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Journal : Tsaqofah: Jurnal Penelitian Guru Indonesia

Konsep Perkembangan Peserta Didik dan Hukum-hukum Perkembangan Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Khairunnisa, Khairunnisa; Jannah, Ilda Miftakhul; Hanifudin, Muhamad
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 1 (2024): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i1.2137


The development of students' interests and talents as well as character education can be influenced by several factors, namely factors that influence children's development and factors that hinder children's development. There are several laws of individual development, namely the cephalocaudal law, the proximodistal law, the law of developmental rhythm, the law of convergence, the law of recapitulation, the law of survival and self-development, and the law of development tempo. The aim of this research is to determine student development and the laws of development and to make it easier for students to develop their own potential. The method used is qualitative with literature study. Through the results of the literature study, it can be concluded that there are several factors that are very important in supporting the development of students, one of which is the nature and environmental factors that influence the development of each child's personal potential and talent interests. 7 stages of development in humans, there are 3 factors that influence child development proposed by Schopenhauer, John Locke, and Wilian Stern. There are inhibiting factors that influence children's development and the laws of development in children.
Penerapan Perkembangan Kognitif Jean Piaget dan Perkembangan Bahasa Vygotsky dalam Pembelajaran Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Rachmawati, Amalia Putri; Wiyono, Rima Faradillah Wati Fidaus; Rakhmanita, Aulia
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 1 (2024): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i1.2143


In this research, researchers are interested in examining the application of Jean Piaget's cognitive development and Vygotsky's language development in learning. The aim of this research is to deepen understanding of the application of Jean Piaget's cognitive theory and Vygotsky's language theory in learning. In his research, the researcher used a qualitative approach through literature study. Literature study is the object studied in this research, namely the application of Jean Piaget's cognitive development and Vygotsky's language development. The results of this research can be said that language development is closely related to cognitive development.
Kesulitan Belajar Akademik dalam Proses Pembelajaran Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Soviana, Amelia Fauziyyah; Putri, Abrillianty Tivany Surya; Hati, Adinda Mutiara
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 1 (2024): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i1.2161


Learning difficulties are an important problem in the world of education that requires deep understanding. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of understanding and identifying learning difficulties. Learning difficulties refer to the difficulties a person experiences in understanding and processing information taught in a formal educational environment. This article presents various aspects related to this phenomenon, including its causative factors, identifying marks, and their impact on the development of each individual. The causes of learning difficulties include internal factors and external factors. Some signs that can be used to identify learning difficulties include difficulty reading, writing, arithmetic. It is important for educators, parents, and health professionals to recognize these signs early so that appropriate interventions can be provided. This article also discusses the impact of learning difficulties, namely inhibition of children's growth and development, disruption of children's interaction and environment. In addition, various identification and intervention strategies that can help those with learning difficulties are presented, such as psychological assessments, special education support, and adaptive learning approaches. This article provides a solid foundation to encourage greater understanding and interest in these educational issues.
Lingkungan Positif dalam Mendukung Pembelajaran Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Shidqah, Syafira Badhiatus; Amali, Azzah Nabila; Fadhilla, Intan Nur
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 1 (2024): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i1.2162


A positive environment can greatly support individual learning and growth. Whether it is in the context of formal education, professional training, or lifelong learning, a supportive environment plays a very important role. Here are some elements that make up a positive environment to support learning: Teacher or Mentor Involvement; Available Resources; Comfortable Classroom; Diversity and Inclusion; Motivation and Social Support: Supportive peers, family support, and motivation from the social environment can greatly influence an individual's motivation to learn and achieve their academic or professional goals; Opportunities to Participate; Constructive Feedback; Clear Goals; Freedom and Autonomy; Fair Evaluation and Opportunities for Independent Reading and Learning.
Teori Perkembangan Sosial Emosi Erikson dan Perkembangan Moral Kohlberg Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Sufiandi, Adhelia Caroline; Baktiadi, Athallah Nadhif; Asmarani, Eka Meylana
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 1 (2024): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i1.2163


