara lain kemampuan untuk transaksi pada saat dan pada kondisi dan tempat manapun, kebutuhan modal awal yang relatif rendah, kemampuan otomatisasi jual beli online, akses pasar yang lebih luas, dan potensi (konsumen) memperoleh keuntungan dari itu, termasuk gender. : Akses informasi yang lebih mudah meningkatkan efisiensi waktu, terutama efisiensi jarak dan waktu, serta menghemat berbagai biaya operasional. Ada juga kerugian dalam jual beli online.
Peran Kegiatan Ekstrakurikuler Lembaga Pengembangan Tilawatil Quran (LPTQ) dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Muallimin UNIVA Medan Aminy, Aisyah; Sinaga, Ali Imran; Sumanti, Solihah Titin
Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama Vol 7 No 3 (2024)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37329/kamaya.v7i3.3259


Implementing This research aims to analyze the program, implementation of the Al-Quran Tilawatil Development Institute (LPTQ), the role of the madrasa head, deputy madrasa head, supervisors, trainers and teachers in LPTQ extracurricular activities as well as analyzing the supporting and inhibiting factors of the Development Institute's extracurricular activities (LPTQ). The method used in this research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive/analytic type. Data collection techniques used include interviews, observation and documentation studies. The data analysis techniques used include data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that; 1) The extracurricular activities program of the Tilawatil Quran Development Institute which was developed at the Private Madrasah Aliyah Muallimin UNIVA Medan which consists of 4 branches, namely syarhil Quran, fahmil Quran, tilawatil Quran and khattil quran includes planning, implementation and evaluation of extracurricular activities. 2) The extracurricular activities of the Al-Quran Tilawatil Development Institute at the Muallimin Private Madrasah Aliyah UNIVA Medan are carried out once a week and last for two hours. 3) The role of the madrasa head, deputy madrasa head, supervisors, trainers and teachers in the extracurricular activities of the Tilawatil Quran Development Institute in improving student achievement at the UNIVA Medan Muallimin Private Madrasah Aliyah is to provide motivation, direct supervision and evaluation of existing extracurricular activities. 4) Supporting factors in the extracurricular activities of the Tilawatil Quran Development Institute at the Private Madrasah Aliyah Muallimin UNIVA Medan are human resources which include the head of the madrasa, deputy head of the madarsah, supervisors, trainers and teachers, facilities and infrastructure, as well as the interests and talents of each student. The inhibiting factors in the extracurricular activities of the Tilawatil Quran Development Institute at the Muallimin Private Madrasah Aliyah UNIVA Medan are the time factor and the curriculum factor in the madrasah.
Analisis kompetensi pedagogik guru fikih dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran pada kurikulum merdeka di madrasah aliyah Batubara, Nur Khafifah Indriyani; Sinaga, Ali Imran; Haidir, Haidir
Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Vol 10, No 1 (2024): Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Institute for Counseling, Education and Therapy (IICET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29210/1202424138


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kompetensi pedagogik guru Fikih dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran pada kurikulum mandiri yang meliputi pemahaman karakteristik siswa, pemahaman teori pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, pemanfaatan teknologi dan informasi dalam pembelajaran, dan evaluasi pembelajaran kurikulum mandiri di MAN 2 Medan Model. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan tipe analisis naturalistik. Sampel penelitian ini adalah guru Fikih MAN 2 Model Medan. Instrumen yang digunakan meliputi pedoman wawancara, lembar observasi, dan dokumen terkait. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi pedagogik guru Fikih MAN 2 Model Medan dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran pada kurikulum mandiri berada pada kategori cukup baik. Guru mampu memahami karakteristik siswa, menguasai teori pembelajaran, melaksanakan pembelajaran, memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, serta mengevaluasi proses dan hasil pembelajaran dengan baik. Meski demikian, masih diperlukan perbaikan terus-menerus terutama dalam pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi serta pengembangan metode evaluasi yang lebih efektif, untuk mendukung pembelajaran yang lebih optimal di masa depan. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini adalah perlunya peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik guru secara terus-menerus, khususnya dalam pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi serta pengembangan metode evaluasi yang lebih efektif untuk mendukung pembelajaran yang lebih baik di masa depan.
The Implementation of Synergetic Teaching Learning Strategies to Imrpove the Learning Outcomes of Fiqh Subject at Mts Al-Washliyah Pancur Batu Agustina, Dwi; Sinaga, Ali Imran
AlAdzkiya International of Education and Sosial (AIoES) Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Al'Adzkiya Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55311/aioes.v4i1.195


