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JURNAL PERANGKAT LUNAK Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Perangkat Lunak
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indragiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (819.171 KB) | DOI: 10.32520/jupel.v2i1.944


The selection was an attempt College to get qualified prospective students. Test data for new students able to describe the quality of academic and connect to graduate on time. Recognizing the academic quality of students is required in the implementation of the lecture to obtain optimal results. Real conditions today, timely graduation has not achieved optimally, need to be improved to reach the limits of reasonableness. Data that has no need to do a classification based on academic quality, in order to obtain predictions timely graduation. Therefore, proposed an effort to resolve the problem by applying the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm to re-clustering the test result data for new students. The procedure is to determine the amount of data clusters, determining the center point of the cluster, calculate the distance of the object with the centroid, classifying objects. If the new data group calculation results together with the results of calculation of new data group then finished its calculations. The data will be used in clustering is the result of the entrance exam for new students 3 years old, and has been declared STMIK Amik Riau. This study aims to predict the graduation on time or not. Results of research on testing the value of k, maximum accuracy is obtained when k = 5, reaching 99.25%. Accuracy will decline if the k value the greater the more inaccurate results. The data will be used in clustering is the result of the entrance exam for new students 3 years old, and has been declared STMIK Amik Riau. This study aims to predict the graduation on time or not. Results of research on testing the value of k, maximum accuracy is obtained when k = 5, reaching 99.25%. Accuracy will decline if the k value the greater the more inaccurate results. The data will be used in clustering is the result of the entrance exam for new students 3 years old, and has been declared STMIK Amik Riau. This study aims to predict the graduation on time or not. Results of research on testing the value of k, maximum accuracy is obtained when k = 5, reaching 99.25%. Accuracy will decline if the k value the greater the more inaccurate results.
JOISIE (Journal Of Information Systems And Informatics Engineering) Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (635.49 KB) | DOI: 10.35145/joisie.v4i1.516


Dalam meningkatkan aksesibilitas terhadap data, perlu mempertimbangkan media penyimpanan cloud storage. Aplikasi dapat mengakses data menjadi informasi sehingga user dapat menggunakan secara optimal. Pada saat ini belum tersedia media penyimpanan data resmi. Sulit mengidentifikasi historis sebuah foto secara detail. Foto aktivitasi telah ada di setiap kegiatan, namun pada saat dibutuhkan tidak tersedia dan belum ada aplikasi foto capture yang terintegrasi dengan agenda. Walaupun setiap kegiatan tersedia dokumentasi, namun tidak dikelola berbasis teknologi. Cloud storage sudah menjadi trend dalam pengelolaan data, namun belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Penelitian ini menyediakan aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untuk meng-capture foto secara otomatis upload ke cloud storage. Perangkat smartphone berbasis Android, secara umum terjangkau dan umum digunakan. Setiap foto yang di upload dilengkapi dengan informasi waktu, koordinat, momentum, dan lokasi. Aplikasi telah dilakukan uji black box dengan akurasi kehandalan 76.5%.
JOISIE (Journal Of Information Systems And Informatics Engineering) Vol 4 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (846.366 KB) | DOI: 10.35145/joisie.v4i1.633


