I Gusti Ketut Suarjana
Laboratorium Bakteriologi Dan Mikologi Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Udayana, Jl. PB. Sudirman, Denpasar, Bali

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Uji Sensitivitas Bakteri Klebsiella spp. yang Diisolasi dari Anjing Kintamani Diare Terhadap Antibiotika Anak Agung Gede Agung Ananta Kusuma; I Gusti Ketut Suarjana; Ketut Tono Pasek Gelgel
Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 15 No. 2 April 2023
Publisher : The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/bulvet.2023.v15.i02.p07


This study aims to determine the pattern of sensitivity of bacteria Klebsiella spp. isolated from kintamani dogs with diarrhea. The sample of this study were 4 isolates of Klebsiella spp. isolated from kintamani dogs with diarrhea. The method used in this study is the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method in duplicate using the antibiotics Kanamycin, Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, and Streptomycin. The data obtained were expressed descriptively qualitatively by measuring the antibiotic inhibition zone formed. The results showed that isolates of Klebsiella spp. 75% intermediate (3 isolates) and 25%(1 isolate) sensitive to Kanamycin, all samples sensitive to Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim and 75% (3 isolates) sample intermediate and 25% (1 isolate) sensitive to Streptomycin.
Isolasi dan Identifikasi Klebsiella sp. Pada Anjing Kintamani Diare Made Deddy Dharmana Putra; I Gusti Ketut Suarjana; Ketut Tono Pasek Gelgel
Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 15 No. 3 June 2023
Publisher : The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/bulvet.2023.v15.i03.p05


The Kintamani dog is a germplasm originating from Sukawana Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali Province and has become the fauna mascot of Bangli Regency and for now the Kintamani dog has been recognized as the only dog ??breed from Indonesia that has been recognized worldwide. One of the most common problems in dogs is the occurrence of diseases in the digestive tract, namely diarrhea. Diarrhea that is not treated immediately can have a fatal impact on the affected animal. Klebsiella sp. is a normal bacterial flora in the digestive tract that is an opportunistic pathogen. This study aims to determine or identify Klebsiella sp. in the digestive tract of Kintamani dogs with diarrhea. Klebsiella sp. isolated from rectal swab results in Kintamani dogs with diarrhea and then cultured on EMBA and Sheep Blood Agar media, Gram staining, catalase test, and oxidase test were performed. Then the isolates were identified on Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSIA), Sulfide Indol Motility (SIM), Simon Citrate Agar (SCA), Methyl Red Voges Proskauer (MRVP), and the Confectionery test. The results showed that from 35 samples, four (11.4%) positive samples of Klebsiella sp. diarrhea in Kintamani dogs. For further research, it is necessary to complement the API 20E test to determine the species of Klebsiella sp. more specific.
Perbedaan Jumlah Bakteri Coliform dan E. Coli pada Anjing Diare dan Anjing Sehat Leny Beatry Veronica; I Gusti Ketut Suarjana; Ketut Tono Pasek Gelgel
Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 15 No. 4 August 2023
Publisher : The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/bulvet.2023.v15.i04.p21


This research is conducted to find out the number of Coliform bacteria in dogs that suffer diarrhea and healthy dogs. This research utilizes 20 recent feces of dogs, consist of 10 healthy dogs and 10 dogs with diarrhea. The sample is put in Eosin Methylene Blue Agar media using scattering method. The data of Coliform colony is analyzed using Paired Sample T-Test measurement to find the average value. The result of this research shows that the number of Coliform and E. coli bacteria in dogs with diarrhea is greater than in healthy dogs. The average number of Coliform in dogs with diarrhea are 2.7 x 109 CFU/g and healthy dogs 3,7 x 107 CFU/g. Next, as for the average number of E. coli in dogs with diarrhea are 2,6 x 109 CF/g and healthy dogs 2,8 x 107 CFU/g.
Pola Kepekaan E. Coli yang Diisolasi dari Kloaka Ayam Petelur Diare pada Berbagai Kelompok Umur Terhadap Streptomisin, Kanamisin, dan Doksisiklin I Made Adhi Kusuma Dwipayana; Ketut Tono Pasek Gelgel; I Gusti Ketut Suarjana
Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 15 No. 3 June 2023
Publisher : The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/bulvet.2023.v15.i03.p10


