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Journal of Nursing and Public Health Vol 8 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : UNIVED Press, Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (138.74 KB) | DOI: 10.37676/jnph.v8i1.1006


Proses menua merupakan proses sepanjang hidup, dimulai dari awal kehidupan. Menjadi tua merupakan proses alamiah, yang berarti seseorang telah melalui tiga tahap kehidupannya, yaitu anak, dewasa, dan tua yang telah ditentukan oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.Risiko jatuh yang dapat menyebabkan cidera bagi lansia, jatuh pada lansia adalah suatu masalah utama yang sering dialami oleh lansia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubingan aktifitas fisik dengan rsiko jatuh pada lansia. Metodelogi penelitian Cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 75 lansia, teknik sampling purposive. Pengukuran aktifitas fisik menggunakan kuesioner IPAQ ( International Physical Activity Questionnaire) dan Morse fall scale untuk risiko jatuh .Didapatkan hasil distribusi aktifitas fisik lansia Ringan 31 (41,3%), Sedang 25 (33,3%) dan Berat 19 (25,3%) sedangkan Tingkat risiko jatuh 28 (37.3%) Tidak Berisiko, 24 (32%) Risiko rendah dan 23 (30%) Risiko Tinggi. Analisis Chi Square dengan p value 0,005 (<0,05) diinterpretasikan ada hubungan antaktifitas fisik dengan risiko jatuh.
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Concentration in Brain of Rat Treated with Anaerobic Exercises Rostika Flora; Muhammad Zulkarnain; Yuliana Ardi; Esti Sorena; Roslina Wati; Syokuma Wena; Rahmad Aswin Juliansyah; Samwilson Slamet
International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS) Vol 4, No 3: September 2015
Publisher : Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (108.246 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijphs.v4i3.4734


Anaerobic  exercise is a high-intensity exercise that needs quick energy supplies obtained in a very short time. However, this exercise may result in tissue hypoxia which is characterized by the increase of HIF-1α concentration. The presence of HIF-1α will induce the secretion of VEGF and, eventually, trigger angiogenesis. Nevertheless, it is still unclear whether anaerobic exercise will also cause hypoxia in which this condition will increase the concentration of VEGF in brain tissues. The aim of this study was to find out the effect of anaerobic exercise frequency towards VEGF concentration of Wistar rat brain tissues.  Brain tissues were taken from rats treated with anaerobic exercise using treadmill. This exercise was given in different frequencies; one time, three times, and seven times a week.  The data collected were analyzed using independent t-test. The results of this study showed that anaerobic  exercise done once a week could significantly increase VEGF concentration (p < 0.05) if compared with the one in control group (95.21 ± 31.99 v.s. 63.36 ± 11.01 pg/mL). Meanwhile, VEGF concentration of treatment groups given exercise three times a week (47.97 ± 10.68 pg/mL) and seven times a week (40.56 ± 13.98 pg/mL) showed a significant decrease if compared with that of control group (63.36 ± 11.01 pg/mL). Anaerobic  exercise affected VEGF concentration as an indicator of angiogenesis in brain tissue of wistar rats.
Peran Tenaga Kesehatan dan Keluarga terhadap Kehamilan Remaja Saleh Saleh; Misnaniarti Misnaniarti; Haerawati Idris; Samwilson Slamet; Indah Yuliana
Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Keperawatan Silampari
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (293.916 KB) | DOI: 10.31539/jks.v5i1.3066


This study aims to identify and analyze the role of health workers and families in teenage pregnancy in the Kepahiang District in 2021. This study is a quantitative descriptive study using a cross-sectional design. The results of the univariate analysis showed that most of the respondents were aged 30-34 years (25.8%), there were 53 people (60.2%) who experienced pregnancy in their teens (<19 years), most of the respondents were 53 people (60.2 %) had sufficient family roles, as many as 66 people (75%) stated that the part of health workers was included in the excellent category. Respondents who indicated that they had a family role in the superb category out of 53 mainly were 39 people or 73.6% who experienced teenage pregnancy, respondents who stated the position of health workers in the excellent category were almost all of the respondents or as many as 15 people (78.9%) who experienced teenage pregnancy. Data analysis with a chi-square statistical test was obtained (p-value) (0.125). The variable of the role of parents and the incidence of pregnancy in adolescents with p-value = 0.000 In conclusion, there is no relationship between the part of health workers and the incidence of teenage pregnancy in Kepahiang Regency in 2021. There is a relationship between the role of the respondent's parents with the incidence of adolescent pregnancy, and there is no relationship between the part of health workers with the incidence of teenage pregnancy. Keywords: Pregnancy, Family, Adolescent Health Workers
Mitra Raflesia (Journal of Health Science) Vol 12, No 2 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51712/mitraraflesia.v12i2.34