In this study, the researcher is interested in understanding Erikson’s theory of social development and Kohlberg’s moral development. The purpose of this reshearcher is to explore the theories of Erikson’s social development and Kohlberg’s moral development. The researcher employs a qualitative approarch thtough a literature review in conducting the study. The objects of investigation in this research are Erikson’s theory of social and Kohlberg’s moral development. The result of this study suggest that the development of each individual represent a universally predetermined stage in every human life. The processes occurring in each stage, as outlined, significantly influence the matured “Epigenrtic Principle”.
Konsep Inteligensi dan Peranan dalam Proses Pembelajaran di Sekolah Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Pratama, Gadis Putri Amelia; Hakiki, Intan Ainul; Nabella, Kharisma Putri
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 1 (2024): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i1.2164


The aim of this research is to describe the participants' main ideas about intelligence and explain what roles influence the learning process for students. In this research, researchers used qualitative methods that are literary in nature. The results of this research state that intelligence is very influential in the students' learning process because it can be seen that students who have high intelligence can more easily participate in learning activities quickly and well compared to students who have low intelligence. Suggestions from this research enrich the study of intelligence and its role in the learning process.
Konsep Potensi dan Ciri-ciri Anak Berbakat dalam Pendidikan serta Layanan Pendidikan Anak Berbakat Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Prasetyo, Intan Anggraheni Zahrin; Nabila, Fitri Ayu
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 1 (2024): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i1.2165


This research aims to determine interests and talents as well as characteristics, types, characteristics, factors that influence talent potential, problems of gifted children, how to develop talents, as well as special education to help children discover their potential talents. This research method uses literature study. Through the results of the literature study, it can be concluded that there are several factors that are very important in developing talent potential, namely by knowing the child's potential first, paying attention to his intelligence quotient, providing appropriate facilities by providing illustrations to the child, showing interest to the teacher in a particular field, giving appreciation and invites you to take part in competitions.
Penanganan Masalah Kesulitan Belajar Akademik Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Senja, Agesti Tria Fatma; Mahmudah, Nur; Kartikasari, Dea Dwi
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 1 (2024): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i1.2166


This research aims to find out the types or obstacles that occur to students in carrying out the learning process and show how to overcome them. In this study we used the library research method. Learning difficulties are one of the conditions in which learners cannot achieve the expected learning objectives. This is caused by a gap between intelligence and academic abilities such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia. Dyslexia is a condition where children experience obstacles in processing writing into spoken language in the form of a combination of abilities and difficulties that affect the learning process in one or more skills such as reading, spelling, and writing. Dyscalculia is a condition where children have difficulty in the most basic mathematical calculations in mathematical arithmetic operations. While Dysgraphia is a condition where children experience obstacles or difficulties in the process of expressing thoughts in written composition in terms of grammar (syntax), word meaning, and the ability to decompose words into their sound components or unite sounds into words (phonology). Identifying forms of learning difficulties needs to be done early if we already see something that is not in accordance with the child's development. With this, it is hoped that these difficulties can be overcome properly by experts.
Peran Motivasi dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Siswa di Sekolah Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Shafira, Rizka Rusydah Reza; Rahmawati, Maria Yustiana; Habibah, Noviana
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 1 (2024): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i1.2176


The quality of education that students receive at school is important in shaping their future. One of the main factors that influences the quality of learning is motivation. This article discusses in depth the critical role of motivation in improving the quality of student learning in schools. We explain various aspects of motivation, including intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and how motivation influences students' learning behavior. We also present theories of motivation in learning. Understanding the role of motivation in improving the quality of student learning is an important step in the quest for a more meaningful and productive education. In this research, researchers used qualitative literature study methods.
Memahami Teori Pembelajaran Kognitif dan Konstruktivisme serta Penerapannya Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Christian, Jerry Sheva; M, Syifa’ul Ummah Salsabila Putri; Unaisah, Unaisah
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 1 (2024): JANUARI
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i1.2177