The aim of this study was to determine the sensitivity of E. coli bacteria isolated from cloacal swabs of laying hens with diarrhea to streptomycin, kanamycin and doxycycline. A total of 16 samples were used from farms in the villages of Utu (Tabanan), Perean (Tabanan), Demulih (Bangli) and Pasedahan (Karangasem). The sensitivity test of E. coli bacteria used the disc diffusion method from Kirby Bauer. Data analysis was carried out descriptively with the cross tabulation method. The results of 16 isolates of E. coli which were divided into 4 age groups isolated from laying hens cloacal swabs showed a pattern of sensitivity to streptomycin 62.5% resistant, 18.75% intermediates and 18.75% sensitive. The pattern of sensitivity to kanamycin showed an intermediate 6.25% and the sensitivity result was 93.75%. To doxycycline resistance 50%, intermediate 18.75% and sensitive 31.25%. There is an increase in E coli resistance to streptomycin at >4 months of age, while doxycycline at 2-4 months of age and increasing at >4 months of age.
Angka Lempeng Total Bakteri dan Jumlah Bakteri Non-Coliform pada Anjing Sehat dan Diare Indra Manik Pradipta; I Gusti Ketut Suarjana; Ketut Tono Pasek Gelgel
Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 15 No. 3 June 2023
Publisher : The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/bulvet.2023.v15.i03.p11


This study aims to determine the total bacterial plate count and the number of non-coliform bacteria in healthy and diarrheal dogs isolated from dog feces at the Denpasar and Badung veterinary clinics. The samples used were fresh feces from healthy dogs and diarrhea with a total of 20 samples (10 healthy and 10 diarrheal). The method of this study was carried out by isolating bacteria on Nutrient Agar media using the pour method for total plate number of bacteria and Eosin Methylene Blue Agar media using the scatter method for non-coliform bacteria. The data obtained were tested using the Independent T Test. The results showed the number in healthy dogs was 3.7 x 107 (CFU/g) for ALTB and 1.5 x 107 (CFU/g) for non-coliform bacteria, while in diarrhea dogs it was 1.5 x 109 (CFU/g) for ALTB and 7.3 x 107 (CFU/g) for non-coliform bacteria. From the results of the study, it was concluded that ALTB and the number of non-coliform bacteria had a significant difference between healthy dogs and diarrhea in which healthy dogs had fewer bacterial colonies than diarrhea dogs which had more bacterial colonies (P?0,05). Further research is needed regarding the effect of non-coliform bacteria from dogs on the surrounding environment.
Characteristics of Rumen Fluid, pH and Number of Microbia I Gusti Ketut Suarjana; Ketut Tono Pasek Gelgel; Putu Henrywaesa Sudipa
Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Vol 4 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Service, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JVAS.2021.v04.i01.p02


Abstract. This research purpose is to determine the characteristics of pH rumen fluid and the amount of microbes in the rumen of Bali cattle. The research sample is healthy bali cattle rumen fluid which is slaughtered at Pesanggaran slaughterhouse Denpasar with a total of 30 samples. The research method uses conventional methods and refers to the method according to [6]. The total population of bacterial and fungal colonies was calculated by the pour plate method. Bacterial colonies were cultured on nutrient agar plates and fungi colonies were cultured on sabouraud dextrose agar plates. The Population of Enterobacteriaceae bacterial colonies was calculated by scatter method on Mac Conkey agar plate and Escherichia coli colony on Eosin Methylen Blue agar plate. Rumen liquid pH measurement is directly done with pH indicator strips. The study was conducted observationally and the data obtained were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the total number of bacteria in the rumen fluid of Bali cattle with an average of 64x104 cfu/g, the number of fungal colonies with an average of 161x105 cfu/ g, the number of Coliform colonies was 23x104 cfu/g, the number of non-Coliform 28x103 cfu/g, E.coli 18x103 cfu/g and the mean The pH of Balinese cattle rumen fluid 6.9. Keywords : Balinese Cattle Rumen Fluid, Coliform, E. Coli , Fungi, non-Coliform, Total Bacteria , pH
Detection of Haemophilus Parasuis from The Respiratory Tract of Pigs I Gusti Ketut Suarjana; I Nengah Kerta Besung; Ketut Tono PG
Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Vol 1 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Service, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JVAS.2017.v01.i01.p03


