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Barriers to Encourage Motivation in Relation to Work Performance of Nurses in Buleleng District Hospital Budiastri; Ayu Indrayathi; I Putu Ganda Wijaya
Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive Vol. 2 No. 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53638/phpma.2014.v2.i1.p06


Background and purpose: Nurses at hospitals regularly receives criticism from the general public, negatively commenting on their lack of patient care, lack of professionalism and diminished quality of service. Survey findings on patient satisifaction at Buleleng Public Hospital from 2011 indicate that 2.03% of patients remained unsatisfied with staff workplace attitudes and 6.39% felt that nursing service overall was unsatisifactory. Preliminary interviews with ward nurses on 24 November 2012 exposed a number of issues: a lack of career support and development for nurses, including opportunities to expand their skills, and a lack of workplace satisifaction from patient supplementary income. Weakness regarding technical support and motivation from ward supervisors evidently also has an impact on nurses workplace motivation and therefore quality of service. This research investigates the influence of supervision, career development, supplementary income support, and administrational records on the workplace attitude of nursing staff. Methods: Research was formulated using qualitative and phenomenology methods. Informants were purposively selected. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and administration documentation study and analysed using thematic analysis. Results and conclusion: Findings indicated that little monitoring and evaluation of nurse workplace attitudes, a lack of support and motivational direction from supervisors, administrational documentation issues, minimun supplementary income support, as well as career development had a large impact on nurse quality of care. Most dominant variables included supervision, career development and supplementary income support.
Internal and External Perspectives on Quality of Healthcare Services at Sanglah General Hospital Denpasar Made Nopy Diah Sundari; Putu Ayu Indrayathi; Raden Ayu Tuty Kuswardhani
Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53638/phpma.2018.v2.i2.p03


Background and purpose: Customer satisfaction is a primary indicator of the quality of public healthcare services. This study investigated internal (hospital staff) and external (hospital clients) perspectives in order to gain insight into the quality of care at Sanglah General Hospital. Methods: The study used both qualitative and quantitative methodologies with 11 informants and 106 respondents. Qualitative data obtained through in-depth interviews with hospital staff were analyzed thematically. Quantitative data obtained through self-administered questionnaire were analyzed using univariate analysis. Results: Informants from the qualitative data collection stated that Sanglah General Hospital has a relatively high level of service and that existing structures to mitigate issues are in place, which act as reinforcing factors. Data from the quantitative survey indicated that clients were satisfied with the quality of service (ServQual), with an overall percentage of 83.82%. Conclusion: Further efforts could be made in order to improve healthcare provision at Sanglah Hospital, particularly from the perspective of hospital facilities, staff support and increased implementation of clinical governance.
Perceptions of Community Health Center’s Workers on National Health Insurance (JKN) Healthcare Services Payment System in Karangasem Regency Ni Wayan Ani Hendrayani; Putu Ayu Indrayathi; I Putu Ganda Wijaya
Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53638/phpma.2015.v3.i2.p07


Background and purpose: National Health Insurance (JKN) healthcare services payment system is a financial compensation given to employees of health centers through an allocation system implemented by the Ministry of Health Regulation (Permenkes No. 28 of 2014). This study aims to explore health care workers perception of the JKN health care services payment system. Methods: In-depth interviews conducted among 12 participants selected purposively namely heads of health centers (doctors and public health graduated), medical personnel, paramedics, other health professionals, non-health personnel (both civil servants and noncivil servants). Data were analyzed using thematic analysis approach presented narratively. Results: Participants intimated that the amount of points based on the variable of kind of personnel and/or positions were not proportional/not in accordance with the actual condition of the health center. The use of attendance rates made for an unconducive atmosphere as it was evident that this variable was not applied to all employees but only to the central health centers. The differentiation of employment status with the same workload, and the uneven amount of points and grouping of years of service rather than workload was viewed as unfair and bias by respondents therefore they believed this needs further assessment. Conclusion: The allocation of the JKN health care services payment system was perceived as prejudicial by the employees of the health centers in Karangasem Regency. The amount of points distributed were not proportional to the type of personnel and/or position, and the use of the level of attendance, differentiation of employment status, grouping of years of service not based on workloads were all issues raised by respondents.
Determinants of the intention to use National Insurance Mobile Application in Badung District based on Technology Acceptance Model Framework Putu Ayu Indrayathi; Ni Luh Komang Megayanti; Luh Putu Sinthya Ulandari; Laszlo Robert Kolozsvari
Public Health and Preventive Medicine Archive Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53638/phpma.2022.v10.i2.p02


