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Journal : Journal on Education

Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Gerak Dasar Lompat melalui Modifikasi Permainan pada Materi Senam Ketangkasan pada Siswa Kelas 5c SDN Manukan Kulon Surabaya Semester Genap Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023 Adimas Tobi; Anung Priambodo; Rindra Putra Prasetya
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal On Education: Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i1.2881


The purpose of this study was to improve the basic jumping ability of class 5C students at SDN Manukan Kulon. One indication of the lack of maximum PJOK learning can be seen from the results of the skills scores of class 5C students who are still below the Minimum Completeness Criteria, namely 85. This research uses classroom action research carried out in 2 cycles, in which there are main stages of activity, namely planning, implementing, observing and reflection. The population and research sample used 5C class students with a total of 30. The data collection method consisted of ability tests, observation, and documentation. While the research instrument used skill assessment sheets and attitude observation sheets. Analysis of skills assessment data using a collaborative approach to qualitative and quantitative descriptive methods. Based on the results of the study, judging from the scores on the pretest, there were 13 students or 43% had not completed and 17 students or 57% had completed with an average score of 83.1. There was an increase in cycle I, namely 21 students or 71% completed and 9 students or 29% incomplete, with an average score of 85.6. In cycle II, there was an increase of 26 students or 87% complete and 4 students or 13% incomplete, with an average score of 87.8. According to the classical completeness criteria, more than 80% of students complete. In conclusion, by modifying the game on agility gymnastics material can improve the basic jumping ability.
Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Belajar PJOK Peserta Didik Menggunakan Pendekatan Etnopedagogi Moch. Agus Salim; Anung Priambodo; Anggraini Ratna W
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal On Education: Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/joe.v6i1.3751


This Research aims to increase the student interest of studying PJOK. The learning of PJOK which is used traditional the student of IV D grade in SDN Kemayoran I Surabaya for 2022-2023. Those students amount 34 students the kind of this research is include 2 (two) cyles. They are one cycle and two cyecle. Those cycles through planning step. Implementing the plan, observing the implementation and reflecting. This instrument which is used in this research is questionnaires. Those questionnaires have the students interest of studying PJOK, They are. Totally disagree, disagree, agree, totally agree indicators. The result of this research shows that the students interest of studying PJOK for IV D grade SDN Kemayoran I Surabaya in crease for 83,34%. In this case, it shows that the decrease of the student during the studying of PJOK. In the first cycle, there are 35,3% form 34 students who feel boring, sleepy and too tired. On the other hand. The second cycle, there are only 5,88% from 34 students who feel boring, sleepy and too tired. The result of this research also shows that the use of Etnopendagogi Approach can make the students better memorize and differ the type locomotor mation and non locomotor motion.
Co-Authors Abdhi, Muhammad Irwansyah Abdul Hafidz Abdul Rachman Syam Tuasikal Abdul Rahman Syam T Achmad Wardana Achmad Widodo Adimas Tobi Adingnusi Adingnusi Advendi Kristiyandaru Advendi Kristiyandaru Afid Sumarlian Agus Hariyanto Ali Maksum Amrih Ibnu Wicaksana Andun Sudijandoko Anggraini Ratna W Annisa Alifvia Artha Arif Bulqini Armanda Cipta Sayekti Bagus Haqi Abdulloh Baitur Rochman Bayu Budi Prakoso Chandra Birawa Deny Syahrial Dita Yuliastrid Dwi Cahyo Kartiko Dwinda Abi Permana Dygra Irdyandiwa Eka Ayu Miranda Fadia Syafaril Effendy Fajar Furqon Fifukha Dwi Khory Fuad Qohar Gandang Eka Prayoga Ghulam Zaky Ismail Hariyanto Nur Muhamad Heni Yuni Astutik I Gusti Ananda Bayu Wibisono Kolektus Oky Ristanto Larassati, Vabiola Luthfi Aidin MADE PRAMONO Made Pramono Miftakhul Jannah MIFTAKHUL JANNAH Moch. Agus Salim Mochamad Ridwan Mochammad Firdaus Ainuddin Moh. Noer Mohammad Fathur Rohman Muchamad Arif Al Ardha Muhamad Ichsan Sabillah Muhammad Faz'ul Akbar Muji Tri Handoyo Mukhtarsyaf, Fahd Najib, Muhibuddin Nanang Indriarsa Nanik Indahwati Nanik Indahwati NOORTJE ANITA KUMAAT Noortje Anita Kumaat Nurkholis Nurkholis nyoman sukar Ocky T riarta J.K Prasetiyo, Rahayu Rahmat Iqbal Rindra Putra Rindra Putra Prasetya Risto Gerol Foekh Sakti Abrian Pratama Samsudin Samsudin Sapto Wibowo Scetsa Ayu Ningrum Silviana Yulianti Surjadi Hendra Suroto Suroto Suroto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto, Suryanto Tri Zaim Uchrowi Reshadi Trisetyo Bowo Laksono Tutur Jatmiko Vega Candra Dinata Wahyu Dwi Prasetyo, Wahyu Dwi Wardana, Achmad