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Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran (JKP) or The Padjadjaran Nursing Journal is a peer review journal providing an open access facility for scientific articles published by the principles of allowing free research available for public to support global scientific exchange. Padjadjaran Nursing Journal (JKP) is published three times a year, specifically in April, August, and December.
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Kajian Kebutuhan Family Centered Care dalam Perawatan Bayi Sakit Kritis di Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Sri Hendrawati; Sari Fatimah; Siti Yuyun Rahayu Fitri; Ikeu Nurhidayah
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1323.111 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v5i2.453


Sistem perawatan bayi di NICU memberikan dampak negatif bagi bayi dan orang tua. Upaya yang dapat dikembangkan untuk meminimalkan dampak tersebut yaitu dengan mengaplikasikan family centered care (FCC). Langkah pertama upaya tersebut adalah mengidentifikasi kebutuhan orang tua. Dalam penelitian sebelumnya, kebutuhan orang tua sangat bervariasi. Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi kebutuhan FCC dalam perawatan bayi sakit kritis di NICU. Metode penelitian menggunakan mixed method dengan strategi eksplanatoris sekuensial. Penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan terhadap 45 responden dan menggunakan kuesioner NICU Family Need Inventory. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mean. Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan terhadap 7 partisipan dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara. Analisis data menerapkan teknik content analysis. Penelitian dilaksanakan di NICU Rumah Sakit Pemerintah Wilayah Bandung Raya. Orang tua memiliki urutan prioritas kebutuhan terhadap kepastian (M = 3,90), informasi (M = 3,82), kedekatan (M = 3,76), dukungan (M = 3,49), dan kenyamanan (M = 3,37). Pada penelitian kualitatif didapatkan, orang tua lebih membutuhkan kepastian terkait jaminan bayinya mendapatkan perawatan terbaik; kebutuhan terhadap informasi jujur, jelas, dan rutin mengenai kondisi, perkembangan, dan tindakan yang dilakukan terhadap bayi; dan kebutuhan terhadap kedekatan untuk selalu dekat dan melakukan kontak dengan bayi. Kebutuhan orang tua lebih berfokus pada kesejahteraan bayi. Dalam melakukan asuhan keperawatan, selain meningkatkan pelayanan terhadap bayi, perawat harus memerhatikan kebutuhan orang tua terkait jaminan kepastian bayinya mendapatkan perawatan terbaik, penyampaian informasi dengan komunikasi terbuka, dan menjalin kontak dengan bayi. Dengan mengidentifikasi kebutuhan orang tua, dapat menuntun perawat mengintegrasikan kebutuhan orang tua kedalam FCC sehingga orang tua dapat memenuhi kebutuhannya, mendapatkan kepuasan, dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup bayi.Kata kunci: Bayi sakit kritis, kebutuhan orang tua, perawatan berpusat pada keluarga. Study of Family Centered Care Needs in Critically Ill Infants Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care UnitAbstractInfants hospitalization in the NICU adversely affect for infants and parents. Efforts can be developed to minimize this impact is by applying family centered care (FCC). The first step is identify needs of parents. In previous study examined the differences needs of parents. This study aimed to identify the FCC needs in critically ill infants care in the NICU. The research method was mixed method design with sequential explanatory strategy. The samples in quantitative research were 45 respondents and using questionnaires NICU Family Need Inventory. Data analysis was done by mean. Qualitative research using 7 participants and using interview guidelines. Data analysis used analysis content technique. This research has been carried out in the NICU Government Hospital of Bandung Raya. The quantitative result indicated that parents with critically ill infants in the NICU need assurance most (M = 3.90), followed by information (M = 3.82), proximity (M = 3.76), support (M = 3.49), and comfort (M = 3.37). The main themes from qualitative analysis demonstrated needs of parents in assurance associated with assured the best care possible is being given to infants; information is honest, clear, and routine regarding condition, prognosis, and procedures that performed to infants; and proximity to always close and make contact with the infants. Needs of parents are focused on the wellbeing of their infants. In doing nursing care, beside improving care to the infants, the nurses should pay attention to needs of parents related the assurance their infants get the best care, open communication, and close contact with their infants. By identifying the needs of parents in the NICU, it can allow nurses to integrate the needs of parents into FCC so that parents can meet these needs, get satisfaction, and can improve the quality of life infants.Keywords: Critically ill infants, family centered care, needs of parents.
