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Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Dampak Penggunaan Softlens Menggunakan Metode Backward Chaining Mukhtar, Nurmala; Samsudin, Samsudin
Jurnal Buana Informatika Vol 6, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Buana Informatika Volume 6 Nomor 1 Januari 2015
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

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Softlens adalah sejenis lensa yang dibuat dari bahan yang bersifat “lunak”,yaitu silicon hydrogen. Penggunaan softlens dalam jangka waktu lama dapat berpotensimenyebabkan iritasi mata, mata merah dan infeksi. Untuk itu diperlukan sebuah sistem pakar untuk membantu mendiagnosa dampak penggunaan softlens. Pembangunan sistempakar diagnosa dampak penggunaan softlens ini menggunakan metode backwardchaining atau runut balik. Metode runut balik bekerja dengan cara menentukan penyakityang diderita oleh pengguna softlens kemudian akan dijabarkan sebab-sebab penyakittersebut. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem pakar ini mempermudahpengguna soflens untuk melakukan diagnosa dampak penggunaan softlens berdasarkangejala yang dialami, dan mengetahui cara penanggulangannya.
Sinergisme Heterorhabditis sp. dengan Penyarungan Buah dalam Mengendalikan Penggerek Buah Kakao Conopomorpha cramerella Samsudin, Samsudin; Indriati, Gusti
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 4, No 1 (2013): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Penggerek buah kakao (PBK) Conopomorpha cramerella merupakan hama utama tanaman kakao di Indonesia. Pengendalian hama ini sulit karena larva berada di dalam buah. Pengendalian biologi dengan memanfaatkan nematoda patogen serangga Heterorhabditis sp. diharapkan mampu mengendalikan larva yang ada di dalam buah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui keefektifan Heterorhabditis sp. yang dikombinasikan dengan penyarungan buah untuk mengendalikan PBK. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat dari bulan April sampai November 2012. Sebelum dilakukan pengujian, tingkat serangan dan kerusakan biji akibat PBK di lokasi penelitian diamati terlebih dahulu. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK), ukuran buah muda yang diberi perlakuan dikelompokkan menjadi 2, yaitu: kelompok ukuran panjang 8-10 cm dan 11-15 cm, masing-masing perlakuan menggunakan 10 pohon yang diambil secara acak, dan dari masing-masing pohon digunakan 2 buah muda dan diulang 3 kali. Perlakuan yang diujikan adalah penyarungan dengan kantong plastik transparan ukuran 30 cm x 17 cm x 0,02 mm, Heterorhabditis sp. 500 juvenil infektif (JI/ml), kombinasi penyarungan dengan plastik dan Heterorhabditis sp. 500 JI/ml, dan kontrol. Pengamatan dilakukan pada saat panen. Parameter yang diamati adalah persentase serangan dan kerusakan biji akibat serangan PBK dan persentase buah terserang penyakit busuk buah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyarungan buah dengan plastik yang dikombinasikan dengan Heterorhabditis sp. efektif menurunkan persentase serangan dan kerusakan biji akibat PBK sampai 90%. Heterorhabditis sp. bekerja sinergis dengan penyarungan buah dalam mengendalikan PBK. Pemanfaatan Heterorhabditis sp. harus dipadukan dengan penyarungan buah, untuk menghindari meningkatnya serangan penyakit busuk buah.Kata Kunci: Conopomorpha cramerella, kakao, Heterorhabditis sp., penyarunganCocoa pod borer (CPB) Conopomorpha cramerella is one of main pests on cocoa plantations in Indonesia. Controlling of this pest is very difficult because the larvae lives inside the pods. Biological control by using entomophatogen nematode Heterorhabditis sp. is a promising method being able to control the CPB larvae which are already inside cocoa pods. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Heterorhabditis sp. combined with pod sleeving application on CPB infestation. The study was conducted in Mamuju, West Sulawesi from April to November 2012. Prior of this research revealed that infestation rate and the number of damaged cocoa beans caused by CPB in the research location were high. This research used a randomized block design (RBD). The young cocoa pods used were devided into two categories of length (8-10 cm and 11-15 cm) randomizely selected of ten plants each on which two young cocoa pods were used with three replications. The treatments tested were the use of pod sleeving with transparent plastic bag having size of 30 cm x 17 cm x 0.02 mm, Heterorhabditis sp 500 JI/ml, combined pod sleeving with Heterorhabditis sp. 500 JI/ml, and the control. Each treatment was applied to the 20 cocoa pods and replicated 3 times. The observations were made at the time of harvest. The parameters observed were the percentage of CPB infestations, the number of damaged beans caused by CPB and the percentage of cocoa pods infected by pod rot disease. The results showed that the use of pod sleeving combined with Heterorhabditis sp. effectively reduced the level of CPB infestations and the number of damaged beans caused by CPB to 90%. Heterorhabditis sp. works sinergically with pod sleeving in controlling of CPB. The application of Heterorhabditis sp. alone can increase the pod rot disease infections. Therefore, its application on the cocoa plantations should be integrated with the pod sleeving.
