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Journal : Indonesian Journal of Global Health research

Development of Standard Operating Procedures (SPO) for Management of "Danger" in Emergency Patients with Anxiety Disorder Zulfian Kurniadi Muftikhar; Ah. Yusuf; Ainur Rusdi; Ninuk Dian Kurniawati; Asroful Hulam Zamroni
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 6 No 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

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The Emergency Unit is the first department to provide action to patients in emergencies to save lives, however patients with psychiatric anxiety disorder still receive general treatment. The Emergency Unit is the first department to provide action to patients in an emergency to save lives, however, patients with psychiatric anxiety disorders still receive general care. Therefore, this research aims to develop SOPs for handling emergency patients with anxiety disorders. Method: The research design was Research and Development carried out in 2 stages. The first phase population was 5 SOPs for emergency management. The first stage was FGD 1, divided into 3 groups, namely 17 executive nurses, 6 nursing management staff, and 2 experts (academics and practitioners). The population for the second stage of SPO development was filled by 5 nurses. The second stage was carried out FGD 2 with participants from 6 levels of nursing management. The sample used in this research was purposive sampling. The design developed is an SOP for the management of emergency patients with anxiety disorder. The analysis uses the CVI and KR20 tests. Results: There ware no SOPs for handling emergency patients with anxiety disorders. The development of SPO combines psychiatric emergency management in the form of environmental manipulation, verbal de-escalation, mechanical fixation, and pharmacological intervention with medical emergency management procedures including primary survey (airway, breathing, circulation, disability). The validity results show the CVI test is 0.8-1 and the KR20 is 0.83. Research recommendations that the development of SPO can be applied in the treatment of emergency patients with anxiety disorder. Conclusion: The development of SPO is declared to be valid and reliable in categories both in terms of functionality, efficiency, and usability, so it is recommended that nurses use it to improve the quality of hospital services.
Dilemma of Identification Patients Palliative Care Needs in Critical Care Unit Nining Puji Astuti; Sriyono Sriyono; Esti Yunitasari; Ninuk Dian Kurniawati; Arief Shofyan Baidhowy
Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research Vol 6 No 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Global Health Research

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37287/ijghr.v6i1.2664


Palliative care is start from diagnosis of serious illness until death and bereavement care. But, the term “Palliative Care” often mistakenly regarded identical to “End of Life Care” without any treatments. It’s caused dilemma among nurses to give maximum care of palliative care needs or let the patients get minimum of care. Methods: The aim of this article is to evaluate the dilemma palliative care needs in Intensive Care Unit. This is a case study report used a qualitative approach of 3 palliative patients in ICU used descriptive case study as well as in depth-interviews with patient’s family, nurses and internist. Results and Discussion: We present a case report of 3 patient who had been admitted to hospital with cancer and need palliative care in ICU. Patients subsequently suffered a pulmonary metastase with multiple organ failure. However the goal of end of life care for dying patients is to prevent or relieve suffering as much as possible while respecting the patient’s desires. But it is still a dilemma in Indonesia, especially palliative patients in ICU. According to medical decision, patients in ICU should receive maximum treatment, but if patient is facing multiple organ failure nurse should consider to providing palliative care. Conclusions: Palliative care approaches and provision within intensive care units can significantly impact care outcomes and increase the quality-of life people with end-of life period. Palliative care not to reduce the dose of drugs and patient care.
Co-Authors Abdan Syakura Abu Bakar Achmad Tirmidzi Adi Sukma Septiana Adi Sukrisno Aesthetica Islamy Agoesta Pralita Sari Agostinha Soares Agostinha Soares Ah. Yusuf Ahmad Mufid Sultoni Ahsan Ahsan Ainul Mufidah Ainur Rusdi Amin Rahmawati Purwaningrum Andri Setiya Wahyudi Andri Setya Wahyudi Andri Setya Wahyudi Andy Kristiyan Arina Qona'ah Asroful Hulam Zamroni Ayatulloh, Daviq Baidhowy, Arief Shofyan Bakhtiar, Arief Budi Utomo Candra Panji Asmoro, Candra Panji Dadik Dwi Fata Suparda Deni Yasmara Dessy Era Puspitasari Dewa Kadek Adi Surya Antara Dian Naelatul Karimah Dwi Dina Romantika Dwi Maryuni Dwi Uswatun Sholikhah Dwikora Dwikora Dwikora Novembri Utomo Dyah Sekaringtyas Ciptaningrum Eka MHas Elida Ulfiana Elizabeth Risha Murlina Lema Elok Faradisa Erna Dwi W Erwansyah, Rio Ady Esti Yunitasari Firman Oswari Fransisco Godinho Pereira Hakim Zulkarnain hammad, hammad Harmayetti Harmayetti Harmayetty, Harmayetty Hartin I.K Nadi Hasanudin Hasanudin Henry Saktiana Herdina Mariyanti Herminia Maria Ximenes I Ketut Sudiana Ifada Nurrohmaniah Ika Puspita Sari Ika Yuni Widyawati Ike Nesdia Rahmawati Inda Rian Patma Putri Indarwati , Retno Intan Munawaroh Junait Junait Karingga, Devangga Darma Khotimatul Husna Kristiawati Kristiawati Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Kusnanto Laely Sholihah Lailatun Nikmah Lailatun Ni’mah Laily Hidayati Made Yuni Martini Madiha Mukhtar Makhfudli Makhfudli Maria Theresia Dhiu Melan Apriaty Simbolon Moecharom Moecharom Muhammad Amin Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Sajidin Muhammad Zaki Nadia Rohmatul Laili Nadia Rohmatul Laili Nadia Rohmatul Laily Naili Raudiatus Zahra Nihayati, Hanik Endang Nining Puji Astuti Nining Puji Astuti Noviani Nastiti Susantiningdyah Novianti Lailiah Nur Annisa Ilmiatun Nur, Akbar Nurmawati S Lataima Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam Nursalam, Nursalam Nurul Imam Nuzul Qur'aniati Praba Diyan Pradanie, Retnayu Priyantini, Diah Puji Astuti Purwaningsih - Purwaningsih Purwaningsih Ratu Izza Auwah Mairo Retnayu Pradanie Rini Winasih Rini Winasih, Rini Ririn Probowati Santi Dwi Lestari Siti Nur Cahyaningsih Sriyono Sriyono Sriyono Suarilah, Ira Suharto Suharto Sukma Randani I superzeki Zaidatul Fadilah Tintin Sukartini Titiek Berniyanti Tri Nurhudi Sasono Ulin Marliana Wahyuni, Erna Dwi Wiwin Yuli Triana Yosin Herloheti Pella Yulia Kurniawati Yulis Setiya Dewi Yulita Thadea Retanubun Yuni Damayanti Zulfian Kurniadi Muftikhar