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Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Islam di Era Globalisasi Tobroni, Tobroni
Nadwa Vol 6, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Nadwa

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Many researches appoint that to change from negative cycle become positive cycle or change from bad quality school become good quality school, leadership factor is an important and defined role. The good education institution is leaded by good leader, although not all of good leader can make it become good educa-tion institution. For Islamic education institution which faces difficult affairs and has a great mission (education and missionary work), needs to be led by a leader who has powerful strength. Conventional leadership models like situational, transactional, and transformational leadership need to be completed with spir-itual leadership. Spiritual leadership is a leadership which bases its leadership vision, mission and attitude on theology values.
EDUKASI: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 6 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Muhammadiyah Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.795 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/edukasi.v6i2.340


The focus of this research is how the character of students religiosity in SMK Negeri 2 Malang,, the values of religuised characters instilled based on religious education, and the formation method of character religious students in SMK Negeri 2 Malang. This research used a qualitative approach. With this type of case study research. The collection of data through in-depth observation, interviews and documentation studies. Research informants are headmaster of SMK N 2 Malang, Islamic teacher, religious teacher for non Muslim, general teachers, administrative departments (TU), Muslim students, and non Muslim students. This research used purposive sampling and with snowball sampling technic. Checking the validity of the data, Condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing / verifications. The research showed that (1). The religiosity character of students in SMK Negeri 2 Kota Malang is highly variable, one of the background behind is their family, Then the religious character of students there are three categories, including very religious, religious and less of religious, (2). The process of implementation values of religious characters to students based on religious education at SMK Negeri 2 Malang are includes: Greetings, shaking hands, reading Asmaul Husna every morning, praying together before and after lessons, Dhuha prayers, zuhr prayer in congregation, Istighosah, Friday Prayers, deepening of the Quran every Saturday, (3). Methods of forming religious character include: exemplary/habituate method, question and answer method, discourse method, and problem solving method.
Implementasi Kurikulum Sekolah Dan Pesantren Di SMP Muhammadiyah Boarding School Tarakan Wahyudi, Wahyudi; Tobroni, Tobroni; Syahri, M.
Jurnal Kebijakan dan Pengembangan Pendidikan Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Juli
Publisher : Program Studi Magister Pedagogi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jkpp.v4i2.11579


Abstract: This research aims to find out about the implementation of the pesantren curriculum and schools in Tarakan Muhammadiyah Boarding School SMP which includes three aspects namely preparation, implementation, and evaluation. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of case studies because this research is one form of field research. Data obtained through observation, documentation analysis, and interviews. Research subjects include the Principal, Deputy Principal for Curriculum and teachers. Data analysis techniques using the stages of Miles and Huberman (1992) began by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Test the validity of the data using source techniques. The results of this study indicate that the establishment of the pesantren curriculum and Muhammadiyah Boarding School SMP Tarakan depart from the need for a balanced educational concept between general subjects and religion in the education unit and the integration between the school curriculum and pesantren curriculum produces a composition of 16 subjects consisting of 6 subjects general lessons and 10 cottage lessons. All lessons are taught in class except tahfidz taught outside class hours. Percentage of subject division by looking at the curriculum composition table in each class. The pesantren curriculum has a percentage of 47.83% with details: 5 subjects in general programs, 4 subjects in supporting programs, and 2 subjects in special programs. School curriculum (National) has a percentage of 34.78% with details: 7 subjects in general programs and 1 subject in support programs. The other 17.39% is extracurricular material and special activities as a characteristic of Muhammadiyah's charitable endeavors in the field of education.Keywords: Curriculum, Pesantren, Schools Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang implementasi kurikulum pesanten dan sekolah di SMP Muhammadiyah Boarding School Tarakan yang mencakup tiga aspek yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus karena penelitian ini merupakan salah satu bentuk penelitian lapangan. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, analisis dokumentasi dan wawancara. Subjek penelitian meliputi Kepala Sekolah, Wakil kepala sekolah bidang Kurikulum dan guru. Teknik analisis data menggunakan tahapan Miles and Huberman (1992) dimulai dengan mereduksi data, menyajikan data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan teknik sumber. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penetapan kurikulum pesantren dan sekolah SMP Muhammadiyah Boarding School Tarakan berangkat dari kebutuhan konsep pendidikan yang seimbang antara pelajaran umum dengan agama dalam satuan pendidikan dan keterpaduan antara kurikulum sekolah dan kurikulum pesantren ini menghasilkan komposisi berupa 16 mata pelajaran yang terdiri atas 6 mata pelajaran pelajaran umum dan 10 pelajaran pondok. Semua pelajaran diajarkan di kelas kecuali tahfidz diajarkan di luar jam pelajaran. Persentase pembagian mata pelajaran dengan melihat tabel komposisi kurikulum tersebut dalam setiap kelas. Kurikulum pesantren memiliki persentase 47,83% dengan rincian: 5 mata pelajaran dalam program umum, 4 mata pelajaran pada program penunjang, dan 2 mata pelajaran pada program khusus. Kurikulum sekolah (Nasional) mempunyai persentase sebesar 34,78% dengan rincian: 7 mata pelajaran pada program umum dan 1 mata pelajaran pada program penunjang. 17,39% lainnya merupakan materi ekstrakurikuler dan kegiatan khusus sebagai kekhasan amal usaha Muhammadiyah di bidang pendidikan.Kata kunci: Kurikulum, Pesantren, Sekolah
INTERCONNECTION MODEL OF MORALS-REASONING-RESEARCH IN PESANTREN CURRICULUM Kuswandi, Iwan; Tobroni, Tobroni; In'am, Akhsanul; Khozin, Khozin; Asmoni, Asmoni
ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 22, No 1 (2021): Islamic Education and History
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/ua.v22i1.11611


