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Journal : EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi

Sistem Informasi Korespondensi Rekam Medis di Rumah Sakit Menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio Rismaya Widia; Vini Novianti; Yuda Syahidin; Meira Hidayati
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i1.2013


Technological developments in communication systems are still used by humans. From traditional methods to using modern methods in accordance with current technological developments. One way to communicate using traditional methods that are still used today is by using letters. Medical record correspondence is an activity of correspondence related to patient medical record information in this case at the hospital, namely making letters to be treated, letters to request diagnosis, letters to carry out treatment, letters to finish treatment, and letters to death. Making letters, still manually using Microsoft Word. The process of making a certificate takes 1-2 days, so it is necessary to have an information system that can speed up the making of a certificate to be more efficient and effective. The design method uses the SDLC method. The stages of the method are planning (planning), analysis (analysis), design (design), implementation (implementation), and system maintenance (maintenance), the correspondence information system that has been created can be concluded that the system can facilitate officers in making certificates and can also speed up the creation of letters.Abstrak - Perkembangan teknologi pada sistem komunikasi yang masih terpakai oleh manusia. Dari metode yang tradisional hingga menggunakan metode yang modern yang sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini. Salah satunya dengan cara berkomunikasi menggunakan metode tradisional yang masih dipakai pada saat ini adalah dengan menggunakan surat. Korespondensi rekam medis adalah suatu kegiatan dari surat menyurat yang berhubungan dengan informasi rekam medis pasien dalam hal ini di Rumah Sakit yaitu pembuatan surat untuk dirawat, surat untuk meminta diagnosa, surat untuk menjalankan pengobatan, surat untuk selesai pengobatan, dan surat untuk kematian. Pembuatan surat, masih secara manual dengan menggunakan Microsoft Word. Proses pembuatan surat keterangan memakan waktu 1-2 hari, sehingga diperlukan adanya sistem informasi yang dapat mempercepat pembuatan surat keterangan agar lebih efisien dan efektif. Metode perancangan menggunakan metode SDLC. Tahapan metode adalah perencanaan (planning), analisis (analysis), perancangan (design), implementasi (implementation), dan pemeliharaan sistem (maintenance), sistem informasi korespondensi yang telah dibuat ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem tersebut dapat memudahkan petugas dalam pembuatan surat keterangan dan juga dapat mempercepat dalam pembuatan surat.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Kelengkapan Pengisian Resume Medis Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Nurafni Hanifah; Sabila Aulia Reihan; Yuda Syahidin; Meira Hidayati
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.2109


Hospital is an establishment that's engaged within the field of health service institutions that provide perfect health services for every individual who organizes outpatient, inpatient, and emergency services. By providing health services, hospitals must have complete data from patients in order that services get optimal results. At the time of service, the medical history department is that the most vital role. additionally, to provide services together with it, the medical history section also processes historical data from the patient. This medical record consists of registration, filling inpatient data, processing, data analysis, and documentation. If the medical record sheet is filled out completely and properly, the health history is going to be said to be appropriate and good. the tactic administered through chemical analysis resulted in the conclusion that the outpatient medical resume form in 2019 at the Bandung Hospital was found to possess an incomplete authentication review. The hospital must improve improvements in filling out the medical resume form for authentication that has got to be filled out completely because this authentication is proof that the doctor has done treatment for his patient.
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Kunjungan Pasien Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Bandung Andika Dwi Prayoga; Reza Adila Husaeni Tsabat; Yuda Syahidin; Leni Herfiyanti
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.2142


The purpose of this study was to determine the patient visit information system at this hospital. By using qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach through observation, interviews, and literature studies, while for its development using the waterfall method through the stages of needs analysis, design, coding, implementation, and system testing which is carried out sequentially. This information system was created using Microsoft Visual Studio for databases using Microsoft Access. The problem that occurred in the previous system was that the data processing was still using Microsoft Excel so that the officer's data processing took a long time because it had to be done manually and had not been well integrated. With the information system designed, it is hoped that it can assist officers in processing patient visit data, and can also simplify and speed up officers in making outpatient visit reports because the information system designed is more effective and efficient. The conclusion of this outpatient visit information system design is that the information system is made more integrated and neatly organized.
Aplikasi Radien untuk Pengolahan Data Rekam Medis dengan Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shavira Handayani Putri; Yuda Syahidin; Meira Hidayati
EXPERT: Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Vol 11, No 2 (2021): December
Publisher : Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36448/expert.v11i2.2110