Cognitive theories of learning have had a significant impact on modern education. It focuses on individual cognitive development, emphasizing creativity, deep understanding and meaningful learning. In its implementation, several learning models such as constructivism, discovery learning and meaningful learning become relevant. The advantages of cognitive theory include encouraging students' creativity, developing individualized knowledge, flexibility in learning, and improving memory. However, there are also drawbacks, such as lack of comprehensiveness at all levels of education and limitations in addressing individual student differences. This article summarizes the main concepts of cognitive theory in learning, and identifies the advantages and disadvantages associated with its implementation. A better understanding of this theory can help educators create a more effective learning environment that suits the diverse needs of students.
Co-Authors Abdullah, Mirza Ghulam Aji, Oetari Zakiyah Akhmad, Giralda Aufadzatul Hanan Alfath, Ivan Alifah, Sofiyah Asy Syarifatul Amalda, Amalda Amali, Azzah Nabila Andani, Novia Fitri Anggraeny, Trya Ayu Anggreani, Kintan Anzhani, Validya Alfira Apriliya, Karina Aprilyana, Gian Salsabilla Arfiyani, Maulidia Putri Arisa, Ayu Jingga Armania, Selomita Dianing Aryanti, Dwi Wulan Asfinda, Hany Asfindha, Hany Asmarani, Eka Meylana Assalsabila, Farikh Asy'ari, Arinal Haq Asy’ari, Arinal Haq Atsila, Butsaina Altaf AYU LESTARI Azizah, Elsa Nur Azizah, Erliyana Freida Nur Azizah, Latif Nur Azizah, Mutiara Azizah, Najwa Hikmahtul Azmil, Ulil Baktiadi, Athallah Nadhif Berliana, Aulia Risa Buana, Imanda Riska Tri BUDIYANTO Cahyo, Ach. Tegas Tri Choirunisa, Lia Christian, Jerry Sheva Chueyra, Sankara Pramahadi Damayanti, Alfian Damayanti, Tamara Avrelia Durrotun Nafisah Emiliasari, Cahya Eraeni, St. Fadhilla, Intan Nur Faisol Faisol Faricha, Ifta Nur Fasa, Redita Amalia Fathira, Sheilawaty Arum Febriani, Dwita Febrianti, Aliya Putri Fikri, Choiril Ibadiyah Firdaus, Azzahro Firdaus, Maylia Firdaus, Musyaffa Dafa Firmansyah, Alfian Hari Fitria, Verda Fitriano, Lino Fitrianti, Lutfiah Indar Habibah, Noviana Hafizah, Maryam Hakiki, Intan Ainul Halmahera, Amelia Dhamara Sofyati Hamida, Amaliah Hanani, Azrina Khalwa Hanifudin, Muhamad Hariono, Kanaya Violetta Hati, Adinda Mutiara Hati, Angela Amanda Berlian Hidayat, A. Taufiq HILMAN, LUTHVAN Husna, Aulia Mustafida Ilzam, Ahmadur Indah, Nur Mutiara Indriyani, Auriza Fitri Irsu, Aulia Fihatny Ismi Faradila, Ismi Jannah, Ilda Miftakhul Jatmiko, Maia Rahmanindia Putri Jelita, Rania Surya Karim, Najwa Anisah Kartikasari, Dea Dwi Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Khusumadewi, Ari Krisnandini, Shindy Lailah, Alful Latifia, Nihayatul Lena, Annora Malva Lestari, Pingkan Duwi Livi, Ratna Nur Lutfiah, Zahra Rizqi M, Syifa’ul Ummah