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The Conservation Efforts of Wood Apple, An Identity Plant of Rembang Regency, Based on Ethnobotany Study Rahayu, Enni Suwarsi; Dewi, Nur Kusuma; Herlina, Lina; Widiatningrum, Talitha
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 9, No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v9i3.11542


Feronia limonia (L.) Swingle better known as wood apple is an identity plant of Rembang Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. However, the population is very limited. In order to identify the conservation efforts, this ethnobotany study was aimed to determine traditional knowledge on the existence, economic value, utility, breeding technique and conservation of wood apple. The survey was conducted on a total of 102 local people from 10 sub-districts which were determined by proportionally stratified random sampling. Data were collected by questionnaires and individual interviews and then were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that all of respondents knew the figure of wood apple, but only 79.50% understood its status as an identity plant. Most of respondents (96%) stated that the fruits have low economic value, 80.39% respondents have utilized ripe fruit as ingredients of beverages and stems as firewood. This utilization was only equal to 29.72% compared to the potential usability based on research results. It was concluded that the traditional knowledge about the existence, economic value, and breeding technique were good and on the contrary, the knowledge about the plants usability was bad. The results will form a basic knowledge for in-depth studies to provide a government policy of Rembang Regency in order to develop an efficient strategy of management and conservation of wood apple as plant identity.
Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kubis Bunga (Brassica oleracea var botrytis) dengan Sistem Pertanian Organik di Dataran Rendah Widiatningrum, Talitha; Pukan, Krispinus Kedati
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 2, No 2 (2010): September 2010
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v2i2.1159


The research aimed to compare caulifl ower growth and production planted at lowland and highland by using organic farming system. The research was single treatment experimentally, which was land height, consisted of highland (Kopeng) and lowland (Ambarawa). The variables were vegetative growth (leaves amount and plant weight) and generative development (fl ower initiation and fl ower weight). The data were analyzed by t-test. The result confi rmed that organic farming will make better lowland caulifl ower vegetative growth but least generative development compare to the highland one. It can be concluded that caulifl ower have the potency of being growth at lowland, even though with least yield.Keywords: lowland, highland, caulifl ower, organic
Inventarisasi Jenis-Jenis Tumbuhan Berkhasiat Obat di Hutan Hujan Dataran Rendah Desa Nyamplung Pulau Karimunjawa Abdullah, Muhammad; Mustikaningtyas, Dewi; Widiatningrum, Talitha
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 2, No 2 (2010): September 2010
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v2i2.1153


The research aims to obtain information about the various of medicinal plantsspecies. from 17 species of wild plants were found, approximately 76.5% (13)has been known to have the potential to be used as a medicine, namely jambumete, kecapi, gondang putih, laban, petai cina, jati, gerok ayam, lampeni, jemang,mangga, beruas, karet manis, and kopi anjing.Keywords: medicinal plant, lowland rain forest, Karimunjawa
Correlation of Epistemic Curiosity and Cognitive Understanding Biology’s Student in Health and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Istiani, Fahrun; Bintari, Siti Harnina; Widiatningrum, Talitha
Journal of Biology Education Vol 7 No 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : FMIPA UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbe.v7i1.22553


Technology growing rapidly because technological development is required in all aspects of humanlife. Biotechnology is one of the branch of biology that is constantly evolving. Health andpharmaceutical biotechnology is one of the biotechnology which became the spotlight of the world.Biotechnology is part of science that commences from curiosity. One of curiosity type is epistemiccuriosity (EC). Epistemic curiosity contribute to give problem solving for the appearing issue. Thisneed higher order thinking. Higher order thinking need good cognitive understanding. The purpose ofthis study is to: 1) describe the epistemic curiosity (EC) Biology’ student to the development of healthand pharmaceutical biotechnology, 2) analyzing the correlation of epistemic curiosity (EC) andcognitive ability of biology’ student in health and pharmaceutical biotechnology. This researchincludes descriptive correlative with the research data is a cognitive understanding and EC ofbiology’ student. Cognitive understanding and EC data taken using a questionnaire (i-d scalecuriosity) and problem (the quiz). Average of EC scores is 26,1. A descriptive analysis of the averageEC is of 65.3% (high category). The average of students cognitive understanding is 38.8%. (lowcategory). Quantitative correlation of cognitive understanding and EC was 0,208 (weak category).Qualitative correlation of cognitive understanding and EC was J category, that have a high EC butlow cognitive understanding.
Phenomenon : Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA Vol 8, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA
Publisher : Sains and Technology Faculty, Walisongo State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/phen.2018.8.2.2495