Pelayanan Informasi Obat (PIO) wajib diberikan oleh tenaga farmasi yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan obat yang diserahkan kepada pasien dan penggunaan obat secara tepat, aman dan rasional atas permintaan masyarakat. Pemberian informasi obat memiliki peranan penting dalam rangka memperbaiki kualitas hidup pasien dan menyediakan pelayanan bermutu dapat menurun  akibat  adanya  ketidakpatuhan  terhadap  program  pengobatan.  Penelitian  ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan informasi obat di Puskesmas Kandang. Metode penelitian ini berupa deskriptif. Populasi pada penelitian ini berjumlah 720 orang. Sampel pada penelitian ini  sebanyak 88 orang responden yaitu pasien yang menebus obat di depo farmasi Puskesmas Kandang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan secara langsung kepada 88 responden. Analisis data diukur menggunakan skala likert. Hasil penelitian tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan informasi obat di Puskesmas Kandang didapatkan hasil puas (76%) terhadap pelayanan informasi obat yang diberikan oleh petugas farmasi di Puskesmas Kandang Kota Bengkulu. Kata Kunci : Kepuasan Pasien, Pelayanan Informasi Obat, Pelayanan Kefarmasian 
KADAR ZINC DAN KADAR IGF-1 SERUM PADA ANAK SEKOLAH DASAR DI KECAMATAN TUAH NEGERI KABUPATEN MUSIRAWAS Rostika - Flora; Mohammad - Zulkarnain; Nur Alam Fajar; Achmad Fickry Faisa; Nurlaili - Nurlaili; Ikhsan - Ikhsan; Samwilson - Slamet4; Risnawati - Tanjung; Aguscik - Aguscik
JPP JURNAL KESEHATAN POLTEKKES PALEMBANG Vol 16 No 1 (2021): JPP (Jurnal Kesehatan Poltekkes Palembang)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36086/jpp.v16i1.667


Latar belakang: Zinc merupakan salah satu mikronutrien penting yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh. Rendahnya zinc dalam tubuh akan menghambat efek metabolit hormon pertumbuhan atau GH, sehingga sintesis dan sekresi Insulin Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) berkurang dan berdampak terhadap reterdasi pertumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara kadar zinc serum dan kadar IGF-1 serum pada anak Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Tuah Negeri Kabupaten Musi Rawas. Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional, dengan sampel anak Sekolah Dasar usia 7-13 tahun. Sampel berjumlah 79 orang yang diambil secara random. Dilakukan pengukuran status gizi berdasarkan TB/U dan pengambilan darah untuk pengukuran kadar Zn dan IGF-1 serum. Adapun data karakteristik sampel diperoleh melalui kuesioner, sedangkan pengukuran kadar Zn dan IGF-1 serum dilakukan dengan metode ELISA. Selanjutnya data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil: berdasarkan pengukuran status gizi didapatkan 19 (24%) anak mengalami stunting dan 60 (76%) anak memiliki status gizi normal. Pada anak stunting 89.5% mempunyai kadar Zn yang rendah dan 78.9% mempunyai kadar IGF-1 yang rendah. Hasil analisis bivariat didapatkan p=0.017 dan PR=5.667 untuk hubungan antara status gizi dan kadar Zn serum; p=0.000 dan PR=8.983 untuk hubungan antara kadar Zn serum dengan kadar IGF-1 serum. terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara status gizi dengan kadar Zn serum dan kadar Zn serum dengan IGF-1 serum. Kesimpulan: Anak yang mengalami stunting beresiko 5.667 kali mempunyai kadar Zn yang rendah dan anak dengan kadar Zn serum yang rendah beresiko 8.983 kali mempunyai kadar IGF-1 serum yang rendah juga. Zn dan IGF-1 diperlukan dalam proses pertumbuhan anak. Perlunya edukasi kesehatan tentang pentingnya asupan zinc pada orang tua, agar kebutuhan Zn pada anak dapat terpenuhi.
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Anemia pada Ibu Hamil Neshy Sulung; Najmah Najmah; Rostika Flora; Nurlaili Nurlaili; Samwilson Slamet
Journal of Telenursing (JOTING) Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal of Telenursing (JOTING)
Publisher : Institut Penelitian Matematika, Komputer, Keperawatan, Pendidikan dan Ekonomi (IPM2KPE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31539/joting.v4i1.3253


