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Effect of psychosocial stress during pregnancy against prostaglandin hormone levels in maternity Jumrah Sudirman; Rahayu Eryanti Kusniyanto; Hasriani Saleng; Nurhidayat Triananinsi; Sutrani Syarif; Abdul Malik Iskandar
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) Vol 12, No 4: December 2023
Publisher : Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijphs.v12i4.22968


Stress is a mental health problem in pregnancy and affects the birthing process of breastfeeding. Stress can affect physiological processes in the body, including hormones in labor. This study evaluated the effects of stress during pregnancy on prostaglandin hormone levels in the mother during maternity. This research is an observational study using a prospective cohort approach. The number of samples in this study was 121 samples. Stress change data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon rank test and 1-way test ANOVA. The results showed there was a change in stress from first trimester to second trimester there were 23 respondents who experienced increased stress (p=0.000), second trimester to third trimester there were 102 respondents who experienced increased stress (p=0.000), and first trimester to third trimester there were 78 respondents who experienced increased stress (p=0.000). There were different prostaglandin levels based on stress levels. The mother's high stress that elevated prostaglandin levels. Stress can positively or negatively impact the processes in the mother's body, including in the delivery process effects of stress, especially on uterine contractions. Therefore, health workers can provide care by paying attention to the psychological aspects of the mother because psychological conditions can affect the processes in the mother's body.
Cohesiveness as a Symbolic Power of Mobile Legends Online Game Community Rahmatiah Rahmatiah; Dondick Wicaksono Wiroto; Nurhayati Husain; Hapsawati Taan; Abdul Malik Iskandar
JURNAL ILMU SOSIAL Volume 22, Issue 1, Year 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jis.22.1.2023.97-120


Online games played in groups require cohesiveness and effective coordination among team members for successful cooperation. The sociological study of cohesiveness remains neces- sary because the analysis of interactions found in number of studies has not been sufficient- ly in-depth. These studies have failed to reveal the social significance of the term “cohesiveness” or the importance of good coordination as a symbolic force within a group. Several Mobile Legends players in Gorontalo are part of a community renowned for their remarkable reputation in winning matches worldwide. This success has led to the expansion of the group into 3 squads (sparring groups). This research aims to explore how community cohesiveness can serve as a symbolic force, employing qualitative methods with a narrative approach to provide detailed analysis. As a symbolic force, cohesiveness develops through three processes: the initial emergence of cohesiveness, its progression towards community superiority, and finally how the community maintains its cohesion. The symbolic power of community cohesiveness encompasses role symbols and attitude symbols among its members.
Model Kolaborasi Sosial Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Terhadap Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Siswa SD Negeri Kassi Harman B; Abdul Malik Iskandar; Eka Fitriana HS; Perawati Bte Abustang
EDUKATIF : JURNAL ILMU PENDIDIKAN Vol 5, No 1 (2023): February
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/edukatif.v5i1.4772


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model kolaborasi sosial berbasis kearifan lokal terhadap penguatan pendidikan karakter siswa kelas VA SD Negeri Kassi Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini merupakan  penelitian eksperimen Pre- Eksperimental dengan menggunakan pendekatan  kuantitatif. Sampel  penelitian ini ialah kelas VA SD Negeri Kassi yang berjumlah 26 orang. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu lembar observasi dan angket penguatan pendidikan karakter. Setelah menganalisis data, penulis menemukan bahwa keterlaksanaan  pada model kolaborasi sosial berbasis kearifan lokal dengan skor nilai 3,4 dalam kategori baik dan aktivitas siswa dengan skor nilai 3,2 dalam kategori baik. Adapun skor nilai pretest pada respon siswa menggunakan model kolaborasi sosial berbasis kearifan lokal sebesar 80,15 dan nilai posttest respon siswa pada model kolaborasi sosial berbasis kearifan lokal dengan skor 86,46. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan penguatan pendidikan karakter pada siswa kelas VA SD Negeri Kassi dengan menggunakan model kolaborasi sosial berbasis kearifan lokal sangat berpengaruh.
PERSEPSI SISWA TERHADAP BUDAYA K-POP DI SMA NEGERI 13 MAKASSAR Arfenti Amir; Mochammad Neor Alim Qalby; Trence Ilelapotoar; Abdul Malik Iskandar
Phinisi Integration Review Volume 6 Nomor 3 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/pir.v6i3.52716


