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Efek Imunomodulator Kombinasi Susu Probiotik dan Ekstrak Daun Jambu Biji Isnaeni, .; Sugiyartono, .; Kusumawati, Idha; Rijal, Muh. Agus Syamsur
JFIOnline | Print ISSN 1412-1107 | e-ISSN 2355-696X Vol 8, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Indonesian Research Gateway

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRACT : This research studied the potential and action mechanism of probiotic milk-guava leaf extract combination as an immunomodulator using mice as an experimental animal. The mouse were given the combination of probiotic milk-guava leaf extract for 7 days, then the levels of TNF-α in serum and lymphocites proliferation were measured. The results showed that the extract of guava leaf can increase levels of TNF-α in serum and the number of lymphoblast, either in single preparation or in combination with probiotic milk. However, administration of probiotic milk cannot improve the TNF-α in serum or increase the number of lymphoblast. It can be concluded that the immunomodulatory effects of the probiotics- milk-guava leaf extract combination was caused by the substances in the extract of guava leaf rather than by the probiotic milk. Keywords: probiotic milk, guava leaf extract, immunomodulator ABSTRAK: Konsorsium mikroba probiotik yang dikembangkan dalam bentuk sediaan susu probiotik telah dilaporkan memiliki berbagai aktivitas, antara lain sebagai imunomodulator dan antimikroba. Jus buah jambu biji telah digunakan secara tradisional oleh masyarakat untuk membantu meningkatkan jumlah trombosit penderita demam berdarah dengue. Kombinasi susu probiotik-ekstrak daun jambu biji telah terbukti mempunyai efek anti bakteri penyebab diare, namun mekanisme kerjanya belum diketahui. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan kajian potensi dan mekanisme kerja kombinasi susu probiotik-ekstrak daun jambu biji sebagai imunomodulator. Sejumlah mencit diberi perlakuan kombinasi susu probiotik-ekstrak daun jambu biji selama 7 hari, kemudian diukur kadar TNF-α dalam serum dan kecepatan proliferasi limfositnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun jambu biji dapat meningkatkan kadar TNF-α dalam serum dan dapat meningkatkan jumlah limfoblast, baik dalam bentuk tunggal maupun kombinasinya dengan susu probiotik. Pemberian susu probiotik saja tidak dapat meningkatkan TNF-α dalam serum ataupun meningkatkan jumlah limfoblast. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa efek imunomodulator kombinasi susu probiotik-ekstrak daun jambu biji lebih disebabkan oleh kandungan zat zat berkhasiat dalam ekstrak daun jambu biji dari pada oleh susu probiotik. Kata kunci: probiotik, Lactobacillus acidophilus, jambu biji, Psidium guajava, imunomodulator.  
Efek Imunomodulator Kombinasi Susu Probiotik dan Ekstrak Daun Jambu Biji Isnaeni, .; Sugiyartono, .; Kusumawati, Idha; Rijal, Muh. Agus Syamsur
Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia Vol 8, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (279.889 KB) | DOI: 10.35617/jfi.v8i1.197


ABSTRACT : This research studied the potential and action mechanism of probiotic milk-guava leaf extract combination as an immunomodulator using mice as an experimental animal. The mouse were given the combination of probiotic milk-guava leaf extract for 7 days, then the levels of TNF-α in serum and lymphocites proliferation were measured. The results showed that the extract of guava leaf can increase levels of TNF-α in serum and the number of lymphoblast, either in single preparation or in combination with probiotic milk. However, administration of probiotic milk cannot improve the TNF-α in serum or increase the number of lymphoblast. It can be concluded that the immunomodulatory effects of the probiotics- milk-guava leaf extract combination was caused by the substances in the extract of guava leaf rather than by the probiotic milk. Keywords: probiotic milk, guava leaf extract, immunomodulator ABSTRAK: Konsorsium mikroba probiotik yang dikembangkan dalam bentuk sediaan susu probiotik telah dilaporkan memiliki berbagai aktivitas, antara lain sebagai imunomodulator dan antimikroba. Jus buah jambu biji telah digunakan secara tradisional oleh masyarakat untuk membantu meningkatkan jumlah trombosit penderita demam berdarah dengue. Kombinasi susu probiotik-ekstrak daun jambu biji telah terbukti mempunyai efek anti bakteri penyebab diare, namun mekanisme kerjanya belum diketahui. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan kajian potensi dan mekanisme kerja kombinasi susu probiotik-ekstrak daun jambu biji sebagai imunomodulator. Sejumlah mencit diberi perlakuan kombinasi susu probiotik-ekstrak daun jambu biji selama 7 hari, kemudian diukur kadar TNF-α dalam serum dan kecepatan proliferasi limfositnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun jambu biji dapat meningkatkan kadar TNF-α dalam serum dan dapat meningkatkan jumlah limfoblast, baik dalam bentuk tunggal maupun kombinasinya dengan susu probiotik. Pemberian susu probiotik saja tidak dapat meningkatkan TNF-α dalam serum ataupun meningkatkan jumlah limfoblast. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa efek imunomodulator kombinasi susu probiotik-ekstrak daun jambu biji lebih disebabkan oleh kandungan zat zat berkhasiat dalam ekstrak daun jambu biji dari pada oleh susu probiotik. Kata kunci: probiotik, Lactobacillus acidophilus, jambu biji, Psidium guajava, imunomodulator.  
Qualitative Analysis of Cinnamomum burmannii Content using GCMS (Gas Chromatography Mass Spectometry) Method Hayati; Jusak Nugraha; Bambang Purwanto; Hari Basuki Notobroto; Yoes Prijatna Dachlan; Hari Setiono; Idha Kusumawati
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v16i1.17556