Pengaruh Beberapa Jenis Formula Insektisida Nabati untuk Melindungi Buah Kakao dari Serangan Penggerek Soesanthy, Funny; Samsudin, Samsudin
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 1, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Penggunaan insektisida sintetik yang terus menerus untuk mengendalikan penggerek buah kakao (PBK) dapat merusak keseimbangan ekosistem di perkebunan kakao. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan cara pengendalian yang relatif aman bagi manusia dan lingkungan, yaitu menggunakan insektisida nabati. Tujuan penelitian adalah menguji keefektifan formula insektisida nabati berbahan dasar ekstrak daun bandotan-metanol, bawang putih-etanol, dan kemiri sunan untuk melindungi buah kakao dari infestasi PBK. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai bulan Januari-Desember 2013. Bahan uji yang digunakan adalah bandotan-metanol+serai wangi (BMS), bandotan-metanol+minyak cengkeh (BMC), bandotan-metanol+bawang putih-etanol (BMP), bawang putih-etanol+serai wangi (PES), bawang putih-etanol+minyak cengkeh (PEC), kemiri sunan+bawang putih-etanol (KSP), kemiri sunan+bandotan-metanol (KSB), α-eleostearic acid (kontrol negatif), dan air (kontrol positif). Formula dibuat di Laboratorium Proteksi Tanaman, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar (Balittri) Sukabumi, dan pengujiannya dilakukan di perkebunan kakao PT. Bumiloka Swakarya, Sukabumi. Perlakuan disusun dalam unit-unit percobaan yang masing-masing terdiri dari 16 pohon (4 x 4 pohon) dan diulang tiga kali. Pada setiap plot dipilih 30 buah kakao sehat berukuran 6-10 cm. Konsentrasi formula 5% dan 10% dengan volume larutan 250 ml/pohon disemprotkan ke seluruh permukaan buah dan cabang-cabang horizontal, dengan interval 2 minggu sekali sebanyak 6 kali. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap tingkat serangan PBK dan kerusakan buah yang dipanen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa formula KSB (kemiri sunan 25% + bandotan 5%) pada konsentrasi 10 ml/l menghasilkan nilai persentase serangan PBK terendah, sedangkan formula BMP (bandotan 5% + bawang putih 5%) pada konsentrasi 10 ml/l menyebabkan intensitas serangan PBK dan kehilangan hasil terendah.Kata kunci: Insektisida nabati, penggerek buah kakao, formulaThe use of synthetic insecticide continuously to control the cocoa pod borer (CPB) can cause serious damage to the ecosystem balance in the cocoa plantations. Therefore, a control measures that are relatively safe for humans and the environment, such as the use of botanical insecticide are needed. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of plant-based insecticide from leaves goat weed-methanol and garlic-ethanol extract, and phillipine tung oil formula to protect cocoa pods from CPB infestation. The study was conducted from January to December 2013. The test materials used were goat weed-methanol+citronella (BMS), goat weed-methanol+clove oil (BMC), goat weed-methanol+garlic-ethanol (BMP), garlic-ethanol+citronella (PES), garlic-ethanol+clove oil (PEC), phillipine tung oil+garlic-ethanol (KSP), phillipine tung oil+goat weed-methanol (KSB), α-eleostearic acid (negative control), and water (positive control). All of the formulas were made in the Plant Protection Laboratory, Indonesian Industrial and Beverages Crops Research Institute (IIBCRI) Sukabumi, whereas the field testing was conducted in cocoa plantations of PT Bumiloka Swakarya, Sukabumi. Each experimental plot consisted of a 4x4 trees, repeated 3 times. In each plot selected 30 healthy cocoa pods measuring 6-10 cm in length. Distance between plots was 2 arrays of trees. Formulas concentration were 5% and 10%, which then sprayed onto the entire surface of the pods and horizontal branches using a knapsack sprayer, 6 times at intervals of 2 weeks. Solution volume was 250 ml / tree. Observations were made on the level of CPB infestation and pod damage harvested. The results showed that the lowest percentage of CPB infestation was on KSB 10 (philippine tung oil 25% + goat weed 5%), whereas the lowest percentage of intensity and yields loss were on BMP 10 (goat weed 5% + garlic 5%).