This study aims to design an integrated patient development record complete information system at Bina Sehat General Hospital in Bandung. The research method that the author used in this research is a use qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. And for the software method used by the author in this study, the Waterfall development method is used. From the results of the research that has been done by the author, it was found, including the processing of the integrated patient development record completeness system that was running less effectively, there was still incomplete integrated patients’ development record. Therefore, the authors designed an information system the completeness of patient progress record integrated with the programing language used was Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and the database used was Microsoft Access 2016. The suggestion that the author gave was the need to develop an integrated patient development record complete information system to facilitate processing the required information, the need for socialization about filling out patient progress record integrated to all officers.
Co-Authors Abdussalaam, Falaah Ade Irma Suryani Adellia Permatasari Hartono Adha Nur Alawiya Makmun Aditya Pratama Ismail Alifa Nur Azizah Alzeta Rosdyana Anasya Intania Permata Andika Dwi Prayoga Annisa Syahwa Renjani Ardafa Ihromi Arijalul Fiqri Asep Zaenudin Asfa Hani Tasya Aulia Abdalla Maslyta Auliya Salsabila Aura Aurellia Ayu Septiyana Dewi Bagas Laksono Cici Lara Widiya Citra Halidia Ramadhani Deasy Laela Nursari Debora Serina Br Tarigan Deden Rian Irwansyah Denisa Sahara Depi Julvianingsih Kadarusman` Depras Nur Yadi Desy Widyaningrum Dewi Sri Nurhalimah Dewi, Ayu Septiyana Dian Candra Fatihah Diana Khoirunnisa Dina Mardiana Pujirahayu Dinky Andrean Anarki Eki Dudi Darmawan Elza Dewiana Mahpud Erix Gunawan Erix Gunawan Erix Gunawan Erix Gunawan Fajar Ramdhani Gumilar Fajrin Ramdani Fajrin Ramdani Fariz Rahmat Mulyadi Fawwaz Nafis Siraj Fika Nur Afifah Fitri Mardiani Rahayu Fitri Siti Nurjanah Fuad Satrio Nugraha Ghen Maulana Isya Gunardi . Gunardi Gunardi Haini DwiJuliani Hendayal Hana Fadilah Helfy Fadliyyah Henawati Priatna Hendayal, Haini DwiJuliani Herfiyanti, Leni Hernawati, Euis Hidayati, Meira Hikmah Ramadhanti Iis Gugum Gumilar Ike Siti Phatonah Imas Dian M. Imas Yeti Sulastri Ina Nuraini Indra Setia Budi Ira Karmila Irawati Nurfalah Irda Sari Irda Sari Irda Sari Irda Sari Isnawan Ardiansyah Fajar Jaenal Arifin Jeri Sukma Wijaya Jeri Sukmawijaya Jeri Sukmawijaya Jeri Sukmawijaya Jeri Sukmawijaya Jihan Fadillah Kamila Najmil Khaira Karyadi Karyadi Khoirul Ihsan Kusumadiarti, Rini Suwartika Laila Nurkhotimah Lasya Dwi Amelia Lathifah Umarul Ridiyat Leni Herfiayanti Leziza Zilvia Linggar Adjie Pradysta Lusiani Marthen Luvi Luthfia Diranti M Luthfi Fauzi Majiid, Nurul Salsasabilla Masayu Hamdani Meira Hidayati Meira Hidayati Meira Hidayati Meira Hidayati Meira Hidayati Meira Hidayati Meira Hidayati Mia Anggriani Moehammad Rizky Ferdiansyah Muhamad Rizal Triyawan Muhamad Rizki Muhammad Fajar Ramadhan Muhammad Hamdan Ramadhan Muhammad Naufal Najmuddin Muthmainnah Muthmainnah Nabila Khaerunnisa Hanifah Nala Kamilia Neneng Yuniarti Neneng Yuniarty Neneng Yuniarty Neneng Yuniarty Neneng Yuniarty Neng Anisa Monika Nilam Islamiati Nunung Mardiah Nurafni Hanifah Nuroh Salimah Nurul Salsasabilla Majiid Pipih Widyani Purwati Hasanah Putri Teja Sulaksana Qorry Fadilah Ghandy Raden Rakasiwa Wijaya Raisa Salsabila Raisa Siti Khoirunnisa Ramti Kania Putri Randy Ramadhan Randy Ramadhan Rangga Rangga Refa Refiani S Resti Adiyanti Resty Kustiawanti Putri Resty Mahdani Reza Adila Husaeni Tsabat Rieke Dwi Anjeli Rini Susilowati Risa Juli Saputra Riska Oktaviani Saputra Rismaya Widia Rizal Taufik Rizka Qurrota Ayun Rizki Salma Oktaviana Sabila Aulia Reihan Sali Setiatin Sali Setiatin SALI SETIATIN Sali Setiatin Salma Annisa Salsabila Najrifatussya'diah Salsabila, Auliya Sania Sulastri Sarah Aulia Selly Indah Astuti Selly Puji Anisha Shavira Handayani Putri Sheevie Tsaqifa Sheny Faujia Shinta Elvira Silvy Nabila Siti Aisah Nuraini Safitri Sonia, Dina Sopie Sophiah Sri Firdayanti Sri Haryati Sri Wahyuningsih Suganda Saefuloh Sunarmi SUYANTI SUYANTI Syaikhul Wahab Syaikhul Wahab TAMI MUGHNIATUL MUSYARROFAH Tanty Setiani Tika Nurfitriani Putri Tinika Yaumi Tsaniya Aini Yasifa Veranita, Mira Vina Octaviana Vini Novianti Wahdatunnisa Nurfadilah Warsiati , Wiwi WIDDI SUKMA RAMADHANI Winda Putri Indah Lestari Wulan Anggela Wulandari Gustina Azzizah Yuanita Alfa Oma Wele Yudha Mulya Andara Yuliana Angelina Dhiu Yuliani Yuliani Yunengsih, Yuyun Yuri Trioktafiani YUSUF, RAMAYANI