This study aims to determine the factors associated with anemia in pregnant women. The method used in this study is a descriptive-analytic study with a cross-sectional design. The results showed that most of the respondents (50.5%) were highly educated; 75.2% work as housewives; 74.2% have good nutritional status; 78.9% were irregular in taking blood supplement tablets; 84.4% had anemia. The bivariate analysis results showed that education, nutritional status, occupation, and regularity obtained p-values of 0.12; 0.22; 0.03; and 0.008. In conclusion, there is a relationship between work and regular consumption of blood-added tablets with anemia in pregnant women. Keywords: Anemia, Factors, Pregnant Women
PENGARUH STRES PSIKOLOGIS TERHADAP KADAR KORTISOL ASI PADA IBU MENYUSUI DI KABUPATEN SELUMA Rini Rosaria Rosaria; Rostika Flora; Mohammad Zulkarnain; Rico Januar Sitorus; Hamzah Hasyim; Nur Alam Fajar; Nurmalia Ermi; Annisah Biancika Jasmine; Aguscik Aguscik; Ikhsan Ikhsan; Samwilson Slamet; Yetti Purnama; Neshy Sulung
Mitra Raflesia (Journal of Health Science) Vol 15, No 2 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51712/mitraraflesia.v15i2.301


Breast milk is the gold standard in infant nutrition, which is the best food for babies compared to formula milk. Apart from containing the necessary nutrients, breast milk also contains various bioactive compounds that can affect the growth and development of the baby. Among these bioactive compounds there is also a glucocorticoid (GC) content, such as cortisol. It is known that cortisol levels are affected by the level of stress experienced by mothers during pregnancy and after childbirth. Purpose: this study aims to analyze the effect of maternal stress on breast milk cortisol levels in breastfeeding mothers in Seluma District. Method : : This research is an analytic survey, cross sectional study, conducted in Seluma Regency. A total of 77 rbreastfeeding mothers of children aged 0-24 months were taken as respondents by random sampling. Breast milk samples were taken to examine breast milk cortisol levels and were measured using the ELISA method. interviews using a questionnaire were conducted to collect data on maternal characteristics, while the stress level data were obtained by conducting interviews using the DASS 42 questionnaire. The data obtained was then processed and analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis. Results: The results of measuring psychological stress showed that 35.1% of mothers experienced stress, while the results of measuring breast milk cortisol levels showed that 50% of mothers had high cortisol levels. The results of the Mann Whitney test found that there was a significant difference in the average breast milk cortisol levels in mothers who experienced psychological stress and those who did not (201.65 ± 97.82 μ/mL vs 150.32 ± 81.80 μ/mL, p=0.028) . Conclusion: psychological stress affects breast milk cortisol levels in breastfeeding mothers in Seluma Regency. Education related to handling stress in breastfeeding mothers needs to be done so that it does not hinder the breastfeeding process which can have an impact on the health of mothers and children. Keywords: Breastfeeding mothers, breast milk cortisol level, psychological stress
STUDI CROSS SECTIONAL TERHADAP HUBUNGAN ASUPAN PROTEIN DENGAN KADAR PROTEIN TOTAL ASI PADA IBU MENYUSUI Febi Marissa Marissa; Rostika Flora; Mohammad Zulkarnain; Nurmalia Ermi; Annisah Biancika Jasmine; Aguscik Aguscik; Ikhsan Ikhsan; Samwilson Slamet; Yetti Purnama; Neshy Sulung
Mitra Raflesia (Journal of Health Science) Vol 15, No 2 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51712/mitraraflesia.v15i2.283