Keefektifan Paket Teknologi Pengendalian Penggerek Buah Kakao (PBK) di Provinsi Bali Indriati, Gusti; Samsudin, Samsudin; Rubiyo, Rubiyo
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 4, No 1 (2013): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Hama penggerek buah kakao (PBK) (Conopomorpha cramerella Snell.) merupakan hama utama yang menyerang hampir seluruhperkebunan kakao di Indonesia, termasuk Bali. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan paket teknologi yang efektif untukmengendalikan PBK. Penelitian dilakukan pada areal kakao di kelompok Subak Abian Puncaksari, Kabupaten Tabanan, Provinsi Balidari tahun 2006 sampai 2009. Paket teknologi pengendalian PBK yang diuji ialah: P0 (teknologi petani), P1 (panen sering +penyarungan buah muda + pemangkasan), P2 (panen sering + pemangkasan + Beauveria bassiana), dan P3 (panen sering +pemangkasan + penyarungan buah muda + Beauveria basiana) dengan 5 ulangan. Setiap paket diintroduksikan kepada masing-masing 5petani pada lahan 0,5 ha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa paket teknologi P1 dan P3 merupakan paket teknologi pengendalianPBK yang efektif menurunkan tingkat dan intensitas serangan PBK dan menekan kehilangan hasil sampai 0%.Kata Kunci: Kakao, Conopomorpha cramerella (Snell.), pengendalianThe cocoa pod borer (CPB) caused by Conopomorpha cramerella (Snell.) is one of major pests having attacked almost all cocoa plantations inIndonesian, including Bali. The aim of this research was to find out of CPB control technology in Tabanan Regency, the province of Bali. The studywas conducted at the group of Subak Abian Puncaksari, province of Bali during 2006 until 2009. The CPB control technology packages tested are P0(farmer’s technologies), P1 (frequent harvesting + pods sleeving + pruning), P2 (frequent harvesting + pruning + Beauveria bassiana), P3 (frequentharvesting + pruning + pods sleeving + B. bassiana. Each package was applied to cocoa plantations of 5 farmers having of 0.5 ha each. The resultsindicated that P1 and P3 packages can reduce the rate and intensity of CPB attack and reduce losses 0 percent.
Peranan Ekstrak Babadotan dan Bawang Putih serta Minyak Kemiri Sunan terhadap Serangan Penggerek Buah Kakao Soesanthy, Funny; Samsudin, Samsudin
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 4, No 2 (2013): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Penggerek buah kakao (PBK), Conopomorpha cramerella Snell. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), merupakan hama penting pada tanaman kakao yang menyebabkan penurunan hasil secara kualitas dan kuantitas. Salah satu usaha pengendalian PBK adalah menggunakan pestisida nabati karena bersifat ramah lingkungan dan tidak membahayakan kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis pengaruh daun babadotan dan umbi bawang putih yang dilarutkan dengan air, etanol, metanol, dan heksan, serta minyak kemiri sunan [Reutalis trisperma (Blanco) Airy Shaw] dalam melindungi buah kakao dari serangan PBK. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai bulan Januari-Desember 2012, bahan uji yang digunakan adalah babadotan-air (BA), babadotan-etanol (BE), babadotan-metanol (BM), babadotan-heksan (BH), bawang putih-air (PA), bawang putih-etanol (PE), bawang putih-metanol (PM), bawang putih-heksan (PH), minyak kemiri sunan (KS), pestisida kimia berbahan aktif λ-sihalotrin (kontrol negatif), dan air (kontrol positif). Pembuatan ekstrak bahan uji dilakukan di Laboratorium Proteksi Tanaman, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar, Sukabumi, dan pengujian ekstrak dilakukan di perkebunan kakao PT Bumi Loka Swakarya, Sukabumi. Buah kakao berukuran sekitar 9 cm disemprot secara merata dengan masing-masing bahan uji telah dilarutkan dengan air hingga konsentrasi 1%. Penyemprotan dilakukan setiap bulan sebanyak 2 kali penyemprotan. Percobaan disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) 6 ulangan, setiap petak percobaan digunakan 10 buah kakao. Persentase buah yang terserang PBK dan tingkat kehilangan hasil diamati saat buah dipanen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyemprotan ekstrak PE konsentrasi 1% sebanyak dua kali dengan interval sebulan sekali dapat menurunkan kehilangan hasil sebesar 58,40% dengan nilai efikasi 63,01%. Dengan demikian ekstrak ini dapat dipakai sebagai salah satu bahan formula nabati untuk mengendalikan PBK.Kata Kunci: Pestisida nabati, penggerek buah kakao, bawang putih, babadotan, kemiri sunanCocoa pod borer (CPB), Conopomorpha cramerella Snell. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), is an important pest of cocoa which can cause reduction in yield quality and quantity. One attempt of CPB control is application of botanical pesticides because it more friendly to environment and harmless to human health. The objective of this research was to analyze the effect of goat-weed leaves and garlic bulbs dissolved in water, ethanol, methanol, and hexane, respectively, as well as philippine tung [Reutalis trisperma (Blanco) Airy Shaw] oil in protecting of cocoa pod from CPB infestation. The research was conducted in January-December 2012 using test materials of goat weed-water (BA), goat weed-ethanol (BE), goat weed-methanol (BM), goat weed-hexane (BH), garlic-water (PA), garlic-ethanol (PE), garlic-methanol (PM), garlic-hexane (PH), philippine tung oil (KS), chemical pesticide containing active ingredient of λ-sihalothrine (negative control), and water (positive control). Extracts of the test materials were made in the Laboratory Plant Protection, Indonesian Industrial and Beverage Crops Research Institute. Meanwhile, field trial was conducted in the cocoa plantations of PT Bumi Loka Swakarya, Sukabumi. Cocoa pods measuring 9 cm was sprayed evenly with each of the test materials diluted in water to obtain a concentration of 1%. Spraying is done every month as much as 2 times spraying. The experiment was arranged in randomized block design (RBD) with 6 replications, and each plots consist of 10 cocoa pods observed. The percentage of CPB-infested pods and yield loss rate observed when the pods were harvested. The results showed that spraying in concentration 1% of PE extract twice with an interval of once a month can reduce yield loss up to 58,40% with a value efficacy of 63.01%. Thus, this extract can be used as an ingredient of botanical pesticide formula to control CPB. 
Aktivitas Insektisida Ekstrak Piperaceae terhadap Helopeltis antonii pada Kakao Indriati, Gusti; Samsudin, Samsudin
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Helopeltis antonii merupakan hama pucuk dan buah kakao. Pengendalian menggunakan insektisida kimia cukup efektif untuk mengendalikan hama ini, akan tetapi dapat menimbulkan efek negatif pada lingkungan. Oleh sebab itu, pengendalian menggunakan insektisida yang berasal dari tumbuhan dapat menjadi alternatif yang lebih aman. Penelitian bertujuan mengevaluasi aktivitas insektisida dari ekstrak empat jenis tumbuhan dari famili Piperaceae, yaitu Piper aduncum, P. retrofractum, P. cubeba, dan P. sarmentosum, terhadap H. antonii pada kakao. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Proteksi Tanaman Balai Penelitian Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar (Balittri) Sukabumi pada bulan Januari sampai November 2013. Setiap jenis ekstrak diuji pada taraf konsentrasi 1%; 0,5%; 0,25%; 0,125%; 0,062%; dan kontrol (campuran aseton, methanol, dan Tween-80 dengan perbandingan 5:5:2) sebanyak 1,2%. Masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Uji toksisitas menggunakan imago H. antonii dengan metode penyemprotan serangga uji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etil asetat buah P. retrofractum pada konsentrasi 0,25% menyebabkan kematian imago sebesar 83,33% pada 120 jam setelah perlakuan (JSP), sedangkan ekstrak etil asetat P. aduncum, P. cubeba, dan P. sarmentosum pada konsentrasi dan waktu yang sama hanya menyebabkan kematian berturut-turut 33,33%; 20%; dan 13,33%. Aktivitas insektisida dari ekstrak etil asetat buah P. retrofractum paling kuat terhadap imago H. antonii karena mengandung senyawa piperin, yaitu 1-[(2E,4E)-5-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2,4-pentadienoyl] piperidine; (E,E) 1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl-1-oxo-2,4-pentadienyl-piperidine; dan 3-benzodioxol-5-yl-1-oxo-2,4-pentadienyl-piperine. LC95 ekstrak etil asetat buah P. retrofractum terhadap imago H. antonii dibawah 0,5% sehingga paling berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi insektisida nabati pengendali hama tersebut pada kakao.Kata Kunci: Helopeltis antonii, Piperaceae, aktifitas insektisida, kakaoHelopeltis antonii is one of cocoa pest that attacks the shoot and pods. The insecticides can control this pest effectivelly, but could cause negative effects on the environment. Therefore, botanical insecticide could be a safer alternative for environment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the insecticidal activity of Piperaceae extracts: Piper aduncum, P. retrofractum, P. cubeba, and P. sarmentosum against H. antonii on cocoa. The experiment was conducted at the Plant Protection Laboratory of Indonesian Industrial and Beverage Crops Research Institute (IIBCRI) Sukabumi, from January to November 2013. Those extracts were tested at 1%; 0.5%; 0.25%; 0.125%; 0.062% concentration level, respectively; and control (a mixture of