This paper described the interconnection model of morals-reasoning-research in the curriculum of Tarbiyatul Muallimien al-Islamiyah (known as TMI) Al-Amien Prenduan. It also examined the supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of the interconnected-curriculum. It is a case study employing observation, interviews and documentation, and the data were analyzed using qualitative analysis. Two conclusions were drawn. First, TMI uses multidisciplinary approaches in its curriculum by interconnecting morals, reason and research. Morals are instilled through reading and learning the morals books such as Ta‘lîm al-Muta‘allim and Iḥyâ’ ‘Ulûm al-Dîn. The reasoning skills are taught through school subjects such as logic, Islamic jurisprudence and the science of hadith. In contrast, the research skills are taught through research subjects and a compulsory program called writing a research paper. Second, the class classification model, which takes students’ talent and interest into account, and other research-related programs such as book review and fatḥ al-kutub (classical book research) are the supporting factors for the writing program. They are accommodating for students in completing their writing. Meanwhile, there are also numbers of inhibiting factors such as student’s lacking motivation, the prohibition of internet use, unsuitable supervisor expertise, and the minimum role of Islamic Study Center (Pusdilam).
Implications of Multiculturalism and Tolerance in Islamic Religious Education Muh Barid Nizarudin Wajdi; Tobroni Tobroni
EDUCATIO : Journal of Education Vol 5 No 2 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29138/educatio.v5i2.299


Education aims to shape attitudes and behaviors towards civilized human beings. An education system that only emphasizes the transfer of knowledge, makes education no longer meaningful and has a positive effect on learners. It is less touching on the humanism side that ultimately develops pluralism as the foundation of multiculturalism. This model of religious education will only create learners to make "abdullah" that is only pious individually. The understanding of pluralism and multiculturalism that has become a commodity in the political field will continue to roll in the realm of national education, including Islamic religious education which is integrally part of the national education system. The purpose of this research is to illustrate the implementation and implications of multicultural-based PAI at SMA Kertosono. This research uses qualitative approach with case study type. The results showed that the implementation of multicultural-minded Islamic religious education (PAI) at SMA Negeri Kertosono,was carried out through 2 stages, namely: a) Learning activities in the classroom, through: (1) Morning prayer together; (2) To give all students the opportunity to receive religious lessons according to their beliefs; (3) Be universal and discriminate against students; (4) Giving accuracy; (5) Uphold respect and respect; b)Implementation of multicultural-minded PAI in school activities outside the classroom, through: a) Religious extracurricular activities carried out during islamic activities and commemorations, as well as Friday prayers and Femininity; b) Activities of a social nature. 2) The impact of the implementation of Islamic religious education (PAI) multicultural-minded in building religious tolerance in SMA Negeri Kertosono, among others: a) The creation of a comfortable and conducive learning atmosphere; b) School activities run smoothly and have a high tolerance ;c) The realization of religious harmony and harmony in differences; d) Avoid conflict and division; e) The creation of a culture of mutual respect, respect and accepting of differences
Study of Islamic Religious Education in Prospective Anthropology Riza Ashari; Tobroni Tobroni
EDUCATIO : Journal of Education Vol 5 No 3 (2021): February 2021
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