TK Wiji is a nursery school which was built at Jl. Untung Suropati no. 10  kelurahan Tegalrejo kota Pekalongan based on NPSN 69879295 of 2005 by Yayasan 99. TK Wiji is growing fast due to its education system which is in line to the 2013 national curriculum with the vision of toodler characteristic development. The most fundamental of character education is environment education. Considering to this situation, we have found that the most common litter of the nursery is disposable diaper. This kind of diaper is hardly degraded into its monomer. Colon’s research in 2013 has found a strategy to use this diaper as compost. Based on the problem of disposable diaper wastes in the nursery and also the result of the background research about exploiting the waste as compost, then the environment education for toodler of TK Wiji by using diaper waste as a material for hidroponic cultivation was done. In the beginning, guidances were given to the teacher in 2 phases which are making diaper waste composite into organic fertilizer and making hidrogel for interior plant cultivation by using the gel of the waste. In the next step, the teachers were asked to make improvisation regarding toodler environment education by using the skills. In spite of this, there was still an argument about the time management in the learning process by using diaper waste as the material. Thus an implementation of the skill for toodler extracuricular was stated.
The Use of Science Reflective Journal Writing by JAS Approach to Train Students Metacognitive Ability Septina, Esky Purba; Marianti, Aditya; Widiatningrum, Talitha
Journal of Biology Education Vol 7 No 3 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : FMIPA UNNES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jbe.v7i3.24260


This research aims to train students’ metacognitive ability used Science Reflective Journal Writing by JAS approach on the material of reproductive system. This type of research was One shot case study which was conducted at SMA Negeri 2 Pemalang. The subjects of this research were students of grade XI MIA 4 and XI MIA 5. The Independent variable of this research was Science reflective journal writing in problem-based learning by JAS approach, while dependent variables were metacognitive ability, activity and students’ cognitive learning results. The students’ metacognitive ability was measured by using observation sheets of students’ activity, discussion assessment sheets, and post-test questions. The results of analysis showed that the use of science reflective journal writing has good influence to train the students’ metacognitive ability. The students’ metacognitive ability of  SMA Negeri 2 Pemalang was included in good category which is 76% , it also gave an influence to cognitive learning result with mastery learn classical ≥ 75% and student activity with a range of 62.51% - 81.25% classified as active. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the students’ metacognitive ability at SMA Negeri 2 Pemalang for reproductive system material classified as good on the aspects of describing, interpreting, evaluating, planning, and also has good influence to the activity and students’ cognitive learning results on the material of reproductive system.
The Development of Booklet about the Variety of Macroscopic Fungi Species in Arboretum Sylva Western Borneo as the Supplement of Learning Material at High School Sulaiman, Meltasari; Ngabekti, Sri; Widiatningrum, Talitha
Journal of Innovative Science Education Vol 8 No 1 (2019): Article In Press
Publisher : Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.51 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jise.v0i0.27038


