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Journal : Physical Activity Journal (PAJU)

Correlation of Sedentary Lifestyle and Interest in Physical Education Learning among Adolescents I Gusti Ananda Bayu Wibisono; Chandra Birawa; Amrih Ibnu Wicaksana; Anung Priambodo
Physical Activity Journal (PAJU) Vol 5 No 2 (2024): Physical Activity Journal (PAJU)
Publisher : Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.paju.2024.5.2.10998


This study determined the correlation between sedentary activities and interest in Physical Education learning in adolescents. Correlational analysis was utilized in this study, with a sample of 33 students obtained using an accidental sampling technique. The research instrument used an ASAQ questionnaire to acquire sedentary activity data and a learning interest questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability values of 0.801> 0.60. The results revealed that the sedentary activity of watching videos/DVDs was the highest, with an average duration of 95.09 minutes/day, and the sedentary activity of reading for pleasure was the lowest, with an average duration of 19.91 minutes/day. Meanwhile, the average interest in Physical Education learning is medium. The product-moment correlation test showed that the Pearson correlation value is -0.350, so it can be concluded that sedentary activities and interest in Physical Education learning have a significant negative correlation. The result stated that the highest sedentary activities had the lowest learning interest.
Co-Authors Abdhi, Muhammad Irwansyah Abdul Hafidz Abdul Rachman Syam Tuasikal Abdul Rahman Syam T Achmad Wardana Achmad Widodo Adimas Tobi Adingnusi Adingnusi Advendi Kristiyandaru Advendi Kristiyandaru Afid Sumarlian Agus Hariyanto Ali Maksum Amrih Ibnu Wicaksana Andun Sudijandoko Anggraini Ratna W Annisa Alifvia Artha Arif Bulqini Armanda Cipta Sayekti Bagus Haqi Abdulloh Baitur Rochman Bayu Budi Prakoso Chandra Birawa Deny Syahrial Dita Yuliastrid Dwi Cahyo Kartiko Dwinda Abi Permana Dygra Irdyandiwa Eka Ayu Miranda Fadia Syafaril Effendy Fajar Furqon Fifukha Dwi Khory Fuad Qohar Gandang Eka Prayoga Ghulam Zaky Ismail Hariyanto Nur Muhamad Heni Yuni Astutik I Gusti Ananda Bayu Wibisono Kolektus Oky Ristanto Larassati, Vabiola Luthfi Aidin Made Pramono MADE PRAMONO Miftakhul Jannah MIFTAKHUL JANNAH Moch. Agus Salim Mochamad Ridwan Mochammad Firdaus Ainuddin Moh. Noer Mohammad Fathur Rohman Muchamad Arif Al Ardha Muhamad Ichsan Sabillah Muhammad Faz'ul Akbar Muji Tri Handoyo Mukhtarsyaf, Fahd Najib, Muhibuddin Nanang Indriarsa Nanik Indahwati Nanik Indahwati Noortje Anita Kumaat NOORTJE ANITA KUMAAT Nurkholis Nurkholis nyoman sukar Ocky T riarta J.K Prasetiyo, Rahayu Rahmat Iqbal Rindra Putra Rindra Putra Prasetya Risto Gerol Foekh Sakti Abrian Pratama Samsudin Samsudin Sapto Wibowo Scetsa Ayu Ningrum Silviana Yulianti Surjadi Hendra Suroto Suroto Suroto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto Suryanto, Suryanto Tri Zaim Uchrowi Reshadi Trisetyo Bowo Laksono Tutur Jatmiko Vega Candra Dinata Wahyu Dwi Prasetyo, Wahyu Dwi Wardana, Achmad