The problem of this study was the students were found to be less active due to the inappropriate learning strategies used by the teacher. It made students feel bored and caused the learning outcomes not to meet the minimum proficiency criteria. This research was quantitative research with experimental type. The sample in this study was 25 students of MTs Al-Washliyah Pancur Batu, taken with a quasi-experimental design or non-random sampling technique. This study aimed to determine how much influence the implementation of the Synergetic Teaching learning strategy had in improving Fiqh learning outcomes in class VII students of MTs Al-Washliyah Pancur Batu. A synergetic Teaching learning strategy is a learning strategy that combines two different learning activities. This strategy allows students to share learning outcomes from the same material by comparing notes. As for the results of this study, it obtained that the product-moment correlation was rxy = 0.838 which indicated a reasonably high correlation. The Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) of "there is a significant effect of using Synergetic Teaching learning strategies on Fiqh learning outcomes in class VII students at MTs Al -Washliyah Pancur Batu" was accepted. The percentage increase in value was 83.8% so it was categorized as good. The conclusion is that there is a significant influence on applying the Synergetic Teaching learning strategy on student learning outcomes in Fiqh subjects with the material for praying Jama and Qasr prayer.
INTEGRASI ANTARA AKIDAH DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN DAN TEKNOLOGI: PERSKPEKTIF AL-QUR’AN Sinaga, Ali Imran; Darlis, Ahmad; Nst, Ahmad Husein; Debataraja, Christina Suriani; Witjaksana, Mega
TA'LIM : Jurnal Studi Pendidikan Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2023): January
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Islam Darul 'Ulum Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/talim.v6i1.3654


The progress and development of science and technology that humans sometimes achieve cannot be separated from human exploration of the universe and its contents. The reason is that science and technology seek sources of knowledge from nature. And Islam, the religion sent down by Allah, which calls on humans to explore and experiment with nature, was one of the factors in this progress. Through the integration of faith and science and technology, it is hoped that various weaknesses and setbacks of Muslims can be corrected, so that they can again feel the progress and glory achieved by Muslims in classical times. This will also affect Islamic education which is expected to survive the rapid development of science and technology in this century. This research uses the library method or library research. The collection of data from this research comes from reading sources related to this discussion. The results of the research is synthesis or a combination of religion and science is the unification of human understanding, both of which are a unity of truth. Both come from the Almighty, namely Allah SWT. Both work side by side to fill human life.
Implementation of Islamic-based curriculum in cultivating religious character at Al-Ikram Islamic School Medan Harahap, Hotmasarih; Sinaga, Ali Imran; Sumanti, Solihah Titin
Inovasi Kurikulum Vol 21, No 3 (2024): Inovasi Kurikulum, August 2024
Publisher : Himpunan Pengembang Kurikulum Indonesia (HIPKIN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jik.v21i3.70743


