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Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi
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Jurnal Informasi & Teknologi media kajian ilmiah hasil penelitian, pemikiran dan kajian analisis-kritis mengenai penelitian Rekayasa Sistem, Teknik Informatika/Teknologi Informasi, Manajemen Informatika dan Sistem Informasi. Sebagai bagian dari semangat menyebarluaskan ilmu pengetahuan hasil dari penelitian dan pemikiran untuk pengabdian pada Masyarakat luas dan sebagai sumber referensi akademisi di bidang Teknologi dan Informasi.
Articles 25 Documents
Search results for , issue "2024, Vol. 6, No. 1" : 25 Documents clear
Application of Holt-Winter Exponential Smoothing Method to Design a Drug Inventory Prediction Application in Private Health Units Cut Susan Octiva; Israkwaty; Uli Wildan Nuryanto; Handry Eldo; Abdul Tahir
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2024, Vol. 6, No. 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60083/jidt.v6i1.464


This research aims to see how to design a drug supply prediction application using the Holt-Winter Exponential Smoothing method. The collection methods used in the research are as follows: observation, interviews. The prototyping system development method includes several important stages in designing research applications. The first stage is communication. After that, the Quick Plan stage. Construction of prototype stages. The final stage, deployment delivery and feedback, is the phase of system use by users. In addition, the team also conducts regular system maintenance to ensure optimal performance. These stages together form an iterative process for developing research applications using the prototyping method. Based on the research results, it was found that the test results for the drugs amoxicillin, cefixime, paracetamol, and CTM showed that the MAPE value was less than 10% for these four drugs, which means that the predictive value has quite high accuracy. So it can be concluded that the Holt Winter Exponential Smoothing algorithm can be well implemented to predict drug supplies.
Application of The User Centered Design Method To Evaluate The Relationship Between User Experience, User Interface and Customer Satisfaction on Banking Mobile Application Frans Sudirjo; Dominica Maria Ratna Tungga Dewa; Lucky Indra Kesuma; Lilik Suryaningsih; Eva Yuniarti Utami
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2024, Vol. 6, No. 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60083/jidt.v6i1.465


The aim of this research is to evaluate user satisfaction through UI/UX design in mobile banking and find out what kind of UI/UX appearance users want using the user-centered design method. This research uses a qualitative approach. In addition to the qualitative approach, this research also incorporates a quantitative approach. Data collection in this research used usability testing, interviews, and questionnaires. We calculated the data obtained from the questionnaire statistically using Microsoft Excel. The results of questionnaire data analysis can be in the form of graphs or numbers. Researchers create a list of required elements or features to maintain, add, improve, or remove after collecting and analyzing data. Researchers will implement the requirements list by providing prototype design recommendations. The research results showed that 90% of participants successfully completed the 10 task scenarios given during the evaluation of ongoing mobile banking usability testing. Furthermore, during the evaluation of mobile banking prototype recommendations, 99% of participants successfully completed the 10 task scenarios that had been given. The appearance that users want is a more attractive appearance by adding more icons and illustrations, as well as making the appearance more modern. Additional features that users want, namely adding an e-wallet top-up feature, not limiting the account mutations that can be seen, adding a share feature after transfer, adding fingerprint and face ID features in the login section, and adding a copy feature to be able to copy account numbers.
Application of Heuristic Evaluation Method to Evaluate User Experience and User Interface of Personnel Management Information Systems to Improve Employee Performance Fatkhuri; Donny Dharmawan; Wenny Desty Febrian; Sugeng Karyadi; Indra Sani
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2024, Vol. 6, No. 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60083/jidt.v6i1.466


This research aims to determine the level of user satisfaction with using SIMPEG application and evaluate the user interface design to improve the user experience. The research was conducted using qualitative methods. Researchers decided to involve as many as 100 participants in this research. To collect data and information based on system requirements, researchers collect data using observation, interviews, questionnaires, and literature studies. In designing the evaluation at application, researchers used a user-centered design approach and the heuristic evaluation method. Based on the research results, it was found that in the UCD approach, it often experiences bugs and errors, whereas in application there is no mobile application available, which aims to make it easier for employees to access the application anywhere and anytime. It is currently only available on a web basis. The UCD approach shows that the application has uses and functions that meet employee expectations with an average percentage of 70%, falling into the attractive category. The end result of the UCD approach emphasizes the importance of clearly understanding users and providing better user experiences. Meanwhile, the HE approaches helps identify problems with the application and focuses attention on usability issues in the HE aspects. In an effort to improve the quality of the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) in application, the evaluation that has been carried out shows that improvements need to be focused on the appearance and use of the application.
Analysis Of Perceived Value of Benefit Cash on Delivery Payment Method Customers When Using Digital Wallet Application Desman Serius Nazara; Ratnawita; Silvia Ekasari; Emma Budi Sulistiarini; Eva Yuniarti Utami
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2024, Vol. 6, No. 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60083/jidt.v6i1.467


