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Pengaruh Paparan Ekstrak Biji Klabet (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) Terhadap Kadar Hemoglobin, Indeks Hepatosomatik dan Kadar Protein Hepar Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus L.) Rofiatul Adawiyah Putri; Agung Janika Sitasiwi; Kasiyati Kasiyati
Jurnal Pro-Life Vol. 8 No. 3 (2021): November
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/jpvol6Iss2pp102


ABSTRACT Fenugreek is one of the herbal plants whose seeds contain flavonoid antioxidant compounds, essential amino acids and minerals but their effect on liver function has not been tested. This study consisting of 4 treatment groups, namely P0 (white rats were given aquadest), P1 (white rats were given fenugreek seed extract at dose of 500 mg/kg BW), P2 (white rats were given fenugreek seed extract at dose of 1000 mg/kg BW), and P3 (white rats given fenugreek seed extract at dose of 1500 mg/kg BW). Statistical analysis test used Kruskal Wallis and continued with Mann Whitney test. The results showed that the administration of fenugreek seed extract on the highest hepatosomatic index was found in research rats treated with a dose of 500 mg/kg BW, the highest hemoglobin levels were found in research rats treated with a dose of 1500 mg/kg BW and the highest liver protein levels were found in research rats. treated with a dose of 500 mg/kg BW. The conclusion of this study was that exposure to fenugreek seed extract was able to maintain liver function by showing the value of hepatosomatic index, hemoglobin and liver protein levels in white rats.
Bobot otot dan tulang tibia itik pengging (Anas platyrhyncos domesticus L.) setelah pemberian imbuhan tepung daun kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) dalam pakan Hikmah Putri Pratiwi; Kasiyati Kasiyati; Sunarno Sunarno; Muhammad Anwar Djaelani
Jurnal Biologi Tropika Vol. 2, No. 2, Tahun 2019
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.952 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jbt.2.2.54-61


Moringa leaf contains the nutrient which includes carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, beta-N, calcium, and phosphor. Various kinds of nutrient are essential supporting the growth and productivity of Pengging ducks, both egg or meat production. The aimed of this study to analyze the effect of Moringa leaves powder in feed on the weight of tibial bone and muscle as well as the length and diameter of tibial bone in Pengging ducks. The study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments with 3 replications. The treatment included the control group (basal feed without the addition of Moringa leaves powder), the treatment of basal feed supplemented with Moringa leaves powder by 2.5; 5; 7.5; and 10%. The data wereanalyzed by one way-ANOVA and the relationship between variables can be seen from the value of the correlation coefficient. The results showed that the added Moringa leaves powder did not significantly (P > 0.05) affect the weight of the tibial bone and muscle, and the lenght and diameter of the tibial of the pengging duck. The positive correlation between the length of thetibial bone and the diameter of the tibial bone with an r-value by 0.894. It was concluded that Moringa leaves powder as feed additive of Pengging duck could not increase the weight of the tibial bone and muscle, and the length and diameter of the tibial bone had not changed.
Bobot telur, indeks bentuk telur, dan nilai kantung udara telur itik pengging setelah pemberian imbuhan tepung daun kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) dalam pakan Novia Marcelina; Muhammad Anwar Djaelani; Sunarno Sunarno; Kasiyati Kasiyati
Jurnal Biologi Tropika Vol. 3, No. 1, Tahun 2020
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.566 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jbt.1.1.1-7


Moringa oleifera leaves contain nutrition of protein, lipid, carbohydrate, fiber, calcium, phosphorus as well as bioactive content such as tannin and saponin, that have the potential to improve egg quality. The objective of this research to evaluate the effect of Moringa powder of weight, shape index, and air space value of Pengging duck eggs. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments with four replication, i.e., K0 (100% basal feed without Moringa leaves powder), K1 (basal feed and 2.5% Moringa leaves powder), K2 (basal feed and Moringa leaves powder), K3 (basal feed and 7.5% Moringa leaves powder) and K4 (basal feed and 10% Moringa leaves powder). The data were obtained  from a total of 60 female Pengging duck of 28 weeks old or sexually mature. Feed treatments administrated for six weeks started in 26 to 32 weeks old ducks. The measurement of research variables was carried out every week and measured for three weeks. The data of the study were analyzed by one way-ANOVA at a significant difference level of  5%. The results showed that the addition of Moringa leaves powder did not a significant difference (P > 0.05) in weight, shape index, and air space value of pengging duck eggs. Overall concluded that the addition of Moringa leaves powder with a concentration of 2.5; 5; 7.5; dan 10% in Pengging duck feed could not change egg quality.
Bobot Karkas dan Bagian Karkas Ayam Petelur Jantan (Gallus gallus domesticus L.) Setelah Pemberian Tepung Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) Sebagai Imbuhan Pakan Dwi Rahmawati; Muhammad Anwar Djaelani; Kasiyati Kasiyati; Sunarno Sunarno
Jurnal Biologi Tropika Vol. 3, No. 2, Tahun 2020
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jbt.3.2.65-72


