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Respon Morfologis dan Ekspresi Gen Aquaporin pada Padi IR 64 yang Mengalami Cekaman Kekeringan pada Fase Reproduktif (Morphological Responses and Aquaporin Gene Expression in Rice IR64 under Drought Stress at the Reproductive Stage) Pharmawati, Made; Wirasiti, Ni Nyoman; Wrasiati, Luh Putu
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35799/jbl.7.2.2017.18579


Abstrak Cekaman kekeringan merupakan faktor pembatas penting bagi pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman termasuk padi.      Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis respon padi IR64 terhadap cekaman kekeringan dengan pemberian polietilen glikol (PEG) pada fase reproduktif.  Penelitian juga bertujuan menganalisis ekspresi gen aquaporin akibat cekaman kekeringan.  Bibit padi ditanam dalam pot dan perlakuan PEG dengan konsentrasi 108g/L (-0.25MPa) dan 178g/L (-0.52 MPa) diberikan saat munculnya panikula. Perlakuan diberikan selama 2 minggu, kemudian tanaman disiram kembali.  Ekspresi gen diamati pada akhir perlakuan dengan semi kuantitatif real time PCR.  Ekstraksi RNA menggunakan RNeasy plant mini kit, sedangkan sintesis cDNA menggunakan Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Kit.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah malai dan berat total malai berkurang akibat cekaman kekeringan.  Persentase gabah kosong mencapai 84,6% pada perlakuan PEG-0,52 MPa, sedangkan pada perlakuan PEG -0,25 MPa persentase gabah kosong sebesar 67,8%.  Pada kontrol persentase gabah kosong adalah 10,3%.  Ekspresi gen OsPIP2;7 sedikit menurun pada perlakuan PEG -0,52 MPa.Kata kunci: ekspresi gen, IR64, kekeringan, padi, PEG  Abstract Drought stress is one of the limiting factors of plant growth and productivity including rice.  The aim of this study was to analyze responses of IR64 rice to polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced-drought stress at the reproductive stage.  This study also aimed to analyze the expression of aquaporin under drought stress.  Rice seedlings were grown in pot system and PEG treatment at concentration of -0.25MPa (108g/L) and -0.52 MPa (178g/L) were given when the panicles arose.  Treatments were conducted for 2 weeks, after that the plants were rewatered.  Gene expression was evaluated at the end of PEG treatment using semi quantitative real time PCR. RNA was extracted using RNeasy plant mini kit, while cDNA synthesis was done using Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Kit.  The results showed that the number and weight of rice ear were less in plant treated with PEG than in control.  The percentage of empty rice grain reached 84.6% at PEG -0.52 MPa, while at PEG -0.25 MPa the percentage of empty grain was 67.8%.  In control plant, the percentage of empty grain was 10.3%.  Drought stress did not alter the expression of OsPIP2;7.  Keywords: drought, gene expression, IR64, PEG, rice
Potential of Calliandra calothyrsus Leaf Extract to Maintain Estrogen Concentration and Uterine Thickness in Rats Setyawati, Iriani; Wirasiti, Ni Nyoman; Yuni, Luh Putu Eswaryanti Kusuma
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education Vol 13, No 2 (2021): August 2021
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Semarang State University . Ro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/biosaintifika.v13i2.31063


