Setyawardhana, Raden Harry Dharmawan
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Dentino : Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : FKG Unlam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/dentino.v7i1.13098


Background: Exposure to periapical radiographic X-ray radiation can indirectly affect biological material which will trigger the formation of free radicals. An imbalance in the level of free radicals causes oxidative stress. To reduce it, additional antioxidants obtained from nature are needed. Natural antioxidants can be obtained from the peel of red dragon fruit which the function is to reduce the presence of free radicals. Objective: to analyze the effect of red dragon fruit peel extract administration in mice absolute monocyte counts in periapical radiographic exposure. Method: This study was a true experimental design with a post-test only with control group design. The research sample used 24 mice. Samples were divided into 6 groups: the control group was not given with the treatment, P1 to P4 group were given red dragon fruit peel extract at a dose of 100 mg / kg bb and exposed to radiation with different exposures, P5 group was given red dragon fruit peel extract but not exposed. P1 group was exposed to 1 dose (0.63 mGy), P2 group was exposed to 4 doses (1.66 mGy), P3 group was exposed to 8 doses (4.37 mGy), and P4 group was exposed to 12 doses (8.19 mGy). Results: This study showed that there were changes in the number of monocytes in all groups. The Games Howell test showed that the P1 group had a significant difference compared to the P4 and P5 groups. Conclusion: There is an effect of red dragon fruit peel extract administration in mice absolute monocyte counts in periapical radiographic exposure.
Dentino : Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : FKG Unlam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/dentino.v6i1.10635


ABSTRACTBackground: Dental and oral health problems according to Riskesdas (2018) in Indonesia is 57.6% and South Borneo is almost 60%. High level of damage in South Borneo is caused by the people still consumption of river water as a source of clean water. Caries can be treated by restoration of tooth, one of them is water settable GIC.. Objective: Knowing the effect of water settable GIC immersion in river water and PDAM water to diametric tensile strength. Method: This study used a true experimental laboratory research method with a post test only design with a control group design on 27 samples which were divided into 3 groups immersion.  Result: This research shows that the mean of diametric tensile strength in group 1 (7.15 MPa), group 2 (8.42 MPa), and group 3 (10.54 MPa). The One Way Anova statistical test shows the value of (P <0.05) which means that there is a significant difference in the value of the diametric tensile strength of each treatment group. Conclusion: There is an effect on the decrease in the value of the diametric tensile strength after immersion of water settable GIC in river water and PDAM water.Keyword: Diametral Tensile Strength, GIC Immersion, River Water.
Dentino : Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : FKG Unlam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/dentino.v7i1.13100


Background: Caries can be caused by a lack of individual knowledge about dental health and attitudes to pay attention to dental hygiene. Parents have the most important role in determining the personality, habits and behavior of the child in taking care of the teeth and mouth. Every action taken by the parents will have an influence on the character of the child. Parents who provide a positive parenting pattern to their child, will form good personality, habits and behavior towards the child. But on the contrary, parents who are less attentive and do not care will form negative personalities, habits and behaviors.  Purpose: To find out relationship of parents role to caries incident in adolescents at Sungai Loban Subdistrict. Methods: This study used an observational analytic method in the form of cross-sectional research and a simple random sampling technique. The research population was grade VII students at SMP Negeri 1 Sungai Loban as many as 63 respondents. Results: The Spearman test obtained significant score results of 0.000<0.05 which means there is a correlation between the role of parents to the incidence of caries in children. The correlation value is  – 0.927 and includes a very strong correlation in the negative direction (-), it can be interpreted that the relationship is opposite or if the child's caries is high then the role of parents tends to be low. Conclusion: There is a relationship of parents role to caries incident in adolescents.
