Raden Arief Setyawan
Departemen Teknik Elektro, Universitas Brawijaya

Published : 102 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol. 11 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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Crystal guava is a new guava variety that was developed in Taiwan in 1991, then developed in Indonesia in 2009 until now. Crystal guava is unique in terms of its texture and general shape. The advantages of crystal guava lie in its size, taste, and color. Fruit ripeness is usually determined by several parameters, including textural characteristics, fruit color and aroma, and others. Color is one of the parameters in crystal guava fruit ripeness. In determining the ripeness of crystal guava fruit based on color manually with the human visual eye, it has several disadvantages. Some of them are requiring more labor to sort the fruit, the assessment of ripeness by humans which is subjective and inconsistent in the point of view of vision between one assessor and another, and mental and physical workers such as fatigue, lack of focus and others can also affect the detection of the level of ripeness of crystal guava fruit. This tool was developed in order to help detect the level of ripeness of crystal guava fruit based on color moreconsistently according to the needs of crystal guava fruit farmers and the fatigue and lack of focus of workers can be avoided. Based on the test results show that the camera used is able to detect edges with a kernel size matrix value of 21x21. The camera can also detect the color hue of crystal guava fruit with the threshold value of canny edge detection is 40 and the threshold2 value is 150. Based on the test results it can also be concluded that the system has been tested with an accuracy value of detecting the level of ripeness based on the color hue of the crystal guava fruit of 96% and has an error of 4% of 100 samples of crystal guavafruit tested. Keywords : Crystal guava, Hue, Ripeness Level, Edge detect
Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB Vol. 11 No. 5 (2023)
Publisher : Jurnal Mahasiswa TEUB

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Electric bicycles in the modern era require useful features to make this mode of transportation a space for innovation to create systems that are more energy efficient, environmentally friendly, and safe for riders. In this study, several features were integrated, such as a light control system for bicycle lights, warning of danger using a buzzer, PID controller for bicycle motors, and supercapacitors for batteries. The research objective of a light control system based on power consumption efficiency is to produce a stable and accurate light intensity control response with an average error value of 5.887% and a recovery time value when given a disturbance of 1.032 seconds and consume a minimum of 2.784W of power and a maximum of 8.664 W. The purpose of hazard early warning research using a buzzer is to create an automatic warning system in accordance with Mamdani's fuzzy logic which in the testing process the output value of the PWM prototype is the same as the PWM output of the Fuzzy Matlab design. The aim of the PID controller research is to improve the performance of BLDC motors on bicycles, with targeted response characteristics of <14 s rise time, <15 rpm overshoot, <3 rpm steady-state error, and <1 s settling time. The PID system that has been tuned meets all target response characteristics besides settling time, with a rise time of 11.96 s, overshoot of 6.4 rpm, steady-state error of 2.71 rpm, and settling time of 1.17 s. Based on the experimental results, the supercapacitor battery system that has been implemented shows a decrease in the maximum output voltage from 42.2 V to 35.5 V and the peak battery current decreases from 19.1 A to 16.9 A, while the results of the output voltage and current experience a decrease in average power from 679.172 W to 586.508 W. Keywords: PID, Light, Buzzer, Supercapacitor
Co-Authors Abdullah Rasyid Achmad Basuki Ade Vali Sofyan Adharul Muttaqin Admaja Dwi Herlambang Agus Satrio Ahmad Sulkhan Taufik Akbar, Sabriansyah Rizkika Akmal Hibban Syah Alam Algy Prastya Derosa Andreas Horaciyo Simanjuntak Angger Abdul Razak Asmungi, Gaguk Asrori Arsyad Aswin, Muhammad Aulia, Fikri Bayu Aditya Herlambang Bertoni Ramadhan Putra Bima Aditia M. S. Brian Reza Kawalta Tarigan S. Danial Risaf Ashari David Stefano Dewi Nur Ayuningtya Dian Falah J. Ebim Iskandar Muda Edinar Valiant Hawali Eka Maulana Eldoni Tuah Rito Purba Endy Hendrawan Erfan Achmad Dahlan Erni Yudaningtyas Fajar Mit Cahyana Farizqi, Yayang Firhan Bagus Adji Fredy Christiawan Fuad Sultan Muhammad Gagas Wijaksana Nugraha Giffary Risa Nugraha Gilang Luih Pinandita Hafidin Bangun Widyanto Hani Khulud Hani Khulud Harits Al Furqon Akbar Herdinto Praja Mukti I B Giri Kusuma I Putu Putra Darmawan Ibrahim Hasan Insanutama, Adam Issa Arwani Itsna Az Zahra Itsna Az Zahra James Christianto Jam’iyatul Hidayah Jason Danny Setiawan Jibril Asida Angkara Kenny Aldebaran Roberts Kusmaryanto, Sigit Lukman Gumelar M. Rendra Perdana Kusuma Djaka Milendy Arifputra Pamungkas Moch Agus Choiron Mochammad Agus Choiron Moh Fahri Ferdiansyah Moh. Wildan Ali Fikri Moh. Yusuf Firmansyah Mohammad Alif Robby Gani Mohammad Ghadafi Muhamad Ilham Muhammad Aswin Muhammad Aziz Muslim Muhammad Aziz Muslim Muhammad Fauzan Edy Purnomo Muhammad Julius St. Muhammad Khairy Mahdi Muhammad Naufal Muhammad Rahma Arif Muhammad Wisem Royyan Muslichin Muslichin Muslichin, n/a Mustofa, Ali Mutia Prameswari n/a Angellica n/a Nurussa&#039;adah n/a Nurussa&#039;adah n/a Nurussa’adah n/a Soeprapto Nano Bagus Septyanto Nisa Intan Kumalasari Nurussa'adah, n/a Onny Setyawati Panca Mudji Rahardjo Panca Mudjirahardjo Panca Mudjirahardjo Ponco Siwindarto Prasetyo Rizky Arfan Sodiq Pretty Lumbantobing Rachmadwipa Novandri Rahmadwati, n/a Raisul Falah Reynald Darmawan Reza Anhario Rhezananta Arya H. Ricky Insyani Santosa P. P. Rif'an, Mochammad Rizki Firmansyah Rizki Jumadil Putra Rizki Wahyu Nugroho Rizky Adi Sanjaya Royyannuur Kurniawan Endrayanto Rudy Soenoko Rudy Sunoko Ruri Ridha Rajwari Saif Masharil Huda Samuel Aji Sena Satrio Agung Wicaksono Sepvicho Prima Putra P. Sofyan Andika Yusuf Suyono, Hadi Taqiy Asyam Listyawan Thufeil Claudy Rahman Tommy Eka Putra Bimantara Vika Mubarokah Waru Djuriatno Waru Djuriatno Waru Djuriatno Wiam Mardliy Syahrir Yana Wahyuana Yudika Putra Perdana Pangaribuan Yusuf Kurniawan Yusuf Rangga Pratomo Yusuf, n/a Zainul Abidin Zainuri, Akhmad Zamrut Hirsa Mohammad