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Spermatozoa Morphology Examination Using Lenshooke SQA X1 Pro Compared with Manual Method Adhipireno Purwanto; Edy Purwanto; Suyono Seso Sulijaya; Ismawatie Emma; Santoso Budi; Limijadi Edward Kurnia Setiawan
JURNAL INDONESIA DARI ILMU LABORATORIUM MEDIS DAN TEKNOLOGI Vol 4 No 1 (2022): The future of diagnostic laboratory testing
Publisher : Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33086/ijmlst.v4i1.2059


According to World Health Organization data, 30-40% of infertility is caused by male factors. The morphology of normal spermatozoa is an indicator of male fertility, and it is known by manual or automatic sperm analysis. Lenshooke SQA X1 PRO automatic equipment comes along with the development of laboratory equipment automation technology. The working principle of this tool is by shining light on the object of examination, then the camera with high resolution, with the facility of an optical lens will take a picture of the object. The database recorded by the camera is analyzed by the algorithm. The research objective was to test the suitability of the Lenshooke SQA X1 PRO automatic tool with manual method as the Gold Standard. Subjects in this study were patients who carried out semen analysis tests at the Clinical Pathology Laboratory of RSIA "Restu Ibu" Sragen from June to August 2020. The examination method used an automatic method with the Lenshooke SQA X1 PRO tool and a manual method with Papanicolaou staining. The results of the study, conformity test with WHO 2010 normal standards, automatic methods reached 94.4% compared to manual methods. The next statistical test was with standard mean, normal sperm morphology data had a significance of 0.001, abnormal sperm head data had a significance value of 0.956 and abnormal sperm tail data had a significance value of 0.339. The Lenshooke SQA XI PRO device based on automatic technology can be used in laboratory services for sperm analysis in addition to manual methods. Suggestions for using the Lenshooke XI PRO automatic tools are still accompanied by the manual method.
Improving the psychological well-being of prisoners through group counseling with solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) approach Ade Sucipto; Edy Purwanto; Muhammad Japar; Agnieszka Iłendo-Milewska
Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi Vol 5, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Psychology and Health - Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.825 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/pjpp.v5i2.6036


Psychological well-being (PWB) is important for prisoners, considering that they lead different lives and become increasingly depressed by being labeled as criminals by society. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of group counseling using a Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) approach to improve prisoners' PWB. A quasi-experimental design was employed, with repeated measurements (pre-test, post-test, and follow-up). The subjects were 14 Class II A prisoners in Pekalongan, Indonesia, prison, with seven inmates in the experimental group and seven in the control group. They were selected using the purposive sampling technique based on inclusion criteria and low PWB levels obtained from the psychological well-being scale. The study results indicate that group counseling using the SFBT approach is effective in increasing the PWB of prisoner’s pre-test vs. post-test (MD = -64.857, SE = 3.749, p.05), and post-test vs. follow-up (MD = -71.571, SE = 3.479, p .05). The study findings could be used as consideration, reference, and an alternative for counselors to use the SFBT approach in dealing with problems related to psychology, especially PWB.
Pengaruh Self-Esteem terhadap Social-Loafing dengan Academic Honesty sebagai Mediator Darma Sena; Edy Purwanto; Ali Murtadho
Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Publisher : Kuras Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51214/bocp.v4i1.145


This research aims to analyze the relationship of self-esteem with social loafing through academic honesty as a mediator variable. We involved 232 junior high school students in Banda Aceh which selected using cluster random sampling. This study uses a scale of psychological adaptation and questionnaire as instruments. The results showed that self-esteem had a significant association with social loafing with a value of (β = -0.436 and significantly at the level of p < 0.05). Academic honesty also has a significant relationship with social loafing with values (β = -0.264 and significantly at the level of p < 0.05). Self-esteem is significantly related to academic honesty with values (β = 0.992 and significantly at the level of p < 0.05). Research indicates that academic honesty is a mediator in the relationship between self-esteem and social loafing. Students with high self-esteem tend to have high academic honesty. This is expected to reduce social loafing behavior in students.
Keefektifan Konseling Kelompok Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) dengan Teknik Modeling Simbolis dan Role Playing untuk Meningkatkan Self-Confidence pada Siswa Betsi Siti Nurhidayah; Mungin Eddy Wibowo; Edy Purwanto
Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Publisher : Kuras Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51214/bocp.v4i1.156


