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The Use of Various Types of Nutrients and Plants Regulatory Substances in Hydroponic Plants Ismalida Maftuhatus Samihah; Ai Rohaeti; R Susanti; Talitha Widiatningrum
JURNAL BUDIDAYA PERTANIAN Vol 18 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/jbdp.2022.18.1.49


The narrowing of agricultural land, especially in urban areas, accompanied by consumer demand for plant products, requires innovation in the cultivation system. Hydroponics can be a solution because it can be applied to narrow land, not determined by conditions and places, and does not use soil. The provision of appropriate nutrients in hydroponic cultivation techniques can optimize plant growth. This research is a literature study on the provision of alternative nutrients and growth regulators in hydroponic plants. These nutrients include organic fertilizers from animals and plants, NPK fertilizers, plant catalysts, CaCl2, nitrogen, fertimix, rice washing water, NPK phoska, KCl, growmore, vinasse, magnesium, azolla, and glycerides. There are also alternative growth regulators (ZPT), namely gibberellins, auxins, and 'Areta' cytokinins (young coconut water, bamboo shoot extract, and bamboo sprout extract). Some of these nutrients and PGRs have a real and positive effect on plants so that they can be used by farmers of hydroponic cultivation. It was concluded that there are many alternative nutrients and PGRs that have been used and played a role in hydroponic cultivation.
Utilization of Phytochemical Content of Nipah Leaf Extract in the Coastal Area of Indonesia Nova N Zakyani; R Susanti; Talitha Widiatningrum
JURNAL BUDIDAYA PERTANIAN Vol 19 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Budidaya Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/jbdp.2023.19.1.1


Nypa fruticans Wurmb or ‘nipa’ is a palm plant that includes mangrove commodities, found along the mouths of tropical and subtropical rivers. Nipah forests in Indonesia are spread on the coast of the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua. Coastal communities in Indonesia usually use nipah as an ingredient in traditional medicine, food coloring, to various handicrafts. The main phytochemical composition of nipah is polyphenols, phenolics, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, and saponins. Therefore, the knowledge and utilization of this nipah plant need to be sought and studied more deeply to optimize its utilization. This study aims to find out the utilization of the phytochemical composition of nipah leaf extract on the coast of Indonesia. The results of the literature study on the phytochemical content of nipa leaves and their use have the potential as traditional medicine, and can act as antioxidants, antidiabetics, antimicrobials (antifungals and antibacterials), anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic. In addition to medicine, nipah plants are also used as roofs, livestock pens, or huts in gardens, brooms, handicrafts, fishing gear, as food coloring, as a source of food and beverages, to renewable energy fuel sources.
Co-Authors Adi Franata Jaya Aditya Marianti Ai Rohaeti Amin Retnoningsih Ari Yuniastuti Arvidhea Safira Gunawan Aryono Adhi Asih, Tri Sri Noor Christina Litaay Christina Litaay Dalila Daud Danu Sulistyo Desiy Ema Dwi Wahyuni Dewi Mustikaningtyas Dhea Rizky Amelia Enni Suwarsi Rahayu F. Putut Martin HB Farah Fitrotun Nisa’ Febriani, Vina Fitri Arum Sasi Fitri Arum Sasi, Fitri Arum Hadiati, Devi Ikwan Wahyudi Imronah, Imronah Indrawati, Putri Indrawati, Putri Ismalida Maftuhatus Samihah Istiani, Fahrun Istiani, Fahrun Krispinus Kedati Pukan Krispinus Kedati Pukan Lina Herlina Lina Herlina Maila Shofa Maghfiroh Martien Herna Susanti Moh. Qalfin Muhajaroh, Ririn Muhammad Abdullah Mukhtar, Khoirul Munasari, Tri Musafa, Fajar Nafi'ah, Miftahun Naina Rizki Kenarni Nasrika, Evy Nikmah, Nailatun Nofitasari, Maria Ulfa Noor Aini Habibah Nova N Zakyani Novita Kusuma Wardani Nugrahaningsih Nugrahaningsih Nugrahaningsih WH Nur Kusuma Dewi Nur Kusuma Dewi Nurhafizah Nurhafizah Nurhafizah Nurhafizah, Nurhafizah Parmin Parmin - Permatasari, Yoan Peryana, Riska Pramesti Dewi Pukan, Krispinus Putri, Raras Widiasri R Susanti R Susanti R Susanti R. Susanti R. Susanti Rahayu, Reny Rahayu, Reny Riska Laila Mukaromah Rizka Oktafiani Rukaenah, Rina Rukaenah, Rina Sadikin, Nadya Audina Nurkhafiya Septina, Esky Purba Septina, Esky Purba Setianingsih, Rizki Setianingsih, Rizki Siti Alimah Siti Harnina Bintari Sri Mursiti Sri Ngabekti Sri Sukaesih Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti Sugianto - Sulaiman, Meltasari Triyanasari, Triyanasari Triyanasari, Triyanasari Tyas Agung Pribadi Tyas Agung Pribadi, Tyas Agung Wijawati, Nur Y. Ulung Anggraito, Y. Ulung Yustinus Ulung Anggraito