To identify the bioactive compounds in Cinnamomum burmannii and their biological activity. Cinnamonbark originating from Batu Malang, East Java, which was located 700-1300 meters above sea level, wasprocessed into dry extract by maceration method with 96% ethanol solvent. Furthermore, cinnamonethanol extract was analyzed using the GCMS method to look at the content of the bioactive componentfor further testing biological activity with the server Way2Drug PASS. GCMS results showed 40 activecompounds such as trans-cinnamaldehyde, trans-anethole, cinnamyl acetate, calacorene, cadina-1,4-diene, delta-cadinene. Furthermore, of the 40 compounds, the biological activity potential was testedfor 29 bioactive compounds based on PA (probable to be active) values predicted by the Way2DrugPASS server. Cinnamomum was tested against the potential as anti-fungi, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant,anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-neoplastic. Trans-cinnamaldehyde showed PA 0,583 as antiinflammatory, L-limonene PA0,818 as anti neoplastic, Tans-anethole PA 0,614 as anti neoplastic,Cinnamyl acetate PA 0,669 as anti inflammatory, calacorene PA 0,698 as anti inflammatory, DeltacadinenePA 0,651 as anti neoplastic, , Cathechin PA 0,828 as anti oxidant, alpha.-Cubebene PA 0,888 asanti inflammatory and PA 0,837 as anti neoplastic, melilotin PA 0,929 as anti neoplastic, CaryophyllenePA0,915 as anti neoplastic. Cinnamomum burmannii had biological potency based on potential activity(PA) 0,432 (+0,117) as antifungi, PA 0,335 (+0,090) as antibacterial, PA 0,304 (+0,199) as antioxidan,PA 0,561 (+0,190) as anti inflammatory, PA 0,373 (+0,170) as antidiabetic, PA 0,584 (+0,234) asantineoplastic.
Pendampingan Pemanfaatan Toga Menjadi Produk Bernilai Ekonomi dalam Rangka Penguatan Program Asuhan Mandiri di Kabupaten Lamongan Idha Kusumawati; Suciati Suciati; Pratiwi Soesilawati; Aty Widyawaruyanti; Retno Widyowati; Tutik Sri Wahyuni; Neni Purwitasari; Rice Disi Oktarina; Subhan Rullyansyah
Humanism : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30651/hm.v3i1.12901


