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Journal : Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal

Studi Fenomenologi Pengalaman Ibadah Pasien Islam yang di Rawat dengan Pendekatan Spiritual Islam di Rumah Sakit Aisyiah Bojonegoro dan Rumah Sakit Haji Surabaya Abu Bakar; Ninuk Dian Kurniawati
Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal (CMSNJ) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2013): APRIL 2013
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (32.853 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/cmsnj.v1i2.12173


Background : Nursing theory of caring in the context of Islamic culture can be interpreted as the nurse facilitates the patient's worship and in turn, the nurse received a reward from God for this action (Lovering, 2008). Islamic nursing still not fully implemented inIslamic hospitals. This study aimed to understand the Islamic patients’ worship experience.Method : The method used in this study was phenomenological study. Sample consisted 5 patients and 6 nurses who met inclusion criteria, recruited bypurposive sampling. This study was conducted at Haji General Hospital Surabaya and AisyiahIslamic Hospital Bojonegoroduring August to December 2013. Data were collected by interviewing respondents and analyzed using the seven step of qualitative data analysis by Collaizi.Result : The results showed that not all respondents conductIslamic worship during hospitalization, particularly the obligation performing prayers five times a day. This is due to physical weaknesses, and feel of uncleanliness. These conditionswere also weakened by the lack of spiritual nursing care by nurses. Nurses had provide patients with prayer time reminder, prayer kit,Qibla direction,wudoo kit, but nurses did not conduct Islamic caring assessment and nursing diagnosis. Moreover, spiritual nursing process was not documented because of the high workload.Discussion : Further discussion about Islamic nursing care and how it is fulfilled is needed. This can be about the best way to introduce worship to Moslem patients and how to perform it during illness. Nurses should also conduct a proper assessment about the patient’s spiritual needs and implementation of worshipand how they want these needs to be helped be nurses.
Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal (CMSNJ) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2014): OKTOBER 2014
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (579.679 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/cmsnj.v3i1.12208


Intoduction: Health education was one of nursing interventions that aimed to change behavior in increasing health status that can be done with syndicate groups discussion learning method. This study was aimed to examine influence of syndicate groups method about ARIs prevention in changing female adolescence’s knowledge and attitude at Amanatul Ummah Educational Institution, Mojokerto.Methods: This study was a quasy-experiment using pretest-posttest controlgroup design. Population was adolescence of Nurul Ummah Boarding School (20 respondents) as the treatment group and adolescence of Amanatul Ummah Boarding School (20 respondents) as the control group, which taken according to simple random sampling. Knowledge and attitude as dependent variables and syndicate groups method as independent variable. Data were collected by using questionnaire then analyzed with level of significance p<0.05 by Wilcoxon sign rank test and Mann Whitney test.Result: Syndicate groups method had effect on knowledge but not on attitude.Wilcoxon test of knowledge for treatment group showed p=0.001, where Mann Whitney posttest showed p=0.000. Otherwise, Wilcoxon test of attitude for treatment group showed p=0.655, where Mann Whitney posttest showed p=0.348.Discussion: The conclusion is health education with syndicate groups method about ARIs prevention in boarding school can increase the level of knowledge but there is no significant change in attitude. Researcher believes that there were other factors that influenced the attitude posttest results, such as: factors of respondents; factors offacilitators, and; weaknesses of the implementation process and method of syndicate groups.
Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal (CMSNJ) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2015): APRIL 2015
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (136.745 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/cmsnj.v3i2.12238