Pengaruh Augmentative and Alternative Communication terhadap Komunikasi dan Depresi Pasien Afasia Motorik Amila A; Ratna Sitorus; Tuti Herawati
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 1 No. 3 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (741.766 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v1i3.61


Salah satu dampak terjadinya strok adalah afasia. Selama ini penanganan pasien strok yang mengalami afasia hanya pada aspek fisiknya. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengevaluasi pengaruh komunikasi dengan metode Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) terhadap kemampuan fungsional komunikasi dan depresi pasien strok dengan afasia motorik. Desain penelitian adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan post test non equivalent control group pada 21 responden yang terbagi menjadi 11 orang kelompok kontrol dan 10 orang kelompok intervensi yang didapatkan melalui concecutive sampling. Instrumen penelitian untuk menilai kemampuan fungsional komunikasi dan depresi adalah kuesioner dan lembar observasi yang baku yaitu Derby Functional Communication Scaledan Aphasic Depression Rating Scale. AAC merupakan alternatif komunikasi pada pasien dengan keterbatasan komunikasi verbal. Media yang digunakan dalam komunikasi ini adalah buku komunikasi yang berisi kegiatan sehari-hari, koran/ majalah, foto keluarga, kartu bergambar, alat tulis dan lagu/ musik. Metode AAC berorientasi pada tugas menunjuk gambar, penamaan, mengulang, menulis, membaca dan mengeja huruf. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna rata-rata kemampuan fungsional komunikasi antara kelompok kontrol dengan intervensi dengan nilai p=0.542, tetapi terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna rata-rata depresi antara kelompok kontrol dan intervensi dengan nilai p=0.022. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada perawat untuk menerapkan metode AAC dalam memfasilitasi komunikasi, sehingga dapat menurunkan depresi pasien strok dengan afasia motorik. Kata kunci: Augmentative and alternative communication, afasia broca, afasia motorik, depresi, strok AbstractAphasia is one of the stroke impacts. Currently, the focus of the aphasia intervention in the hospital is physical aspects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) to patients’ communication ability and depression rates in Aphasia Motoric cases. The research design was quasi experiment with the post-test non-equivalent control group approach. The samples were 21 respondents who divided into two groups: 11 respondents in the control group and 10 respondents in the intervention group. Samples were chosen using the consecutive sampling method. This study used the Derby Functional Communication Scale and the Aphasic Depression Rating Scale to evaluate the communication ability and the depression rate of patients. AAC is an alternative way to communicate with patients who have disability verbal. This process used some media such as, a communication book, magazines, newspapers, family photos, cards, stationaries, and music. The AAC method has several activities such as pointing to particular pictures, naming, reviewing, writing, and reading. The study found that there were no significant differences of the communication ability between two groups of samples (p=0.542). In addition, there were significant rates of the depression between two groups of samples (p=0.022). This study suggests that nurses should apply the AAC method in the communication process especially to patients with stoke to facilitate the communication process and to reduce the patient’s depression. Key words: Augmentative and alternative communication, aphasia broca, aphasia motoric, depression, stroke
Pengaruh Relaksasi Dzikir terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronis yang Menjalani Hemodialisa Iin Patimah; Suryani S; Aan Nuraeni
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (82.168 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v3i1.95