Self-Confidence is a person's belief in all aspects of the advantages he has and that belief makes him feel able to achieve various goals in his life. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of CBT group counseling with symbolic modeling techniques and role play techniques on increasing students' self-confidence. This study used a pretest and multiple posttest designs. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 21 experimental subjects who were placed into three groups randomly so that each group consisted of seven students. The results of the mixed repeated measure ANOVA test showed that the CBT group counseling with symbolic modeling and role play techniques was effective in increasing students' self-confidence. This study found that the combination of symbolic modeling techniques and role play techniques shows interesting implications, so the implications of using this combination of techniques in group counseling practice are recommended in the implementation of CBT counseling.
Konseling Karir Life Design untuk Meningkatkan Career Adaptability Siswa Agung Prasetya; Hawinda Widya Fatma; Awalya Awalya; Edy Purwanto
Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Publisher : Kuras Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51214/bocp.v4i2.169


This study aims to obtain empirical data and ensure the effectiveness of life design career counseling techniques on students' career adaptability abilities. The research design used is a true experimental research design with a sample of 24 students selected using random assignment techniques. Data collection using the Career Adapt-Ability Scale (CAAS) instrument which was adapted through a counseling assessment translation procedure. The hypothesis analysis technique used the T-Test and One Way ANOVA method with 95% probability which was analyzed using SPSS Statistic version 26 software. The results showed that life design career counseling was able to improve students' career adaptability. The conclusion is that life design career counseling is effective in increasing students' career adaptability.
Efektivitas Konseling Self Management dalam Mereduksi Problematic Smartphone Use Arif Setiawan; Dwi Yuwono Puji Sugiharto; Edy Purwanto
Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022): Bulletin of Counseling and Psychotherapy
Publisher : Kuras Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51214/bocp.v4i2.171


The purpose of the study was to test the effectiveness of self management counseling in reducing students' problematic smartphone use. A quantitative experimental method with a pretest posttest design using repeated actions is applied in this study. There are 6 students who perform as test subject, which was taken from their characteristic of highest problematic smartphone use that analyzed by using mixed ancova repeated measures. The instrument is Problematic Smartphone Use Scale (PSUS) (Kwon et al., 2013). Self management Counseling is conducted in 7 sessions for each counselee in the form of individual counseling. The results showed the average T1 value of 56,17 (SD = 3,37) which then arrived at the T4 measurement obtained with an average of 42,50 (SD = 32,27). As in general, the self management counseling is effective in reducing students' problematic smartphone use. Based on the results of this study, a self management approach can be recommended for guidance and counseling teachers to be able to apply this method as an effort to reduce students' problematic smartphone use at school.
Jurnal Ecopsy Vol 5, No 2 (2018): JURNAL ECOPSY
Publisher : Psychology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/ecopsy.v5i2.5026


Masalah lingkungan akhir-akhir ini menjadi isu hangat karena banyaknya peristiwa lingkungan seperti perubahan iklim yang ekstrim, bencana banjir dan tanah longsor di berbagai daerah. Hal tersebut terjadi karena banyaknya perusakan alam yang dilakukan oleh manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan sikap dan perilaku peduli lingkungan pada mahasiswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif korelasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan 354 mahasiswa UNNES sebagai sampel yang diambil berdasarkan teknik Multiple Stage Random Sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan 57 item skala sikap peduli lingkungan dengan rentang validitas 0,303 - 0,605, koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,895. Sedangkan skala perilaku peduli lingkungan terdiri dari 27 item dengan rentang validitas 0,3 - 0,582, koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,820. Uji hipotesis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik korelasi product moment. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh hasil bahwa secara umum sikap dan perilaku peduli lingkungan berada pada kategori sedang. Selanjutnya, diperoleh hasil bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara sikap dengan perilaku peduli lingkungan.
Publisher : UPT Publikasi dan Pengelolaan Jurnal Universitas Islam Kalimantan MAB Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (394.377 KB) | DOI: 10.31602/jbkr.v4i1.1348