Introduction: Urinary tract infections that occur in hospitals are mostly caused by the installation of indwelling urinary catheter. Indwelling urinary catheter care is one way to prevent the occurrence of catheter-associated urinary tract infections. This study aimed to determine the effect of indwelling urinary catheter care by using clorhexidine gluconate 2% on the incidence of urinary tract infections at inpatient rooms of RSUD Taman Husada Bontang.Methods: The research employed a quasyexperiment posttest only design. Technique of sampling used non-probability sampling: consequtive sampling. The independent variabel was indwelling urinary catheter care. The dependent variabel was urinary tract infections. Data were collected by using colony count and types of bacteria on the fourth day. Data were analyzed by using Mann Whitney test with level of significance α<0,05.Results: The results showed that there was no difference in urinary tract infections between patients in treatment group who received indwelling urinary catheter care by using chlorhexidine gluconate 2% and patients in control group who received standard catheter care (p=0.138).Conclusion: Agent of perineal care does not influence the incidence of catheter associated urinary tract infections. Further studies should involve larger respondents and consider the characteristics of respondents such as using antibiotic, diabetes mellitus and urine production to obtain more accurate results.
Ventilasi Paru Pasien dengan Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronis (PPOK) paska penerapan Pursed Lips Breathing dengan Pendekatan Cognitive Behaviour Ther Dwi Maryuni; Tintin Sukartini; Ninuk Dian Kurniawati
Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal (CMSNJ) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2014): APRIL 2014
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/cmsnj.v2i2.12389


Inroduction : Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a lung disease that has a severe impact on the physical condition and quality of life of the patients. PLB breathing exercises with CBT is one of the non pharmakologis therapies to help COPD’s patients to obtain optimal physical condition and prevent more severe complications. The aimed of this study was to determine the effect of breathing exercises PLB with CBT to changes RR, HR, SaO2, and Retraction Chest Muscles on COPD’s patients at Ruang Palem I RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya.Method : This study was a pre- experimental study. The independent variabel was PLB with CBT. The dependent variabels were RR, HR, SaO2 and retraction chest muscles on COPD’s patients. Sample was 12 respondents. The sample was divided into 2 groups, 6 respondents as treatments group and 6 respondents as a control group. Data were then analyzed using independent t test, paired t test and chi square with level of siginficance p≤0.05.Result : Results showed that RR (p=0.004), HR (p=0.021), and SaO2 (p=0.003).Discussion : It can be concluded that there were influence the PLB breathing exercises with CBT to changing RR, HR and SaO2 on COPD’s patients. Whereas Chest muscle retraction was no effect with breathing exercises PLB with CBT on COPD’s patients at Ruang Palem I RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Suggestions for nurses to be able to improve services for special education breathing exercises PLB with CBT in treating COPD’s patients. For further research expected to examine other factors that may help resolve problems in patients with COPD.
Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal (CMSNJ) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2016): APRIL 2016
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (730.266 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/cmsnj.v4i2.12398


Introduction: Acute respiratory infection (ARIs) is acute infection attacks human respiratory tract. The disease becomes one of the public health problems in Indonesia especially for under-five children. One of the causes of ARI is unsuitable in preventing and caring behavior. It needs special attention because of high disease number in puskesmas. Health education which has been done isspeech method to many people. But personal counseling method has never done. The study aims to analyze behavior of mother in preventing and caring ARI in children under-five in working area Puskesmas Bangkalan.Methods: This research used quasy experimental design and population mother who had children with acute respiratory infection. The sampling used purpossive sampling technique, based on inclusion criteria, used 32 mothers consist of 16 people as experiment group and 16 people as control group. Data collected by questioner and analysed by wilcoxon signed rank test and mann whitney test with significant value p≤0.05. Results: The result statistically showed there was difference between pre and post for knowledge (p=0.025), attitude (p=0.007), and action (p=0.001) in experiment group and there was difference between control and experiment group for knowledge (p=0.007), attitude (p=0.005), and action (p=0.003).Discussion: The results concluded that counselling had effect to preventing and caring behavior of mother in working area Puskesmas Bangkalan. Suggestion for next researcher is we need further experiment about effect of counselling to mother’s behavior using other research method in order to generalizethe result
Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal (CMSNJ) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2018): APRIL 2018
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (537.208 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/cmsnj.v6i2.12828


