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Journal : Tsaqofah: Jurnal Penelitian Guru Indonesia

Peran Guru dalam Menciptakan Lingkungan Pembelajaran yang Efektif dengan Cara Pengelolaan Kelas yang Menarik Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Azizah, Najwa Hikmahtul; Viola, Nadin Putri; Mahendra, Wiratama
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 2 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i2.2305


Classroom management is a key element in achieving a successful learning process. Its significance lies in the substantial impact it has on students' learning achievements. This article aims to provide insights and practical guidance for creating a conducive, safe, and organized classroom environment. Key focuses include classroom management strategies such as implementing clear rules, providing positive feedback, and understanding individual student needs. Teachers are expected to motivate students, minimize disruptions, and enhance their academic achievements, leading to an overall optimal learning experience. The success of effective classroom management is considered a fundamental foundation for achieving successful educational outcomes.
Teori Jean Piaget vs Lev Vygotsky dalam Perkembangan Anak di Kehidupan Bermasyarakat Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Malora, Popo Indra; Widyastutik, Dwi Rahayu; Anggraeny, Trya Ayu
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 2 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i2.2325


Child development in the context of social life is a complex and important topic in developmental psychology. Two theories that have greatly influenced the understanding of children's development in social settings are those of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. Jean Piaget's theory explains the urgency of the role of cognition in children's development. Piaget describes children constructing their own knowledge through stages of cognitive development. In the context of social life, Piaget's theory highlights how children acquire and adapt knowledge through interaction with their social environment. Children learn by exploring, asking questions, and building knowledge with peers and adults. Meanwhile, Lev Vygotsky emphasized the role of the social environment in children's development. His theory introduced the concept of real developmental fields, where children can learn from interactions with more experienced people. In social life, Vygotsky suggested that children can develop cognitive and social skills through cooperation with adults and peers. This reinforces the idea that learning is a social process that takes place in a social context. The combination of Piaget and Vygotsky's theories helps us understand how children develop an understanding of their social world and how the social environment plays an important role in this process. Through purposeful exploration and interaction in community life, children can build the foundation of social knowledge and skills needed to thrive and become contributing members of society.
Motivasi sebagai Kunci Peran dalam Pendidikan Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Santoso, Hikmal Ramdhan Priyo; Nurfirda, Ida; Putri, Cindy Kartika
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 2 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i2.2335


Motivation is one of the key factors that influences human behavior in various life contexts. Motivation is an important factor in motivating students to learn and achieve academic success. Motivation is the main driver behind academic achievement and student development. Motivation itself is divided into two factors, namely external and internal. External motivation is motivation that comes from outside. Usually includes the family, school and surrounding environment, both social and non-social environments. while internal motivation is motivation that comes from within the student. Usually includes integrity, self-confidence and desire to achieve something. The aim of this research is to find out about the factors that influence student learning motivation and the role of motivation in learning as well as how to increase and maintain student motivation. The research method used is a literature review (Library Research) located in the library/reading room online and offline. The research data source used is a primary source. Motivation is the main factor in learning, namely its function is to give rise to, underlie and drive the act of learning. From this research, it can be found that there are several factors that influence student learning motivation and the role of motivation in learning as well as ways that can be done to increase and maintain student motivation.
Memahami Konsep Emosi dan Konsep Diri Siswa dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Pembelajaran Habsy, Bakhrudin All; zahra, Kevina Firdaus Az; Sholikah, Erika Badriyahtus; Salma, Tania
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 2 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i2.2342


Understanding the role of emotions and self-concept in learning is key to improving the learning process and personal development.The purpose of this study is to determine the concept of emotions and self-concept that affect learning.The method used is a literature study, with the method of collecting library data, reading, recording, and processing research materials.These aspects of self-concept can influence and interact with each other. Emotions and self-concept are not separate in learning. Strong or recurrent emotions can affect a student's self-concept. Conversely, a negative self-concept can affect a student's emotions. In their development, humans have learned social and emotional skills since infancy, where the learning can be obtained from the family environment.With the role of parents and teachers, students get the support they need in the development of healthy emotions and a strong self-concept in themselves.
Teori Belajar Humanistik serta Penerapannya dalam Pembelajaran Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Nashihah, Durrotun; Atsila, Butsaina Altaf
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 2 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i2.2344