Calliandra calothyrsus Meissn. leaf extract is potential as phytoestrogens. It influenced male mice reproduction, rat estrous cycle, and ovarian histology in previous study. This research aimed to prove the C. calothyrsus leaf extract potential as phytoestrogen source and the effect on endometrial thickness where the embryo implantation take place in early pregnancy. This study used a Completely Randomized Design used 54 days old female rats (Rattus norvegicus). Rats were divided into K as control group (treated with 0.5% Na-CMC as placebo) and P1, P2, and P3 as three groups with C. calothyrsus leaf extract administration with doses of 17.5; 35; and 70 mg/ kg bw respectively. Treatments were given 1 ml/rat/day orally for 20 days. At day 21st, animals were euthanized to collect blood samples for estrogen hormone analysis. After the dissection, all uterus were collected and weighed. Histological preparation was done with paraffin method and Hematoxylin-Eosin staining. The effective dose was 70 mg/ kg bw that did not decrease the weight of the uterus and the body. This dose even maintained the normal diameter and thickness of uterine walls (endometrium, myometrium, and perimetrium layers) like control rats. The extract in this study could increase estrogen concentration in female rats. This research novelty is that C. calothyrsus leaf extract (70 mg/ kg bw) can be used as an alternative herbal suplement to maintain uterine wall thickness and estrogen concentration in productive women. With further clinical research, this extract is a good candidate as potential estrogen source to overcome women infertility or pregnancy difficulties due to problem of endometrial thickness and lack of endogenous estrogen.
Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences Vol 4 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Prodi Magister Ilmu Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/metamorfosa.2017.v04.i02.p12


Masyarakat Bali mengelompokkan diri berdasarkan soroh atau garis keturunan tetapi bukti genetik pengelompokkan tersebut belum diketahui. Salah satu soroh/ klan yang memiliki persebaran yang luas di seluruh Bali adalah soroh/ klan Pande. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui ragam alel DNA mitokondria masyarakat soroh Pande di Bali dengan metode Polymerase Chain Reaction-Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) yang berguna untuk kepentingan forensik. Sampel sel epitel mukosa mulut diambil dengan cara purposive sampling yang terdiri dari 35 sampel warga Pande. Tahapan penelitian meliputi ekstraksi DNA dengan metode fenol-kloroform yang telah dimodifikasi, amplifikasi DNA pada daerah D-loop DNA mitokondria (mtDNA), digesti produk PCR dengan lima macam enzim restriksi dan elektroforesis dengan menggunakan gel agarose 1 % dan PAGE 10%. Penelitian ini mendapatkan sembilan ragam alel. Digesti dengan enzim Hae III, Hinf I, Mbo I dan Dde I mendapatkan masing-masing dua tipe pemotongan sedangkan enzim Hind III tidak memiliki situs pengenalan pada daerah D-loop DNA mitokondria. Enzim Hind III tidak dapat digunakan untuk membedakan profil DNA antar individu karena bersifat monomorfik.
Kandungan Vitamin C dan Uji Organoleptik Lulur Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Ni Putu Sukma Widyantari; Wirasiti wirasiti; IGA Sugi Wahyuni
Metamorfosa: Journal of Biological Sciences Vol 8 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Prodi Magister Ilmu Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/metamorfosa.2021.v08.i01.p11


Teh Rosella merupakan bahan yang dipakai dalam pembuatan lulur karena kandungan antioksidannya baik bagi kulit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan vitamin C, aktivitas antioksidan dan organoleptik lulur yang dibuat dari teh Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) dengan variasi konsentrasi beras. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Analitik Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian dan Laboratorium Mekanik Tanah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Udayana mulai Mei-Agustus 2018. Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 7 kelompok perlakuan. Parameter yang diamati adalah kandungan vitamin C, aktivitas antioksidan dan organoleptik meliputi tekstur, warna, aroma dan kesan lulur Rosella. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kandungan vitamin C dan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi pada teh rosella dari merek Red Tea Rossela. Hasil penelitian terhadap kandungan vitamin C dan antioksidan tertinggi terdapat pada lulur rosella dengan persentase tepung beras putih 10% dan tepung beras merah 80%. Perbedaan perlakuan lulur berpengaruh nyata terhadap penilaian probandus dilihat dari tekstur, warna dan aroma, sedangkan perbedaan perlakuan lulur tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap penilaian probandus dilihat dari kesan. Kata kunci: lulur, Rosella, vitamin C, antioksidan, organoleptik
PELATIHAN HIDROPONIK DI SMAN 1 DENPASAR, BALI M. Pharmawati; N. N. Wirasiti; I.G.A.S. Wahyuni; R. Kawuri
Buletin Udayana Mengabdi Vol 16 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (252.003 KB)