. This study aims to determine the spread of K-Pop culture among students of SMA Negeri 13 Makassar, and compare diffusion theory with technological developments. This study used qualitative reserch with informants, grade 2 students, sociology teachers, representatives to schools, and the community. The date collection techniques used direct observation, in-depth interviews, and docummentation. Data was analyzed by reducing data and drawing conclusions. Based on the results of the study showed that the factors that influence students of SMA Negeri 13 Makassar to get to know K-Pop culture were also very halpful and add  to the exprience in the era of increasingly advanced globalization. Researchers also found an impact in the process of spreading K-Pop culture in Indonesia. Especially students of SMA Negeri 13 Makassar, namly positive impacts and negative impacts. The positive impacts of K-Pop culture included adding new insights, being able to increase vocabulary, learning outside culture, relieving stress, and motivating  fans. While the negative impact was lack of intereset in learning, waste, making them focus more on outside culture, play more, spend quota to watch Korean dramas and play social media.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyebaran budaya K-Pop di kalangan siswa SMA Negeri 13 Makassar, dan membandingkan teori difusi dengan perkembangan teknologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan informan siswa kelas XI, guru sosiologi, wakil kepala sekolah, dan masyarakat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi langsung, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan mereduksi data dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi siswa SMA Negeri 13 Makassar untuk mengenal budaya K-Pop juga sangat membantu dan menambah pengalaman diera globalisasi yang semakin maju. Peneliti juga menemukan dampak dalam proses penyebaran budaya K-Pop di Indonesia, khususnya siswa SMA Negeri 13 Makassar yaitu dampak positif dan dampak negatif. Adapun dampak positif budaya K-Pop diantaranya menambah wawasan baru, dapat menambah kosakata, mempelajari budaya luar, menghilangkan stres, dan memberi motivasi terhadap para penggemar. Sedangkan dampak negatifnya adalah kurangnya minat belajar, pemborosan, membuat mereka lebih fokus ke budaya luar, lebih banyak bermain, menghabiskan kuota untuk menonton drama Korea dan bermain sosial media. 
Effect of Tarekat Khalwattiyah-Samman on Fishermen's Work on The South Coast of South Sulawesi Abdul Malik Iskandar; Syamsul Bahri; Muhammad Masdar; Nurmi Nonci; Faidah Azuz; Harifuddin Harifuddin
el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam Vol 25, No 1 (2023): EL HARAKAH
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/eh.v25i1.18093


 Coastal fishermen communities hold religious rituals as Sufism practices. One of which is Tarekat Khalwatiyah-Samman, which affects their daily work. This paper aims to identify the substance of the Khalwatiyah-Samman teachings. It deciphers the effect of this teaching on the work of fishermen on the south coast of South Sulawesi. This research is qualitative with social and empirical approaches. Data collection was done through in-depth interviews, observation, and literature study. It employed qualitative data processing and analysis. The results showed that the substance of the Khalwatiyah-Samman teachings lies in its three doctrines: the purification of the soul, the concept of the essence of God, and the concept of human essence. In addition, the influence of Khalwatiyah-Samman's teaching on the work of fishermen on the south coast of South Sulawesi is the emergence of attitudes in work such as complacency; God has determined everything, and they do not have a competitive spirit and spirit of achievement. Accordingly, the substance of the Khalwatiyah-Samman teaching is that God has determined all human actions, and humans only live it. Moreover, the effect of the Khalwatiyah-Samman teaching is to form an attitude of fatalism in fishermen or resignation. Masyarakat nelayan di wilayah pesisir memegang teguh ritual keagamaan sebagai praktik Sufisme. Salah satunya yaitu Tarekat Khalwatiyah-Samman yang berpengaruh terhadap pekerjaan sehari-hari nelayan. Tulisan ini bertujuan memahami substansi ajaran Tarekat Khalwatiyah-Samman. Penelitian ini mengungkap efek Tarekat Khalwatiyah-Samman terhadap pekerjaan nelayan di pesisir selatan Sulawesi Selatan Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan pendekatan sosial dan empiris. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi literatur. Kajian ini menggunakan pengolahan dan analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ini substansi ajaran Tarekat Khalwatiyah-Samman terletak pada tiga doktrinnya yaitu penyucian jiwa, konsep esensi Ketuhanan dan konsep esensi manusia. Pengaruh tarekat Khalwatiyah-Samman terhadap pekerjaan nelayan di pesisir selatan Sulawesi Selatan adalah timbulnya sikap dalam bekerja seperti cepat puas, segala hal telah ditentukan oleh Tuhan, mereka tidak memiliki jiwa bersaing dan semangat berprestasi. Karena itulah substansi ajaran Khalwatiyah-Samman adalah semua perbuatan manusia telah ditentukan Tuhan dan manusia hanya menjalaninya. Adapun efek Tarekat Khalwatiyah-Samman adalah membentuk sikap fatalism pada nelayan atau kepasrahan.
MAKNA SIMBOLIK TRADISI PERKAWINAN ADAT (Studi Pada Suku Pamona Kabupaten Luwu Timur) Chatrine Veronika L; Abdul Malik Iskandar; Siti Nurul Haliza
MERDEKA : Jurnal Ilmiah Multidisiplin Vol. 1 No. 3 (2024): Februari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62017/merdeka.v1i3.893