Consumption of meat as a source of animal protein has increased every year, especially the consumption of rooster. The increasing cost of poultry feed has made it difficult for breeders to produce roosters that have meat with high protein content. The cost of poultry feed can be minimized by the addition of herbal ingredients, one of which is the addition of leaf powder. Moringa oleifera leaf powder contains various kinds of amino acids and antioxidants that can be used as a supplement to additives feed. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of M. oleifera leaf powder on carcass weight rooster (Gallus gallus domesticus L.). Completely randomized design (CRD) used in this study consisted of 5 treatment groups with three replications, namely the control treatment group and the basal feed treatment group supplemented with Moringa leaf powder 1; 2; 3; and 4%. The feed used is the standard starter and finisher period rations formulated with Moringa leaf powder according to their respective concentrations. Parameters were measured during the seventh week when the rooster was 49 days old, which included: body weight, carcass weight, breast weight, and thigh weight. Based on the research conducted, it was found that giving Moringa leaf powder 1; 2; 3; and 4% as feed additives in rooster had no significant effect (p> 0.05) on body weight, carcass weight, breast weight, and thigh weight. Overall, the conclusion of this study is the addition of Moringa leaf powder with a concentration of 1; 2; 3; and 4% in rooster feed up to 7 weeks of age did not affect on carcass weight, breast weight, and thigh weight of rooster.
Pengaruh imbuhan tepung daun kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) dalam pakan pada kandungan protein dan kolesterol telur itik pengging (Anas platyrhyncos domesticus L.) Khunfaya Firnanda Putri Rossida; Sunarno Sunarno; Kasiyati Kasiyati; Muhammad Anwar Djaelani
Jurnal Biologi Tropika Vol. 2, No. 2, Tahun 2019
Publisher : Departemen Biologi, Fakultas Sains dan Matematika, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (210.522 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jbt.2.2.41-47


One important component contained in Moringa leaves is protein. Apart from protein, bioactive flavonoids and saponins in Moringa leaves have potential as antioxidants and hypocholesterolemia. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of Moringa leaf flour as a feed additive to protein content and cholesterol of Pengging duck eggs. The study design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments, and each treatment consists of 3 replications. The treatment group consisted of a control group and a basal feed treatment that was added with Moringa leaf flour by 2.5; 5; 7.5; and 10%. Measurement of duck egg protein content using the Bradford method and cholesterol measured by the Indiko method. Data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA. The addition of Moringa leaf flour on feed did not have a significant effect (P > 0.05) on the protein content and cholesterol of the Pengging duck eggs. The percentage of white and egg yolk weights did not increase significantly. The conclusion of this study was the use of Moringa leaf flour as a feed additive with a concentration of 2.5 to10% could not change the protein content and cholesterol of the Pengging duck eggs.
Jumlah leukosit, persentase limfosit dan persentase monosit ayam petelur jantan setelah perlakuan penambahan serbuk daun kelor pada pakan Muhammad Anwar Djaelani; Kasiyati Kasiyati; Sunarno Sunarno
NICHE Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 3, No. 1, Year 2020
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (167.166 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/niche.3.1.45-49


