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Fakultas Pertanian Vol 7, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

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Blotong is one of the sugar cane mill wastes whose utilization is still very rare. One of the uses of blotong that very potential is blotong as biogas energy source. The study aimed to obtain a comparison of the best water, fermentation time and feasibility analysis in the blotong fermentation process with cow starter rumen for biogas production. This study used a split plot randomized block design with two factors, namely the ratio of raw materials with water 1: 2 and the ratio of raw materials to water 1: 3. The results showed that the best treatment was the ratio of raw material with water 1: 2 with the volume of biogas 6.40 for 25 days with pH before fermentation 5.79 and after fermentation 6.45 and the flame was blue and the results of business feasibility analysis obtained HPP value = Rp1754 / Liter, BEP = Rp. 29,090,909 liters / year, HPP (40%) = Rp. 2104 / liter and RCR = 1.19. Blotong merupakan salah satu limbah pabrik tebu yang pemanfaatannya masih sangat rendah. Salah satu pemanfaatan blotong yang potensial adalah menjadi sumber energi Biogas. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan perbandingan air dan waktu fermentasi terbaik, serta analisis kelayakan dalam proses fermentasi blotong dengan starter rumen sapi untuk produksi biogas. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok split plot dengan dua faktor yaitu perbandingan bahan baku dengan air 1:2 dan perbandingan bahan baku dengan air 1:3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik pada perbandingan bahan baku dengan air 1:2 dengan volume biogas 6.40 selama 25 hari dengan pH sebelum fermentasi 5.79 dan sesudah fermentasi 6.45 dan nyala api berwarna biru dan hasil analisis kelayakan usaha Diperoleh nilai HPP = Rp1754/Liter, BEP = Rp. 29.090.909 liter/tahun, HPP (40%) = Rp. 2104 /liter dan RCR = 1,19.
Characteristics of Microcapsule of ?-3 Fatty Acids Enriched Oil from Lemuru Meal Processing Teti Estiasih; Kgs Ahmadi; Fithri Choirun Nisa
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol. 19 No. 2 (2008): Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, IPB Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PATPI

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Omega-3 fatty acids enriched fish oil from lemuru fishmeal processing met the quality standard of food grade fish oil, but it was susceptible to oxidation. Microencapsulation by spray drying was one method that could protect this oil against oxidation and the microcapsule could be applied more widely and easier to handle. The important factor that affected microencapsulation process by spray drying method was encapsulant to core ratio. The objective of research was to elucidate the effect of encapsulant to core ratio (2:1; 3:1; 4:1; 5:1; and 6:1 (w/w)) on characteristics of ?-3 fatty acids enriched fish oil microcapsule. The increase of microencapsulation efficiency and the decrease of surface oil proportion were related to better emulsion stability prior to spray drying and film forming ability around oil globule as the sodium caseinate proportion increased. Emulsification and heating during spray drying could induce hydrolysis of triglycerides in fish oil. Therefore, the quantity of free fatty acids relatively unchanged although the proportion of encapsulated oil decreased. The decrease of oxidation degree is caused by better protective effect of sodium caseinate during emulsification and spray drying due to better film forming ability as proportion of encapsulant increased. However, it was followed by the decrease of ?-3 fatty acids content that related to decreasing proportion of fish oil. This phenomenon was supported by unchanging ?-3 fatty acids retention that showed protective effect of sodium caseinate on oxidation during microencapsulation. Different encapsulant to core ratio did not change yield of microcapsule. Different proportion of surface oil did not affect microcapsule recovery.Key words : fish oil from by product of lemuru meal processing, ?-3 fatty acids enriched oil, microencapsulation, spray drying, encapsulant to core ratio
Optimization of Rapid Solidification to Enrich Fish Oil from by-Product of Lemuru Canning Processing with w-3 batty Acids by Response Surface Method Teti Estiasih; Fithri Choirun Nisa; Kgs Ahmadi; Umiatun .
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol. 16 No. 3 (2005): Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, IPB Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PATPI