Dewasa ini persaingan dunia kerja semakin kompleks dan persaingan kualifikasi persaingan kerja semakin ketat. Siswa diharapkan dapat memiliki perencanaan karir sesuai dengan bakat, minat, taraf intelegensi, dan nilai-nilai kehidupan yang dimiliki untuk memudahkan siswa dalam merencanakan karir. Dalam membuat perencanaan karir, siswa membutuhkan informasi sebagai bahan pertimbangan siswa dalam membuat perencanaan karir yang sesuai dengan bakat, minat, taraf intelegensi dan nilai-nilai kehidupan yang dimilikinya melalui layanan informasi karir. Dengan pemahaman tersebut, siswa mampu merencanakan karirnya secara matang sesuai dengan keadaan dirinya. Upaya meningkatkan perencanaan karir dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan layanan informasi karir berbantuan website. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan perencanaan karir siswa SMA di Kota Tarakan melalui layanan informasi karir berbantuan website. Desain eksperimen yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah pre eksperimen dalam bentuk one group pretest-post design.Penelitian ini melibatkan 35 siswa sebagai kelompok eksperimen yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini adalah layanan informasi karir berbantuan website efektif meningkatkan perencanaan karir siswa SMA di Kota Tarakan (10,094, p < 0.01). __________________________________________________________ Today's increasingly complex business world competition and competition qualifications increasingly tight. Students are expected to have career planning according to their talents, interests, intelligence level, and life values to facilitate students in career planning. In making career planning, students need information as a material balance of students in making career planning in accordance with the talent, interests, intelligence level and the values of life it has through career information services. With that understanding, students are able to plan their careers according to their situation. Efforts to improve career planning can be done using career information services assisted by website. This study aims to improve the career planning of senior high school students in Tarakan City through information career services assistance through the website. The experimental design used in this research is quasi-experiment in the form of one group pretest-post design. The career planning scale consists of 45 items with 5 falling items and 0.875 alpha coefficient. This study involved 35 students as an experimental group selected by purposive sampling. The result of this research indicate that career information service the website-assisted effectively improve the career planning of high school students in Tarakan City (10,094, p <0.01).
Improving Career Planning using Website-Based Career Information Service: Array Hotma Rosalin Tumanggor; Sunawan Sunawan; Edy Purwanto
Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung in collaboration with Asosiasi Bimbingan dan Konseling Indonesia (ABKIN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25217/igcj.v1i2.239


Career is a life long process. This study aims to improve the career planning of senior high school students in Tarakan City through information career services assistance through the website. The experimental design used in this research is quasi-experiment in the form of one group pretest-post design. The career planning scale consists of 45 items with 5 falling items and 0.875 alpha coefficient. This study involved 35 students as an experimental group selected by purposive sampling. The result of this research is career information service the website-assisted effectively improve the career planning of high school students in Tarakan City (10,094, p <0.01).
The Mediation Effect of Moral Disengagement on Spiritual-Religious Attitudes and Academic Dishonesty among Guidance and Counseling Students: Array Endang Rifani; Sugiyo Sugiyo; Edy Purwanto
Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung in collaboration with Asosiasi Bimbingan dan Konseling Indonesia (ABKIN)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25217/igcj.v4i1.1147


Academic dishonesty is a morality problem that is often found in every level of education. It becomes a concern among guidance and counseling practitioner in the educational context. Regarding previous studies, spiritual-religious attitudes and moral disengagement predict individuals’ academic dishonesty. To complete the gap of those studies, the current study investigated the role of moral disengagement to mediate the relationship between spiritual-religious attitudes and academic dishonesty in university students. There were 292 respondents from four universities in Semarang participated in this study. The authors used a cross-sectional study and utilized google form to collect the data. The authors conducted three analyses, regression-based path analysis, mediation analysis using bias-corrected and bootstrapping. The results showed that there was a direct relationship among all variables, but they're found no mediation effect on moral disengagement. These findings imply the importance of counseling services to preserve students’ morality so they could avoid academic dishonesty.