Fakultas Hukum Universitas Mahasaraswati, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia

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Bantuan Hukum dalam Hubungannya dengan Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) Putu Sekarwangi Saraswati
KERTHA WICAKSANA Vol. 13 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/kw.13.2.2019.114-120


Dari sekian pelaku kejahatan, banyak diantaranya tidak mengerti dan memahami tentang hukum atau perundang-undangan yang berlaku, terutama dari mereka-meraka yang berasal dari golongan ekonomi bawah. Sehingga mereka lebih banyak tidak mengerti atau mengetahui tentang pemeriksaan, penyidikan, hal-hal yang dituduhkan atau didakwa, proses jalannya persidangan dan sanksi apa yang akan mereka terima akibat melakukan perbuatan yang dilarang oleh hukum atau perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Demikian juga tentang hak-hak apa saja yang mereka peroleh selama penahanan, pemeriksaan atau penyidikan, bagaimana cara memperoleh hak itu, siapa yang akan memberikan hak itu. Bagi mereka dari golongan ekonomi atas atau mereka yang memiliki kedudukan dan pengaruh dalam masyarakat, aparat penegak hukum dalam prakteknya akan memberitahukan tentang hak-hak mereka, terutama terhadap pelayanan atau bantuan hukum, apakah mereka mencari sendiri atau meminta aparat penegak hukum untuk menghubungi salah satu pelayanan atau bantuan hukum tertentu, sebelum pemeriksaan dan penyidikan dimulai. Namun hal ini sangat berbeda dalam kenyataan perlakuan aparat penegak hukum terhadap para pelaku kejahatan dari golongan ekonomi bawah, sering aparat penegak hukum teledor atau alasan lupa atau sengaja tidak memberitahukan akan hak-hak terdakwa dalam proses pemeriksaan dan penyidikan, terutama hak untuk memperoleh/mendapatkan bantuan hukum. Of the many criminals, many of them do not understand and understand the applicable laws or legislation, especially from those from lower economic groups. So that they do not understand or know more about examinations, investigations, matters that are alleged or charged, the process of proceedings and what sanctions they will receive due to acts that are prohibited by law or legislation in force. Likewise about what rights they have obtained during detention, examination or investigation, how to obtain those rights, who will give those rights. For those from the upper economic group or those who have position and influence in the community, law enforcement officials will in practice notify them of their rights, especially regarding legal services or assistance, whether they are seeking it themselves or asking law enforcement officials to contact one of the services or certain legal assistance, before the investigation and investigation begins. However, this is very different in the reality of law enforcement officials' actions against lower-level perpetrators of economic crimes, often careless law enforcers or reasons for forgetting or deliberately not informing the defendant's rights in the investigation and investigation process, especially the right to obtain / get assistance law.
Kebijakan Hukum Terhadap Penanganan Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia Putu Sekarwangi Saraswati
KERTHA WICAKSANA Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/kw.14.2.2020.147-152


The Covid-19 pandemic has become very dangerous because it is transmitted so quickly and caused the death of many lives in the world. The Government and the National Disaster Management Agency have coordinated with local governments to carry out disaster management by issuing social distancing and physical distancing policies. Many PSBB policies are ineffective because surely the community feels that they have not yet fully received legal protection for the existing policies made by the government at this time. To avoid another level of infertility, the following efforts were made so that the PSBB policy provided during the effective pandemic period in accordance with the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, among others, the Central Government and Regional Governments ensures the disclosure of public information in order to be able to find out the chain of the virus spreading. The government must be able to guarantee and ensure especially to the lower middle class are able to meet their needs to guarantee the right to life of their people and not diminished any dignity of the people (in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia) and the need for a public role in terms of mutual care, mutual reminding, and help each other. This article will continue to be discussed using a literature approach in which the writer will use primary sources in the form of literature books that have to do with the problems to be examined. The things that occur in the field can be seen that the legal policy decided by the government during the pvidemic co-19 period has apparently not been implemented properly as mandated because there are still many people who violate the PSBB activities proclaimed by the government even though criminal sanctions have been regulated by very clear.
Kajian Kriminologis Tindak Pidana Pencabulan terhadap Anak di Wilayah Hukum Polresta Denpasar Ida Bagus Gede Subawa; Putu Sekarwangi Saraswati
KERTHA WICAKSANA Vol. 15 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/kw.15.2.2021.169-178


A crime or a criminal act is a problem that affect humans from time to time, why the commission of a crime can be happening and what pemberantasnya is a problem that little disputed, one of which is of sexual crimes against children. There are several factors of sexual crimes against children the progress in technology that is not only give positive impact but is also negative. Based on the discussion it can problems: is as follows, aims to review the penyabab the pencabulan crimes against children and prevention efforts made by Polresta Denpasar. The research is empirical legal research, empirical research law pull yourself out of the gap between the theory and reality. The method used that is kriminologis approach , approach case , and approach facts. The cause of the factors of sexual crimes against children in the jurisdiction of polresta denpasar caused by internal and external factors. The internal factor caused by existence of in all the world inside of an offender, while the external factor because lack of attention from the parents against children, economic factors, environmental factor, technology factors, factors of alcoholic beverages. The effort to reduce of sexual crimes against children in the jurisdiction of Polresta Denpasar carried out through .
Tinjauan Yuridis Tentang Perseroan Terbatas yang Tidak Menerapkan Wajib Vaksin Untuk Karyawannya Putu Sekarwangi Saraswati; Ngurah Galang Jayadhifa
KERTHA WICAKSANA Vol. 16 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22225/kw.16.2.2022.149-157


In studying the systematics of the existing legal substance, where we often hear of a legal subject in the substance of every existing policy, there are two legal subjects where there are Persons and Rechtpersoons, the focus of the author's research this time is on the rights and obligations of legal entities or rechtpersoons. itself in responding to a policy regarding mandatory vaccines that have appeared in a policy in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic in recent years, in responding to this the author wants to conduct research using normative juridical research methods in order to find out how broad this mandatory vaccine policy is in addressing legal subjects The existing method uses a positivist legislative approach with a law approach and a comparative approach. So it is felt that there is a need for a policy that the government can provide so that Covid-19 can be resolved optimally. The theoretical basis that the author uses is the Theory of Rule of Law, Theory of Justice, Theory of Benefit, the author does not escape the concept of a Limited Liability Company.