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Oil from by-product of lemuru canning processing was a source of w-3 fatty acid but its characteristics had out been known. The content of w-3 fatty acids of this oil had to be increased. Various methods are available to enhance w-3 fatty acids concentration Rapid solidification was one of limited methods to enrich fish oil by w-3 fatty acids containing triglycerides. This research was conducted to optimize rapid solidification condition to enrich fish oil from by product of lemuru canning processing with w-3 fatty acids and characterize the enriched oil compared by International Association of Fish Meal and Oil Manufacturers standard. In optimization process, the content of EPA+OHA and yield .was maximized. A two-factors central composite design in Response Surface Method was used to study the effect of solvent-to-oil ratio (X1) and extraction time (X2). The response (Y) is the multiplication of EPA+DHA content by yield. The results showed that under optimum conditions the maximum response were obtained at a solvent-to-oil ratio of 3,95:1(vw) and extraction time of 24,93 hours. The w-3 fatty acids enriched fish oil had EPA+DHA content of 33,33% and yield of 9.40% (w/w). The produced w-3 fatty acids enriched fish oil had good quality based on food grade fish oil standard, unless Fe and Cu content. Chelation could reduce these oxidizing metals. Key words : w-3 fatty acids, rapid solidification, response surface method, central composite design.
OPTIMASI KONDISI PEMURNIAN ASAM LEMAK OMEGA-3 DARI MINYAK HASIL SAMPING PENEPUNGAN TUNA (Thunnus sp) DENGAN KRISTALISASI UREA [Optimizing Conditions for the Purification of Omega-3 Fatty Acids from By-product of Tuna (Thunnus sp) Meal Proces Teti Estiasih; Kgs. Ahmadi; Fitriyah Kusumastuti
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol. 20 No. 2 (2009): Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, IPB Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PATPI

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Omega-3 fatty acids (w-3) are proven to have health beneficial effects.  Some effort had been done to obtained oil high in w-3 fatty acids.  Among the methods developed, urea crystallization was preferred because it is simple, economic, and result in high purity of fatty acids. A source that had not been widely explored for w-3 fatty acids production is the by-product of tuna meal processing. This research studied the optimization condition for separation and purification of w-3 fatty acids from the by-product of tuna meal processing by urea crystallization. Crystallization reaction conditions of urea inclusion were optimized using the response surface methodology, and the model was developed.Optimization result showed a quadratic polynomial regression equation of Y= 140,52677X1 + 8,38203X2 - 19,85850X12 - 0,12173X22 - 0,74000X1X2 - 240,33546 with X1=urea to fatty acid ratio and X2=crystallization time.  Maximum response was obtained at urea to fatty acid ratio of 3,07:1,crystallization time of 25,10 hours, and predicted response was 80,60%.  Analysis of variance showed that urea to fatty acid ratio and crystallization time affected response.  Under optimal conditions, the product was 3.89 times concentrated and the purity of w-3 fatty acids was 81,98%. Verification result revealed that the predicted value from this model was reasonably close to the experimentally observed value.  Urea crystallization process changed quality parameters that were oxidation level (peroxide value, anisidin value, and totox value), Fe and Cu content, P content, and water content.  The changes were caused by adsorption of primary and secondary oxidation products, part of metals, and phosphoric compound onto unsaponifiable matters or soluble into water. 
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 5 No 1
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

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The implication of those many human activities which longger progressively hencewill polluted. Tendency of damage of water effect of contaminantion more resulted fromapplied development practice not yet as according to methode and principle sustainabledevelopment.Bioremediation of technology at polluted water environment is aimed to destroy toxicand dangerous chemical compounds from disposal waste.
Pemanfaatan Maggot Untuk Pengolahan Sampah Organik Di Kecamatan Kedungkandang, Kota Malang Lorine Tantalu; Nonok Supartini; Edyson Indawan; Kgs Ahmadi
JAPI (Jurnal Akses Pengabdian Indonesia) Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (399.365 KB) | DOI: 10.33366/japi.v7i2.3705


Pupa Maggot memiliki potensi yang luar biasa dalam pengelolaan Sampah Organik Dapur (SOD). Sebagai bentuk kerjasama dengan pengelola Bank Sampah M-230 di Kelurahan Cemorokandang, Kecamatan kedungkandang Kota Malang, peneliti dalam hal ini membantu pewujudkan redesign kandang budidaya lalat black soldier sebagai bagian dari indukan dalam siklus budidaya maggot yang terkendala adanya kerusakan kandang. Sebagai bentuk implementasi terkait kepeduluan terhadap pengurangan timbunan sampah organik dapur, peneliti besama pemilik Bank Sampah M-230 memberikan pemahaman terkait penggunaan tong dekomposer dengan memanfaatkan maggot untuk melakukan biokonversi sampah organik menjadi lebih ramah lingkungan, sekaligus memberikan tong dekomposer kepada perwakilan POKJA. Hasil dari pengelolaan sampah menggunakan maggot ini dapat juga dapat diaplikasikan menjadi pupuk organik yang dapat diterapkan pada tanaman rumah tangga yang dimiliki di lingkungan Kelurahan Cemorokandang tersebut.