Not just a means of knowledge transformation, but the learning process of humanistic education is part of developing human values. This research uses a literature study method with a descriptive qualitative research type with library research which seeks to describe the role of humanistic learning theory and its application in learning. The theory of humanism, which was initiated by key figures such as Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers, has the main goal of encouraging human self-development towards autonomous self-actualization. The implementation of humanistic theory in education includes forming students with noble character, motivating students to learn actively, and creating an environment that supports students' positive self-development. The main aim of education by applying humanistic learning theory is to humanize humans.
Teori Perkembangan Sosial Emosi Erikson dan Tahap Perkembangan Moral Kohlberg: Penerapan di Sekolah Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Armania, Selomita Dianing; Maharani, Alifia Putri; Fatimah, Siti
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 2 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i2.2345


Erikson's theory of social emotional development and Kohlberg's moral development can be applied in school life to determine the development of students' moral reasoning and also determine students' social interaction relationships. With Erikson's theory of social development, we can understand the stages of human development starting from our sensitivity and ability to adapt to the surrounding environment. The purpose of this article is to determine the implementation of Guidance Counseling on improving children's morals at school and to determine whether or not there is an influence of Guidance Counseling on improving children's morals. The aim of this research is also to provide a way for adolescents to find their identity and synthesize the stages of adolescent psychosocial development.
Konsep Keberbakatan, Anak Berbkat dan Pendidikannya Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Febrianti, Aliya Putri; Sari, Wahyu Asri Nur Tri Via; Azizah, Elsa Nur
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 2 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i2.2346


The talents that each individual has are different. Each individual has his own abilities and potential. Talent is a natural ability of a person that needs to be trained and developed. The importance of developing talents so that the potential they have can be realized to the maximum. Talent development requires a platform, especially in education. Education greatly affects the potential of the individual. The need for an educational program as an effort to develop children with special talents. The talent development program should correspond to the talents possessed and also take into account the characteristics of the child. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the giftedness of the child and his education. This research uses qualitative methods with a literature study or library study approach.
Identifikasi Kesulitan Belajar Akademik Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Indah, Nur Mutiara; R, Daura Dirasyia Nadzinniya; Salsabila, Qonita
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 2 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i2.2347


This article discusses the identification of academic learning difficulties that are often experienced by students. Academic learning difficulties include difficulties in reading, writing and arithmetic. The causes of academic learning difficulties can come from students' internal factors such as low cognitive abilities or external factors such as lack of support from parents or teachers. In overcoming academic learning difficulties, collaboration is needed between teachers, students and parents. Teachers must provide teaching that not only refers to the curriculum, but also looks at students' individual needs. Students must admit the difficulties they face and ask for help from teachers and parents. Parents must provide support and motivation in the learning process and teach skills needed for learning such as reading together and discussing.
Identifikasi Kesulitan Belajar pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Hafizah, Maryam; Salsabila, Hussana; Melati, Shella
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 2 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i2.2348


In this world, there are individuals who are born and grow up to be normal children as in general and there are also individuals who are born with deficiencies in the form of abnormalities, both physically, mentally, and intellectually. As an Indonesian citizen, every individual has the right to a proper education, including those with disabilities. However, although the law has explicitly regulated equal rights and obligations for every citizen to access education, cases of discrimination in the field of education still often occur, especially against children with special needs. This is because there are still people who have negative assumptions about children with disabilities. However, children with disabilities are children with developmental disabilities, so they inevitably have more difficulty learning than other normal children. Therefore, this article aims to identify the learning difficulties experienced by children with disabilities, especially those with autism, Down syndrome and ADHD and how to handle them. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of journal literature studies which are analyzed descriptively. Learning difficulties experienced by children due to developmental disorders, especially in children with autism, ADHD, and down syndrome basically have something in common. Namely, they are all usually slow or difficult in capturing or understanding something. So they need to be taught repeatedly until it becomes a habit to make the child understand. In addition, another similarity that causes them difficulty in learning is because they focus on things that interest them, so they cannot focus on learning. However, these obstacles do not prevent them from learning even though they often experience difficulties. Various things can be done to deal with learning difficulties in children with disabilities, especially in children with autism, ADHD and Down syndrome so that they can still get their rights and develop themselves to be better.
Integrasi Teori Perkembangan Kognitif Jeanpiaget dan Perkembangan Bahasa Vygotsky dalam Pembelajaran: Pemahaman dan Penerapan di Sekolah Habsy, Bakhrudin All; Lestari, Pingkan Duwi; Maulidynan, Dinda Avrilia; Karim, Najwa Anisah
TSAQOFAH Vol 4 No 2 (2024): MARET
Publisher : Lembaga Yasin AlSys

