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JOE is the scientific journal of educational research. It publishes any research- based articles on and about education i.e. articles which contribute to the understanding, theoretical development, theoretical concept and implementation of theories of education at any levels.
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Articles 63 Documents
Opportunity as a Threat to Academic Integrity Anna Armeini Rangkuti
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 4, No 01: November 2011
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study is aimed at determining the factors most responsible for academic dishonesty in the education students as prospective teachers. Using the quantitative research method, 518 students participated as respondents. Findings show that chances/opportunities have direct and significant impacts on academic dishonesty. Opportunity allows students to commit academic dishonesties without being detected. Opportunities may also be due to ignoran­ce of educational institutions and faculty members to the phenomena of academic dishonesty that occur. Actually, the educational institutions and teaching staff have primary authority in creating academic integrity on campus. Therefore, it is important to create some policies that aim to reduce and even eliminate the opportunities of students to commit academic dishonesties. These policies include: types of exam questions or assign­ments, clear rules concerning the implementation of evaluation of learning outcomes, as well as a firm associations with academic dishonesty, especially on the part of teachers as those who interact directly with students.
The Effective Training Management Model of Learning Guardian in BPPLSP Surabaya, Indonesia Achmad Rasyad
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 6, No 1 (2013): November 2013
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study is aimed at finding  out factors  that determine  the effectiveness  of training processes  factors   that  determine  the  effectiveness  of  training  results.  The study used an ex-post facto  design. A total  of  60 participants  took part  in the study. Datat analysis was done in percentages.   The research finding  shows that factors  such as participants,  trainers, training materials, and working environment play significant roles in the training process; factors  such as participants,  trainers, training materials and  working   environment   affect  the  training   result  with  the finding   notes:   (a) trainees'  do not only significantly  influence  the training  result through  the training process,  but they also have direct  irifluence to the training  result;  (b) the instructors and training materials contribute the training result indirectly; and (c) working environment   does  not  only  significantly   influence  the  training  result  through  the training process,  but it also gives direct irifluence to the training result.
The identification of the difficulties in solving mathematical problems of junior high school mathematics teachers in Nusa Tenggara Timur and Maluku Utara Heri Retnawati; Dhoriva Urwatul Wutsqo; Endang Listyani; Kartiko Rachman Y Prasetya
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 7, No 1: November 2014
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study aims to determine the difficulties in solving mathematical problems of junior high school mathematics teachers in Nusa Tenggara Timur and Maluku Utara, two of the 33 provinces in Indonesia. The method used in this study was descriptive exploratory. The data analysis was based on 114 junior high schools mathematics teachers’ responses to the five items of the National Examination questions. The items were the most difficult items according to the students, particularly those of the junior high schools in Nusa Tenggara Timur and Maluku Utara, whose graduation has not reached 100%. The result of the analysis indicated that the order of teachers’ difficulties in solving mathematical problems is executing the problem solving plan, understanding the problems, interpreting the results and designing the problem solving plan. Based on this study, 46.491% teachers had difficulty in executing the problem solving plan, 45.846% in understanding the problem, 43.129% in interpreting the results and 33.063% in designing the problem solving plan.
Grammatical errors analysis in the descriptive writing of the semester 3 students of English Education Department of STAIN Gajah Putih Sungkawati Kardi Wahyuningsih
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study was aimed at describing: (1) the types of grammatical errors in the descriptive writing of the semester 3 students of English education department of STAIN Gajah Putih, and (2) the causes of the grammatical errors in the descriptive writing of the semester 3 students of English education department of STAIN Gajah   Putih. The participants were 60 students of the Semester 3 of English education department of STAIN Gajah Putih in the academic year 2013/2014 chosen randomly. The study consisted of fi ve steps, namely: data collection, error identifi cation, error  quantifi cation, error description, and error explanation. The research instrument was in the form of a writing assignment. The data were obtained from the students’ writing products. The results of the study are as follows. The total errors found in the students’ writing test are 688 that divided into fourteen types of errors, namely: errors in production of verb (57%), miscellaneous errors (21%), errors in the use of preposition (15%), errors in the use of articles (4%), and errors in the distribution of verb group (3%). Then, the causes of errors are as follows: interference (32%), ignorance of rule restriction (21%), incomplete application of rules (19%), false concepts hypothesized (16%), and overgeneralization (12%).
