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Media Kedokteran Hewan
Published by Universitas Airlangga
ISSN : 02158930     EISSN : 2775975X     DOI : 10.20473/mkh.v32i1.2021.1-11
Core Subject : Health,
Media Kedokteran Hewan (p-ISSN: 0215-8930) (e-ISSN: 2775-975X) (established 1985) publishes all aspects of veterinary science and its related subjects. Media Kedokteran Hewan publishes periodically three times a year (January, May, and September). Media Kedokteran Hewan publishes original articles, review articles, and case studies in Indonesian or English, with an emphasis on novel information of excellent scientific and/or clinical quality, relevant to domestic animal species and biotechnology of veterinary medicine from researchers, lecturers, students, and other practitioners around Indonesia and worldwide.
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Articles 71 Documents
A Review of Poultry Product as a Source of Spreading Multidrug Resistant Salmonella: Public Health Importance Farah Fanissa
Media Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 33 No. 2 (2022): Media Kedokteran Hewan
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mkh.v33i2.2022.131-162


In the last few decades, foodborne disease has become one of the world's health problems with various pathogenic bacteria that accompanies the contamination of food products of animal origin. One of the foodborne diseases that is always reported every year is related to Salmonella contamination in poultry products which can cause Salmonellosis in humans. Salmonella contamination become important not because of its virulence ability to invade humans, but also because of its increased resistance to various clinical antimicrobial classes, with various cellular genetic elements that can be spread in humans along the food chain. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the role of poultry product in the spread of multidrug resistance Salmonella which may have implications for public health.    
Resistensi Antibiotik terhadap Bakteri Escherichia coli yang Diisolasi dari Ayam Layer di Desa Sesaot Kabupaten Lombok Barat Alfiana Laili Dwi Agustin; Novarina Sulsia Ista'In Ningtyas; Kunti Tirtasari
Media Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 33 No. 2 (2022): Media Kedokteran Hewan
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mkh.v33i2.2022.87-95


Resistensi antibiotik saat ini menjadi ancaman terbesar bagi kesehatan masyarakat global, sehingga WHO mengkoordinasi kampanye global untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap antibiotik. Resistensi merupakan kemampuan bakteri untuk menghilangkan ataupun melemahkan daya kerja antibiotik. Munculnya kemampuan bakteri, khususnya Escherichia coli untuk bersifat resisten terhadap penggunaan senyawa antibiotik tentunya menimbulkan masalah yang besar bagi manusia, hewan, dan lingkungan. Kecamatan Narmada yang ada di Lombok Barat merupakan salah satu Kecamatan yang memiliki populasi ternak ayam yang cukup banyak, salah satu penyakit infeksi yang sering meyerang unggas dan diobati menggunakan antibiotik adalah Escherichia coli. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengatahui data resistensi antibiotik pada Escherichia coli, data resistensi tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan resitensi antibiotik terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli di peternakan ayam layer di desa Sesaot Kabupaten Lombok barat. Jenis penelitian deskriptif. Dengan menggunakan delapan isolat Escherichia coli, diujikan dengan antibiotic Tetracyline, Penicllin G dan Oxytetracyline. Uji resistensi bakteri dilakukan setelah diperoleh hasil dari identifikasi bakteri, bakteri Escherichia coli distreak menggunakan cotton bud dan dioleskan ke media Mueller Hilton Agar (MHA) kemudian disc cakram antibiotik ditempelkan pada media tersebut dan diinkubasi selama 24 jam dengan suhu 37oC pada inkubator. Hasil yang didapatkan dari enam isolat Escherichia coli yang diuji resistensi antibiotik, antibiotik dikategorikan supceptible Tetracycline (0.0%), Penicillin G (0.0%), dan Oxytetracycline (0.0%). Antibiotik dikategorikan intermediet terdiri dari Tetracycline (33.3%), Penicillin G (0.0%), dan Oxytetracycline (0.0%). Kemudian antibiotik dikategorikan resisten terdiri dari Tetracycline (66.6%), Penicillin G (100%), dan Oxytetracycline (100%).
Comparative Pathologic, Immunohistochemical, Ultrastructural and Molecular study of Bovine Papilloma Virus type 1 E5 Oncogene infection in Exotic and Indigenous cattle breeds Olatunde Babatunde Akanbi; Jens Peter Teifke; Adeyinka Jeremy Adedeji; Kati Franzke; Clement Adebajo Meseko; Oluwafemi B. Daodu; Henry Olanrewaju Jegede
Media Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 33 No. 2 (2022): Media Kedokteran Hewan
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mkh.v33i2.2022.72-86