Salah satu permasalahan psikologis yang paling sering ditemukan pada pasien gagal ginjal kronis (GGK) yang menjalani hemodialisis yaitu cemas. Kecemasan yang tidak diatasi dapat mengakibatkan dampak negatif untuk pasien. Salah satu intervensi nonfarmakologis untuk mengurangi kecemasan, yaitu dengan teknik relaksasi. Teknik relaksasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah relaksasi dzikir, yaitu suatu metode yang memadukan antara relaksasi dan dzikir dengan fokus latihan pada relaksasi dan kata yang terkandung di dalam dzikir yang dapat memunculkan respon relaksasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh relaksasi dzikir terhadap kecemasan pada pasien GGK yang menjalani hemodialisis di RSUD dr. Slamet Garut. Metode penelitian menggunakan pre experimental one group pre and post test design dengan jumlah sampel 17 responden yang diambil berdasarkan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini mengukur skor kecemasan menggunakan instrument HAM-A (Hamilton Anxiety) sebelum dan sesudah intervensi relaksasi dzikir. Relaksasi dzikir dilaksanakan dua kali dalam sehari selama 2 hari, selanjutnya data dianalisa menggunakan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara tingkat kecemasan sebelum dan sesudah intervensi (p<0.005). Relaksasi dzikir berdampak positif dalam menurunkan tingkat kecemasan pasien GGK yang menjalani hemodialisis. Penggunaan relaksasi dzikir dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu intervensi keperawatan untuk mengatasi kecemasan pada pasien GGK yang menjalani hemodialisis di RSUD dr. Slamet Garut. Kata kunci: Dzikir, gagal ginjal kronis, hemodialisis, kecemasan, relaksasi. The Impact of Dzikir to The Level of Anxiety of Chronic Renal Failure Patient Undergoing Hemodialysis AbstractAnxiety disorder can be adversely impacting to the chronic renal failure (CRF) patients undergoing hemodialysis. Untreated anxiety could affect negatively both physiological and psychological and exacerbate the disorder. Dzikr relaxation is a methode that combines relaxation and repetitious of prayer (dzikr) which focused on relaxation technique and the words contained in the dzikr can be a non-pharmacological intervention to reduce anxiety with leading relaxation respons. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of dzikr relaxation intervention to the anxiety level of CRF patients undergoing hemodialysis in dr. Slamet Garut Hospital. Method and Design this research involving 17 participants, taken through purposive sampling, completed dzikr relaxation twice a day for two days period. Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) was used to assess anxiety level both before and after treatment. Current study used One-group pretest-posttest design and T-test was used for the analysis by the time all data have been completely gathered. The result showed there was a significant contrast of anxiety level for all participants before and after dzikr intervention (P<0.005). The average of participant anxiety scores is 18 (mild to moderate anxiety) before treatment whereas found 13 point (mild) in average for anxiety score post treatment. The anxiety scores decreased 3 to 6 points from initial scoring subsequent to participants completed dzikr relaxation. Dzikr relaxation can be considered as one of nursing intervention in mitigating anxiety disorder for CRF patients during hemodialysis treatment in dr. Slamet Garut Hospital.Key words: Anxiety, Chronic Renal Failure, dzikr, hemodialysis, relaxation.
Process Evaluation: Standard, Effectiveness, Efficiency and Sustainability of Maternity Nursing Care Laili Rahayuwati; Ermiati E; Mira Trisyani
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 4 No. 2 (2016): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (762.262 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v4i2.233


Although globally there is a change in the trend of epidemiology from infectious diseases to chronic diseases, the prevalence and incidence of infectious diseases as well as MMR (Maternal Mortality Rate) and IMR (infant mortality rate) in Indonesia is still high. In year 2000, Faculty of Nursing of the Universitas Padjadjaran in collaboration with Hasan Sadikin Hospital built a model of treatment room, which was affiliated with obstetric gynecology room for improving integrated quality of health care services and education. The model built in this room aimed to : 1) Improve the quality of health care service; 2) to develop the student’s experiences with patients; 3) Provide quality nurse education to support students; 4) encourage students to improve the results of clinical prctice. The objective of process evaluation in this study was to give an insight to an appropriate model for maternity nursing service. This results showed on the one hand , there are some records not yet achieved an ideal standard , lack of effectiveness and