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Jurnal Kependudukan dan Pembangunan Lingkungan Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Kependudukan dan Pembangunan Lingkungan (JKPL)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

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Ekosistem mangrove memiliki tipe dan jenis tumbuhan yang berbeda sesuai dengan kondisi zonasi yang berhubungan dengan faktor fisika-kimia lingkungan, di antara faktor yang menyebabkan perbedaan vegetasi tersebut adalah jenis tanah dan pasang surut air laut. Survei yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesies, dan keanekaragaman tumbuhan ekosistem mangrove. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada zona lindung kawasan pesisir Teluk Bungus yaitu lokasi 1 (Labuhan Tarok), 2 (Cindakir), 3 (Teluk Kabung Labuhan Cino), 4 (Teluk Kaluang), dan 5 (Teluk Pandan) yang merupakan ekosistem tumbuhan mangrove sebagai sub-sistem dari ekosistem pesisir. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode transek dengan garis berpetak. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis untuk mengetahui spesies, dan keanekaragaman spesies tumbuhan ekosistem mangrove. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada bagian Selatan kawasan Teluk Bungus dengan tipe pantai berteluk (perairan tenang) ditemukan 3 tipe famili tumbuhan ekosistem mangrove yaitu 1) Rhizophoraceae dengan spesies Rhizophora mucronata sp., Ceriops tagal sp., Ceriops decandra sp., dan Bruguiera hainessi sp.; 2) Rubiaceae dengan spesies Scyphiphora hydrophillacea sp.; dan 3) Sonneratiaceae dengan spesies Sonneratia alba sp. Sedangkan untuk di bagian Tengah kawaan Teluk Bungus dengan tipe pantai estuari seperti di Cindakir (muara batang Cindakir), dan Labuhan Tarok (muara batang Timbalun) ditemukan 9 tipe famili tumbuhan tumbuhan ekosistem mangrove yaitu 1) Rhizophoraceae dengan spesies Rhizophora mucronata sp.; 2) Primulaceae dengan spesies Aegiceras cornicullatum sp.sp., dan Aegiceras floridum sp.; 3) Sonneratiaceae dengan spesies Sonneratia alba sp.; 4) Meliaceae dengan spesies Xylocarpus granatum sp.; 5) Arecaceae dengan spesies Nypa fruticans sp.; 6) Acanthaceae dengan spesies Acanthus ilicifolius sp.; 7) Malvaceae (mangrove ikutan) dengan spesies Thespesia populnea sp., Hibiscus tiliaceus sp.; 8) Pandanaceae (mangrove ikutan) dengan spesies Pandanus odoratissima sp.; dan 9) Combretaceae (mangrove ikutan) dengan spesies Terminalia catappa sp.
KARAKTERISTIK SPESIES FAUNA EKOSISTEM MANGROVE DENGAN METODE SURVEI DI KAWASAN TELUK BUNGUS – PADANG Dwi Marsiska Driptufany; Fajrin Fajrin; Henny Yulius; Muhammad Hidayat; Eni Kamal; Aprizon Putra; Abdul Razak
Jurnal Kependudukan dan Pembangunan Lingkungan Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Kependudukan dan Pembangunan Lingkungan (JKPL)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1097.588 KB)


Mangrove ecosystems provide a variety of ecosystem services, including coastal protection, carbon sequestration, and opportunities for biodiversity. The mangrove ecosystem, which is an intermediate area between sea and land, has a sharp environmental characteristic gradient. The tides of seawater can cause large fluctuations in several environmental factors, especially temperature and salinity so that the animals that survive and thrive in the mangrove ecosystem are animals that have a great tolerance to extreme changes in environmental factors. This study aims to determine and identify the diversity of fauna species in the mangrove ecosystem. The survey location in this study is in the mangrove area of ​​Bungus Bay which is spread over 4 observation points, namely location 1 (Cindakir), location 2 (Kaluang Cove), location 3 (Kabung Labuhan Cino Cove), and location 4 (Pandan Cove) which is mangrove ecosystem as a sub-system of the coastal ecosystem. Based on the results of the field survey, there were no endemic species found in the protected zone on the coast of Bungus Bay. The fauna found in the mangrove ecosystem in the Bungus Bay area is divided into 2 (two) fauna characteristics, namely vertebrates consisting of 5 (five) species, namely aves (birds), reptiles, amphibians, mammals and primates and fish vertebrates. While invertebrates consist of Crustaceans or crabs, carideas or shrimp, molluscs, echinoderms, and polychaeta or worms. The results of the field survey showed that the types of species based on the family characteristics of the fauna found in the mangrove ecosystem at observation location 1 (Cindakir) were less than the number of species found at observation locations 2, 3 and 4 (Kaluang Cove, Kabung Labuhan Cino Cove, and Pandan Cove).
MODEL PENINGKATAN PENDAPATAN NELAYAN MELALUI INDUSTRI PENGOLAHAN ABON IKAN DENGAN SISTEM DINAMIK DI PASIE NAN TIGO - PADANG Dwi Marsiska Driptufany; Iswandi Umar; Indang Dewata; Fajrin Fajrin; Aprizon Putra; Arman A; Henny Yulius; Mira Hasti Hasmira; Muhammad Hidayat; Ramadani Yusran
Jurnal Kependudukan dan Pembangunan Lingkungan Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Kependudukan dan Pembangunan Lingkungan (JKPL)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (996.683 KB)