Hidroponik merupakan salah satu teknik budidaya tanaman khususnya sayuran yang memiliki beberapa keuntungan antara lain tidak memerlukan lahan yang luas, nutrisi seimbang, bebas gulma serta produksi yang tinggi. Teknik budidaya sayuran secara hidroponik dapat memanfaatkan pekarangan rumah atau halaman sekolah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kegiatan pengenalan bertanam sayuran secara hidroponik. Tujuan kegiatan in adalah memperkenalkan dan melatih bertanam sayuran secara hidroponik bagi siswa SMAN 1 Denpasar. Metode yang digunakan terdiri dari metode ceramah, praktek dan diskusi yang meliputi pengenalan jenis-jenis tanaman sayuran, pengenalan berbagai teknik hidroponik serta teknik bertanam mulai dari persemaian, pembibitan, penanaman dan pemeliharaan. Sistem hidroponik yang dipilih adalah sistem hidroponik statis sederhana dengan menggunakan wick (sumbu). Kegiatan pertama di SMAN 1 Denpasar diikuti oleh 18 siswa dan dua guru pendamping. Evaluasi dilakukan melalui antusias dan keaktifan murid serta pertumbuhan tanaman yang dipraktekkan. Sumbu yang terbuat dari kain flannel mengakibatkan pertumbuhan tanaman yang lebih baik dibandingkan sumbu kompor. Kegitan kedua merupakan pengenalan teknik hidroponik aktif diikuti oleh 8 orang siswa dan 2 guru pendamping.
Jurnal Biologi Udayana Vol 18 No 1 (2014): Jurnal Biologi
Publisher : Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana

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Masyarakat Hindu di Bali dibedakan ke dalam kelompok-kelompok berdasarkan garis keturunan laki-laki yang disebut klan atau di Bali lebih dikenal dengan istilah soroh. Salah satu soroh yang dikenal di Bali adalah soroh Pande. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variasi genetik masyarakat soroh Pande di Desa Abiansemal, Badung menggunakan empat lokus mikrosatelit kromosom Y, yaitu DYS19, DYS390, DYS393 dan DYS395. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, didapatkan 11 ragam alel dan enam haplotipe yang didominasi oleh haplotipe A (200, 215, 121, 123) dengan frekuensi sebesar 0,65 serta keragaman genetik sebesar 0,32 ± 0,07. Ragam haplotipe yang didapatkan menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat soroh Pande di Desa Abiansemal berasal dari berbagai sumber gen.
Histomorfometrik duodenum kelinci jantan setelah diberi pakan komersial disuplementasi minyak hati ikan kod Ni Gusti Ayu Manik Ermayanti; Ni Wayan Sudatri; Ni Nyoman Wirasiti; I Gusti Ayu Manik Widhyastini
Jurnal Biologi Udayana Vol 25 No 1 (2021): JURNAL BIOLOGI UDAYANA
Publisher : Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JBIOUNUD.2021.v25.i01.p10


Fish oil is a source of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) that can be used as supplementary feed in commercial feed to increase male rabbit productivity. PUFAs function in various physiological processes, including in the digestive system.This study aimed to determine the histomorphometrics of male rabbits duodenum after fed commercial feed supplemented by cod liver oil. The experimental design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four feed packages, namely commercial feed without cod liver oil (P0) as a control, commercial feed supplemented with cod liver oil 3% (P1), 4.5% (P2) and 6% (P3). Each consists of five male local rabbits as replicates and given starting female rabbits 1-3 months. The parameters observed were villi height, villi width, crypt depth, and tunica mucosa thickness of the duodenum in male rabbits. The data obtained were analyzed with Anova and if significantly different were further tested with DMRT. The results showed that cod liver oil supplementation in commercial feed was significantly different (p<0.05) to the histomorphometric parameters (villi height, villi width, crypt depth, and thickness of the tunica mucosa) of the duodenum in male rabbits. Can be concluted that supplementation of cod liver oil in commercial feed can increase the histomorphometrics of male local rabbits duodenum.
Variasi genetik dan jarak genetik suku Sakai di Provinsi Riau dengan suku Minangkabau di Desa Pagaruyung Sumatera Barat berdasarkan DNA mikrosatelit Tyara Tyara; I Ketut Junitha; Ni Nyoman Wirasiti
Jurnal Biologi Udayana Vol 25 No 1 (2021): JURNAL BIOLOGI UDAYANA
Publisher : Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JBIOUNUD.2021.v25.i01.p03