Salsabila Putri Maharani, Alifia Putri Maharani, Meutya Faiha Adila Mahendra, Wiratama Malika, Avrie Dzakkiya Malora, Popo Indra Mareta, Dwi Ajeng Mariatiningsih, Mariatiningsih Masruroh, Hanim Maulidiyah, Nuris Saidah Rahmah Maulidynan, Dinda Avrilia Mauliyah, Hayyin Farihatul Meifiana, Neha Eka Melati, Shella Mubarok, Alfi Kamelia Muckorobin, Moch. Ilham Mufidah, Fikriyatul Mufidha, Nazwatul Muflikhatin, Luluk Mujiono, Alivia Pratiwi Mukti, Farrel Alvydi Murtadlo, Wildan Nasruddin Mustika, Ayunda Laras Mustika, Erika Winda Mutaqin, Miftahul Anwaril Nabella, Kharisma Putri Nabila Nafis, Bunga Ragil Nabila, Fitri Ayu Nafisah, Candara Aulia Naqiyah , Najlatun Nashihah, Durrotun Nikmah, Luluk Ainun Ningtias, Citra Ardiani Dwi Ayu Ningtyas, Niken Mahara Novitasari, Radya Putri Noza, Aufa Zakia Nur Mahmudah Nurarifah, Dinda Yuli Nurfirda, Ida Nurhayati, Novida Oktafiani, Falisa Posopati, Anggita Nawangwulan Prasetyo, Intan Anggraheni Zahrin Pratama, Gadis Putri Amelia Pratanti, Anisa Dwi Pratiwi, Titin Indah Purnama, Ivan Fadilah Putra Puspitahaqni, Vivi Putratama, Wahindha Lantip Putri, Abrillianty Tivany Surya Putri, Alifia Febriana Putri, Cindy Kartika Putri, Dwi Ajeng Mareta Putri, Evelyna Eka Putricia, Anjani Rizki Qurrotussalwa, Fahmida R, Daura Dirasyia Nadzinniya Rachmawati, Amalia Putri Rahayu, Indah Rahma, Nabila Faza Rahmadania, Aulia Nur Rahmadhani, Rizky Rahmah, Dwi Oktavia Naila Rahmawati, Alya Rahmawati, Maria Yustiana Rahmiawan, Natasya Artamefilla Rakhmanita, Aulia Rohida, Annisa Iffa Rohmawati, Laili Indah Sari Rusty, Fisya Aulia Rusydi, Wasilatur Rahmah Siftia Sabella, Agnesya Salsa Sabrina, Nailah Aura Salma, Tania Salsabila, Adinda Salsabila, Dona Maretta Salsabila, Hussana Salsabila, Qonita Salsabila, Salsabila Sania, Farah Nikmatus Santoso, Hikmal Ramdhan Priyo Saputra, Fanzha Erza Nanda Saputri, Berbella Khayla Syavanda Saputri, Melenia Ayu Saputri, Warnanda Eka Sari, Fauziah Ardelia Sari, Siska Amelia Sari, Wahyu Asri Nur Tri Via Sartinah, Endang Pudjiastutik Senja, Agesti Tria Fatma Septianingtyas, Dwi Lutviani Shafira, Rizka Rusydah Reza Shelomita, Cahyaning Shidqah, Syafira Badhiatus Sholihah, Zizamatus Sholihuddin, Nasywa Salsabila Sholikah, Erika Badriyahtus Sholikhah, Mar’atus Siti Fatimah Siti Nurjanah Sofiana Sofiana, Sofiana Sotipah, Sotipah Soviana, Amelia Fauziyyah Sudarsono, Mahadi Sufiandi, Adhelia Caroline Sukma, Fara Fairuz Suroso, Dimas Heri Syahputra, Mohammad Rizky Adi Tarigan, Kevin Leonardo Unaisah, Unaisah Viola, Nadin Putri Wadhlah, Zulfa Huwaidah Walidah, Zianah Wandari, Nadya Indria Widya Anggraeni, Widya Widyastutik, Dwi Rahayu Wiyono, Rima Faradillah Wati Fidaus Wulandari, Dewi Putri Yahya, Khairunisha Nabila Yuliana, Tabita Tindie zahra, Kevina Firdaus Az Zahro, Chintya Inayatus Zahro, Putri Awalia Zain, Hilda Hanuf Hamida Zakirah, Amirah Zuhriyah, Sofia Aminatuz