Background: During breastfeeding, mothers need adequate nutritional intake, including protein intake. Essential amino acids play an important role in the process of breast milk protein synthesis and can increase the production and protein of breast milk.  Breast milk protein is needed to support the growth and development of infants in the early stages of life. This study aims to analyze the relationship between protein intake and breast milk protein levels in breastfeeding mothers. Methods: This study was a quantitative study with a cross-sectional approach conducted in Seluma Regency. The sample used was 77 breastfeeding mothers aged 20-35 years who were randomly selected.  Protein intake was obtained using 3x24 hour food recall, then calculated using the Nutri survey application. Breast milk protein levels were measured using the spectrophotometric method. Characteristic data were obtained through interviews. The data obtained were then processed and analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis using SPSS version 20. Result: The measurement of protein intake showed that 76.6% of breastfeeding mothers had insufficient protein intake. Measurement of breast milk protein levels showed that 67.5% of breastfeeding mothers had insufficient breast milk protein levels. Statistical test results showed that there was a significant relationship between protein intake and breast milk protein levels in breastfeeding mothers (p=0.007; PR=1.961; CI=1.08-3.56). Mothers who have less protein intake have a 1.96 times greater risk of having low breast milk protein levels. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between protein intake and breast milk protein levels in breastfeeding mothers (p<0.005).  Education related to protein intake in breastfeeding mothers needs to be done.  Adequate protein intake can produce the needed quality of breast milk to help the optimal growth and development of the baby.Key words: breast milk, breast milk, protein intake, breastfeeding mothers, milk protein levels
HUBUNGAN KADAR ZAT BESI SERUM DENGAN KONSENTRASI ZAT BESI ASI IBU MENYUSUI DI KABUPATEN SELUMA Rika Ariana; Rostika Flora; Rico Januar Sitorus; Mohammad Zulkarnain; Hamzah Hasyim; Nur Alam Fajar; Nurmalia Ermi; Annisah Biancika Jasmine; Aguscik Aguscik; Ikhsan Ikhsan; Samwilson Slamet; Yetti Purnama; Neshy Sulung
Mitra Raflesia (Journal of Health Science) Vol 15, No 2 (2023)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51712/mitraraflesia.v15i2.289


Background: Maternal iron status affects infant neurocognitive development. When the maternal iron intake and status are disturbed, it can lead to iron deficiency which can lead to anemia if not treated.  Anemia in breastfeeding mothers has a negative impact on the quality and volume of breast milk, including the availability of iron in breast milk. This study aims to analyze the relationship between serum iron levels and breast milk iron concentration in breastfeeding mothers in Seluma Regency. Methods: This study was an analytic survey, cross-sectional design, conducted in Seluma Regency in 4 (four) public health center working areas, namely Rimbo Kedui Public Health Center, Talang Tinggi, Tais, and Masmambang. Respondents were 124 breastfeeding mothers of children aged 0-24 months who were taken by proportional consecutive sampling. Venous blood and breast milk samples were collected for iron level measurement. Iron measurement was done using the spectrophotometric method. Data on characteristics were obtained using a questionnaire. Furthermore, the data were analyzed univariately and bivariately. Results: The results of measuring iron levels showed that 38.7% of mothers had iron deficiency and 15.3% of mothers had low breast milk iron levels. The bivariate test results showed 25% of mothers who experienced iron deficiency had low breast milk iron levels. (p=0.034, OR= 3.28; CI= 1.190-9.071). Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between serum iron levels and breast milk iron levels in breastfeeding mothers. It is necessary to educate mothers regarding the prevention of iron deficiency during pregnancy and breastfeeding so that the quantity of breast milk iron can meet the needs of children during breastfeedingKeyword : Breast milk, Iron Deficiency, Breast milk Iron Level, Iron
EDUKASI PEMBUATAN JAMU YANG BAIK DAN AMAN PADA KELOMPOK JAMU GENDONG DI KOTA BENGKULU Suci Rahmawati; Nori Wirahmi; Camelia Dwi Putri Masrijal; Rose Intan Permasari; Oky Hermansyah; Samwilson Slamet
Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 6, No 7 (2023): Martabe : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jpm.v6i7.2252-2256


Usaha Jamu Gendong (UJG) is a herbal medicine business carried out by individuals using traditional medicine ingredients in the form of fresh liquid to be sold directly to consumers. This service activity was aimed to increasing knowledge and providing skills on how to make good and safe jamu for UJG group in Bengkulu City. This activity was carried out on October 22, 2022 with 20 participants. This service activity is carried out using discussion and demonstration methods. Evaluation of activities is carried out by giving questionnaire sheets given before and after the activity. The results of the questionnaire evaluation obtained that the average score of 20 participants before and after the activity was 90.6 and 99.2, respectively. From the implementation of the activities, it can be concluded that there is an increase in the knowledge of the herbal medicine group regarding how to make good and safe traditional medicines.