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This paper aims to explain about Islamic education in an anthropological perspective. This paper needs to be raised considering that anthropology is a science about humans, especially cultural anthropology that considers that humans are cultured beings. In this paper found similarities that Islam and anthropology have similar views related to Islamic education. These similarities are seen in the similarity of views on human concepts. Human beings as beings who have potential or fitrah are equally recognized by anthropology and Islam. Similarly, in educational activities, between Islam and anthropology also have some subtantive similarities. Education should be adapted to the culture around. This is because in addition to anthropology wants such, it turns out that Islam also highly appreciates those who appreciate its culture, of course cultural culture that is not contrary to the principles of Islamic teachings. In the end, the anthropological view of Islamic education directs that every educational activity can not be separated from the cultural aspects that apply both in terms of educators, students, educational objectives, educational methods, and educational context / environment
Prophetic Leadership Mahasiswa: Studi pada Program Pembentukan Kepribadian dan Kepemimpinan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Aliya Izzet; Tobroni Tobroni; Abdul Hari; Dina Mardiana
Al-Idaroh: Jurnal Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): September
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Penerbitan dan Pengabdian (LP3M) STIT al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54437/alidaroh.v4i2.160


The decline of national leadership integrity in recent years is something that we should underline and must be addressed. So that the younger generation does not follow a bad example from existing leaders. As a Muslim, we have an exemplary figure who is always a good role model in speaking, acting and holding a strong principle of life. He was the Prophet Muhammad who had great leadership and what we know as the term Prophetic Leadership.The aim of this study was to find out how the concept of prophetic leadership developed in P2KK and its implementation in forming student prophetic leadership at University of Muhammadiyah Malang. This research was conducted at the UPT. P2KK University of Muhammadiyah Malang in May to June 2019. The approach used is explorative case study research. From the results of the study it was found that there were several concepts of prophetic leadership developed in P2KK, including Aqidah (faith) that was strong, trustworthy and responsible, fair, firmness, noble character , deliberation and proactive. While the implementation is done through simulations, discussions and activities outside the other classes (outbound) which are indirectly able to form the prophetic leadership of the students of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
Formation of The Religious Character of Students Based on Religious Education in SMK Negeri 2 Malang Ridwan; Tobroni; Khozin
EDUKASI : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam (e-Journal) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018): Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Tarbiyah Departement collaboration with AMCA

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The focus of this research is how the character of students religiosity in SMK Negeri 2 Malang,, the values of religuised characters instilled based on religious education, and the formation method of character religious students in SMK Negeri 2 Malang. This research used a qualitative approach. With this type of case study research. The collection of data through in-depth observation, interviews and documentation studies. Research informants are headmaster of SMK N 2 Malang, Islamic teacher, religious teacher for non Muslim, general teachers, administrative departments (TU), Muslim students, and non Muslim students. This research used purposive sampling and with snowball sampling technic. Checking the validity of the data, Condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing / verifications. The research showed that (1). The religiosity character of students in SMK Negeri 2 Kota Malang is highly variable, one of the background behind is their family, Then the religious character of students there are three categories, including very religious, religious and less of religious, (2). The process of implementation values of religious characters to students based on religious education at SMK Negeri 2 Malang are includes: Greetings, shaking hands, reading Asmaul Husna every morning, praying together before and after lessons, Dhuha prayers, zuhr prayer in congregation, Istighosah, Friday Prayers, deepening of the Qur'an every Saturday, (3). Methods of forming religious character include: exemplary/habituate method, question and answer method, discourse method, and problem solving method.
Dampak Pendekatan Saintifik terhadap Sikap Spiritual Siswa dalam Pembelajaran PAI di SMA di Sidoarjo Rangga Sa'adillah S.A.P.; Tobroni Tobroni; Ishomuddin Ishomuddin; Khozin Khozin
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education Studies) Vol. 7 No. 2 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (472.593 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jpai.2019.7.2.143-166