This study aimed to observe the effect of Moringa leaf powder as a feed addition to the number of leukocytes, the percentage of lymphocytes and the percentage of monocytes monocytes in chicken. This study used a Completely Randomized Design consisting of five treatments, one treatment group and four treatment groups with basic feed and basic feed which were added with some levels of Moringa leaf powder. Treatment group P0: Basic feed, without the addition of Moringa leaf powder as a control. Treatment group P1: Basic feed added with 1% Moringa leaf powder. P2 treatment group: Basic feed given 2% Moringa leaf powder. P3 treatment group: Basic feed given with additional Moringa leaf powder 3%. P4 treatment group: Basic feed given 4% Moringa leaf powder. The results showed that Moringa leaf powder as an additional feed did not significantly influence the number of leucocyte, percentage of lymphocites and percentage of monocytes among treatment group (P> 0.05). The conclusion of this study is that the addition of Moringa leaf powder to the feed of chicken has the potential to maintain the profile of white blood at normal values, which is indicated by the number of leukocytes, the percentage of lymphocytes and the percentage of monocytes.
Nilai Haugh Unit (HU), Indeks Kuning Telur (IKT) dan Ph Telur Itik Pengging Setelah Pemberian Tepung Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) Susan Nuraeni; Muhammad Anwar Djaelani; Sunarno Sunarno; Kasiyati Kasiyati
Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi Volume 4, Nomor 2, Tahun 2019
Publisher : Departemen Biologi Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.81 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/baf.4.2.2019.107-115


Itik lokal banyak dibudidayakan sebagai penghasil telur. Daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) mengandung nutrisi esensial, seperti asam amino dan protein yang berpotensi meningkatkan kualitas telur, terutama telur itik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh tepung daun kelor terhadap kualitas fisik telur itik pengging. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dengan 4 ulangan, yaitu kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan pakan basal dengan tambahan tepung daun kelor 2,5; 5; 7,5; dan 10%. Parameter yang diamati pada penelitian ini yaitu nilai Haugh unit (HU), indeks kuning telur (IKT), dan pH telur. Sampel diambil setiap hari kemudian dikumpulkan dan dilakukan pengukuran. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis mengunakan analysis of variance (ANOVA), apabila terdapat beda nyata antar perlakuan dilakukan uji lanjut dengan uji Duncan pada taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa pemberian tepung daun kelor dalam pakan itik memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05) pada nilai HU dan pH putih telur, namun tidak berpengaruh (P>0,05) pada IKT, pH kuning telur, dan bobot telur. Berdasarkan nilai HU, telur pada penelitian ini dikategorikan dalam kualitas AA, dan pH putih telur tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan 10% dengan nilai 8,66. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian tepung daun kelor 7,5% dapat meningkatkan kualitas telur tanpa merubah bobot telur. Kata kunci: Itik pengging, daun kelor, kualitas telur
Pengaruh Suplementasi Tepung Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) untuk Mendukung Produksi Telur Itik Pengging (Anas platyrhyncos) Siti Murni Mas&#039;adah; Kasiyati Kasiyati; Muhammad Anwar Djaelani; Sunarno Sunarno
Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi Volume 5, Nomor 1, Tahun 2020
Publisher : Departemen Biologi Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/baf.5.1.2020.25-34


Daun kelor mengandung berbagai macam asam amino esensial dan kaya akan antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh tepung daun kelor terhadap produksi telur itik pengging. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri atas 5 perlakuan dengan 4 kali ulangan dan setiap ulangan berisi 3 ekor itik, yaitu kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan pakan basal yang diberi imbuhan tepung daun kelor 2,5; 5; 7,5; dan 10%. Pengukuran variabel penelitian dilakukan setiap satu minggu dan diukur selama tiga minggu. Data dianalisis dengan ANOVA satu arah yang dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan pada taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa imbuhan tepung daun kelor pada pakan itik pengging memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan pada produksi telur (p<0,05). Imbuhan tepung daun kelor dengan konsentrasi 2,5 dan 10% pada itik pengging mampu meningkatkan persentase produksi telur duck day, masing-masing sebesar 45,34% dan 39,71% dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (tepung daun kelor 0%). Hasil analisis kualitas kerabang telur untuk warna dan ketebalan pada setiap perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata (p>0,05), sedangkan untuk bobot kerabang menunjukan hasil yang signifikan (p<0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah imbuhan tepung daun kelor dengan konsentrasi 2,5 dan 10% pada pakan itik pengging dapat meningkatkan produksi telur tanpa merubah kualitas kerabang telur. 
Somatometri Tulang Ekstremitas Ayam Jantan Setelah Pemberian Tepung Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera) Sebagai Pakan Tambahan Kencana Ayudya Prabahandari; Kasiyati Kasiyati; Muhammad Anwar Djaelani; Sunarno Sunarno
Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi Volume 6, Nomor 2, Tahun 2021
Publisher : Departemen Biologi Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/baf.6.2.2021.183-192


 Daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) merupakan bagian tanaman yang mengandung nutrisi pendukung pertumbuhan tulang ekstremitas ayam jantan, meliputi protein dan mineral kalsium. Atas dasar potensi tersebut, dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis pakan tambahan tepung daun kelor pada pertumbuhan tulang ekstremitas ayam jantan. Parameter uji penelitian ini meliputi panjang sayap, panjang tibiotarsus, panjang tarsometatarsus, panjang badan, dan panjang paruh. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri atas 5 perlakuan meliputi P0 (pakan standar 100%), P1, P2, P3 dan P4 berturut-turut mendapat tambahan tepung daun kelor 1%, 2%, 3%, dan 4% dengan pakan standar 99%, 98, 97%, dan 96%, tiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Data dianalisis menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) dan uji lanjut Duncan Multi Range Test(DMRT) (P<0,05). Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa pemberian tepung daun kelor berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan panjang sayap dan panjang tarsometararsus, namun tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan panjang tibiotarsus, panjang badan, dan panjang paruh. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penambahan tepung daun kelor pada pakan berpotensi meningkatkan panjang tulang sayap dan tulang tarsometatarsus yang merupakan bagian dari tulang ekstremitas ayam jantan Moringa leaf (Moringa oleifera) is part of plant that contains nutrients that support rooster extremity bone growth, including protein and calcium minerals. Base on this potential, doing research to analyzing  effect of supplemented Moringa meal on growth of rooster extremity bones. The test parameters of this study include wing length, tibiotarsus length, tarsometatarsus length, body length, and beak length. The research used completely randomized design (CRD) which consisted of 5 treatments including P0 (standard feed 100%), P1, P2, P3, and P4, respectively, received moringa leaf additions of 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4% with standard feed of 99%, 98, 97%, and 96%, each treatment was repeated 3 times. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Duncan Multi Range Test (DMRT) advanced test (P <0.05). The results showed that supplementation of Moringa meal was significantly different (P<0.05) of the wing and tarsometatarsal length. However, it was not significantly different (P>0.05) in tibiotarsal length, body length, and beak length. Supplementation of Moringa leaf meal on the diet of rooster did not increase extremity bones at grower phase. The conclusion was addition of Moringa leaf meal in diet potentially increase wing and tarsometatarsal bone length which are part of rooster extremity bones.
Pengaruh Imbuhan Tepung Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) pada Pakan terhadap Bobot Beberapa Organ Dalam dan Lemak Abdominal Itik Pengging (Anas platyrhyncos) Dara Puspita Jati Windoro; Kasiyati Kasiyati; Muhammad Anwar Djaelani; Sunarno Sunarno
Buletin Anatomi dan Fisiologi Volume 5, Nomor 2, Tahun 2020
Publisher : Departemen Biologi Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/baf.5.2.2020.109-118


Daun kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) mengandung antioksidan, vitamin C, vitamin A, kalsium, protein, dan berbagai macam asam amino. Semua kandungan nutrien tersebut berperan penting dalam menunjang produktivitas itik pengging, baik daging maupun organ dalam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh imbuhan tepung daun kelor pada pakan terhadap bobot organ dalam dan lemak abdominal itik pengging. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri atas 5 perlakuan dengan 3 kali ulangan, yaitu kelompok kontrol dan perlakuan pakan basal yang diberi suplemen tepung daun kelor 2,5; 5; 7,5 dan 10%. Pemberian pakan dan minum dilakukan secara ad libitum. Data dianalisis dengan pola distribusi normal dan homogenitas data, kemudian untuk mengetahui perbedaan antarkelompok, data dianalisis dengan ANOVA-satu arah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa imbuhan suplemen tepung daun kelor pada pakan itik pengging tidak berpengaruh signifikan (P>0,05) terhadap bobot jantung, limpa, lambung, dan lemak abdominal itik pengging. Kesimpulan dari penelitin ini adalah imbuhan tepung daun kelor pada pakan tidak meningkatkan bobot jantung, limpa, dan lambung, serta tidak menurunkan lemak abdominal itik pengging. Kata kunci: daun kelor, jantung, limpa, lambung, lemak abdominal, itik pengging.