Dentin Vol 4, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

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ABSTRACTBackground: The high problem of dental and oral health in Barito Kuala Regency affected by its society life that very depending of wetland that has low pH water. The low pH water can cause plaque pH reducing. This condition support Streptococcus sp to produce caries. 0,9% Difluorosilane and 5% Sodium Fluoride with Tricalcium Phosphate combination are the materials that can prevent caries because containing fluor which has antibacterial effects. Fluor works by inhibiting the enolase enzyme in the bacteria glycolysis process. Purpose: To analyze the difference of 0,9% Difluorosilane and 5% Sodium Fluoride with Tricalcium Phosphate combination application effect againts Streptococcus sp colony number in children’s saliva. Methods: This research used the true experiment method with the pretest-posttest with control group design. This research used 15 samples of children’s saliva that divided into 3 groups, that are the 0,9% Difluorosilane application group, the 5% Sodium Fluoride with Tricalcium Phosphate combination application group, and the without treatment group. Results: Post Hoc Bonferroni test result (0,000) (p<0,05) shows that there is a meaningful difference between the three groups. Conclusion: 5% Sodium Fluoride with Tricalcium Phosphate combination can reduce more Streptococcus sp colony number than 0,9% Difluorosilane.Keywords: Difluorosilane, Sodium Fluoride, Streptococcus sp, Tricalcium Phosphate, Wetland ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Tingginya masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut di Kabupaten Barito Kuala dipengaruhi oleh kehidupan masyarakat yang sangat bergantung pada lahan basah yang memiliki air dengan pH  rendah. Air dengan pH yang rendah dapat menyebabkan pH plak turun. Keadaan tersebut sangat disukai oleh Streptococcus sp yang dapat menyebabkan karies. Difluorosilane 0,9% dan kombinasi Sodium Fluoride 5% dengan Tricalcium Phosphate merupakan bahan yang dapat mencegah karies karena mengandung fluor yang memiliki efek antibakteri. Fluor bekerja dengan cara menghambat enzim enolase pada proses glikolisis bakteri. Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis perbedaan pengaruh aplikasi Difluorosilane 0,9% dan kombinasi Sodium Fluoride 5% dengan Tricalcium Phosphate terhadap jumlah koloni Streptococcus sp dalam saliva anak. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode true experiment dengan rancangan pretest-posttest with control group design. Penelitian ini menggunakan 15 sampel saliva anak yang dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok aplikasi Difluorosilane 0,9%, kelompok aplikasi kombinasi Sodium Fluoride 5% dengan Tricalcium Phosphate, dan kelompok tanpa perlakuan. Hasil: Hasil uji Post Hoc Bonferroni (0,000)(p<0,05) menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antar ketiga kelompok. Kesimpulan: Kombinasi Sodium Fluoride 5% dengan Tricalcium Phosphate dapat menurunkan jumlah koloni Streptococcus sp yang lebih banyak dibandingkan Difluorosilane 0,9%.Kata kunci: Difluorosilane, lahan basah, Sodium Fluoride, , Streptococcus sp, Tricalcium Phosphate
HUBUNGAN VISKOSITAS SALIVA DENGAN KEJADIAN KARIES GIGI PADA IBU HAMIL Nuril Atqiya; Raden Harry Dharmawan Setyawardhana; Ika Kusuma Wardani
Dentin Vol 5, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

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ABSTRACTBackground: Women are more susceptible to dental caries, especially in pregnant women. The prevalence of dental caries during pregnancy in developed countries is found to be 41%-52%, while in developing countries it is 60%-87%. Pregnant women have higher risk of dental caries compared to women who are not pregnant. The risk of dental caries can be assessed through changing saliva on pregnant women. Saliva viscosity can assess the risk of dental caries because if saliva viscosity increases it will result in ineffective cleaning of the oral cavity. Objective: To analyze the relationship of saliva viscosity with the incidence of dental caries