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Komparasi Teknik Pemupukan dan Dosis Pupuk Urea Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bibit Kopi Robusta Saroh, Cindy Nur May; Wulanjari, Distiana; Arum, Ayu Puspita; Setiyono, Setiyono
Proceedings Series on Physical & Formal Sciences Vol. 7 (2024): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Pertanian dan Perikanan
Publisher : UM Purwokerto Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/pspfs.v7i.1195


Indonesia adalah salah satu negara penghasil kopi sekaligus pengekspor biji kopi di Dunia. Tahun 2020 produksi kopi naik menjadi 762,38 ribu ton atau meningkat sebesar 1,31 %.  Jenis kopi robusta mendominasi produksi kopi di Indonesia pada tahun 2020 sebesar 70,15%, dan 29,85% adalah kopi arabika. Unsur hara N merupakan senyawa yang paling dibutuhkan pada masa pertumbuhan vegetatif tanaman kopi diantaranya mempercepat pertumbuhan batang, daun, memperbanyak klorofil, dan memberikan impuls pada pertumbuhan akar. Teknik pemupukan yang tepat akan membuat tanaman menjadi mudah dalam menyerap unsur hara. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui interaksi antara teknik pemupukan dan dosis pupuk urea terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kopi robusta, untuk mengetahui pengaruh teknik pemupukan terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kopi robusta, untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian dosis pupuk urea terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kopi robusta. Rancangan percobaan dilakukan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RAL) yang terdiri dari 2 faktor dan 3 ulangan. Faktor I yaitu teknik pemupukan dan faktor ke II adalah Dosis pupuk urea. Hasil penelitian yaitu (1) Interaksi antara Teknik pemupukan dan Dosis pupuk urea berbeda nyata pada variabel tinggi tanaman, dan berat kering tanaman namun tidak berbeda nyata dengan variabel yang lain. (2) Pengaruh teknik pemupukan berbeda nyata pada variabel jumlah daun dan berat segar tanaman, namun tidak berbeda nyata pada variabel yang lain. (3) Pengaruh dosis pupuk urea berbeda nyata pada variabel jumlah daun dan panjang akar, namun tidak berbeda nyata pada variabel yang lain.
Response of mineral formulation towards different growth phases of arabica coffee in lowland Wulanjari, Distiana; Wijaya, Ketut Anom; Rosyady, Muhammad Ghufron; Suwardiyanto, Suwardiyanto; Meliala, Susan Barbara Patricia Sembiring; Setiyono, Setiyono; Farisi, Oria Alit
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Vol 9, No 1 (2024): April
Publisher : Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada jointly with PISPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ipas.76043


Arabica coffee cultivation is limited by altitude, which affects its production. Some farmers in Jember Regency are innovating to grow arabica coffee in the lowland, but the potential for leaf rust disease is quite high. Plant natural resistance can be enhanced by adding minerals formulation (containing silica, iodine, and calcium). This research aimed to determine which phase is more effective for applying mineral formulation that induces plant resistance. The formulation was tested on arabica coffee plants grown at the lowland (460 masl) in Jember Regency on 12 years old (y.o) mature and 1 y.o immature plants. One formulation was dissolved in 14 L of water and applied by foliar feeding. The effect was analyzed using two-way T-test of two samples assuming unequal variances at 95% confidence level to determine the differences. The analysis showed that the plants supplemented with the formulation could increase the variables that supported the natural resistance of plants (both mechanically and through the production of chemical compounds), such as polyphenol content, flavonoids, antioxidant activity, total dissolved protein, vitamin C, reducing sugar, lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, and iodine content in the plant. The response of the formulation application showed that the most resistance variables was better in 1 y.o immature plants than in 12 y.o mature plants. The application of mineral formulation in immature phase will have a better impact on increasing natural resistance, and it has the potential to be used as a supplement for arabica coffee plants cultivated in the lowland.
AGRIBIOS Vol 21 No 2 (2023): November
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36841/agribios.v21i2.3608


Cattleya merupakan salah satu genus anggrek yang berbunga besar dan beraroma harum. Perbanyakan bibit Cattleya banyak dilakukan secara kultur jaringan dalam skala besar dan cepat. Pertumbuhan planlet pada proses aklimatisasi masih memiliki banyak kendala. Media tanam dan penambahan nutrisi menjadi faktor eksternal yang krusial dalam keberhasilan aklimatisasi. Penelitian terkait jenis media dan penambahan pupuk daun belum banyak dilaporkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh jenis media dengan konsentrasi pupuk daun yang sesuai dalam keberhasilan aklimatisasi plantlet Anggrek Cattleya. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-September 2021 menggunakan plantlet Cattleya hybrid hasil kultur jaringan dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) faktorial. Faktor pertama yaitu 4 jenis media tanam (arang sekam, akar pakis, cocopeat dan akar kadaka), serta faktor kedua yaitu berbagai konsentrasi pupuk daun (0 g/L, 1 g/L dan 2 g/L). Percobaan diulang 3 kali. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa terdapat interaksi antara jenis media dengan konsentrasi pupuk daun terhadap pertambahan panjang akar bibit anggrek Cattleya. Perlakuan terbaik untuk panjang akar dihasilkan dari kombinasi arang sekam dengan konsentrasi pupuk daun 2 g/L mencapai 1,76±1,09 cm. Penambahan pupuk daun 2 g/L berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertambahan panjang daun bibit anggrek Cattleya bila dikombinasikan dengan media akar kadaka mencapai 2,03±1,26 cm.
Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) Tanaman Kopi Menghasilkan Tahun 1 dan 2 Ghufron Rosyady, Muhammad; Wulanjari, Distiana; Alit Farisi, Oria; Burhanuddin Irsyadi, Muhammad; Anom Wijaya, Ketut
Literasi Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Vol 4 No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Pengelola Jurnal Politeknik Negeri Ketapang Jl. Rangga Sentap, Dalong Sukaharja, Ketapang 78813. Telp. (0534) 3030686 Kalimantan Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58466/literasi.v4i2.1473