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58578/tsaqofah.v4i2.2357


Education has an important role in shaping children's development, especially in terms of cognition and language. In the cognitive development literature, Jean Piaget's theory and Lev Vygotsky's theory of language development have become two significant approaches in understanding how children learn, think, and communicate. This article combines these two theories and discusses their application in the context of learning in schools. Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development emphasizes the stages of intellectual development that play a role in children's understanding of the world. In a learning context, this understanding can help teachers develop a curriculum that is appropriate to students' cognitive development stages. Meanwhile, Vygotsky's theory of language development highlights the role of social interaction and the environment in children's language development. The application of this theory includes a collaborative approach to learning that encourages more effective communication and language interaction in the classroom.
Co-Authors Abdullah, Mirza Ghulam Aji, Oetari Zakiyah Akhmad, Giralda Aufadzatul Hanan Alfath, Ivan Alifah, Sofiyah Asy Syarifatul Amalda, Amalda Amali, Azzah Nabila Andani, Novia Fitri Anggraeny, Trya Ayu Anggreani, Kintan Anzhani, Validya Alfira Apriliya, Karina Aprilyana, Gian Salsabilla Arfiyani, Maulidia Putri Arisa, Ayu Jingga Armania, Selomita Dianing Aryanti, Dwi Wulan Asfinda, Hany Asfindha, Hany Asmarani, Eka Meylana Assalsabila, Farikh Asy'ari, Arinal Haq Asy’ari, Arinal Haq Atsila, Butsaina Altaf AYU LESTARI Azizah, Elsa Nur Azizah, Erliyana Freida Nur Azizah, Latif Nur Azizah, Mutiara Azizah, Najwa Hikmahtul Azmil, Ulil Baktiadi, Athallah Nadhif Berliana, Aulia Risa Buana, Imanda Riska Tri BUDIYANTO Cahyo, Ach. Tegas Tri Choirunisa, Lia Christian, Jerry Sheva Chueyra, Sankara Pramahadi Damayanti, Alfian Damayanti, Tamara Avrelia Durrotun Nafisah Emiliasari, Cahya Eraeni, St. Fadhilla, Intan Nur Faisol Faisol Faricha, Ifta Nur Fasa, Redita Amalia Fathira, Sheilawaty Arum Febriani, Dwita Febrianti, Aliya Putri Fikri, Choiril Ibadiyah Firdaus, Azzahro Firdaus, Maylia Firdaus, Musyaffa Dafa Firmansyah, Alfian Hari Fitria, Verda Fitriano, Lino Fitrianti, Lutfiah Indar Habibah, Noviana Hafizah, Maryam Hakiki, Intan Ainul Halmahera, Amelia Dhamara Sofyati Hamida, Amaliah Hanani, Azrina Khalwa Hanifudin, Muhamad Hariono, Kanaya Violetta Hati, Adinda Mutiara Hati, Angela Amanda Berlian Hidayat, A. Taufiq HILMAN, LUTHVAN Husna, Aulia Mustafida Ilzam, Ahmadur Indah, Nur Mutiara Indriyani, Auriza Fitri Irsu, Aulia Fihatny Ismi Faradila, Ismi Jannah, Ilda Miftakhul Jatmiko, Maia Rahmanindia Putri Jelita, Rania Surya Karim, Najwa Anisah Kartikasari, Dea Dwi Khairunnisa Khairunnisa Khusumadewi, Ari Krisnandini, Shindy Lailah, Alful Latifia, Nihayatul Lena, Annora