Kegiatan asuhan mandiri Toga atau yang juga dikenal dengan asman TOGA diintegrasikan dengan program PKK yang dalam pelaksanaannya dikoordinir oleh kader Asman dan didampingi fasilitator dari Puskesmas. Program ini dibawah pembinaan oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota. Desa Canditunggal yang terletak di wilayah Kecamatan Kalitengah Kabupaten Lamongan mempunyai kebun TOGA yang asri terbentang di tengah jalan desa. Kebun TOGA ini merupakan hasil kegiatan ibu-ibu PKK yang juga merupakan kader asman TOGA. Pada awalnya kebun TOGA ini hanya untuk keindahan saja. Untuk itu pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan kali ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan ibu-ibu PKK tersebut agar dapat memanfaatkan TOGA khususnya dalam membuat produk dari daun katuk menjadi produk bernilai ekonomi untuk memperbanyak ASI. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan pemberian materi dan pelatihan pembuatan produk. Antusiasme, kreatifitas dan inovasi dari ibu-ibu PKK kader asman TOGA Desa Canditunggal ini merupakan potensi yang sangat besar untuk keberhasilan pemanfaatn TOGA untuk menciptakan produk-produk yang bernilai ekonomi.  Kata Kunci: Asman, daun katuk, TOGA
UNEJ e-Proceeding Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences (ICMHS)
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Microspheres as one of drug and protein deliverysystem have some advantages such as producingsmall particles; protect extreme conditions andother benefits. Microspheres as one ofparticulate systems have benefits in vaccinedelivery systems for enhancing immune responsethrough several mechanisms. As vaccine deliverysystem, the particles can through phagocytosisdeliver antigens to Antigen Presenting Cells (APC)(Foged et al, 2005). Particulate antigens mightmediate the induction of both humoral andcellular immunity.The particle size, surface charge andphysicochemical properties are factors that affectthe uptake of particles from the gut. Zetapotential may also influence the drug releaseprofiles, stability and physicochemical properties.Microparticles or nanoparticle surface is a veryimportant consideration in drug delivery ystem,especially in targeting drug delivery. Surfacemodification of micro/nano-drug delivery systemsis the most common strategy to controlling theopsonization process and thus sustains thesystems for longer period in the blood stream.Zeta potential is one of important propertieswhich contribute to the effectiveness. Zetapotential can be defined as the electrokineticvalue associating a realistic magnitude of surfacecharge and its unit is usually millivolt.There are some investigations that showed thatthe surface charge of nano/microparticles has aneffect on the stimulation of the immuneresponse. Some studies showed that antigenloaded cationically charged particles could bebeneficial for gut up take (Honary S and Zahir F,2013).Peyer's patches (PP) is the main target of oraldelivery systems in the small intestine as a placefor the transport of pathogens to the lymphoidtissue. This function is carried out by M-cellswhich are located between epithelial cells,bringing antigens and microparticles measuringless than 10 μm (Lubben et al, 2001).This study used alginate microspheres containsafe and biodegradable polymer and CaCl2 nontoxic crosslinking agent produced by gelationionotropic technique by aerosolisation. Thistechnique had the advantage of spherical shape,smooth with a small particle size that meets therequirements of particle size for oral deliverysystems (Hariyadi et al, 2014). Maltodextrinlyoprotectant were found to stabilizemicrospheres (Hariyadi et al, 2015). Ovalbuminwas used as model antigen.The hemagglutination assay was used to evaluatethe formation of antibody and ability to stimulateimmune response. Uptake microspheres werestudied using fluorescent label microscopically. Inthe present study we addressed the importanceof particle size and surface charge for efficientinteractions and effect on the immune response.
Aphrodisiac Activity of Ethanolic Extracts from the Fruits of Three Pepper Plants from Piperaceae Family Idha Kusumawati; Syailendra Mahatmaputra; Rohman Hadi; Rohmania Rohmania; Subhan Rullyansyah; Helmy Yusuf; Abdul Rahman
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jfiki.v8i22021.194-199


Background: Pepper plants belong to the Piperaceae family with many pharmacological activities. The fruits of these plants have been widely used traditionally for various therapies, one of which is an aphrodisiac. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the aphrodisiac activity of the fruits of three pepper plants, Piper nigrum, Piper retrofractum, and Piper cubeba to prove their traditional use. Methods: The level of piperin, the active compound of plants from the family Piperaceae, was also determined in the ethanolic extract of those three fruits of the pepper plant. The aphrodisiac activity was determined by counting the number of introducing and mounting mice. The acute toxicity test of the extract was carried out according to the OECD-423 guidelines. Results: The ethanolic extract of Piper nigrum fruits had the highest piperin concentration, while the ethanolic extract of Piper retrofractum fruits had the highest aphrodisiac activity, according to the findings. During the entire duration of the acute toxicity study, no signs of toxicity or mortality were discovered.Conclusion: This study proves that all fruits of three species of pepper plants exhibit aphrodisiac activity. Furthermore, this study also shows that not only piperin is responsible for the aphrodisiac effect.
Toxic compounds of Curcuma aeruginosa causes necrosis of mice hepatocytes Eka Pramyrtha Hestianah; Idha Kusumawati; Lucia Tri Suwanti; Sri Subekti
Universa Medicina Vol. 33 No. 2 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18051/UnivMed.2014.v33.118-125


