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Journal : Warta Pengabdian Andalas: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengembangan Dan Penerapan Ipteks

Peningkatan Wawasan Kader Puskesmas dalam Deteksi Resiko Stunting di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Lubuk Buaya Deswita Deswita; Ira Mulya Sari; Arif Rohman Mansur; Lili Fajria; Yelly Herien; Hermalinda Hermalinda
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 26 No 4.a (2019)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.26.4.a.246-253.2019


The Lubuk Buaya Health Center has the highest number of children under five in the city of Padang. It has the most stunting cases in the city of Padang. The partner in IbDM is a group of cadres from the village of Pasie Nan Tigo. The formulated problems of partners are the low knowledge and skills of cadres in early detection of the risk of stunting in children. The objective is to increase the understanding of management, cadre knowledge and expertise in the implementation of nutrition services and counselling inside and outside integrated health post and in-home visits. The method used is health education and cadre training by providing pretest and posttest. Knowledge questionnaires on stunting prevention and detection were given to cadres before and after training. The results of this training found that cadre's average knowledge increased after being given training. This training can increase the knowledge of cadres regarding early detection of the risk of stunting in children. It is expected that cadres can develop the ability to detect the risk of stunting in early childhood cadres so that they are able to provide counselling to all families who have children when visiting the integrated health post.
Peningkatan Kesiapsiagaan Bencana Pada Anak Tunagrahita Ringan Menggunakan “Pop Up Book For Disability (Pobody) Di SLB Negeri 1 Padang” Arif Rohman Mansur; Ira Mulya Sari; Yelly Herien; Deswita Deswita; Kintan Resqitha; Serly Berlian; Rahtu Susi Amelia
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 28 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.28.3.263-271.2021


West Sumatra area is the most prone to earthquakes; that disaster is an event that cannot be avoided and occurs suddenly, so sometimes it causes many fatalities. Children with disabilities are vulnerable to becoming victims of disasters, and this is due to the understanding. Lack of preparedness for children dealing with disasters. Pop-Up Book for Disability (POBODY) is an educational book for children with disabilities, especially developmentally disabled people. It displays an overview of disaster preparedness in the form of pop-up pictures. The problem that has been agreed with partners is the lack of understanding of students with mild mental retardation categories about disaster preparedness and the need for partners. Students can understand disaster conditions and prepare themselves if a disaster occurs according to their abilities. For this reason, the community services team conducted education in SLB Negeri 1 Padang. The team conducted preparedness for children with disabilities, exceptionally mild developmentally disabled children with an age range of 6-12 years, using the POBODY. This book is an educative storybook on disaster preparedness for children with disabilities consists of 11 pages. The team's before and after education with disaster preparedness with the POBODY can increase preparedness for earthquake disasters in children with mild mental retardation.
Pemantauan dan Deteksi Dini Risiko Anemia pada Ibu Hamil dan Stunting Balita melalui Pemeriksaan Antropometri di Puskesmas Kuranji Kota Padang Arif Rohman Mansur; Dwi Novrianda; Mutia Farlina; Meri Neherta; Lili Fajria; Deswita Deswita; Yelly Herien; Wedya Wahyu; Ira Mulya Sari
Warta Pengabdian Andalas Vol 30 No 4 (2023)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jwa.30.4.750-759.2023


Stunting and anaemia in pregnant women are global conditions that are interrelated with the risk of declining health status in children and pregnant women. Anaemia in pregnant women poses a risk of stunting in children, impacting growth and development, brain function, immune system, and learning abilities. For this reason, the purpose of community service is to detect the early risk of stunting in children and anaemia in pregnant women. The method used is an anthropometric examination of toddlers and pregnant women using weight, height, upper arm circumference, and haemoglobin examination to detect the risk of stunting and anaemia. Inspection and measurement data were processed using KMS online and SPSS and presented descriptively in frequency distribution tables and central tendency values. This activity was carried out at the Durian Tiga Batang Posyandu, Kuranji Health Center, Padang City, on 10 August 2023. Data was collected on 50 infants/toddlers and nine pregnant women who visited the Posyandu. The examination revealed that 48% of infants and toddlers were at risk of stunting (short and very short stature), and 11.1% of pregnant women had anaemia. Thus, early detection of stunting through the online KMS application facilitates data interpretation so that it can provide information quickly and recommend further treatment to mothers to achieve ideal child height growth. In addition, early detection of anaemia can prevent stunting in children.