This study aims to describe the impact of a scientific approach on students' spiritual attitudes. Through the constructivism paradigm combined with a phenomenological approach, this study involved 19 students. In-depth interviews are used as the main data collection technique while observation and documentation as secondary techniques as well as data validation. The analysis phase is carried out with four stages namely description of the phenomenon, horizonalization, cluster of meaning, essence description. This study reveals that a scientific approach can provide three impacts on students' spiritual attitudes, namely the impact on cognitive, affective, and psychomotor spiritual attitudes. Spiritual attitudes found in the research act as driving forces for human behavior. The findings of this study develop the interaction of character components. The components of a spiritual attitude are interactions not determinants. This means that the components of spiritual attitude only correlate with each other and these components will not be able to validly predict behavior.
Kajian Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Perspektif Sosiologi dan Antropologi Tobroni Tobroni; Isomudin Isomudin; Asrori Asrori
TADARUS Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam - Fakultas Agama Islam ( FAI )

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (668.351 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/td.v10i2.12210


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pendidikan agama Islam dalam perspektif sosiologi dan antropologi dari sisi pertama, mendeskripsikan agama dalam perspektif sosioloig dan antropolog. Kedua, mendeskripsikan pai dalam perspektif nilai-nilai budaya lokal dan global. Ketiga, mendeskripsikan pai dalam mewujudkan kerukunan antar umat beragama. Keempat, pai dalam perspektif  pluralisme dan multikulturalisme. Jenis penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah library research. Hasil penelitian pertama, Kajian agama perspektif sosiolog dan antropologi; agama memiliki lima komponen agama, antara lain: 1) emosi keagamaan; 2) sistem keyakinan; 3) sistem ritus dan upacara; 4) peralatan ritus dan upacara; 5) umat agama. Kedua, sumber nilai budaya adalah 1) adat istiadat sebagai produk budaya atau tradisi bersifat lokal. Sumber nilai adat istiadat disebut juga sebagai nilai insaniyah. 2) Al-Quran dan Hadits sebagai sumber yang shahih karena ajarannya bersifat mutlak dan universal, yang berfungsi sebagai huda, bayyinat, furqon, syifa, mauizah dan bayan. Menyikapi globalisasi, ketika dikaitkan dengan pendidikan agama Islam, setidaknya ada tiga kelompok yang menyatakan sikapnya terhadap globalisasi. Kelompok globalis, tradisionalis dan pertengahan. Ketiga Kerukunan antar umat beragama itu sendiri juga bisa diartikan dengan toleransi antar umat beragama. Dalam toleransi itu sendiri pada dasarnya masyarakat harus bersikap lapang dada dan menerima perbedaan antar umat beragama. Selain itu masyarakat juga harus saling menghormati satu sama lainnya. Keempat problematika yang mendasar dalam pendidikan agama Islam yang cenderung mengabaikan nilai-nilai plural dan multikultural disebabkan paradigma tekstualliteral yang mendominasi sebagai landasan berpikir di kalangan guru-guru pendidikan agama Islam. Untuk lebih jelasnya, kiranya persoalan ini dipelukan suatu kajian mendalam melalui suatu formulasi kerangka penelitian, sehingga benar-benar akan menghasilkan sesuatu yang kontributif terhadap peningkatan mutu dan kualitas pendidikan agama Islam.