Introduction: Adherence on fluid intake restriction is one of the problems of chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis. Poor adherence could lead to treatment failure this inturn lower quality of life for patients, increase morbidity and mortality. Social support and motivation are important factors of adherence on fluid intake restriction among patients with chronic kidney disease undergone hemodialysis. The aimed of this study was two fold. Firstly, it aimed to identify the relationship between social support and motivation with adherence on fluid intake restriction among patients with chronic kidney disease undergone hemodialysis. Secondly it analyzed relationship between both variable.Methods: This study used cross-sectional design. Samples were patients with chronic kidney disease undergone hemodialysis at RSUD Dr. M.M. Dunda Limboto, Kabupaten Gorontalo. The independent variables were social support and motivation. The dependent variable was adherence on fluid intake restriction. Sample were 19 individuals, recruited using consecutive sampling. Data were collected through questionnaire and analyzed by of Spearmen Rho statistical test with significance level of α<0.05.Result: Result of the research showed that there was a relationship between social support and motivation with adherence on fluid intake restriction among patients with chronic kidney disease undergone hemodialysis with significance level p=0.000 it means the relationship between two variable was reliable. The higher the social support, the better patients adherence on fluid restriction. The limitation of this research was small sample size to be used.Conclusion: It can be conclude that there was relationship between social support and motivation with adherence on fluid intake restriction among patients with chronic kidney disease undergone hemodialysis. Further studies should involve more respondents.
Encourage Healthy Indonesia Program through Improved Professional Competencies and Strengthening the Professionalism of Nurses in Sampang Regency – Madura Laily Hidayati; Ninuk Dian Kurniawati; Abu Bakar; Achmad Tirmidzi; Hasanudin Hasanudin
Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal (CMSNJ) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2018): OKTOBER 2018
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (423.358 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/cmsnj.v7i1.12901


Introduction: Sampang is one of the districts in East Java that has many problems faced, especially in the health sector. With a population of 947,614 inhabitants, Sampang facing the issue of professionalism of health workers, nurses 'career paths, high prevalence of Tuberculosis, and high incidence ofdisasters (floods) in Sampang Regency that require nurses' readiness and ability in an emergency situation. Nurses as the frontline of health services are required to be able to demonstrate their professionalism through the effectiveness and success of the actions taken. This activity aimed to increase professionalism and encourage nurses to improve their competence through continuing education and training.Method: Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga in collaboration with the Sampang Health Departement held conference and workshop on the topics: (1) nurse professionalism: assessment of legal aspects and nursing ethics; (2) nurse career paths; (3) comprehensive treatment of tuberculosis includes bio-psycho-socio-spiritual; (4) wound care; and (5) update on basic life support based on the 2015 AHA Guidelines. The target was 152 nurses at the primary health care in the working area of the Sampang District Health Office who are selected and identified according to the competencies. The activities were carried out during the period of July-August 2018.Result: A series of education and training programs produced output in the form of increasing knowledge and attitudes about nurse professionalism and career paths, increasing knowledge and attitudes about handling Tuberculosis patients, and increasing nurses' competence in wound care and BLS (Basic Life Support).Discussion: In the future, sustainable education and training activities are needed for nurses and other health workers in accordance with the latest developments in science and health technology to create professional nurses/health workers who encourage the achievement of the Healthy Indonesia program.
Family's Experience Dealing with Critical Patient Hospitalization in the Intensive Care Unit Maria Theresia Dhiu; Ninuk Dian Kurniawati; Andri Setya Wahyudi
Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal (CMSNJ) Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): OCTOBER 2021
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1827.546 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/cmsnj.v10i2.26582