Study in order to detect the presence of Haemophilus parasuis in pig farms in Tabanan, Badung, and Gianyar Bali have been undertaken. A total of 197samples including nasal and tracheal swabs, organs and synovial fluids were collected from 69, 28 and 100 animals from pig farms in Tabanan, Badung and Gianyar regency, respectively. Samples were collected mainly from animals which showing clinical signs of coughing, asphyxiate, swollen joints and death animals. Isolation and identification of Haemophilus spp was performed following the methods described by Priadi et.al. (2004) and Nedbalkova et al. (2006) with slightly modification. Antimicrobial sensitivity test was performed using the disc diffusion method by Kirby Bauer.Haemophilus parasuis was detected from one sample which shown resistant to streptomycin only and sensitive to ampicillin, doxycycline and kanamycin, respectively.
Co-Authors Agnes Endang Tri H Ahmad Nuzuludin Kadri, Ahmad Nuzuludin Aida Lousie Tenden Rompis Anak Agung Gede Agung Ananta Kusuma ANITA KAROLINA SIMAMORA BERATA BERATA Bianca Violanda Junus Bolla, Nelci Elizabeth chyntia nirmalasari mantrawan Daniel Opristanta Barus Danu Suprayogo Dwi Arso Purba Dwi Astalia Zuanita Eggy Hidta Lusandika Fanayoni, Aditana Genta Dhamara Adam Putranto HARDIANTO - HERTATI ANRIANI LUBIS I Gede Eka Chandrawan I Gusti Ngurah Kade Mahardika I Kadek Juli Handriana I Ketut Berata I Ketut Suada I Made Adhi Kusuma Dwipayana I Made Kardena I Made Merdana I Made Sukada I Nengah Kerta Besung I Putu Yasmanta Primarta Putra I Wayan Aris Suharsa I Wayan Suarnata I.A.P. Apsari IB. KADE SUARDANA Ida Bagus Oka Winaya Ike Siwi Widyaningtyas Indra Manik Pradipta Iwan Harjono Utama JERRY BIROWO K. Tono P.G Kadek Andre Sulaksana Kadek Satria Adi Marhendra KARTINI HUTASOIT Ketut Tono Pasek Gelgel Leny Beatry Veronica Luh Made Sudimartini M Hasan Isnan Made Deddy Dharmana Putra Made Tubagus Dharmajaya Magfirah Syahruddin Makselina Ayu Dwi Purwanti MARGARET ANASTASIA MANULLANG Marlissa, Faccettarial Cylon Marchel MAS DJOKO RUDYANTO Matilda Krisnawati MUHAMMAD RHIYAN SAKTI N.K. Suwi N.N. Suryani Nazara, Agustina Lesmauli Ni Kadek Meita Swandewi Ni Ketut Suwiti Ni Putu Nicky Mirahsanti Nyoman Anandiya Ramaditya P. Suastika Paramita, Putu Wahyuni Pratanto, Aditya Putri Udayani Putu Henrywaesa Sudipa Ratna Pandu Finata Rusmin Indra Septian Naria Rusmaniarno Sousa, Rojelio Dias Trindade Tania Ria Gunawan Trisno, Komang Voni Cornelia Br Sembiring Wati, Ni Komang Desi Yena Widya Asmara Yuniarti Sasmita Yusmaniar Galuh Adi Luhung