acetone, methanol and Tween-80 with a ratio of 5:5:2) at 1.2% concentration level. All of treatments were repeated 3 times. The toxicity assessment was use of spraying method onto imago of H.antonii. The results showed that the ethyl acetate extract of P. retrofractum at 0.25% concentration caused 83.33% mortality of H. antonii imago at 120 hours after treatment (HAT), while the ethyl acetate extract of P. aduncum, P. cubeba, and P. Sarmentosum at the same time and concentration only leads to 33.33%; 20%; and 13.33% mortality, respectively. The insecticidal activity of P. retrofractum ethyl acetate extract was strongest against the imago of H. antonii because it contains piperine: 1-[(2E, 4E)-5 (1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-2,4-pentadienoyl] piperidine; (E,E) 1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl-1-oxo-2,4-pentadienyl-piperidine; and 3-benzodioxol-5-yl-1-oxo-2,4-pentadienyl-piperine. LC95 of P. retrofractum ethyl acetate extract against imago of H. antonii was below 0.5%, so it become the most potential to develop into botanical insecticide.
English Education Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : English Education Journal

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Cultural understanding is the core of language acquisation. This study aimed at presenting the cultural elements and cultural types, describing the frequency of cultural elements and cultural types in Englihs textbooks of 2013 currirulum and describing the level of the quality of English textbooks in terms of intercultural awareness. This study employed a qualitative research design. The data are the cultural elements and cultural types in English textbooks of 2013 curriculum grade X, XI and XII. The results show that English textbooks grade X, XI and XII contained 490 cultural elements consisting of 232 products, 75 practices, 11 perspectives and 172 persons. While cultural types contained 490 consisting of 127 source culture, 170 target culture, 64 international target culture and 130 culture free. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the presentation of cultural elements and cultural types are balanced enough. And third English textbooks are equality to use in terms of basic cultural awareness. Whereas, advanced cultural awareness and intercultural awareness level do not support students to have intercultural awareness. From the results above the authors of English textbooks should put the cultural information explicitly either source culture, target culture, international target culture or culture free as a comparison and contrast between them.
Kinerja Pelayanan Publik Studi Kasus Pada Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil (Disdukcapil) Kota Jambi Samsudin, Samsudin; Pribadi, Ulung
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 1, No 1: February 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

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The purpose of  this study is to determine the performance of public services in the Dinas Kependudukan dan CatatanSipil Kota Jambi. This study uses the concept of  performance measurement with five indicators of  productivity, qualityof  service, responsiveness, r esponsibility and accountability. These indica tors are used to measure  the efficiency andeffectiveness of  services, quality of  service received by  the public. The method used in this research is quantitativemethod. The research location is determined by the method of  purposive, are determined by deliberate that the studywas conducted in the Depar tment of P opulation and Civil Registry. Data  collection techniques used in this study includeinterviews, observations, and literature. Based on the research findings that the productivity of  public services interms of  the ability of  officers and service performance can be summed been efficient with an average result value of70% of  respondents said either. The quality of  service in terms of  satisfaction of  the performance of  services,timeliness of  service, comfortable environment and good infrastructure which is an average result of  41% while themeasured responsiveness of service delivery performance , kedesiplinan, service procedur es and speed of  service.The final result that  stands out from the responsiveness can be judged good quality with an average of 51% of  goodquality, the next responsibility is measured on the suitability of cost and fairness of  service delivery is good is seenfrom the average value of  responsibility is 45% and the accountability of  public service in the Department of  Popula-tion and Jambi City Civil Registry, is good  for 70% of  respondents  said that responsibility.