There are several versions can explain the origin of the Sakai tribe. Sakai people themselves believe that their ancestors came from Pagaruyung, West Sumatra Province. The purpose of this research is to determine the genetic variation and genetic distance of the Sakai tribe in Riau Province and the Minangkabau tribe in Pagaruyung Village, West Sumatra Province based on three microsatellite DNA loci (D2S1338, D16S539, and D13S317). A total of 10 alleles were found in three microsatellite loci of the Sakai tribe and 11 alleles in the Minangkabau tribe. Data analysis using GenAlex 6.503 software showed that the heterozygous value of the Sakai and Minangkabau tribes was moderate with a value of 0.557 ± 0.062 in the Sakai tribe and 0.615 ± 0.073 in the Minangkabau tribe. Meanwhile, the value of genetic differentiation (F’ST) in these two tribes shows moderate genetic differences (0.088 ± 0.039). Genetically, Sakai people and Minangkabau tribes have similarities based on the D2S1338, D16S539, and D13S317 microsatellite DNA loci with a genetic distance of 0.269 and the proportion of identical genes (Genetic identity) of 0.764. This result is supported by alleles outflow or entry in the Sakai and Minangkabau tribes with a migration rate is four people per generation.
Jurnal Biologi Udayana Vol 21 No 2 (2017): JURNAL BIOLOGI UDAYANA
Publisher : Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (704.277 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/JBIOUNUD.2017.vol21.i02.p03


This research determined male and female face type of the adults in Panglipuran adults. The analysis of face types Geometric Morphometric Technique in thin-plate-splin (tps) program. Adults female and 14 male aged 25-35 years old were photographed for both frontal and lateral faces with a digital camera Canon EOS 60D. Landmark data was processed by photo processor program tpsDig version 2.04, tpsSuper version 1.13, tpsRelw version 1.42, tpsSplin 1.20 and both of ape and gee package of R Program version 3.2.5. The average of male’s face shape type in Panglipuran village was ellipse and round for female’s. We found 2 frontal and 2 lateral for male’s face variation, we also found 3 frontal and 3 lateral for female’s. Frontal face of male and female that showed high variation included right subaurale, left subaurale, right gonion, left gonion, and gnathion. Lateral face of male and female that showed high variation were trichion, frontozygomaticus, superciliare, superaurale, pogonion, glabella, the minimum point of the curve below earlobe, gonion and gnathion.
Bumi Lestari Journal of Environment Vol 11 No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Environmental Research Center (PPLH) of Udayana University

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Taman Ayun is a tourist destination which is proposed as a world cultural heritage. Thus, the data about Taman Ayun are important things to be collected to support the proposal. This study is expected to provide data on flora. Data on flora were gathered based on site observation on September 5, 2008. The data collection was also supported by other data collecting techniques such as interview and literature review. Result of the study showed that there were 125 plant species around the temple. As much as 16,8 % were classified as rare/threatened or endangered, 1,6% rare and protected, and the rest (81,6 %) were not protected and not rare species. The highest proportion of the plant (30 %) were decorative plant. Others were material for ceremony (upakara) (21%), food and vegetables (19 %). All of those were covering 70 % of the plant. The rest were for medicine, providing shaded spots, animal fodder, other use and has not been used.