Kampus STMIK Amik Riau telah menghubungkan setiap gedung menggunakan jaringan point to point dengan kapasitas bandwidth pada backbone tersedia sebesar 85 Mbps, dengan 368 user aktif. Berdasarkan Pengawas jaringan di router pada saat penggunaan maksimal, diperoleh data upline streaming sebesar 8 mbps dan downline streaming sebesar 78 mbps Lebar bandwidth yang tersedia berbanding kebutuhan adalah 120 Mbps.Masalah jaringan saat ini UpLink Line 1 merupakan jalur transmisi standar dari router 1 ke router 2 membagi kerja seluruh lalu lintas data, apabila terjadi peningkatan maka akan berpengaruh terhadap kecepatan akses data sehingga di butuhkan solusi agar tidak memperlambat jaringan. Penambahan jalur UpLink Line 2 sebagai pembagi beban komunikasi data. Metode Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) yang paling tepat untuk meningkatkan lebar kanal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kebutuhan kanal untuk penggunaan aplikasi jaringan lokal dan lebar kanal untuk akses outgoing jaringan untuk menentukan lebar kanal maksimal yang harus disediakan. Fokus dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana Meningkatkan Throughput Bandwidth pada Up-Link Line menggunakan LACP, dilanjutkan dengan bagaimana mengimplementasikan LACP dalam meningkatkan kanal bandwidth Implementasi LACP untuk Meningkatkan Throughput Bandwidth pada Up-Link Line. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh device yang terdaftar di dalam log table MAC Address server router, sedangkan sampel penelitian adalah 20 MAC Address atau 60% pegawai STMIK Amik Riau. Landasan teori yang digunakan adalah protocol TCP/IP, MikroTik, dan Komunikasi Data. Pengujian dilakukan dengan Implementasi LACP untuk Meningkatkan Throughput Bandwidth pada Up-Link Line. Hasil pengujian membuktikan penambahan lebar kanal sebesdar sehingga terjadi peningkatan throughput yang dihasilkan sebesar 116,3 Mbps/104,4 Mbps (TX/RX).
Citra 2D sebagai Representasi Benda-Benda Bersejarah pada Museum Sang Nila Utama Dwi Haryono; Torkis Nasution; Muhammad Patra Hafizh
JOISIE (Journal Of Information Systems And Informatics Engineering) Vol 2 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (709.236 KB) | DOI: 10.35145/joisie.v2i2.14


Museum Sang Nila Utama merupakan institusi yang melakukan usaha pengoleksian dan memamerkan artefak-artefak perihal jati diri manusia dan lingkungan untuk tujuan studi, pendidikan dan rekreasi. Minat masyarakat yang tinggi tidak diberagengi dengan ketersediaan dan kecakapan dari pemandu dalam menjelaskan setiap koleksi museum kepada pengunjung. Sebagai satu-satunya museum di Provinsi Riau,sehingga masyarakat ingin mengetahui koleksi museum yang tersedia, namun karena jarak geograpis dari kabupaten ke Pekanbaru cukup jauh, umumnya masyarakat mengandalkan sumber tertulis dan elektronik sebagai sumber sekunder. Maka dalam penelitian ini peneliti merancang website dengan menerapkan WebGL sebagai fasilitas pendukung untuk merender grafis interaktif berbasis 3D dan grafis 2D pada web browser. WebGl memiliki konten canvas dari sebuah elemen HTML yang berfungsi untuk melakukan pemanggilan data dalam bentuk objek 3D. Penerapan WebGL ini, sistem yang dihasilkan akan memberikan kemudahan dalam menyebarkan informasi dan mereprestasikan benda-benda bersejarah dan informasi yang terdapat pada museum. Selain itu, masyarakat juga dapat melihat benda-benda bersejarah dalam bentuk 3D. Hal ini tentunya menjadi nilai tambah pada website yang dibangun untuk dapat menarik minat masyarakat, karena saat ini masih banyak developer yang membangun website dengan tampilan yang berorientasi pada objek 2D. Kondisi ini didukung dari hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa 60% masyarakat dapat memperoleh informasi yang akurat setelah media website ini tersedia.
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v3i2.738