Character education is an educational effort that aims to improve the quality of educational processes and outcomes that lead to the formation of students' character and noble morals as a whole, integrated and balanced following graduation competency standards in each educational unit. Based on the decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 719/P/2020 concerning Guidelines for implementing curriculum in educational units in special conditions, it provides flexibility for schools to choose a curriculum that suits students' learning needs. In this way, Al-Ikram Islamic School Medan, apart from using the independent curriculum as the national curriculum, also uses the Islamic-based curriculum as a companion curriculum according to the needs of students. This research was conducted to analyze the background of the Islamic Based Curriculum at Al-Ikram Islamic School Medan; To analyze the role of the Islamic Based Curriculum in cultivating religious character at Al-Ikram Islamic School Medan; To analyze the implementation of the Islamic Based Curriculum at Al-Ikram Islamic School Medan; To analyze the evaluation of the Islamic Based Curriculum at Al-Ikram Islamic School Medan. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with a descriptive/analytic type. The results of this research show that the implementation of the Islamic Curriculum at Al-Ikram Islamic School Medan is effective in instilling religious character, developing academic potential, and forming students with noble character and strong faith.AbstrakPendidikan karakter adalah upaya pendidikan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan mutu proses dan hasil pendidikan yang mengarah pada pembentukan karakter dan akhlak mulia peserta didik secara utuh, terpadu dan seimbang sesuai dengan standar kompetensi kelulusan pada setiap satuan pendidikan. Berdasarkan keputusan menteri Pendidikan dan kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 719/P/2020 tentang Pedoman pelaksanaan kurikulum pada satuan pendidikan dalam kondisi khusus memberikan fleksibilitas bagi sekolah untuk memilih kurikulum yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pembelajaran peserta didik. Dengan begitu Al-Ikram Islamic School Medan di samping menggunakan kurikulum merdeka sebagai kurikulum nasional juga menggunakan Islamic Based Curriculum sebagai kurikulum pendamping sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta didik. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan unuk menganalisis latar belakang Islamic Based Curriculum di Al-Ikram Islamic School Medan; Untuk menganalisis peranan Islamic Based Curriculum dalam penanaman karakter religius di Al-Ikram Islamic School Medan; Untuk menganalisis penerapan Islamic Based Curriculum di Al-Ikram Islamic School Medan; Untuk menganalisis evaluasi Islamic Based Curriculum di Al-Ikram Islamic School Medan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif/analitik. Hasil penelitian ini adalah penerapan Islamic Based Curriculum di Al-Ikram Islamic School Medan efektif dalam menanamkan karakter religius, mengembangkan potensi akademik dan membentuk peserta didik yang berakhlak mulia dan beriman kuat.Kata Kunci: karakter; kurikulum berbasis Islam; religius
Jurnal Kualitas pendidikan (JKP) Vol 2 No 2 (2024)
Publisher : CV Edu Tech Jaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian berjudul Efektivitas Ekstrakurikuler Keputrian dalam Meningkatkan pemahaman Fikih Wanita Pada Siswi SMA Negeri 9 Medan, yang dilatarbelakangi bahwa pada masa remaja merupakan awal seorang umat muslim wajib menjalankan syariat Islam. Siswi harus paham kewajiban dan tanggungjawab sebagai seorang muslimah. Maka lembaga pendidikan memiliki program membantu siswi dalam hal tersebut yaitu ekstrakurikuler keputrian penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif jenis studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan datanya yaitu wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yaitu (1) Perencanaan ekstrakurikuler keputrian dalam meningkatkan pemahaman fikih wanita meliputi: a) menetapkan tujuan yaitu untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswi tentang fikih wanita. b) merencanakan materi yaitu haid, istihadah, nifas, aurat wanita, busana muslimah. c) menentukan strategi dan metode yaitu strategi ekspositori, metode ceramah dan tanya jawab. d) pengembangan sumber pembelajaran. (2) Keputrian dilakukan pada hari Jumat pukul 11.30. (3) Evaluasi yang digunakan yaitu evaluasi tes uraian, penugasan dan tes lisan.
Military Parents’ Efforts to Assist Children’s Online Learning During Covid-19 Pratiwi, Dita Ayu R; Sinaga, Ali Imran; Salminawati, Salminawati
Jurnal Basicedu Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/basicedu.v6i2.2284


Military parents with good discipline and firmness in educating their children, including parents who live in the Bukit Barisan Gaperta Military Command I complex in Medan, certainly have a good influence on the implementation of children's online learning. This study aims to describe the efforts of military parents in assisting children to learn online, as well as their roles as teachers, facilitators, motivators, and coaches. This study uses a type of field research with qualitative methods and a descriptive analysis approach. Data was collected using interview, observation, and documentation techniques as well as data analysis with data reduction techniques, presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the military's efforts towards online learning are: 1) as teachers, parents act as educators, mentors, and companions in learning; 2) as facilitators, parents play a role in providing online learning facilities, channeling information between teachers and students, and providing other supporting educational facilities; 3) as a motivator, parents act as a support system, provide rewards, and motivators to encourage good faith, character, and worship; 4) as coaches, parents act as supervisors in learning, provide punishment that educates, applies discipline, and is firm in making decisions.