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Journal : International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Hybrid photovoltaic maximum power point tracking of Seagull optimizer and modified perturb and observe for complex partial shading Novie Ayub Windarko; Evi Nafiatus Sholikhah; Muhammad Nizar Habibi; Eka Prasetyono; Bambang Sumantri; Moh. Zaenal Efendi; Hazlie Mokhlis
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 12, No 5: October 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v12i5.pp4571-4585


Due to natural randomness, partial shading conditions (PSCs) to photovoltaic (PV) power generation significantly drop the power generation. Metaheuristic based maximum power point tracking (MPPT) can handle PSCs by searching PV panels’ global maximum power point (GMPP). However, trapped at local maxima, sluggishness, continuous power oscillations around GMPP and inaccuracy are the main disadvantages of metaheuristic algorithm. Therefore, the development of algorithm under complex PSCs has been continuously attracting many researchers to yield more satisfying results. In this paper, several algorithms including conventional and metaheuristic are selected for candidate, such as perturb and observe (P&O), firefly (FF), differential evolution (DE), grey wolf optimizer (GWO) and Seagull optimizer (SO). From the preliminary study, SO has shown best performance among other candidates. Then, SO is improved for rapid global optimizer. Modified variable step sizes perturb and observe (MVSPO) is applied to enhance the accuracy tracking of SO. To evaluate the performances, high complexity multipeak partial shading is used to test the algorithms. Statistical results are also provided to analyze the trend of performances. The proposed method performances are shown better fast-tracking time and settling time, high accuracy, higher energy harvesting and low steady-state oscillations than other candidates.
Tunicate swarm algorithm based maximum power point tracking for photovoltaic system under non-uniform irradiation Evi Nafiatus Sholikhah; Novie Ayub Windarko; Bambang Sumantri
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 12, No 5: October 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v12i5.pp4559-4570


A new maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique based on the bio-inspired metaheuristic algorithm for photovoltaic system (PV system) is proposed, namely tunicate swarm algorithm-based MPPT (TSA-MPPT). The proposed algorithm is implemented on the PV system with five PV modules arranged in series and integrated with DC-DC buck converter. Then, the PV system is tested in a simulation using PowerSim (PSIM) software. TSA-MPPT is tested under varying irradiation conditions both uniform irradiation and non-uniform irradiation. Furthermore, to evaluate the performance, TSA-MPPT is compared with perturb & observe-based MPPT (P&O-MPPT) and particle swarm optimization-based MPPT (PSO-MPPT). The TSA-MPPT has an accuracy of 99% and has a reasonably practical capability compared to the MPPT technique, which already existed before.
Maximum power point tracking based on improved spotted hyena optimizer for solar photovoltaic Muhammad Farizky Alvianandy; Novie Ayub Windarko; Bambang Sumantri
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 12, No 6: December 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v12i6.pp5775-5788


The conventional maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method such as perturb and observe (P&O) under partial shading conditions with non-uniform irradiation, can get trapped on local maximum power point (LMPP) and cannot reach global maximum power point (GMPP). This study proposes a bio-inspired metaheuristic algorithm spotted hyena optimizer (SHO) and improved SHO as a new MPPT technique. The proposed SHO-MPPT and improved SHO-MPPT are used to extract GMPP from solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays operated under uniform irradiation and non-uniform irradiation. Simulation with Powersim (PSIM) and experimental with the emulated PV source were presented. Furthermore, to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, SHO-MPPT is compared with P&O-MPPT and particle swarm optimization (PSO)-MPPT. The SHO-MPPT has an accuracy of 99% and has the good capability, but there are power fluctuations before reaching MPP. Therefore, improved SHO-MPPT was developed to get better results. The improved SHO-MPPT proved high accuracy of 99% and faster than SHO-MPPT and PSO-MPPT in tracking the maximum power point (MPP). Furthermore, there are minor power fluctuations.
Co-Authors - Sutedjo Abdul Rizal Abdul Rizal, Abdul ACHMAD AFANDI Agus Indra Gunawan Ahmad Firyal Adila Akhmad Puryanto Aldi Erzanuari Aldi Erzanuari, Aldi Alvin Noer Ramadhan Alwi Daffa` Rosydi Anang Tjahjono, Anang Ardhia Wishnuprakasa Arief Rahmadani Ashary, Wima Audya Elisa Rheinanda Bambang Sumantri Bambang Sumantri Bambang Sumantri Bima Dwi Priya Setiawan Diah Septi Yanaratri Dicky Satria Nanda Lestyanto Dimas Nur Prakoso Dimas Okky Anggriawan Eka Prasetyono, Eka Endro Wahjono Epyk Sunarno Era Purwanto Evi Nafiatus Sholikhah Fahmi Ahyar Izzaqi Faizulddin Ebrahimi Ferdiansyah, Indra Firmansyah Nur Budiman, Firmansyah Nur Fuad, Muchamad Chaninul Gede Patrianaya Margayasa Wirsuyana GIGIH HERNAIN NANDA ALDIANTAMA Habibi Mushthofa Husnu Zain Habibi, Muhammad Nizar HANIF HASYIER FAKHRUDDIN Hasnira Hasnira Hazlie Mokhlis Irianto Irianto Jati, Mentari Putri Kadek Reda Setiawan Suda Kuswadi, Son Loegimin, Maruto Swatara Lucky Pradigta Setiya Raharja Lucky Pradigta Setiya Raharja Luluk Badriyah Mas Sulung Wisnu Jati Miftahul Arrijal Mochamad Ari Bagus Nugroho Mochamad Ari Bagus Nugroho MOCHAMAD ARI BAGUS NUGROHO Mochammad Ari Bagus Nugroho Moh Rifqi Faqih Moh. Faisal Amir Moh. Faisal Amir Moh. Zaenal Efendi Mohammad Imron Dwi Prasetyo Mohammad Imron Dwi Prasetyo Mohammad Zaenal Efendi Muchamad Chaninul Fuad Muhammad Abdul Haq Muhammad Farizky Alvianandy Muhammad Khanif Khafidli Muhammad Prihadi Eko Wahyudi Muhammad Wildan Alim Muhdalifah Muhtar Naafilah Widya Mulya NUGROHO, MOCHAMAD ARI BAGUS Ony Armanto Ony Asrarul Q. Puspita Ningrum Q., Ony Asrarul Qoriatul Fitriyah Qudsi, Ony Asrarul Rachma Prilian Eviningsih Ragil Wigas Wicaksana Renny Rakhmawati, Safira Nur Hanifah, Renny Rakhmawati, Rizal Nurdiansyah Rizqy Abdurrahman Rizqy Abdurrahman S Aisyah Setiawardhana Suhariningsih Suhariningsih Suryono . Suryono Suryono Suryono Suryono sutedjo Sutedjo Syechu Dwitya Nugraha Wicaksana, Ragil Wigas Wima Ashary Wirsuyana, Gede Patrianaya Margayasa Wishnuprakasa, Ardhia Zainal Arief Zainal Arief