The purpose of this study is to examine how secure and comfortable cash on delivery (COD) and e-wallet consumers feel about their payment options. Survey research is the method employed in this study. All students are the population in question. Purposive sampling was the method of sampling that was applied. 100 people made up the sample in this study. In order to collect data for this study, questionnaires, records, and interviews were used. Quantitative data analysis is the method employed. Two associated samples are compared in this study using a comparative analysis sample type. The study's conclusions revealed that consumers' comfort levels with cash-on-delivery and e-wallet payment options differ. Convenience with cash on delivery is valued at 48.5 on average, whereas e-wallet convenience is valued at 58.5. Consequently, it can be said that the e-wallet payment method offers more convenience than the cash on delivery payment option. Users of e-wallet payment options and cash on delivery have different levels of security. For COD security, the average value is 37.5, and for e-wallet security, it is 39.5. It is evident that there is little difference in the average value of cash on delivery security (2.5) between it and e-wallet security. Even so, the security level of e-wallets is higher than the security of cash on delivery (COD).
Application of Rapid Application Development Method in Designing Knowledge Management System to Improve Employee Knowledge and Performance at Ministry of Agriculture Dyah Palupiningtyas; Aletta Dewi Maria; Tuwuh Adhistyo Wijoyo; Amara Prarasdya Alyka; Kaila Zefanya Putri Brawarso
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2024, Vol. 6, No. 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60083/jidt.v6i1.468


This research aims to design and build a knowledge management system that can accommodate, manage, and disseminate knowledge to increase employee knowledge. In this research, data collection was obtained in three ways, including observation, interviews, a literature study, and a study of similar literature. The author uses the building block knowledge management method, unified modeling language (UML), to design a web-based system with a user interface that is quite easy to use. In this research, the author uses an object-oriented system development method, namely rapid application development (RAD), which uses unified modeling language tools to describe use case diagrams. Based on the research results, it was found that the KMS was built on a web basis using the RAD (rapid application development) approach and UML (unified modeling language) notation for system analysis design and PHP and MySQL for coding and databases. Before the existence of KMS, searching for documents could take 10 minutes, whereas after the KMS application, users only need five minutes to search for stored documents, resulting in a time efficiency of nine minutes. This system also helps employees communicate with each other anytime and anywhere by creating new discussion topics. Apart from fostering a culture of knowledge sharing, discussion forums in this system can be used as a place for employees to collaborate and find solutions.
The Influence of Perceived Trust, Information Literacy and Perceived Validity on Netizens' Perception That social media is an Appropriate Instrument for The Information Deployment Frans Sudirjo; Galih Nugraha; Teguh Wahyono; Flora Grace Putrianti; Ahmad Buchori
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2024, Vol. 6, No. 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60083/jidt.v6i1.469


The purpose of this study is to ascertain how information literacy, perceived validity, and perceived trust of the variables affect people's adoption of social media as a vehicle for information dissemination. In general, a quantitative method is used to conduct this research. Social media users that are active or inactive and reside in five major Indonesian cities make up the demographic used in this study. Using the purposive sampling strategy, researchers collected samples. 100 people made up the study's sample. Questionnaires were distributed as part of the data collection process. Two phases of measurement were done in this investigation by the researchers. Analyze the measurement model first, and then analyze the model structure second. According to the results, most people in five major Indonesian cities have a 70% degree of trust in information found on social media. Let us therefore suppose that 60% of the information on social media is accurate. Therefore, it can be said that most individuals have a good level of information literacy, which enables them to evaluate the veracity of the information they are given rather than blindly accepting it. Perceived validity, perceived usefulness, perceived simplicity of use, and perceived trust are all directly impacted by information literacy, and these factors will indirectly affect actual use. Through usage patterns and intentions, perceived validity influences actual use among AUs in an indirect manner. Through perceived validity, perceived trust influences actual use in an indirect manner.
Application of Technology Acceptance Model and Delone and McLean IS Success Model to Measure Information System Design for Academic Activities in Higher Education Institution Suluh Sri Wahyuningsih; Chevy Herli Sumerli A; Novi Rahayu; Uli Wildan Nuryanto; Budi Ramadhani
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2024, Vol. 6, No. 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60083/jidt.v6i1.470


