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Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Media Ganesha FHIS (P2MMGFHIS)

Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Media Ganesha Vol 1 No 2 (2020): November, Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Media Ganesha FHIS
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum dan Ilmu Sosial Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Singaraja

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This article aims to examine community service activities in helping SMEs Balinese Typical Souvenir Crafts in increasing sales through marketing management and product diversification. The benefit of the activity is to increase sales turnover so that it can expand marketing reach and increase income for souvenir craft business owners. The method of activity is carried out by means of discussion, focus group discussion (FGD) as a series of stages of coaching, empowerment and assistance through the provision of trainings, seminars, as well as assistance for the production and promotion of SMEs in the center of the creative souvenir industry. Product diversification is carried out by providing handicraft training with product design innovations. While the promotion strategy is carried out by helping respondents to actively use social media such as Instagram, Facebook, using the market place as a medium for online sales. The branding strategy is through brand design and placement on the packaging, which aims to introduce the respondent's brand. The result of this community service activity was an increase in production capacity up to 75%, an increase in the types and quality of souvenirs produced and an increase in sales turnover by 60%. This can be seen from the initial and final interview data that have been conducted by the community service implementation team. The conclusion of this activity is an increase in the production of both the types and quality of souvenirs produced, an increase in sales media and an increase in sales turnover and strengthen the existence of MSMEs in welcoming the new era of normality.
Co-Authors Agus Wibawa, Komang Pendi Alifia Devi Erfamiati Ardhya, Si Ngurah Ary Sutha, M. Berita Ayu Apsari Hadi, I Gusti Ayu Dewi Rachmawati Ayu Indirakirana Beatrix Hutasoit Beny, I Kadek Dedy Satrawan, Made Dewa Ayu Diah Ambarawati Dewa Ayu Eka Agustini Dewi, Ni Nyoman Ayu Pulasari Dimas Putu Passadena Vialli Efrilius Kantriburi Feryantini, Ni Kadek Diah Gede Pupung Januartika Gede Rediastika Hadi, I Gusti Apsari Hutasoit, Beatrix I Gede Hendrawan Saputra I Gusti Apsari Hadi I Gusti Ayu Apsari Hadi I Gusti Ayu Apsari Hadi I Gusti Ayu Apsari Hadi I Kadek Beny I Kadek Krisna Pradipta I Kadek Partayasa I Komang Andi Antara Putra I Made Juliawan Wisnu Nugraha I Made Lanang Sudarmayana I Nengah Suastika I Nyoman Tegar Seputra I Putu Aditya Darma Putra I Wayan Pardi Ida Bagus Ariadi Rahadita K. Hendra Mahesa Kadek Novi Darmayanti Ketut Jodi Mahendra Komang Deva Jayadi Putra Komang Pendi Agus Wibawa Komang Putrayasa Komang Srishti Pranisa Krisna Pradipta, I Kadek Livia Annisa Chintyauti Lucky Rahul Ferdian M. Berita Ary Sutha M.Si Drs. Ketut Sudiatmaka . Made Bagas Ari Kusuma D Made Dedy Satrawan Made Krishna Dwipayana Aryawan Made Sugi Hartono Made Wijaya Kusuma Maria Avelina Abon Meilin Loviana Dewi Muhammad Kemal Fasya Muhammad Reza Saputra Ni Desak Kadek Arianti Ni Kadek Diah Feryantini Ni Kadek Dian Yunita Adi Wardani Ni Ketut Sari Adnyani Ni Made Risma Damayanthi Ni Nyoman Ayu Pulasari Dewi Ni Putu Dewi Laurina Ni Putu Krisna Dewi Ni Putu Nita Sutrisna Dewi Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini Nugraha, I Made Juliawan Wisnu Nurlisa Putri Sawaki, Andini Ocnineteen Louisito Vernando Oktha Wardi Purba Paulus Revel Gian Raditya Dheasaputra Perwira Negara, Putu Bhaskara Putra, I Putu Aditya Darma Putrayasa, Komang Putu Bhaskara Perwira Negara Putu Dipa Satria Dana Putu Zeva Angelina Saifur Rauf Sang Made Merta Widnyana Satria Dana, Putu Dipa Srishti Pranisa, Komang Varda Oktavia Ramdani Vernando, Ocnineteen Louisito Wardani, Ni Kadek Dian Yunita Adi Zelda Farah Ardiata