in pregnant women. Method: This research used literature review method with narrative review procedure. Literature searches are done using Google Scholar and PubMed. Result: There were 30 journals that fulfilled this study by 2013-2020, Indonesian and English journals, available in full-text form, journals with discussion of saliva viscosity in pregnant women and dental caries in pregnant women. Conclusion: There was a relationship between saliva viscosity and dental caries in pregnant women. Keywords: Dental caries, pregnant women, salivary viscosity ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Perempuan lebih rentan terhadap karies gigi, khususnya pada ibu hamil. Angka prevalensi karies gigi pada masa kehamilan di negara maju ditemukan sebesar 41%-52%, sedangkan di negara berkembang sebesar 60%-87%. Ibu hamil memiliki risiko karies gigi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan wanita yang tidak hamil. Risiko karies gigi dapat dinilai melalui perubahan saliva ibu hamil. Viskositas saliva dapat menilai risiko dari karies gigi karena jika viskositas saliva meningkat akan mengakibatkan pembersihan rongga mulut menjadi tidak efektif. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan viskositas saliva dengan kejadian karies gigi pada ibu hamil. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature review dengan prosedur naratif review. Penelusuran literatur dilakukan menggunakan Google Scholar dan PubMed. Hasil: Terdapat 30 jurnal yang memenuhi penelitian ini dengan jurnal tahun 2013-2020, jurnal berbahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, tersedia dalam bentuk full-text, jurnal dengan pembahasan viskositas saliva  pada ibu hamil dan karies gigi pada ibu hamil. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan viskositas saliva dengan karies gigi pada ibu hamil. Kata kunci: Ibu hamil, karies gigi, viskositas saliva
PENGARUH KITOSAN SISIK IKAN HARUAN (Channa striata) TERHADAP JUMLAH KOLONI INTERAKSI Streptococcus sanguinis DAN Streptococcus mutans SECARA IN VITRO Vena Paramita Djunaidy; Deby Kania Tri Putri; R. Harry Dharmawan S
Dentin Vol 4, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

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ABSTRACTBackground: Streptococcus sanguinis known as a pioneer bacteria of dental plaque formation. It has specific receptor for Streptococcus mutans adhesions to attach on tooth surface. S. mutans is the important cariogenic bacteria in the pathogenesis of dental caries. The dental caries risk can be prevented with chitosan in haruan fish scales. Chitosan contains an aminopolysaccharide which can inhibit bacterial colonization growth. Purpose: To find out effect of chitosan in haruan fish scales (Channa striata) to the total colony of interaction S. sanguinis and S. mutans in vitro. Methods: This study used experimental laboratories, post-test with control group design. Chitosan from haruan fish scales were fabricated by deproteination, demineralization, and deacetylation. The effect of chitosan in haruan fish scales test used Standard Plate Count (SPC). Results: The lowest average number colonies was shown in chitosan at 5% compared to chitosan at 0,25% and 2,5% concentration. Meanwhile, the highest average number colonies was shown in 1% acetic acid, namely 173,2 x CFU/mL. Conclusion: Chitosan of haruan fish scales (Channa striata) at 5% was the most effective concentration to inhibit the colonies growth of S. sanguinis and S. mutans interaction compared to total colonies at other concentrations, namely 60 x CFU/mL.Keywords: caries, chitosan, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguinis ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Streptococcus sanguinis dikenal sebagai bakteri pionir pembentukan plak gigi. S. sanguinis memiliki reseptor spesifik untuk adhesi Streptococcus mutans agar dapat melekat pada permukaan gigi. S. mutans merupakan bakteri kariogenik yang penting dalam patogenesis karies gigi. Risiko karies gigi dapat dicegah dengan kitosan sisik ikan haruan. Kitosan mengandung aminopolisakarida yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan koloni bakteri. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh kitosan sisik ikan haruan (Channa striata) terhadap pertumbuhan jumlah koloni interaksi S. sanguinis dan S. mutans secara in vitro. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan experimental laboratories dengan desain post-test with control group. Pembuatan kitosan sisik ikan haruan dilakukan dengan deproteinasi, demineralisasi, dan deasetilasi. Uji pengaruh kitosan sisik ikan haruan dilakukan dengan Standard Plate Count (SPC). Hasil: Rata-rata jumlah koloni paling sedikit ditunjukkan oleh kitosan pada konsentrasi 5% dibandingkan dengan kitosan pada konsentrasi 0,25% dan 2,5%. Sementara itu, rata-rata jumlah koloni paling banyak ditunjukkan pada asam asetat 1%, yaitu 173,2 x CFU/mL. Kesimpulan: Kitosan sisik ikan haruan (Channa striata) pada konsentrasi 5% paling efektif dalam menghambat pertumbuhan koloni interaksi S. sanguinis dan S. mutans dibandingkan dengan jumlah koloni pada konsentrasi lainnya, yaitu 60 x CFU/mL.Kata kunci: karies, kitosan, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguinis
Dentin Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

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ABSTRACTBackground: Inhalation of asthma medication in the form of combination of the corticosteroid budesonide & formoterol which is acidic can affect the surface roughness of restoration materials such as composite resin. This is due to the significant change in the pH of saliva to 5.5 after 30 minutes of using an inhaler which can cause degradation of the polymer matrix composite resin and cause changes in surface roughness. Purpose: To determine the effect of exposure to the corticosteroid combination budesonide and formoterol on the roughness change of bulk-fill type composite resin. Methods: This study was true experimental research (pretest and post-test group design). The treatment group of bulk-fill type composite resin with exposure to a combination of budesonide & formoterol 160 / 4.5μg 2x1 inhalation; exposure to a combination of budesonide & formoterol 160 / 4.5μg 2x2 inhalation; without exposure to the combination budesonide & formoterol. The groups were tested using the Surface Roughness Tester. Results: One Way Anova and Post Hoc Bonferroni tests showed that there were significant differences between treatment groups (p<0.05).Conclusion: Exposure to a combination of budesonide and formoterol at a dose of 160 / 4.5μg 2x1inhalation and 2x2inhalation increased the roughness of bulk-fill type composite resin. Keywords: Bulk-fill type composite resin, combination of budesonide and formoterol, surface roughness. ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Inhalasi obat asma yang berupa kombinasi kortikosteroid budesonide & formoterol yang bersifat asam dapat berpengaruh terhadap kekasaran permukaan bahan restorasi seperti resin komposit. Hal ini disebabkan terjadi perubahan yang signifikan pada pH saliva hingga berada di angka 5,5 setelah 30 menit menggunakan inhaler yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya degradasi jaringan polimer matriks resin komposit dan menyebabkan perubahan kekasaran permukaan. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh paparan kombinasi kortikosteroid budesonide dan formoterol terhadap perubahan kekasaran resin komposit tipe bulk-fill. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimental murni (pretest and post-test group design). Kelompok perlakuan resin komposit tipe bulk-fill dengan paparan kombinasi budesonide & formoterol 160/4,5μg 2x1 inhalasi; paparan kombinasi budesonide & formoterol 160/4,5μg 2x2 inhalasi; tanpa paparan kombinasi budesonide & formoterol. Ketiga kelompok diuji dengan alat Surface Roughness Tester. Hasil penelitian: Uji One Way Anova dan Post Hoc Bonferroni menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antar kelompok perlakuan (p<0,05). Kesimpulan: Paparan kombinasi budesonide dan formoterol dosis 160/4,5μg 2x1 inhalasi dan 2x2 inhalasi meningkatkan kekasaran resin komposit tipe bulk-fill. Kata kunci: Kombinasi budesonide dan formoterol, kekasaran permukaan, Resin komposit bulk fill.