The purpose of this study is to investigate the variables that may affect how well the academic information system performs. Quantitative approaches are employed in this study. The basic random sampling technique was used in this study to get samples from the community of academic information system users. There were 100 samples used in this investigation. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Delone & Mclean model are used in this study. In this study, questionnaires were distributed as part of the data collection process. The SmartPLS was used in this study's inferential statistical analysis. According to the analysis results, introducing elements that have the biggest impact namely, perceived ease of use and service quality should be prioritized in order to improve helpdesk services in academic information systems. This involves establishing a report ticket function to resolve user complaints and offer updates on problem resolution, as well as optimizing academic information system for mobile displays to promote simple access to various academic information system -related demands. Perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness (path coefficient value: 0.79); service quality on perceived ease of use (path coefficient value: 0.79); user satisfaction on net benefits (path coefficient value: 0.74); and system quality on net benefits (path coefficient value: 0.03), are the variables that have the biggest influence in this research.
The Measurement Analysis of Online Service Quality Toward State Banking Customers Using Structural Equation Modeling Frans Sudirjo; Luh Komang Candra Dewi; Wenny Desty Febrian; Indra Sani; Donny Dharmawan
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2024, Vol. 6, No. 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60083/jidt.v6i1.471


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the level of customer care offered online so that users can keep using the e-banking system as they see fit. In order to gather data for e-banking system study, involved parties' questionnaire responses, interviews, and observations are used. Furthermore, it is necessary to perform a literature evaluation pertaining to this topic. Researchers both directly and indirectly distributed questionnaires as part of the data collection process. In the first stage, non-probability sampling is performed, and in the subsequent stage, purposive sampling is used based on predetermined criteria. 100 people made up the sample in this study. The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method was the data analysis technique used in this study. The study's findings demonstrated that users of the e-banking system were more likely to trust the caliber of the services offered. Customers can feel satisfied and assured when using the e-banking system because it provides what they need. Because the e-banking system's quality service has a relatively high value in relation to the probability value of its variable values, clients can feel confidence when transacting with it. The e-banking system is able to make clients feel content, hence it has a major influence on customer loyalty, even though the value is fairly tiny compared to the likelihood values for other variables.
Analysis of The Influence of Behavior Intention, Technology Effort Expectancy and Digitalization Performance Expectancy on Behavior To Use of QRIS Users in Small Medium Enterprises Sector Mohamad Afan Suyanto; Luh Komang Candra Dewi; Donny Dharmawan; Dadang Suhardi; Silvia Ekasari
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2024, Vol. 6, No. 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60083/jidt.v6i1.472


The goal of this study is to see if performance and effort expectations influence behavior intention and, consequently, usage behavior. This study's target audience is QRIS users in micro, small, and medium-sized companies (MSMEs). We used 100 respondents as samples. Data was gathered using two methods: observation and interviews. To ensure that the data collected exhibited a strong association, we performed the validity test using the product moment correlation technique. Before beginning the path analysis test, the researcher used the provided framework to develop a structural equation. The interpretation results lead us to the following conclusions: The variable of performance expectancy has a direct effect on behavior intention. The variable effort expectancy has a direct effect on behavior intention. The variable's performance and effort expectations have a direct impact on behavior intention. The changing performance expectancy has a direct impact on user behavior. The variable effort expectancy has a direct impact on user behavior. The variable behavior intention has a direct impact on user behavior. The variables behavior intention, performance expectancy, and effort expectancy all have a direct impact on user behavior. The performance expectancy variable influences user behavior indirectly through behavior intention. The effort expectancy variable influences user behavior indirectly through behavior intention.
Application of TOPSIS Method to Design a Decision Support System in Assessing Teachers Performance Donny Dharmawan
Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi 2024, Vol. 6, No. 1

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.60083/jidt.v6i1.474


The purpose of this project is to develop a decision support system for evaluating teacher performance based on the TOPSIS approach (a strategy that can be referred to by others based on its resemblance to an ideal solution). The investigator collected data through a variety of methods, including observations, literature reviews, online data searches, and interviewing. In the research, the author developed the system using the RAD (Rapid Application Development) paradigm. The approach is used by the author to compute teacher performance evaluations. Next, before running the code, manually simulate the TOPSIS calculations. The next step is coding, which is done using JavaScript and the PHP programming language. The web server is XAMPP, the database is MySQL, and the system creation framework is the Content Management System (CMS). The black box testing approach was employed by the author in this study. Compared to the prior duration of around one month, the black box testing approach has demonstrated the ability to complete calculations for teacher performance assessments in five minutes. Teachers with a final score above the average are considered to have good performance, while those with a score below the average indicate decreased or weak performance. Proves that from 100 teachers, there are 30 weakest teachers in the 1st criteria, 5 weakest teachers in the 13th criteria, 10 weakest teachers in the 7th criteria, 5 weakest teacher in the 10th criteria, 25 weakest teachers in the 4th criteria, and 10 weakest teachers in the 1st criteria. There are 45 weakest teachers in total, with 10 in the 11th criterion and 5 in the 12th criterion. That way, schools can follow up on each teacher's weak criteria appropriately so that they can improve teacher performance in the school.

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