The effectiveness of socialization models of social life skill modules for kindergarten teachers Yulia Ayriza
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 3, No 01: November 2010
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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The social life skill has not been considered important in education that makes many people from children to youngsters nowadays have more conflicts due to some very simple reasons. This study was the third phase of a three-year-research. This third year study was aimed at socializing the social life skill modules and testing three kinds of socialization models to find out which one was the most effective: the centralistic model, the chaining model, or the professional organization model. This study used the quantitative research approach with a quasi experiment as the research method. The participants were 109 kindergarten teachers in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). The instruments were a questionnaire and a test, and the techniques of data analysis were quantitative description and analysis of variance. The analysis results showed: (1) The social life skill modules had been socialized among kindergarten teachers in DIY; all preschool teachers had got the modules through the three kinds of socialization models. (2) There were no differences of effectiveness among the three socialization models
Improving the English Skills of Dance Students through English Learning with a Cooperative Learning Approach Sutiyono Sutiyono; Wenti Nuryani; Puspitorini Puspitorini; Titik Putraningsih
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 5, No 1 (2012): November 2012
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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This study was aimed at improving the habits and courage of dance students in communicating in English. This study was classroom action research with a cooperative learning approach performed through English learning in the Curriculum Review and Development Course, The research subjects were 44 students of  the Dance  Education  Department, Language  and  Art  Faculty, Yogyakarta  State University. The learning activity was Numbered Heads Together. Action  implementation was performed in 2 cycles, which were.' (1) improving the habits to ask and read texts, and (2)  improving courage to do presentation and write. Research results showed that the Numbered Heads Together strategy could motivate dance students to be active in the classroom and improve courage to communicate in English (48%  to 75% in the first  and 98% in the second cycle).   Keywords:  English speaking skills, cooperative learning, classroom technique
New biocomposite material from ramie fibre and natural matrix of flee secretion on albasia tree as expansion effort of teaching material Mujiyono Mujiyono
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1 (2008): Year 1, Number 1, November 2008
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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Abstract:  A biocomposite is a composite which consists of natural fiber as reinforcement and  matrix  as  binder  agents.  Biocomposite  materials  are interesting phenomena   because  they  are  environmentally friendly,   are renewable resources, and can increase the economic level of the neighbouring people.  The objective of the present study is to look into the feasibility  of biocomposite material from secretion of albasia flea  as a binder agent and ramie fiber  as reinforcement. Secretion of albasia flea  was collected from Ciamisforest, WestJava, Indonesia with lumps type and then was reacted with methylated spiritus to liquefaction. Heating of the dilution offlea secretion at180°C in 15 minutes decreased the viscosity to become gel. The gels were layered on the surface of ramie fiber  woven roving with the hand layout method. Molding of the biocomposite was done at 180-200°C in 10 minutes after 2-4 layers of ramiefiber were soaked with gel, pressing with pressure 40MPa,  and  cooling  at room temperature in 4  hours. Density  and  tensile strengths of the biocomposite were evaluated with ASTM D638-90 standard and compared withpublicized biocomposites to know itsfeasibility. The tensile strength of the biocomposite from  60% of ramie fiber  woven roving andsecretion of albasiaflea was 80 MPa with a density of 1.17g/cm'. This result showed that the biocomposite had a relatively higher tensile strength and lower density than an epoxy or polyester  matrix. The biocomposite of the matrix of albasia flea  secretion can become a novel material, have high feasibility  based on availability of renewable resources, give simplicity of matrix processing, need no high technology on molding biocomposite, and have higher tensile strength relative to lower density. An implication of the results of the study can be in the development of new teaching material in the engineering  material  subject  of  study  in  the Faculty  of Engineering  of YogyakartaState University.Keywords: biocomposite, ramiefiber, secretion of .albasiaflea, natural matrix, tensile strength, density, binder agent, reinforcement
School principal leadership style in improving teacher performance of the junior high school in Banda Aceh - Musriadi
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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The leadership style of the school principal is one of determinants factor inimproving teacher performance and education success in the school. This research study is aimed at describing the leadership of principals toward improving teachers’ performances refl ected on their responsibilities, discipline, and commitment as the performance indicators. The study uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data are collected by observation, interview and documentation. The subjects of the study are school principal and teachers. Findings show the following. 1) In improving teacher responsibilities, the principal of Junior High School in Banda Aceh maintains togetherness and socializes vision and mission of the school through discretionary leadership style and consultative leadership style. 2) In improving teacher disciplines, the principal of Junior High School Banda Aceh uses the discretionary leadershipstyle such as acting in ways that have been agreed upon and achieving goals setmore by subordinates. 3) In improving teacher commitment, the principal of Junior High School in Banda Aceh is being fair in distributing the duties or welfare which is directed to the regulation and program through discretionary leadership style which has the ability to infl uence another to work together in achieving goals set by various activities which is much more given to the subordinate
Multicultural education as a reform initiative: alignment of critical succes domains Suseela Malakolunthu
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 3, No 01: November 2010
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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In the multicultural Malaysia, a new school model called the Vision School (Sekolah Wawasan) was established to foster racial coexistence and cultural pluralism among students. The Vision Schools would house all the three major vernacular (Malay, Mandarin, and Tamil) elementary schools in the same compound sharing common physical facilities and events. A qualitative study of selected Vision Schools highlights that the lofty idea of student integration for unity cannot be attained merely by physical reorganization or sporadic joint events. Successful implementation of multicultural education, just as any educational reform initiative, will require the coherent alignment of several critical action domains. And these could include principal leadership, teacher professional development, curriculum framework, pedagogical strategies, instructional materials and textbooks, and assessment. It is essential that these critical action domains are well aligned with the multicultural education initiative and aptly incorporated in the detailing process of the Vision School policy development processes
A Study on The Performance Appraisal Method of Vocational Education Teachers Using Promethee II Handaru Jati
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Vol 5, No 1 (2012): November 2012
Publisher : LPPM UNY

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Evaluating vocational education teachers' performance is an important link of teaching  management and an important guarantee of improving teaching quality. In conducting teaching, research and community service, vocational education teachers should weight more on quality than quantity. In this context, individual habit reacts to the demanded jobs which are influenced by his/her knowledge; attitude, and skill. The aim of this study is to develop the vocational education teachers' performance quantitative appraisal and determine the evaluation index based on academic performance. Criteria for performance are: teaching load, publication, research, conferencing, consultancy, services, teaching attitude, teaching content, teaching method, and teaching  effect.  The Analytic  Hierarchy  Process (AHP)  and  PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking  Organisation METHod for Enrichment Evaluations) II analyses were used in the performance  appraisal. The findings show that the MCDM  approach is a viable tool in solving the teacher  selection decision problems. It allows the decision maker to rank the candidate alternatives more efficiently and easily.   Keywords: performance,   appraisal  method, vocational education teacher, analytic hierarchy process, PROMETHEE II