efficiency of care delivery, namely: 1 ) the ratio of midwives and patients are not ideal ; 2 ) No one consultant obstetrician gynecologist and one doctor for every room . As well as challenges to sustainability care that meets the standards of maternity care. Conclusion: this study recommends to take a comprehensive strategic planning for improving nursing and midwifery services that involve all relevant stakeholders in the government, civil society, service delivery, education, and professional organizations.Keywords:Effectiveness, efficiency, evaluation, maternity nursing care, standard.Proses Evaluasi: Standar, Efektifitas, Efisiensi, dan Keberlangsungan Pelayanan Keperawatan MaternitasAbstrakMeskipun secara global ada perubahan dalam tren epidemiologi dari penyakit menular ke penyakit kronis, prevalensi dan insiden penyakit menular serta MMR (Angka Kematian Ibu) dan AKB (angka kematian bayi) di Indonesia masih tinggi. Tahun 2000, Fakultas Keperawatan Unpad bekerja sama dengan Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin, Bandung membangun sebuah model dari ruang perawatan, yang berafiliasi dengan ruang obstetrik ginekologi. Model yang dibangun tersebut bertujuan untuk; 1) meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan; 2) pengembangan pengalaman mahasiswa dengan pasien; 3) penyediaan pendidik perawat yang berkualitas untuk mendukung mahasiswa; 4) mendorong mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan hasil praktek klinis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan informasi dan evaluasi tentang standar, efektifitas, efisiensi, dan keberlangsungan (sustainaibility) pelayanan keperawatan maternitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: di satu sisi, ada beberapa catatan tidak belum tercapainya standar ideal, kurang efektivitas dan efisiensi perawatan persalinan, yaitu: 1) rasio bidan dan pasien tidak ideal; 2) ada satu konsultan ginekolog obstetri dan satu dokter untuk setiap kamar. Serta tantangan terhadap keberlangsungan asuhan perawatan maternitas yang memenuhi standar. Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini merekomendasikan untuk mengambil perencanaan strategis yang komprehensif untuk meningkatkan pelayanan keperawatan dan kebidanan yang melibatkan semua pihak terkait di pemerintah, masyarakat sipil, pelayanan, pendidikan, dan organisasi profesiKata kunci:Asuhan keperawatan maternitas, efektifitas, efisiensi, evaluasi, standar
Pengaruh Self Tapping terhadap Penurunan Level Dysmenorhea pada Mahasiswi Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Wiwin Lismidiati; Neni Fidya Santi; Hikmahtika Wulaning Akbar
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 5 No. 1 (2017): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1193.061 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v5i1.350


Dysmenorrhea primer adalah nyeri pada perut bagian bawah yang dirasakan pada saat menstruasi tanpa adanyakelainan pada panggul. Banyaknya gejala yang muncul saat dysmenorrhea dapat berpengaruh pada aktivitaskerja dan aktivitas sehari-hari. Ada beberapa manajemen nyeri untuk mengatasi dysmenorrhea primer, salahsatunya adalah dengan self tapping. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis efektifitas terapi self tapping dalammenurunkan level nyeri dysmenorrhea primer pada mahasiswi PSIK FK UGM. Penelitian ini adalah jenispenelitian quasi experiment non randomized pretest-postest with control. Pada kelompok intervensi diberikanperlakuan self tapping, sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol diberikan perlakuan nafas dalam. Pengukuran levelnyeri dysmenorrhea primer dilakukan menggunakan instrumen Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) dengan skala1−10. Jumlah responden sebanyak 60 orang. Untuk mengetahui perbandingan level nyeri sebelum dan sesudahterapi pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol, dilakukan uji statistik Wilcoxon. Sedangkan untukmembandingkan perbedaan level nyeri antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol dilakukan uji statistikMann Whitney. Hasil menunjukkan intervensi self tapping lebih efektif menurunkan level nyeri dysmenorrheaprimer pada mahasiswi PSIK FK UGM dengan nilai p = 0,007. Kesimpulannya terdapat pengaruh terapiself tapping terhadap terhadap level nyeri dysmenorrhea primer pada mahasiswi PSIK FK UGM. Terapi selftapping dapat dijadikan pilihan penanganan untuk mengurangi nyeri pada saat mengalami dysmenorrhea primer.