Bovine papillomavirus (BPV) induces benign tumors of cutaneous or mucosa epithelia, called papillomas or warts in cattle and generally regress without eliciting any serious clinical problems in the host, but occasionally persist and provide the focus for malignant transformation to squamous cell carcinoma. This has a negative implication in beef and hide industry. There is paucity of information on the comparative pathology and molecular detection of BPVs in different breeds of nomadic cattle. Consequently, 340 nomadic cattle grazing in Plateau state Nigeria were screened clinically for papillomatosis followed by histopathology. Lesion consistent with papillomatosis were further investigated using immunohistochemistry (IHC), Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and electron microscopy. Twenty cattle (0.06%) of Friesian, Zebu, Muturu and White Fulani breeds had cutaneous papilloma and skin lesions of the head, neck, shoulders, legs, dorsum, lower abdomen and scrotum. However, only 16 (0.05%) cattle skin biopsy samples were consistent with papillomatosis histopathologically revealing varying degrees of hyperplastic epidermis with acanthosis and orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis. Nuclei in the granular layer of the epidermis were IHC positive for Bovine papillomavirus type I antigen while skin biopsy was BPV-1 E5 oncoprotein gene positive by PCR. Electron microscopy revealed ultrastructural changes consistent with Bovine papillomavirus infection. The distribution and severity of lesion varied in different breeds of nomadic cattle. The detection, diagnosis and characterization of papillomavirus in these cattle enabled the development of autogenous vaccine to immunized cattle. This study highlighted the comparative pathology and molecular characterization of BPVs in different breeds of nomadic cattle, which hitherto was lacking.
POTENSI PEMBERIAN PROBIOTIK TERHADAP PENINGKATAN BERAT BADAN, KONSUMSI, DAN KONVERSI PAKAN AYAM PETELUR FASE PRE LAYER Sukmawati Lailatul Jannah; Moh. Anam Al Arif; Sri Chusniati; Mirni Lamid; Moh. Sukmanadi; Iwan Sahrial Hamid; Rondius Solfaine
Media Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 33 No. 2 (2022): Media Kedokteran Hewan
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mkh.v33i2.2022.96-104


Probiotik adalah segala bentuk sediaan sel mikroba atau komponen sel mikroba yang mempunyai pengaruh menguntungkan bagi kesehatan dan kehidupan inangnya. Beberapa aditif pakan seperti hormon Antibiotik Growth Promoter (AGP) telah dilarang. Oleh karena itu, saat ini probiotik sering digunakan sebagai bahan tambahan pengganti antibiotik. Probiotik yang banyak digunakan adalah bakteri asam laktat karena dapat meningkatkan efisiensi pencernaan dan penyerapan nutrisi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian probiotik kombinasi Bacillus coagulans dan Bacillus subtilis dengan dosis 2 ml, 4 ml, dan 6 ml/ekor/hari secara oral terhadap pertambahan bobot badan, konsumsi pakan, dan penurunan konversi pakan. ayam petelur. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 2 minggu dengan menggunakan ayam pre layer umur 21 minggu sampai 23 minggu sebanyak 24 ekor, diacak menjadi 4 perlakuan dengan 6 ulangan dengan P0 sebagai kontrol, P1 = 2ml, P2 = 4 ml, dan P3 = 6 ml . Probiotik yang digunakan adalah probiotik kombinasi Bacillus coagulans dan Bacillus subtilis dengan konsentrasi 1x107 CFU/ml dalam bentuk cair. Kesimpulannya adalah pemberian oral kombinasi probiotik dengan Bacillus subtilis dan Bacillus coagulans dapat meningkatkan bobot badan, konsumsi pakan, dan menurunkan nilai konversi pakan ayam petelur dengan rendemen tertinggi bila diberikan dosis 4 ml.
Media Kedokteran Hewan Rosa Kartika Al Jihadi
Media Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 33 No. 2 (2022): Media Kedokteran Hewan
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Media Kedokteran Hewan Rosa Kartika Al Jihadi
Media Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 33 No. 2 (2022): Media Kedokteran Hewan
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Pathology and Characterization of Fowlpox Virus Infection in a Turkey-Chicken Backyard Flock, Nigeria Olatunde Babatunde Akanbi
Media Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 33 No. 3 (2022): Media Kedokteran Hewan
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mkh.v33i3.2022.177-187


Cutaneous scabs were seen on the nares and shanks in three grower turkeys in a mixed turkey-chicken flock in Langtang-north LGA of Plateau State, Nigeria. A chicken in the flock had diphtheritic membrane covering the mucous membranes of the oro-pharynx and the turkeys had cutaneous pox lesions on the nares and shank. Fowlpox virus infection was diagnosed by gross and histopathology and confirmed by isolation of the virus in chorioallantoic membrane of 9-12 weeks chicken embryonating eggs. The DNA of Fowl Pox Virus (FPV) was detected in the cutaneous scabs of the turkey and chicken using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) which amplified a 578 base pairs fragment of the 4b core protein gene. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the fowlpox virus responsible for this infection clustered with the sublineage A1 genotype of clade A of fowlpox virus and shares 98% homology with the vaccine strain produced in Nigeria. The sequence has been deposited in the GenBank under the accession number MK435242. Our results confirmed the presence of FPV in the turkeys and suggest a predisposition by the chickens. We therefore suggest vaccination for small holder poultry to mitigate against mortality in turkeys and chickens and molecular epidemiology of fowlpox viruses in Nigeria to unravel viral evolution.
Laporan Pertama Kasus Infestasi Spinturnix spp. pada Kelelawar Pemakan Buah (Rousettus spp.) Fransiska Okta Zania; Audina Putri Geraldine; Citra Kurnia Putri; Ryanka Edila; Aditya Yudhana
Media Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 33 No. 3 (2022): Media Kedokteran Hewan
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mkh.v33i3.2022.233-243