PENGARUH EKSTRAK DAUN KARAMUNTING (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) TERHADAP JUMLAH SEL NAUTROFIL PADA PULPA Reisa Dahliani; Muhammad Yanuar Ichrom Nahzi; Raden Harry Dharmawan Setyawardhana
Dentin Vol 5, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

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ABSTRACTBackground: Caramunting leaf (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) is an alternative pulp capping material that can provide anti-inflammatory effects. Phytochemical screening showed that caramunting leaf has secondary metabolites that inhibit oxidant production by neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages. The decrease in inflammatory activity was marked by a decrease in the number of neutrophils on 3rd day as the inflammatory process decreased. Purpose: To determine and analyze the effect of Karamunting leaf extract (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) at the dose of 800mg/KgBB on the neutrophil number in pulp inflammation of Wistar rats on 1st and 3rd day. Methods: This study was true experimental research (post-test only with control group design) using 30 Wistar rats divided into 6 groups which were given pulp capping material on the 1st and 3rd day using calcium hydroxide, Karamunting leaf extract, and without pulp capping material. The number of neutrophils was observed microscopically on the 1st and 3rd day. Results: One-way ANOVA and Post hoc Bonferroni test showed significant differences (p<0.05) in all groups. Conclusion: The administration of Karamunting leaf extract (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) at the dose of 800mg/KgBB had a significant effect on reducing the neutrophil number in pulp inflammation of Wistar rats on 1st and 3rd day. Keywords: Karamunting leaf (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa), neutrophils, pulp capping. ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Daun Karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) merupakan salah satu bahan alternatif pulp capping yang dapat memberikan efek antiinflamasi. Skrining fitokimia menunjukan daun karamunting memiliki metabolit sekunder yang menghambat produksi oksidan oleh neutrofil, monosit dan makrofag. Penurunan aktivitas inflamasi salah satunya ditandai oleh penurunan jumlah neutrofil dihari ke-3 seiring berkurangnya proses inflamasi. Tujuan: Mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) dosis 800mg/KgBB terhadap jumlah sel neutrofil pada inflamasi pulpa tikus wistar di hari ke-1 dan ke-3. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental murni dengan rancangan post-test only with control group design menggunakan 30 ekor tikus wistar dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok yang akan diberikan bahan pulp capping pada hari ke-1 dan ke-3 menggunakan kalsium hidroksida, ekstrak daun karamunting, dan tanpa pemberian bahan pulp capping. Jumlah neutrofil diamati secara mikroskopis di hari ke-1 dan hari ke-3. Hasil: One-way Anova dan Post hoc bonferroni menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p<0,05) pada semua kelompok. Kesimpulan: Pemberian ekstrak daun karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa) dosis 800mg/KgBB memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap penurunan jumlah sel neutrofil pada inflamasi pulpa tikus wistar di hari ke-1 dan ke-3. Kata kunci : daun karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa), neutrophil, pulp capping.
AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK DAUN RAMBAI (Sonneratia Caseolaris) KONSENTRASI 70%, 80% DAN 90% TERHADAP Streptococcus Mutans IN VITRO Helda Helda; Didit Aspriyanto; R. Harry Dharmawan S
Dentin Vol 4, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

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ABSTRACTBackground:. One of the factors causing dental caries is a microorganism, namely Streptococcus mutans. Rambai leaf extract (Sonneratia caseolaris) contain triterpenoids, flavonoids, tannins, steroids and phenols which have antibacterial activity against the growth of Streptococcus mutans which has the potential to prevent dental caries. Purpose: This study aims to prove the presence of 70%, 80% and 90% antibacterial activity of rambai leaf extract (Sonneratia caseolaris) in inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans in vitro. Methods: This study was a laboratory experimental study, with a post test only design, using a completely randomized design consisting of 5 treatment groups, namely: rambai leaf extract 70%, 80% and 90% (Sonneratia caseolaris), positive control. (Povidone iodine 1%) and negative control (distilled water) were repeated 5 times. Antibacterial activity was assessed from the clear inhibition zone formed on Muller Hinton media by diffusion method. Results: The Kruskal-wallis test showed that the clear inhibition zone formed had a significant difference. The average clear zone of rambai leaf extract (Sonneratia caseolaris) was 70% at 11.6 mm, 80% for 12.9 mm and 90% for 14.2 mm. Conclusion: Rambai leaf extract (Sonneratia caseolaris 70%, 80% and 90% have antibacterial activity in inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans in vitro. Keywords: Antibacterial Activities, Rambai Leaf Extract, Streptococcus mutans. ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Faktor penyebab terjadinya karies gigi salah satunya adalah mikroorganisme yaitu Streptococcus mutans. Ekstrak daun rambai (Sonneratia caseolaris) mengandung triterpenoid, flavonoid, tanin, streoid dan fenol yang  memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans yang berpotensi sebagai pencegah karies gigi. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan adanya aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak daun rambai (Sonneratia caseolaris) 70%, 80% dan 90% dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans in vitro. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorik murni (true experimental), dengan post-test only design, menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap terdiri dari 5 kelompok perlakuan, antara lain: ekstrak daun rambai (Sonneratia caseolaris) 70%, 80% dan 90%, kontrol positif (Povidone iodine 1%) dan kontrol negatif (akuades) dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak 5 kali. Aktivitas antibakteri dinilai dari zona hambat bening yang terbentuk pada media Muller Hinton dengan metode difusi. Hasil: Uji Kruskal-wallis menunjukkan bahwa zona hambat bening yang terbentuk memiliki perbedaan yang bermakna. Rata-rata zona bening ekstrak daun rambai (Sonneratia caseolaris) yaitu 70% sebesar 11,6 mm, 80% sebesar 12,9 mm dan 90% sebesar 14,2 mm. Kesimpulan: Ekstrak daun rambai (Sonneratia caseolaris) 70%, 80% dan 90% memiliki aktivitas antibakteri dalam menghambat pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans in vitro. Kata kunci: Aktivitas Antibakteri, Ekstrak Daun Rambai, Streptococcus mutans.