Background and purpose: National Insurance Mobile Application (JKN Mobile) developed by Health Insurance Institution (BPJS Kesehatan) to facilitate the administrative activities of the National Health Insurance (JKN) participants. However, in practice, it has yet to be widely used by JKN participants. This study aims to explore factors determine participants' intention to use the JKN Mobile application based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Framework. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in April-May 2021. The minimum required sample size was 99. Inclusion criteria were people 18 years of age or older, residing in Badung District, Bali Province and at least having used the JKN Mobile once. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire. A multivariable analysis was then conducted to determine the factors of intention to use the JKN Mobile application. Results: The proportion of JKN participants interested in using the JKN Mobile was 50%. Perceived usefulness, ease of use, credibility, and amount of information were correlated with the intention to use the JKN Mobile. The linear regression analysis showed that perceived usefulness is significantly associated with the intention to use JKN Mobile (aOR=9.68; 95%CI: 3.33-28.14; p=0.001). Conclusion: Participants' acceptability to use JKN Mobile is associated with the benefits of using such an application. It is thus imperative for BPJS Kesehatan to simultaneously update the design and features to be readily accepted and used by the public, which will later affect interest in using the application.
Jurnal Keluarga Berencana Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Keluarga Berencana
Publisher : Badan Kependudukan Dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (557.098 KB) | DOI: 10.37306/kkb.v8i1.147


Kampung Keluarga Berkualitas (KB) adalah satuan wilayah setingkat RW, dusun atau setara, yang memiliki kriteria tertentu dimana terdapat keterpaduan Program Pembangunan Keluarga Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana (Bangga Kencana) dan pembangunan sektor terkait yang dilaksanakan secara sistemik dan sistematis. Tujuan dibentuknya Kampung Keluarga Berkualitas adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat di tingkat kampung atau yang setara melalui Program Pembangunan Keluarga Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana (Bangga Kencana) serta membangun sektor terkait dalam rangka mewujudkan keluarga kecil berkualitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui hubungan paparan informasi terhadap pengetahuan dan penerimaan masyarakat tentang Kampung KB di Kota Denpasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Proses penelitian yaitu pengumpulan data dilakukan selama 1 bulan yaitu 26 Juni-26 Juli 2021. Responden dipilih secara consecutive sampling. Jumlah responden sejumlah 138 responden. Variabel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari karakteristik demografi, paparan informasi, tingkat pengetahuan mengenai Kampung KB, dan penerimaan masyarakat terhadap desa yang dijadikan kampung KB. Analisis bivariat untuk melihat hubungan antara paparan informasi, pengetahuan, dan penerimaan menggunakan uji Chisquare/Fisher Exact. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan paparan informasi terhadap penerimaan namun terdapat hubungan yang signifikan paparan informasi dengan pengetahuan responden. Ada hubungan pengetahuan dengan penerimaan masyarakat terhadap Kampung Keluarga Berkualitas. Partisipasi masyarakat dalam perencanaan mempunyai sifat sangat penting bagi kepentingan program dan masyarakat itu sendiri. Penelitian lanjutan juga penting dilakukan terkait menggali faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap penerimaan masyarakat terhadap adanya Program Kampung KB sehingga Program Kampung KB dapat didukung oleh masyarakat setempat.