Introduction: The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a treatment that can cause feelings of stress, anxiety, and fear not only in the patient but also in the patient's family. The unfamiliar environment, intensive space regulation, changes in emotional status, and changes in daily activities cause stress in the ICU patient's family. The purpose of this study is to reveal the experiences of families facing hospitalization in intensive care units based on empirical studies in the last five years. Methods: Journal searches use indexed databases Scopus, Proquest, ScienceDirect, and PubMed using keywords: hospitalization, family, critical patient, ICU. The Center for Review and Dissemination and The Joanna Briggs Institute were used to assess the quality of the study. The framework used is PICOS with inclusion criteria, namely journals in English and Indonesian, published years 2015 to 2020. Analyzes and tabulation of data on articles or journals, titles, abstracts, full text, and methodology are assessed to determine the eligibility of articles or journals. Result: The family's experience in critical patient hospitalization in the ICU care room impacts the family's treating these patients physically and psychologically. During patient hospitalization, the family plays a role in providing care, and compassion, creating security and privacy, and advocating for and ensuring that patients receive good care. Conclusion: The hospitalization experience can disrupt the client's psychology and psychosocial condition, especially if the client cannot adapt to his new environment at the hospital. The patient must have a vital source of support to support healing. One of these supports can be obtained from the patient's family.
Principles of Providing Nutrition to People Living with HIV/AIDS : A Literature Review Ninuk Dian Kurniawati; Adi Sukma Septiana; Muhammad Iqbal; Laely Sholihah; Dyah Sekaringtyas Ciptaningrum; Yulita Thadea Retanubun
Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal (CMSNJ) Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021): OCTOBER 2021
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (740.015 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/cmsnj.v10i2.30581


Introduction: HIV patients with good nutritional status have a good immune system. Good nutritional status can inhibit the process of HIV disease entering the AIDS stage. In addition, good nutritional intake is needed so patients can maintain their health conditions during ARV treatment. This literature review aimed to explain the principles of nutritional fulfilment in HIV patients. Methods: The method used in this study is a literature review with predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The number of articles obtained from the literature review results is 8 articles. The instrument used to evaluate the research is from The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Results: A total of 8 articles met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results of the study assessment from the article achieved a score higher than 50% so that it met the Critical Appraisal criteria which would then be analyzed for data. Inadequate nutritional status in a person with HIV-AIDS (PLWHA) has a high risk of declining health in general. With good nutritional status, it can prevent HIV disease from entering the AIDS stage. Conclusion: Protein-energy enriched macronutrient supplementation and ARV initiation effectively improve physiological, nutritional status and immune response in PLWHA. This can prevent people living with HIV from experiencing malnutrition and wasting, restore the ideal body weight, increase and maintain the body's ability to fight various opportunistic infections, increase the effect of drugs, and improve and improve the quality of life of PLWHA patients.
The Correlation Between Motivation and Self-Care Mangement Among Leukemia Patients Based on Orem's Theory: - Naili Raudiatus Zahra; Abu Bakar; Retnayu Pradanie; Ninuk Dian Kurniawati
Critical Medical and Surgical Nursing Journal (CMSNJ) Vol. 12 No. 2 (2023): OCTOBER 2023
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/cmsnj.v12i2.47002