Dentin Vol 5, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

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ABSTRACTBackground: The condition of oral health in Indonesia and the world remains a serious problem. One of the dental and oral health problems with a high prevalence is malocclusion. Malocclusion can be experienced by children, adolescents, and adults. Malocclusion require proper treatment by performing orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic treatment needs can be measured by using a malocclusion index, one of them is the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN).  Purpose: The purpose was to determine the need  of orthodontic treatment based on  the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need in  adolescents. Methods: The literature review with the narrative review analysis method by looked for similarities and dissimilarities, provided viewpoint, compared, and created summaries. Results: The need of orthodontic treatment based on the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need showed an average of 60.5% of adolescents did not need orthodontic treatment with the lowest prevalence of 22.4% and the highest prevalence of 96.6%, at the same time,  adolescents who urgently needed orthodontic treatment an average of 20.6%, with the lowest prevalence  approximately 0.028% and the highest  prevalence of 63.3%. Conclusion: The level of orthodontic treatment needs based on the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need showed that an average of 60.5% of adolescents did not need orthodontic treatment and an average of 20.6% of adolescents were in highly need of orthodontic treatment. Through this study, the community was expected to take care of dental and oral health, especially related to malocclusion to prevent the increase of  orthodontic treatment needs. Keywords: adolescents, index, orthodontic treatment need, school children ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Kondisi kesehatan gigi dan mulut masyarakat di Indonesia maupun dunia masih menjadi masalah serius. Salah satu masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut dengan prevalensi tinggi adalah maloklusi. Maloklusi dapat dialami oleh anak-anak, remaja, hingga orang dewasa. Kondisi maloklusi membutuhkan penanganan yang tepat yaitu dengan melakukan perawatan ortodontik. Kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti seseorang dapat diukur menggunakan indeks maloklusi, salah satunya dengan Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). Tujuan: Tujuan studi literatur ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti berdasarkan Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need pada remaja. Metode: Literature review dengan metode analisis narrative review dengan mencari kesamaan, mencari ketidaksamaan, memberikan pandangan, membandingkan, dan membuat ringkasan. Hasil: Kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti berdasarkan Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need menunjukkan rata-rata 60,5% remaja tidak membutuhkan perawatan ortodonti dengan prevalensi paling rendah sebesar 22,4% dan prevalensi paling tinggi adalah 96,6%, sedangkan remaja yang sangat membutuhkan perawatan ortodonti rata-rata 20,6% dengan prevalensi paling rendah sekitar 0,028% dan prevalensi paling tinggi adalah 63,3%. Kesimpulan: Tingkat kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti berdasarkan Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata 60,5% remaja tidak membutuhkan perawatan ortodonti dan rata-rata 20,6% remaja sangat membutuhkan perawatan ortodonti. Melalui studi ini masyarakat diharapkan dapat menjaga kesehatan gigi dan mulutnya khususnya terkait maloklusi untuk mencegah peningkatan kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti. Kata kunci: anak sekolah, indeks, kebutuhan perawatan ortodonti, remaja