Tingkat Kemandirian Pasien Mengontrol Halusinasi setelah Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok Dwi Handayani; Aat Sriati; Efri Widianti
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (593.78 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v1i1.52


Halusinasi merupakan gejala positif yang paling sering dialami oleh pasien dengan gangguan jiwa. Terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi merupakan bagian dari terapi modalitas yang diberikan pada pasien skizofrenia yang mengalami halusinasi dengan tujuan tercapainya kemandirian pasien. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif yaitu melihat gambaran tingkat kemandirian pasien dalam mengontrol halusinasi setelah mengikuti kegiatan terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi. Sebanyak 42 orang menjadi responsden dengan menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling. Proses pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, yang dalam pelaksanaannya peneliti dibantu oleh numerator. Analisis data dengan persentase dan dideskripsikan dalam tabel distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa tingkat kemandirian pasien dalam mengontrol halusinasi setelah mengikuti kegiatan terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi adalah supportive28,6%, partially 61,9%, dan wholly9,5%. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa sebagian besar tingkat kemandirian pasien adalah partiallysehingga perlu dikembangkan strategi-strategi dalam upaya peningkatan kinerja perawat dalam pelaksanaan tindakan keperawatan sehingga dapat menumbuhkan kemandirian pasien.Kata kunci: Halusinasi, tingkat kemandirian, terapi aktivitas kelompok, stimulasi persepsi AbstractHallucinations are positive symptoms most commontly experienced bypatients with psychiatric disorders. Perceptual stimulation therapy group activities are part of the therapeutic modalities that are given to patients with schizophrenia who experienced hallucinations in order to achieve independence of patient. This is a descriptive study which saw the picture of the level of independence of the patients in the control hallucinations after following stimulation group activity. The sampling technique used was consecutive sampling, in which 42 people were interviewed. The process of data collection using the method of observation, which in practice researchers assisted by the numerator. Analysis of the data with the percentage and frequency distribution are described in the table. The result showed that the level of independence of patient hallucinations in controlling halluciantions after following stimulation group activity therapy activity perception is supportive 28.6%, partially 61,9%, and wholly 9,5%. Based on the findings that majority of patients a level of independence that is partially, developed strategies necessary in an effort to increase the performance of nurses in the implementation of nursing actions that can foster patient independence.Key words:Level of independence, hallucination, therapeutic group activity stimulation perception
The Origin and Development of Grounded Theory: A Brief History henny Suzana Mediani
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (13.644 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v6i1.697


AbstractGrounded theory is an inductive research method that provides for the systematic generation of theory using qualitative or/and quantitative data generated from interviews, observation, or written sources such as documents, or some combination there of gained by a rigorous research method. Nowadays there has been much used of grounded theory as qualitative methodology in nursing and other health disciplines, Grounded theory has been an important methodology for nursing research. The aim of this brief article is to explain how grounded theory came about.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang berhubungan Toilet Trainingpada Anak Prasekolah Septian Andriyani; Kusman Ibrahim; Sri Wulandari
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 2 No. 3 (2014): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (630.631 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v2i3.84


Anak bukan dewasa kecil, anak menunjukkan ciri-ciri pertumbuhan dan perkembangan sesuai dengan usianya. Toilet trainingperlu dilakukan selama anak berada dalam periode optimal untuk menghindari efek jangka panjang seperti inkontinensia dan infeksi saluran kemih (ISK). Anak yang terbiasa memakai diaper sejak kecil akan mengalami keterlambatan dalam toilet training. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan keberhasilan toilet trainingpada anak usia 4–5 tahun (prasekolah). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan rancangan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive samplingdengan jumlah 60 responden. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan analisis regresi logistik ganda. Jumlah responden yang berhasil dalam toilet training sebanyak 36 responden (60%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar responden memiliki pengetahuan kurang, menerapkan pola asuh anak campuran, hampir seluruh responden mempunyai lingkungan baik dan sebagian besar anaknya berhasil dalam toilet training, terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan, lingkungan dengan keberhasilan toilet trainingpada anak usia prasekolah. Sedangkan pola asuh tidak menunjukkan hubungan dengan keberhasilan toilet training. Faktor yang paling dominan memengaruhi keberhasilan toilet trainingadalah faktor lingkungan dengan nilai OR 29,615 dan p value0.005. Perawat sebagai tenaga kesehatan diharapkan dapat menjadi edukator kepada orangtua tentang pentingnya toilet trainingpada anak dengan memerhatikan aspek lingkungan baik fisik maupun psikologis dalam menunjang proses toilet training.Kata kunci: Keberhasilan toilet training, lingkungan, pola asuh, pengetahuan, toilet training AbstractChildren are not early adult, they describe their growth and development as their age. Toilet training is one of development tasks in preschooler whom needed to be given to the children for avoid problem in urinating such as incontinence urine infection in urinary tract. The children are used diaper early they must be done toilet training. The aim of the research is to identify and test factors that interrelates with the success of toilet training arrange 4 to 5 years old (preschooler). This research used quantitative descriptive with cross sectional design, and used purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using quesioner and analized with double logistic regression. This research using sample are 60 mothers with children age 4-5 years old who came to pediatric policlinic of Dustira`s hospital. It ‘s has result indicates that most respondents have lacked of knowledge,used mix parental style, most of the sample has good environment considered their succeed in toilet training. There are related between knowledge, environment and succeed in toilet training for children age 4-5 years old. Dominant factor influenced the success of toilet training is environmental factor with score 29,615 and p value 0.005. It suggestion that recommended nurse role as health power to expected whom can be educator to the parents for promoting the importance of toilet training in children by paying attention on environmental aspect both physical and psychological in providing toilet training process. Key words: Toilet training, environment, Parental style, knowledge
Pengaruh Modul Pemberdayaan Keluarga tentang Toilet Training terhadap Kemandirian Eliminasi Anak di PAUD Iryanti Iryanti; Kamsatun Kamsatun
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 4 No. 1 (2016): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (761.111 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v4i1.135


Anak prasekolah harusnya dapat mengontrol BAB/BAK secara mandiri, namun berdasarkan survey kesehatan rumah tangga nasional, 75 juta anak prasekolah susah mengontrol BAB/BAK, sehingga anak mengompol dan buang air besar di celana, keadaan tersebut bila berlangsung lama akan mengganggu tugas perkembangan anak. Keluarga menentukan keberhasilan anak BAB/BAK di toilet, sehingga pengetahuan,sikap, dan keterampilan keluarga mengenai toilet training menjadi penting. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh modul pemberdayaan keluarga tentang toilet training terhadap kemandirian eliminasi anak. Jenis quasi experiment, pre-post test two group design. Sampel sebanyak 58, yaitu 29 subjek kelompok perlakuan dan 29 subjek kelompok kontrol, diambil dengan multi stage random sampling. Lembar observasi digunakan untuk mengukur kemandirian eliminasi anak, variabel tersebut diukur sebelum dan sesudah keluarga diberi modul toilet training untuk digunakan melatih anaknya selama 4 minggu. Data dianalisis dengan uji T independent. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan kemandirian eliminasi BAB/BAK anak di toilet pada kelompok perlakuan lebih baik daripada kelompok kontrol (p-value = 0,000) (p<0,05). Simpulan penelitian ini bahwa penggunaan modul toilet training oleh keluarga meningkatkan kemandirian eliminasi anak BAB/BAK di toilet. Disarankan bagi keluarga dan PAUD, agar anak umur prasekolah yang belum bisa BAB/BAK secara mandiri dikoreksi secara dini dengan toilet training secara benar dan intensif agar anak dapat tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal.Kata kunci: Anak, kemandirian eliminasi, modul, toilet training. The Effect of Family Empowerment regarding Toilet Training Module towards Children’s Independence for Toileting in PAUD (Early Child Education)AbstractPre-school children should be able to control urination/defecation independently, however, based on national household health survey 75 million of pre-school children were difficult to control their urination/defecation, so that they urinated and defecated in their pants. These conditions, if happened in prolonged time, would impair the development tasks of the children. Families determine the success of children toilet training. Therefore, knowledge, attitude, and skills of the families regarding toilet training are important. This study analyzed the effect of the module of family empowerment regarding toilet training towards the independence of toileting among children. Quasi-experiment with pre-posttest two group design was used. The sample of 58 participants, which divided into 29 participants in intervention group and 29 participants in control group, were recruited using multi stage random sampling. Observation sheet were used to measure the children’s independence for toileting, this variable were measured before and after the families were given toilet training module to train the children for 4 weeks. The data were analyzed using t-independent. The results showed that the children’s independence in toileting were better in the intervention group compared to the control group (p-value = 0.000) (p<0.05). The conclusion of this study is that the use of toilet training module by the families can increase the children’s independence in toileting. It is suggested for families and early child education to provide toilet training for children as early as possible in a right way intensively so that the children can grow and develop optimally.Keywords: Children, module, toileting independence, toilet training.