Introduction: Leukemia is one of the most diagnosed types of cancer and a cause of death worldwide. Patients who experience severe side effects of cancer treatment tend to experience less than optimal self-care management. Leukimia patients in treatment often complain of fatigue, weakness, lack of energy, and nausea which hinder them in self-care management. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between motivation and self-care management. Methods: This study used an analytic descriptive research design with a cross sectional approach. Population on this research were members of Chronic Granulocytic Leukemia (it is known as “ELGEKA”), East Java, Indonesia. The sample size was 69 respondents using purposive sampling. The independent variable was motivation and the dependent variable was self-care management. Data was analyzed using Spearman Rho analysis with level of significance 0.05. Results: The results of this study indicated that there was a relationship between motivation and self-care management (p=0.000) and  (r=0,531). Discussion: Motivation has a significant relationship with self-care management in leukemia patients based on Orem's theory. The higher the motivation, the higher self-care management. Good self-care management involves nutrition and fluid management, physical activity, stress management, complementary therapy, information and support seeking, and medication adherence. Conclusion: Nurses have an important role in identifying and increasing patient motivation to carry out self-care management and changing their attitudes to improve health and disease care. The recommendation for future researchers is to develop research with interventions to improve self-care management in leukemia patients.
Co-Authors Abdan Syakura Abu Bakar Achmad Tirmidzi Adi Sukma Septiana Adi Sukrisno Aesthetica Islamy Agoesta Pralita Sari Agostinha Soares Agostinha Soares Ah. Yusuf Ahmad Mufid Sultoni Ahsan Ahsan Ainul Mufidah Ainur Rusdi Amin Rahmawati Purwaningrum Andri Setiya Wahyudi Andri Setya Wahyudi Andri Setya Wahyudi Andy Kristiyan Arina Qona'ah Asroful Hulam Zamroni Ayatulloh, Daviq Baidhowy, Arief Shofyan Bakhtiar, Arief Budi Utomo Candra Panji Asmoro, Candra Panji Dadik Dwi Fata Suparda Deni Yasmara Dessy Era Puspitasari Dewa Kadek Adi Surya Antara Dian Naelatul Karimah Dwi Dina Romantika Dwi Maryuni Dwi Uswatun Sholikhah Dwikora Dwikora Dwikora Novembri Utomo Dyah Sekaringtyas Ciptaningrum Eka MHas Elida Ulfiana Elizabeth Risha Murlina Lema Elok Faradisa Erna Dwi W Erwansyah, Rio Ady Esti Yunitasari Firman Oswari Fransisco Godinho Pereira Hakim Zulkarnain hammad, hammad Harmayetti Harmayetti Harmayetty, Harmayetty Hartin I.K Nadi Hasanudin Hasanudin Henry Saktiana Herdina Mariyanti Herminia Maria Ximenes I Ketut Sudiana Ifada Nurrohmaniah Ika Puspita Sari Ika Yuni Widyawati Ike Nesdia Rahmawati Inda Rian Patma Putri Indarwati , Retno Intan Munawaroh Junait Junait Karingga, Devangga Darma Khotimatul Husna Kristiawati Kristiawati Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Laely Sholihah Lailatun Nikmah Lailatun Ni’mah Laily Hidayati Made Yuni Martini Madiha Mukhtar Makhfudli Makhfudli Maria Theresia Dhiu Melan Apriaty Simbolon Moecharom Moecharom Muhammad Amin Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Sajidin Muhammad Zaki Nadia Rohmatul Laili Nadia Rohmatul Laili Nadia Rohmatul Laily Naili Raudiatus Zahra Nihayati, Hanik Endang Nining Puji Astuti Nining Puji Astuti Noviani Nastiti Susantiningdyah Novianti Lailiah Nur Annisa Ilmiatun Nur, Akbar Nurmawati S Lataima Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam, Nursalam Nurul Imam Nuzul Qur'aniati Praba Diyan Pradanie, Retnayu Priyantini, Diah Puji Astuti Purwaningsih - Purwaningsih Purwaningsih Ratu Izza Auwah Mairo Retnayu Pradanie Rini Winasih Rini Winasih, Rini Ririn Probowati Santi Dwi Lestari Siti Nur Cahyaningsih Sriyono Sriyono Sriyono Suarilah, Ira Suharto Suharto Sukma Randani I superzeki Zaidatul Fadilah Tintin Sukartini Titiek Berniyanti Tri Nurhudi Sasono Ulin Marliana Wahyuni, Erna Dwi Wiwin Yuli Triana Yosin Herloheti Pella Yulia Kurniawati Yulis Setiya Dewi Yulita Thadea Retanubun Yuni Damayanti Zulfian Kurniadi Muftikhar