Caught fish that have been processed into abon fish increase the sale value of fish. Increasing the selling value of fish and developing business opportunities can increase fishermen's household income and become one of the solutions to poverty in coastal regions. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the production of the catch and income of traditional fishermen's fishing business. This study aims to analyze a dynamic system model of increasing fishermen's income through the abon fish processing industry in Pasie Nan Tigo Village, Koto Tangah Sub-district - Padang City. This study uses a dynamic systems modeling approach in analyzing the added value of abon fish processing. The results showed that in a scenario with a distribution proportion of 70%: 30%, the sales value of products that undergo processing (abon fish) is higher than raw fish sold without undergoing any processing. The ratio of the sales value between processed abon fish to raw fish sold without undergoing any processing is 115:100. This means that the same volume of fish processing (abon fish) has increased the sale value of raw fish by 15%. This sales value ratio will certainly increase fishermen's income.
KONDISI EKSISTING ALIRAN SUNGAI CIBARUKRUK, CITARUM DAN CIBOGO DAN MENGHITUNG DEBIT SUNGAI DENGAN TEKNIK MENGUNAKAN CURRENT METER Abellia Fanny Aldeta; Abdul Hadi Putra; Aditya Herfianda; Aditya Saputra; Apriadi Agussalim; Nurfadhilla Nurfadhilla; Nurul Rahmadilla Edgar; Randu Prayoga Putra; Shintia Franzela; Tasa Anike; Widya Prarikeslan; Aprizon Putra
JURNAL BUANA Vol 4 No 5 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/student.v4i5.1396


This research was conducted at three locations, Cibarukruk River, Citarum River and Cibogo River. Based on the background of this study aims to determine the geological conditions of the constituent rock at location surveyed, the river profile and river flow calculation techniques using current meters. By using the river flowrate calculation method. But when the authors conducted a field survey, the area surveyed was in the dry season so the three rivers could not be counted for river discharge. From this study, it was found that the Cibarukruk River has a U-shaped morphology located in the Alluvial region, which has soil constituent rocks and sedimentary rocks which form the average constituent rocks in the river area. This river has a length of A-B which is 10 cm, and width A is 4 m and width B is 6 m. Citarum River is located in Cisanti which is at the foot of Wayang Windu Mountain. Cisanti is one of upstream Citarum 0 Kilometers river. Citarum is an artificial river that has only soil constituent rocks. The Cibogo River is also in the Alluvial area which has a constituent rock in the form of sedimentary rock consisting of clay and sand. The length of this river is 9.8 meters and 6.2 meters wide. This river has the same morphology as the Cibarukruk river which has a cross-section in the shape of the letter U.
Co-Authors - Ilham A. Riza Farhan Abdul Hadi Putra Abdul Razak Abellia Fanny Aldeta Aditya Herfianda Aditya Saputra Adli Attamimi Agustian, CH. andi, febriandi Apriadi Agussalim Arlius Arlius, Arlius Arman A Azhari Syarief Baqi, Ahmad Iqbal Bayu Wijayanto Cipta Estri Sekarrini Damanhuri, Harfiandri Deded Chandra Dedi Hermon Dian Adhetya Arif Dwi Marsiska Driptufany Efriyeldi, Efriyeldi Eni Kamal Eni Kamal Eri Barlian Erianjoni Erianjoni Fadhilah, Lamis Tharra Fajrin Fajrin Fredinan Yulianda Fuji Astuti Febria Gunardi Kusumah Gunardi Kusumah Gunardi Kusumah H L Salim Hadi Sofyan Handayuni, Linda Heldi Heldi, Heldi Helfia Edial Hendry Frananda Henny Yulius Herdiana Mutmainah Herdiana Mutmainah, Herdiana Husrin, Semeidi Ilham . Ilham Ilham Ilham Ilham Ilham, Ilham Indang Dewata irwan meilano Iswandi U Iswandi Umar Jaya Kelvin Koko Ondara Kusumah, Gunardi Lailatur Rahmi Lia Hasmita Lionar, Uun M Ramdhan Memo Memito Mira Hasti Hasmira Muhammad Hidayat Mulya Gusman Mustapha, Muzzneena Ahmad N Nofrion Nia Naelul Hasanah Nita Yuanita Nova, Sari Novio, Rery Novitri, Awinda Nurfadhilla Nurfadhilla Nurul Rahmadilla Edgar Oktorie, Olivia Olivia Oktorie Osronita Osronita Pratama, Roka Putri, Sri Kandi Radha Karina Putri Rahmadi Prasetijo Ramadhan, Riski Rammadani Yusran Randu Prayoga Putra Ratna Wilis Roka Pratama Rusdi Rusdi Semeidi Husrin Semeidi Husrin Semeidi Husrin Semeidi Husrin Semeidi Husrin Semeidi Husrin Semeidi Husrin Semeidi Husrin Semeidi Husrin Semeidi Husrin Serly Mutia Sari Shintia Franzela Sri Mariya Suparno . T A Tanto Tanto, Try Al Tanto, Try Al Tasa Anike Triyatno Triyatno Triyatno Triyatno Triyatno, . Try Al Tanto Try Al Tanto Try Al Tanto Try Al Tanto Try Al Tanto Try Al Tanto Try Al Tanto, Try Try Al Tanto, Try Al Ulung Jantama Wisha Ulung Jantama Wisha Ulung Jantama Wisha Ulung Jantama Wisha Widodo S Pranowo Widodo S Pranowo Widodo S. Pranowo Widya Prarikeslan Wilson Novarino Wisha, Ulung Jantama Yulius Yulius Yunhendri Danhas Yurni Suasti