Universities must graduate students according to the curriculum that has been prepared, no later than 14 semesters, if they cannot be fulfilled, students must drop out. Based on graduation data for the last 3 years data on the number of graduations on time was found to be 60%. This means that this will reduce the achievements set out in the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. If there is no structured and systematic effort, then there is the potential for graduation with an uncontrolled study period. Unfortunately, until now the system that has been built by PT has not been optimal can encourage students to graduate on time. Attempts to achieve timely graduation can be done by involving all lecturers, students, and academic implementing elements to monitor the academic track record of students since being registered as students. Monitoring of the student's academic track record includes attendance, independent assignments, structured assignments, practical assignments, library visits, consultations with PA, IP, and GPA lecturers. The results of supervision are measured at the minimum standard that must be achieved, by connecting all existing variables it can be concluded that the student can pass on time. The purpose of this study is to identify student track records, to connect with minimum standards that must be achieved, to conduct systems-based analysis so that an estimate of graduation performance is generated. Applications that will be generated are based on Framework for Application of System Thinking (FAST) that is good enough to provide early warning to students to graduate on time, and can monitor and monitor the value of discipline so as to prevent academic violations that affect the study period. FAST can analyze existing problems and can design the system. FAST has eight stages, where the first five stages are the stages of system analysis and the next three stages are the design stages. Applications are supported by means to disseminate information quickly and precisely, to fulfill it, use SMS and e-mail as a medium to transmit information from the system to students and academic advisers. If this application is implemented, it can give a warning to students before academic sanctions are issued.
Peningkatan profesionalitas layanan aparatur desa berbasis e-desa bagi pegawai kantor Desa Rimba Makmur Nurjayadi Nurjayadi; Torkis Nasution; Herwin Herwin; Khusaeri Andesa
Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement Vol 1 (2019): Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/unricsce.1.456-465


The importance of quality for village employees in the implementation of services and development from the results of the study showed that mental attitude factors, discipline factors, education factors in the field of service will also determine the implementation of tasks for each village government employee. Community service aims to improve the quality of employees and the mastery of technology and information devices at the Village Office staff at Rimba Makmur. Providing insight knowledge about the importance of increasing professionalism in providing services to technology-based society. The target service is all employees, followed by all RT and RW and Kadus. The problem was resolved in three stages of activities namely preparation, implementation and evaluation. Preparations were made by conducting a preliminary survey to see conditions in the field regarding plans to develop information technology and computer-based services. The implementation is carried out with the improvement of hardware and software technology accompanied by training, followed by a discussion of questions and answers and exercises as a form of simulation activities for all services provided by the Village Office. Evaluation of activities is carried out for each stage by collecting and concluding data from each stage of the activity. After the evaluation, the implementation of the implementation of the system directly interacts with the community. In a certain period evaluation is carried out to make improvements continuously. The results of the training activities showed success with an indication of increased satisfaction from internal and community.
Peningkatan Pelayanan Terhadap Masyarakat Melalui Kegiatan Smart Village pada Desa Rimba Makmur Kabupaten Kampar Nurjayadi; Torkis Nasution; Herwin; Khusaeri Andesa
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v4i1.3224


Smart village dihadirkan sebagai jawaban untuk peningkatan layanan aparatur desa terhadap masyarakat berbasis teknologi. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas perangkat teknologi dan informasi. Sasaran pengabdian adalah infrastruktur teknologi informasi dan komputer pada kantor desa, dilanjutkan seluruh Kepala Dusun, RW, dan RT. Permasalahan diselesaikan dalam tiga tahapan kegiatan yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Persiapan dilakukan dengan melaksanakan pertemuan dengan mitra mengenai rencana peningkatan kualitas teknologi infrastruktur. Pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan pembenahan teknologi perangkat keras dan lunak disertai dengan pelatihan, dilanjutkan dengan diskusi, dan latihan dalam bentuk kegiatan simulasi untuk seluruh pelayanan yang disediakan oleh Kantor Desa. Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan untuk masing-masing tahap dengan mengumpulkan dan menyimpulkan data dari masing-masing tahapan kegiatan. Setelah evaluasi, dilanjutkan implementasi pelaksanaan sistem langsung berinteraksi dengan masyarakat. Hasil kegiatan peningkatan teknologi informasi dan komputer menunjukkan keberhasilan dengan indikasi adanya peningkatan kepuasaan dari internal maupun masyarakat.
Model Project-Based Learning untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar di Perguruan Tinggi Torkis Nasution; Ambiyar Ambiyar; Wakhinuddin Wakhinuddin
Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 20, No 1 (2022): Edukasi: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : LPPM IKIP PGRI Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31571/edukasi.v20i1.3675