INFEKTIFITAS Spodoptera exigua NUCLEOPOLYHEDROVIRUS (SeNPV) YANG DIPERKAYA DENGAN BAHAN PENGAKTIF TERHADAP LARVA Spodoptera exigua Huebner [The Infectivity of Spodoptera exigua Nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeNPV) Enriched with the Enhancer to the Spodoptera exigua Huebner Larvae] Samsudin, Samsudin; Santoso, Teguh
BERITA BIOLOGI Vol 11, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Research Center for Biology-Indonesian Institute of Sciences

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Spodoptera exigua Huebner nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeNPV) is an entomophathogenic virus of onion caterpillar S. exigua larvae commonly used as bioinsecticide. The major limitations of SeNPV for biocontrol of onion caterpillar is it requires long time for the virus to kill the insect host. This research was aimed to find out the material as phagostimulant to increase the infectivity of SeNPV and to determine the optimum boric acid concentration as an enhancer for SeNPV activities. This research was conducted at laboratory using Cipanas isolate of SeNPV and third instar of S. exigua larvae. Phagostimulant used are 5% ofsucrose, soybean sauces, molases, sugar and turmeric filtrate,and the enhancers used are 0,1%, 1%, 5% and 10% concentration of boric acid. This result indicated that soybean sauces and sucrose increased S. exigua consumption and enhanced the infectivity of SeNPV. When mixed with polyhedra of SeNPV, 1% to 5% sucrose significantly increased S. exigua consumption and increased the infectivity of SeNPV, while 10% sucrose tended to decrease the feeding of S. exigua. Boric acid enhanced the infectivity of SeNPV. However, the increase of boric acid concentration should be restricted maximum at 5% for avoiding the negative impacts on the environment.
Controversy of the Liberal-Islamic Thought about Pluralism of Religions in Indonesia Samsudin, Samsudin; Zakaria, Mumuh Muhsin
TAWARIKH Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : ASPENSI in Bandung, Indonesia

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ABSTRACT: To enter into the religious pluralism of thought, in which the Muslims need to do, is to reinterpret the teachings of Islam, so that the Muslims do not happen with the authoritarian attitudes that consider the most of uncorrect in understanding of Islam. The word of plural and pluralism means diversity and plurality. Thus, the notion of pluralism can be defined as an ideology that recognizes diversity in its various aspects, for example in understanding of religion, culture, and geography. This study tries to elaborate the controversy of the liberal-Islamic thought about pluralism of religions in Indonesia. By using the qualitative methods, especially the historical approach with descriptive analysis, this study concerns on the controversy of Islamic liberal thought in one hand; and, in other hand, its relevances to religious pluralism in Indonesian’s social and political context. The findings show that pluralism of religions by liberal Islamic group that all religions with its variations and levels of different depths are the same as the road of religious. This opinion has caused controversy, because there is criticism and there were strongly rejected the idea of pluralism of the liberal Islam. As K.H. Atiyan Ali M. Da’i (2002) and MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council) issued a “fatwa” that pluralism is unlawful, because it has a tendency considers all religions that difference could be reduced or avoided, if the same understanding of pluralism. KEY WORDS: Controversial Issues; Liberal Islamic Thought; Understanding of Islam; Pluralism of Religions; Indonesian Islam.   About the Authors: Samsudin, M.Ag. is a Postgraduate Student of UNPAD (Padjadjaran University) Bandung and a Lecturer at the Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN SGD (State Islamic University, Sunan Gunung Djati) Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Dr. Mumuh Muhsin Zakaria is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of History, Faculty of Humanities UNPAD Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Corresponding authors is: samsudin_1970@yahoo.comRecommended Citation: Samsudin & Mumuh Muhsin Zakaria. (2017). “Controversy of the Liberal-Islamic Thought about Pluralism of Religions in Indonesia” in TAWARIKH: International Journal for Historical Studies, Vol.9(1), October, pp.71-80. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press and UIN SGD Bandung, ISSN 2085-0980.Article Timeline: Accepted (August 17, 2017); Revised (September 19, 2017); and Published (October 28, 2017).