This R & D research’s purposes are to calculate: a) the variety of microscopic fungi species used as booklet material development, b) the validity, readability, practice, and effectiveness of the booklet. The findings are: a) the 21 species of macroscopic fungi variety in Arboretum Sylva, consisting of two divisions namely Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, b) booklet validity based on material expert’s judgment, 93.5% and media expert, 98.8%, with valid criteria, c) 89.6% readability of the booklet by students and 91.2% by teacher, categorized as understandable, d) the practice of the booklet by the students, 87.5% and teachers, 86.9%, categorized as very practice, e) the effectiveness of the booklet based on affective learning achievement, 73.3 for experimental group, and 66.2 for control group with well category. Psychomotor learning achievement averages are 72.6 for experimental group and 61.1 for control group, categorized as well. Based on cognitive learning achievement, the gain scores are 0.71 for experimental group and 0.56 for control group. U Mann-Whitney test result gains significant score 0.000 < 0.05. Effective size calculation is 0.6 (categorized as medium) and has impacts as 38.2%. The conclusion is the use of booklet is effective toward students’ learning achievement.
Analisis Produksi Organic Film ChitosanEkstrak Daun Jati Sebagai Preservatif Alami Daging Indrawati, Putri; Rukaenah, Rina; Triyanasari, Triyanasari; Rahayu, Reny; Setianingsih, Rizki; Widiatningrum, Talitha
Journal of Creativity Student Vol 2, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Journal of Creativity Student

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Daging sangat rentan terhadap pembusukan atau penurunan kualitas. Penggunaan pengawet daging yang berbahaya seperti formalin di masyarakat merupakan hal yang dianggap wajar. Ditambah lagi penggunaan kantong plastik sebagai kemasan daging memperparah keadaan tersebut karena sifat kantong plastik yang cenderung toksik dan off flavour serta non-biodegradable. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan solusi untuk mengawetkan daging yang aman dan ramah lingkungan. Edible coating adalah teknologi sederhana dimana lapisan tipis komponen dimakan dan bertindak sebagai penghalang fisik terhadap karbon dioksida, oksigen, aroma dan gerakan kelembaban.Daun jati dipercaya memiliki sejumlah metabolit sekunder yang menjadikannya sebagai anti oksidatif. Chitosan banyak digunakan pada edible coating sebagai agen antimikroba. Oleh karena itu, produk organic film chitosan-ekstrak daun jati hadir sebagai preservatif alami daging yang aman dan ramah lingkungan. Teknik produksi dilakukan melalui uji laboratorium terlebih dahulu. Kemudian, produksi dengan bahan-bahan yang aman, berkualitas dan mudah didapatkan serta diolah secara higinis dengan teknologi pembuatan edible coating. Produk dikemas menggunakan aluminiumfoil klip dengan identitas produk berupa sticker. Promosi dilakukan secara online dan offline meliputi pembuatan akun media sosial, leaflet maupun tester produck. Akhirnya, berhasil menjual 30 kemasan dengan BEP 75,51%. Hasil tersebut berpotensi untuk dikembangkan pada kemasan yang lebih modern, perluasan pemanfaatan produk, perluasan distribusi di pasar modern, dan pengembangan usaha ditingkat usaha menengah keatas.
Pengembangan Rumah Anggrek Kalisegoro menuju Kampung Sejuta Anggrek Anggraito, Yustinus Ulung; Habibah, Noor Aini; Widiatningrum, Talitha
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 23, No 1 (2019): June
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Anggrek merupakan tanaman dengan nilai ekonomis tinggi. Pemeliharaan anggrek memerlukan peralatan dan ketrampilan khusus supaya dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik. Griya anggrek Mekar Sari merupakan salah satu rumah anggrek di wilayah Kalisegoro yang mempunyai potensi besar untuk berkembang. Pengembangan rumah anggrek ini terkendala adanya kurangnya sarana dan keterampilan pengelola dalam budidaya anggrek maupun pemasaran anggrek. Saat ini peralatan yang digunakan masih sangat terbatas. Selain itu pengadaan pupuk dan juga pembasmi hama juga masih terkendala oleh dana. Perawatan anggrek saat ini hanya berkisar penyiraman saja karena masih terbatasnya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan Ibu-Ibu PKK RW 4 Kalisegoro. Dukungan untuk mengatasi hal tersebut perlu adanya penyediaan alat dan bahan yang bekaitan dengan budidaya anggrek, pelatihan mengenai budidaya anggrek dan pelatihan pemasaran anggrek. Strategi pemasaran anggrek akan didukung dengan pembuatan web Griya Anggrek Mekar Sari sehingga Griya Anggrek Mekar Sari tidak hanya dikenal di sekitar lingkungan Kalisegoro tetapi juga daerah lain. Web Griya Mekar sari telah berhasil dikembangkan. Penambahan koleksi anggrek, peralatan dan juga bahan untuk pemeliharaan anggrek meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas anggrek. Peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas anggrek serta adanya strategi pemasaran meningkatkan omzet penjualan anggrek. Selain itu keterampilan peserta juga meningkat dengan adanya pelatihan persilangan anggrek dan tambahan pengetahuan berkaitan dengan display anggrek pada showroom.
Green Production Module Development Through Ecobricks As a Learning Source of Environmental Pollution Nurhafizah, Nurhafizah; Kusuma Dewi, Nur; Widiatningrum, Talitha
Journal of Innovative Science Education Vol 9 No 2 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.893 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jise.v8i3.34049