Makna simbolik perkawinan adat pada Suku Pamona Kabupaten Luwu Timur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan teori Herbert Blumer. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan atas penemuan data dan hasil analisis data yang dimana masyarakat Pamona bertindak berdasarkan makna yang terkandung dalam simbol yang ada dalam perkawinan adat Pamona. Dalam hal ini masyarakat suku Pamona melakukan sesuatu bagaimana menginterprestasikan sesuatu dan terdapat makna akibat interaksi sosial yang dilakukan sehingga mempengaruhi makna, maupun fungsi dari simbol yang berkembang di masyarakat Pamona. Pertama masyarakat suku Pamona bertindak berdasarkan makna yang terkandung dalam simbol yang ada dalam perkawinan adat Pamona. Kedua perubahan mengenai perilaku masyarakat suku Pamona merupakan konduktif atas respon masyarakat terhadap tindakan yang dilakukan. Ketiga simbol adat Pamona masih diberlakukan sampai saat ini karena adat istiadat sudah dari turun temurun dan tidak bisa dilupakan dan dipertahankan hingga saat ini agar masyarakat Pamona dapat menghargai adat mereka sendiri.
The Influence of Counseling Toward The Level of Knowledge About Contraception Tool in Family Planning Acceptor in Public Health Centre of Kassi-Kassi Makassar Nurul Fitri Sugiarti Syam; Rahmawati Rahmawati; Abdul Malik Iskandar
The International Science of Health Journal Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): December : The International Science of Health Journal
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/ishel.v1i4.822


The less knowledge of mother about the celection of contraception type that they are going to consume is caused by the less counseling from paramedic particularly midwives. Childbearing age couple a who visit the health service centre commonly choose general contraception tool such as pill and injection, it is caused by uneffective counseling about contraception tool. This study aims at knowing the factors of infection in postpartum period. Type of research in analytical survey research with cross sectional study research. Total sample is 55 people who were choosen by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection did by delivering questionnaire as primary data and the data analysis did by using SPSS program and were analyzed with chi square test with level of significance ?=0,05. Based on the continuity correction, it showed the result of cross test where there I relationship between counseling and the level of knowledge where the value of p ? value or =0,002 <?=0,05. It is suggested to mother to use contraception which met to their urge and not to focus with one certain contraception tool and use it in long period.
Media Pembelajaran Audio Visual Pengaruhnya terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Masa Pandemi Waddi Fatimah; Abdul Malik Iskandar; Perawati Bte Abustang; Mika Silva Rosarti
Jurnal Basicedu Vol. 6 No. 6 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/basicedu.v6i6.3287


Salah satu jenis media pembelajaran yang digunakan  dimasa pandemi adalah audio visual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui media pembelajaran audio visual pengaruhnya terhadap hasil belajar IPS masa pandemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif  yang digolongkan  kedalam penelitian  eksperimen jenis pre experimental dengan desain one group pretest posstest design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini semua siswa kelas V SD Inpres Bangkala III Kota Makassar yang  terdiri dari 26 siswa. Instrumen yang  digunakan dalam penelitian terdiri dari lembar observasi aktivitas guru dan siswa, tes  hasil belajar dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis secara deskriftif dan statistik inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata  hasil belajar IPS siswa melalui media pembelajaran audio visual masa pandemi adalah 80,92 berada pada kategori baik.  Hasil uji  prasyarat terdiri dari hasil uji normalitas pretest 0,220 ≥ 0,05 dan posttest 0,946 ≥ 0,05 berdistribusi normal, hasil uji homogenitas 0,194 ≥  0,05 (homogen)  dan hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan nilai sig 0,000 dengan kriteria Sig (0,000) ≤  α (0,05). Simpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh media pembelajaran audio visual terhadap hasill  belajar IPS masa pandemi.