BACKGROUNDPeople have been using Curcuma aeruginosa rhizome as a traditional herbal medicine as appetite stimulant, without realizing its side effects. Herbal plants contain tens to hundreds of compounds, some of which are toxic. The aim of this research was to determine which toxic compound of Curcuma aeruginosa rhizome has an impact on apoptosis and PARP-1 expression of hepatocytes in male mice.METHODSEighty eight male Balb C mice were divided into 10 groups treated respectively with Curcuma aeruginosa rhizome cloroform extract, methanol extract, essential oil, infusion, and press juice, at dosages of 0.004g/kgBW and 0.06g/kgBW, and 1 control group. The treatment was given orally once a day for 10 days and on the 11th day, the research animals were sacrificed, and their liver taken for histopathologic slide preparation with Apopteq Detection Kit, and immunofluorescence. Compounds in Curcuma aeruginosa rhizome were analyzed with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The data obtained were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, and Partial Least Squares to determine which compounds had an impact on murine hepatocytes.RESULTSThe result of one way ANOVA showed that the chloroform groups at dosages of 0.004g/kgBW and 0.06g/kgBW showed the highest apoptosis of mice’s hepatocytes (p<0.05). There were significant differences in PARP-1 expression between control and treatment groups. The highest PARP-1 expression was in the essential oil group at a dosage of 0.06g/kg BW (p<0.05).CONCLUSIONCurcuma aeruginosa rhizome given to mice orally causes necrosis of mice’s hepatocytes.
Antimicrobial activity of Streptomyces spp. isolates from vegetable plantation soil Isnaeni Isnaeni; Idha Kusumawati; Mega Ferdina Suwito; Asri Darmawati; Ni Made Mertaniasih
Publisher : The East Java Biological Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (639.33 KB) | DOI: 10.23869/78


Fifteen Streptomyces isolates were isolated from soil in some different location on vegetable plantation at agriculture standard condition. The isolates were assessed for their antibacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) ATCC H37RV and mycobacterial which isolated from Dr. Soetomo Hospital patients in Surabaya. The Interna-tional Streptomyces Project 4 (ISP4) and Middlebrook 7H9 (MB7H9) wwere used as growth or fermentation medium. The screening of inhibition activity was performed using turbidimetry and spot-test on agar medium. Results shown that 33.3% of the isolates (5 isolates) have anti-mycobacterial activities. The first line anti tuberculosis drug rifampicin, (RIF), ethambutol (EMB), isoniazid (INH), and pyrazinamide (PZA) were used as standards or positive controls with concentration 20 ppm. Optical density of crude fermentation broth concentrated from five isolates relatively lower than five anti-tuberculosis drug activity standard, although their activities against some microbial were similar to the stand-ard at spot-test. The most efficient isolate shown anti-mycobacterial activity was Streptomyces B10 which identified as Streptomyces violaceousniger. In addition, fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profile of gas chromatography-mass spec-trometry chromatogram of each isolates were studied and compared to Streptomyces spp.
EFEK ANTIINFLAMASI PERASAN KERING BUAH Morinda citrifolia Linn SECARA PER ORAL PADA TIKUS PUTIH Wahjo Dyatmiko; Suprapto Maat; Idha Kusumawati; Gemparing Bayu Wiyoto
Publisher : The East Java Biological Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23869/415


Research on anti inflammatory activity of the fruit of Morinda citrifolia Linn. Or known as ‘pace’ in Indonesia language has been done by using three methods of assays i.e. anti inflammatory bioactivity assay by measuring the reduction of carrageen-induced oedema in rats; analgesic bioactivity assay using writhing test method on mice; and vascular permeability bioactivity assay on mice induced by acetic acid.Results showed that dried juice of the fruit at the dose 1500 mg/kg body weight decreased the volume of oedema up to 64% and reduced the pain up to 54%. At the dose 2100 mg/kg body weight the dried juice reduced the vascular permeability up to 72%.
Publisher : The East Java Biological Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23869/438


This research was an effort to reveal the effect of fruit juice of ‘labu siam’ [Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz] on total cholesterol and total glyceride of mice serum and also to reveal the secondary metabolites content of the juice. In this research, four groups of mice each consist of 8 was used. First group ws given normal food, the second group was given hyperlipidemic inducer. The third group was given hyperlipidemic inducer and fruit juice at dosage 0.546 mg/kg b.w. The third group was given hyperlipidemic inducer and fruit juice at dosage 1.092 mg/g b.w. The exogenic and endogenic hyperlipidemic inducers used were cholesterol suspension and propyl thiouracyl 0.01%, espectively. Both the inducer and the juice were given every day orally for three weeks. At the last day, the mice were fasted for 12-24 hours and the blood was collected intracardially. Assay of cholesterol and triglyceride in the sera was carried out using the reagent kits.Statistical analysis shows that the administration of the fruit juice of ‘labu siam’ at dosage 0.546 mg/g and 1.092 mg/g b.w. can decrease the triglyceride concentration in the sera. The dose 0.546 mg/g decreases the total cholesterol concentration, but the dose 1.092 mg/g did not show the sera cholesterol decreasing activity. Phytochemical screening for the constituents of the juice indicated that the juice contains saponin glycosides.