This study aims to describe the results of the development of the green production module through ecobricks as a learning source of environmental pollution. Description of the results of the development in the form of validity and practicality. The data obtained from this study are the results of the validation of media experts and green production module experts through ecobricks. The results of the validity of the media experts from the green production module through ecobricks meet the very valid criteria that is 96,6%. The expert content assessment in this module also fulfills the very valid criteria, which is 95,6%. The results of the analysis based on research data indicate that the green production module through ecobricks is feasible to use with an average module validity result of 96,1% with a very valid category. The teacher's response to the practicality of 93,75% with the module criteria is very practical in learning activities. Student responses by 82,8% with very practical criteria used by students in the implementation of learning. Based on this it can be concluded that the green production module through ecobricks is very valid and very practical to be applied in learning environmental pollution material.
Co-Authors Adi Franata Jaya Aditya Marianti Ai Rohaeti Amin Retnoningsih Ari Yuniastuti Arvidhea Safira Gunawan Aryono Adhi Asih, Tri Sri Noor Christina Litaay Christina Litaay Dalila Daud Danu Sulistyo Desiy Ema Dwi Wahyuni Dewi Mustikaningtyas Dhea Rizky Amelia Enni Suwarsi Rahayu F. Putut Martin HB Farah Fitrotun Nisa’ Febriani, Vina Fitri Arum Sasi Fitri Arum Sasi, Fitri Arum Hadiati, Devi Ikwan Wahyudi Imronah, Imronah Indrawati, Putri Indrawati, Putri Ismalida Maftuhatus Samihah Istiani, Fahrun Istiani, Fahrun Krispinus Kedati Pukan Krispinus Kedati Pukan Lina Herlina Lina Herlina Maila Shofa Maghfiroh Martien Herna Susanti Moh. Qalfin Muhajaroh, Ririn Muhammad Abdullah Mukhtar, Khoirul Munasari, Tri Musafa, Fajar Nafi'ah, Miftahun Naina Rizki Kenarni Nasrika, Evy Nikmah, Nailatun Nofitasari, Maria Ulfa Noor Aini Habibah Nova N Zakyani Novita Kusuma Wardani Nugrahaningsih Nugrahaningsih Nugrahaningsih WH Nur Kusuma Dewi Nur Kusuma Dewi Nurhafizah Nurhafizah Nurhafizah Nurhafizah, Nurhafizah Parmin Parmin - Permatasari, Yoan Peryana, Riska Pramesti Dewi Pukan, Krispinus Putri, Raras Widiasri R Susanti R Susanti R Susanti R. Susanti R. Susanti Rahayu, Reny Rahayu, Reny Riska Laila Mukaromah Rizka Oktafiani Rukaenah, Rina Rukaenah, Rina Sadikin, Nadya Audina Nurkhafiya Septina, Esky Purba Septina, Esky Purba Setianingsih, Rizki Setianingsih, Rizki Siti Alimah Siti Harnina Bintari Sri Mursiti Sri Ngabekti Sri Sukaesih Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti Sugianto - Sulaiman, Meltasari Triyanasari, Triyanasari Triyanasari, Triyanasari Tyas Agung Pribadi Tyas Agung Pribadi, Tyas Agung Wijawati, Nur Y. Ulung Anggraito, Y. Ulung Yustinus Ulung Anggraito