Rousettus spp. is one of the wild animals that may transmit various diseases including zoonotic. Rousettus spp. or known as fruit bat is found in Java island and belongs to the Pteropodidae family. Generally, Rousettus spp. consumes fruit and floral products. This case report aims to detect ectoparasites in fruit bats (Rousettus spp.) found at Djawatan Banyuwangi, East Java. The samples in this case report are seven fruit bats (Rousettus spp.). Based on the results of laboratory identification using the whole mount method, from 7 samples of fruit bats (Rousettus spp.), there are five fruit bats (Rousettus spp.) were infected with Spinturnix spp.. Spinturnix spp. that obtained from fruit bats (Rousettus spp.) were examined using a binocular microscope (Olympus CX-23, Tokyo Japan) with a magnification of 100 times. Images of ectoparasites and bats were taken using a Nikon d5300 camera. Total amount of Spinturnix spp. that was successfully obtained from 5 fruit bats (Rousettus spp.) are 25 individuals.
Ergothioneine Modulates Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress, Biochemical Profiles and Rectal Temperatures of Arabian Stallions Following Exercise in A Hot-Humid Environment Adakole Adah; Joseph Ayo; Peter Rekwot; Tagang Aluwong; Deborah Adah
Media Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 33 No. 3 (2022): Media Kedokteran Hewan
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mkh.v33i3.2022.163-176


These experiments were performed to determine the effect of ergothioneine (EGT) and environmental parameters on some physiological profiles of Arabian stallions following an 1800 m race in a hot-humid environment. Twelve stallions having a mean weight of 401 ± 7.33 kg and aged 5.28 ± 1.14 years were used as subjects. They were divided into two groups of treated stallions (n = 6) and untreated stallions (n = 6). Group I which was the experimental group was administered with EGT (0.5 mg/kg orally)every week for two months while group II which served as controls was not treated. The temperature and the relative humidity of the experimental site were determined for six days and on the day of the experiment. The temperature-humidity index (THI) was also calculated. Vital parameters and some biochemical parameters of all stallions were determined before the commencement, immediately after, and one hour after the exercise. Some biomarkers of oxidative stress and serum biochemical parameters (aspartate aminotransferase, creatinine and lactate dehydrogenase) of the stallions were also determined.The biochemical parameters were higher (P < 0.05) in the untreated group than in the treated group. The results obtained showed that EGT lowered the rectal temperature and modulated biomarkers of oxidative stress and biochemical profiles.
Hubungan Kadar Antioksidan Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) dengan Abnormalitas dalam Tingkat Pengencer dan Lama Simpan Semen Mentog di Suhu Dingin Fitriani
Media Kedokteran Hewan Vol. 33 No. 3 (2022): Media Kedokteran Hewan
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/mkh.v33i3.2022.208-213


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penambahan kuning telur sebagai cryoprotectant dalam tingkat pengencer dan lama simpan pada semen mentog yang disimpan pada suhu dingin.Mentog yang digunakan dalam  penelitian ini adalah 4 ekor ternak entog  jantan berumur sekitar 1,5 – 2 tahun dengan berat badan 3 – 3,5 kg.   Penampungan semen mentog dilakukan pagi dengan frekuensi penampungan 2x/minggu, Metode penelitian yang digunakan metode eksperimental dengan Split Plot pola petak terbagi.   Faktor pertama sebagai Petak Utama adalah tingkat pengencer yaitu tanpa pengencer (A0); 5 X(A1);10X(A2) dan 15X (A3),faktor kedua sebagai Anak Petak adalah lama simpan  0(B0); 60 (B1); 120  (B2) dan 180 menit yang disimpan  pada  suhu dingin 4ºC.Tiga kelompok kandang mentog sebagai ulanganyang diambil semennya.   Hasil yang diperoleh melalui analisis ragam menunjukkan terdapat pengaruhtetapi tidak  nyata baik SOD maupun abnormalitas(P<0.05).  Kesimpulan adalahtingkat pengenceran dan lama simpan beda berpengaruh tetapi tidak nyata (P < 0,05).   Kuning telur dalam pengenceransemen  mentog sebagai cryoprotectant dapat mempertahankan semen mentog.