Malva Lestari, Pingkan Duwi Livi, Ratna Nur Lutfiah, Zahra Rizqi M, Syifa’ul Ummah Salsabila Putri Maharani, Alifia Putri Maharani, Meutya Faiha Adila Mahendra, Wiratama Malika, Avrie Dzakkiya Malora, Popo Indra Mareta, Dwi Ajeng Mariatiningsih, Mariatiningsih Masruroh, Hanim Maulidiyah, Nuris Saidah Rahmah Maulidynan, Dinda Avrilia Mauliyah, Hayyin Farihatul Meifiana, Neha Eka Melati, Shella Mubarok, Alfi Kamelia Muckorobin, Moch. Ilham Mufidah, Fikriyatul Mufidha, Nazwatul Muflikhatin, Luluk Mujiono, Alivia Pratiwi Mukti, Farrel Alvydi Murtadlo, Wildan Nasruddin Mustika, Ayunda Laras Mustika, Erika Winda Mutaqin, Miftahul Anwaril Nabella, Kharisma Putri Nabila Nafis, Bunga Ragil Nabila, Fitri Ayu Nafisah, Candara Aulia Naqiyah , Najlatun Nashihah, Durrotun Nikmah, Luluk Ainun Ningtias, Citra Ardiani Dwi Ayu Ningtyas, Niken Mahara Novitasari, Radya Putri Noza, Aufa Zakia Nur Mahmudah Nurarifah, Dinda Yuli Nurfirda, Ida Nurhayati, Novida Oktafiani, Falisa Posopati, Anggita Nawangwulan Prasetyo, Intan Anggraheni Zahrin Pratama, Gadis Putri Amelia Pratanti, Anisa Dwi Pratiwi, Titin Indah Purnama, Ivan Fadilah Putra Puspitahaqni, Vivi Putratama, Wahindha Lantip Putri, Abrillianty Tivany Surya Putri, Alifia Febriana Putri, Cindy Kartika Putri, Dwi Ajeng Mareta Putri, Evelyna Eka Putricia, Anjani Rizki Qurrotussalwa, Fahmida R, Daura Dirasyia Nadzinniya Rachmawati, Amalia Putri Rahayu, Indah Rahma, Nabila Faza Rahmadania, Aulia Nur Rahmadhani, Rizky Rahmah, Dwi Oktavia Naila Rahmawati, Alya Rahmawati, Maria Yustiana Rahmiawan, Natasya Artamefilla Rakhmanita, Aulia Rohida, Annisa Iffa Rohmawati, Laili Indah Sari Rusty, Fisya Aulia Rusydi, Wasilatur Rahmah Siftia Sabella, Agnesya Salsa Sabrina, Nailah Aura Salma, Tania Salsabila, Adinda Salsabila, Dona Maretta Salsabila, Hussana Salsabila, Qonita Salsabila, Salsabila Sania, Farah Nikmatus Santoso, Hikmal Ramdhan Priyo Saputra, Fanzha Erza Nanda Saputri, Berbella Khayla Syavanda Saputri, Melenia Ayu Saputri, Warnanda Eka Sari, Fauziah Ardelia Sari, Siska Amelia Sari, Wahyu Asri Nur Tri Via Sartinah, Endang Pudjiastutik Senja, Agesti Tria Fatma Septianingtyas, Dwi Lutviani Shafira, Rizka Rusydah Reza Shelomita, Cahyaning Shidqah, Syafira Badhiatus Sholihah, Zizamatus Sholihuddin, Nasywa Salsabila Sholikah, Erika Badriyahtus Sholikhah, Mar’atus Siti Fatimah Siti Nurjanah Sofiana Sofiana, Sofiana Sotipah, Sotipah Soviana, Amelia Fauziyyah Sudarsono, Mahadi Sufiandi, Adhelia Caroline Sukma, Fara Fairuz Suroso, Dimas Heri Syahputra, Mohammad Rizky Adi Tarigan, Kevin Leonardo Unaisah, Unaisah Viola, Nadin Putri Wadhlah, Zulfa Huwaidah Walidah, Zianah Wandari, Nadya Indria Widya Anggraeni, Widya Widyastutik, Dwi Rahayu Wiyono, Rima Faradillah Wati Fidaus Wulandari, Dewi Putri Yahya, Khairunisha Nabila Yuliana, Tabita Tindie zahra, Kevina Firdaus Az Zahro, Chintya Inayatus Zahro, Putri Awalia Zain, Hilda Hanuf Hamida Zakirah, Amirah Zuhriyah, Sofia Aminatuz