AbstrakModel Project-Based Learning (PjBL) diyakini sebagai pendekatan yang menjanjikan untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi. Studi empiris tentang model PjBL telah dibuktikan dengan fokus pada hasil belajar mahasiswa. Hasil afektif berdasarkan persepsi manfaat model PjBL dan persepsi pengalaman model PjBL paling banyak diterapkan yang diukur dengan angket, wawancara, observasi, dan jurnal refleksi diri. Hasil kognitif  berupa pengetahuan dan strategi kognitif serta hasil perilaku keterampilan dan keterlibatan dalam kelompok diukur dengan kuesioner, rubrik, tes, wawancara, observasi, jurnal refleksi diri, hasil kerja, dan data log. Hasil keterampilan dan keterlibatan dalam kelompok dinilai dengan rubrik. Tinjauan selanjutnya harus fokus pada investigasi lebih lanjut tentang proses belajar mahasiswa dan produk akhir.  AbstractThe Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model is believed to be a promising approach to improve student learning in higher education. Empirical studies on the PjBL model have been proven with a focus on student learning outcomes. Affective results based on the perceived benefits of the PjBL model and the perceived experience of the PjBL model were most widely applied as measured by questionnaires, interviews, observations, and self-reflection journals. Cognitive outcomes in the form of knowledge and cognitive strategies as well as behavioral outcomes of skills and involvement in groups were measured by questionnaires, rubrics, tests, interviews, observations, self-reflection journals, work results, and log data. Outcomes of skills and involvement in groups are assessed with a rubric. Subsequent reviews should focus on further investigation of the student learning process and the final product.
Go-Gallon App With A Star (A*) Algorithm Implementation Using Android Kotlin Khusaeri Andesa; Herwin Herwin; Torkis Nasution
JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN OPEN SOURCE Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi dan Open Source, June 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/jtos.v5i1.2066


The need for drinking water now is not to boil water, but to buy it in the form of gallon bottles, which are available wherever it is sold, either at the refill of water or in the supermarket. In a housing estate with many heads of families, it is also difficult to find and obtain water in gallon bottles under certain conditions, and there is also the problem that there is only one brand of gallon bottles, which also makes it difficult to obtain. For this reason, the author provides a solution by creating a go-gallon application with the application of the A-Star (A*) algorithm to be able to detect the service takers of the nearest people, which is basically intended for residential environments, where with this application others can ask to find and purchase gallons and then deliver them to their homes. The A-Star algorithm is one of the distance search algorithms that has an optimal and complete ability to solve problems related to finding or determining a route with the least distance. The hope is that with this application, especially housewives, there is no need to worry when they run out of gallons of drinking water at home, enough with this application, these problems can be overcome.
Aplikasi Panic Buton Untuk Keamanan Warga Berbasis Android Torkis Nasution; Wilda Susanti; Yandri Armi; Rangga Rahmadian Yuliendi
Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika (EDUMATIC) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Edumatic: Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/edumatic.v6i1.5127


Citizens highly expect environmental security, but criminality is inevitable. The level of crime in the community brings unrest and discomfort, so a security system is needed that is connected with the officers concerned. This study aims to build a security system application connected to environmental security officers. This system can help the public provide reports quickly through the panic button application embedded in Android. System development using the spiral model method. A spiral model is an evolutionary software process model assembling the interactive nature of the prototype using control and systematic aspects of a linear sequential model. Meanwhile, the system design stage uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The application is in Android Studio for the design stage, a unique Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that runs on the Android platform. The panic button application is a security system designed to assist the public in providing reports and make it easier for security officers to follow up on the messages given. Accelerate the follow-up process of crimes because it is based on Android.