Pengaruh Field Massage sebagai Terapi Adjuvan terhadap Kadar Bilirubin Serum Bayi Hiperbilirubinemia Novi Novianti; Henny Suzana Mediani; Ikeu Nurhidayah
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 5 No. 3 (2017): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1535.76 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v5i3.654


Hiperbilirubinemia merupakan komplikasi yang sering terjadi pada masa neonatal. Terapi modalitas dibutuhkan karena fototerapi sebagai prosedur penatalaksanaan hiperbilirubinemia di rumah sakit berpotensi menimbulkan efek samping. Field massage sebagai terapi adjuvan, diduga dapat meningkatkan ekskresi bilirubin selama bayi mendapat fototerapi. Namun, penelitian field massage sebelumnya baru melaporkan penurunan kadar bilirubin diduga seiring meningkatnya frekuensi buang air besar sebagai efek massage. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh field massage sebagai adjuvan terhadap kadar bilirubin serum bayi hiperbilirubinemia yang menjalani fototerapi. Desain penelitian menggunakan kuasi eksperimen dengan non equivalen pre test-post test design with control group.Sampel diambil secara consecutive terbagi menjadi kelompok intervensi (16 responden) dan kelompok kontrol (16 responden). Data dianalisis menggunakan Dependen T-Test, Independen T-Test, dan Analysis of Covarians. Hasil menunjukkan rata-rata kadar bilirubin serum setelah intervensi pada kelompok intervensi (8,09+1,21) sedangkan kelompok kontrol (10,05+2,17). Penurunan rata-rata kadar bilirubin serum kelompok intervensi (7,20+1,59), sedangkan kelompok kontrol (4,64+1,25), antara kedua kelompok terdapat perbedaan penurunan yang bermakna (p=0,001). Kontribusi variabel confounding tidak berpengaruh terhadap penurunan rata-rata kadar bilirubin serum, setelah dikontrol variabel confounding pada kelompok intervensi memiliki nilai bersih (7,23+0,37), kelompok kontrol memiliki nilai bersih (4,61+0,37). Kesimpulan didapatkan field massage sebagai terapi adjuvan dapat menurunkan kadar bilirubin serum secara efektif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Field massage bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif intervensi keperawatan yang dapat digunakan dalam penatalaksanaan bayi hiperbilirubinemia di rumah sakit.Kata kunci: Field massage, fototerapi, hiperbilirubinemia, neonatal. Effect of Field Massage as Adjuvant Therapy on Serum Bilirubin Levels Neonatal HyperbilirubinemiaAbstract Hyperbilirubinemia is the common complication that occurs in neonatal period. Therapeutic modality is needed since phototherapy as a standard procedure for hiperbilirubinemia in hospital is often give side effects. Field massage is an adjuvant therapy might increases the excretion of infant bilirubin serum in procedure of phototherapy. However, previous research used field massage noticed that decreased levels of bilirubin allegedly increased with the frequency of defecation as massage effect. The purpose of this study was to determine effect of field massage as adjuvant to level of bilirubin serum in neonatal with phototherapy.The research design used quasi experiments with non equivalent pre test-post test design. The sample was recruited by consecutive sampling of 16 respondents in intervention group and 16 respondents in control group. Data were analyzed by using Dependent T-Test, Independent T-Test, and Analysis Covarians. Results showed that the mean serum bilirubin level after intervention in intervention group showed (8.09+1.21), while the control group were about 10.05+2.17. Decreasing mean serum bilirubin level in the intervention group (7.20+1.59) and the control group (4.64+1.25), between two groups showed that there had significant decrease (p=0.001). Contribution of confounding variables did not affect to the decreased mean serum bilirubin level, whereas after controlled confounding variables in the intervention group showed had net value (7.23+0.37), and for the control group (4.61+0.37). It can be concluded that field massage is effective and useful in decreasing bilirubin serum levels. Results of this study can be used as one of alternative nursing interventions in managing neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in hospitals.Keywords: Field massage, hyperbilirubinemia, neonatal, phototherapy.

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