Curahpoh Village, Curahdami District, Bondowoso Regency is able to produce quality coffee and can be used as a coffee center village. The economy of the people there depends on the harvest from coffee plantations. Coaching started from 2019 until now and continues to be carried out. The coffee farmers we train are coffee farmers who are members of LMDH Argo Santoso, Curahpoh Village, Curahdami District, Bondowoso. In 2019, we donated 300 seeds of clones BP 936, BP 939 and BP 409. In 2020, we donated 500 seeds of clones BP 358, BP42 and BP 409. The seeds we donated were superior seeds resulting from grafting technology with BP rootstock. 308. BP 308 is a special coffee plant for rootstock because of its dense and strong roots. The current condition of the coffee plants is that they are grown and cared for well. The service team together with students calculated the production potential of coffee berries. The main parameters in calculating production potential are the effective number of branches, number of dompolans, number of perdompolan fruit and weight per coffee fruit. The calculation results of the potential production of coffee grown from the grant are 2.1 tons/ha. The production potential reaches 6 times the potential of coffee owned by farmers in Curahpoh, which is around only 0.4 tons/ha.
Effect Of Dosage And Frequency Of Liquid NPK Fertilization On Growth Of Cutting Seedlings Robusta Coffee (Coffea chanephora) Al amin, Muhammad Yordan Yuliano; Subroto, Gatot; Wulanjari, Distiana; Savitri, Dyah Ayu
Protech Biosystems Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2023): PROTECH BIOSYSTEM JOURNAL
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/protech.v3i2.20862


The Robusta coffee plant (Coffea canephora) is included in the Rubiaceae family and the Coffea genus. The problem in breeding Robusta coffee plants is that Robusta coffee seeds cannot be developed generatively because of the type of cross-pollination, so they must be propagated vegetatively by cuttings, namely slow root growth and rooting. weak so shoot formation is slow. To overcome this problem, liquid NPK fertilizer (24:20:05) was used with the aim of producing optimal cutting growth. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of the dose and frequency of application of liquid NPK fertilizer (24:20:05) on the growth of Robusta coffee cuttings. The method used was a factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) consisting of 2 factors and 3 replications. Factor 1 consists of F0: 0 ml/polybag, F1 (25 ml/polybag), F2 (50 ml/polybag), F3 (75 ml/polybag), F4 (100 ml/polybag). The second factor is the frequency of fertilization (M) which consists of M1: Application once a week M2: Application once every 2 weeks M3: Application once every 3 weeks. The research results showed that there was an interaction between the dose of liquid NPK fertilizer and the frequency of fertilization on Robusta coffee cuttings (1) which had a very significant influence on the observed variables of stem diameter, number of branches and leaf area. (2) Giving a dose of liquid NPK fertilizer to Robusta coffee plant cuttings has a very real influence on all variables. (3) The effect of fertilization frequency on Robusta coffee plant cuttings has a very real influence on the variables of stem diameter and number of branches.
PELATIHAN AKLIMATISASI ANGGREK Dendrobium BAGI REMAJA MUSALA DARUL IMAN KECAMATAN SUMBERSARI JEMBER Restanto, Didik; Dewanti, Parawita; Handoyo, Tri; Soeparjono, Sigit; Hartatik, Sri; Slameto, Slameto; Siswoyo, Tri Agus; widjayanthi, Lenny; Avivi, Sholeh; Wulanjari, Distiana; Saleh, Azmi; Hazmi, Muhammad
PAPUMA: Journal of Community Services Vol. 2 No. 01 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : Program Studi Agronomi Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/papuma.v2i01.834


The Dendrobium sp orchid is an orchid that is suitable for living in equatorial areas because it requires full light. Acclimatization is a very important stage for future orchid development. The aim of this service is to provide training to member of the Musala Darul Iman to understand orchid acclimatization techniques which can be used as equipment in orchid agribusiness. From the results of this trial, the audience's enthusiasm was obtained in listening to the lecture and practice, both in cultivation and agribusiness. Seedlings to be acclimatized should be healthy and perfect, good technique of transferring to a soft pot must be solid, watering was done after 7 days to give the root system the opportunity to develop well and required high levels of patience.
Proses Desain, Rancang Bangun, dan Pengujian Greenhouse Lipat Modular Untuk Daerah Tropis Suud, Hasbi Mubarak; Wulanjari, Distiana; Khozin, Mohammad Nur
Journal of Tropical Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems - Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Tropis dan Biosistem Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jkptb.2023.011.01.04


Greenhouse berfungsi untuk menciptakan lingkungan mikro yang baik bagi pertumbuhan tanaman. Lebih jauh lagi, fungsi greenhouse pada daerah tropis adalah melindungi tanaman dari intensitas radiasi matahari berlebih, mengurangi penguapan air dari daun dan media tanam, dan mengurangi resiko serangan hama penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan desain greenhouse yang lebih fleksibel namun memiliki fungsi sebagai rumah tanaman yang handal serta mempunyai stabilitas struktur yang baik. Desain greenhouse yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini merupakan greenhouse dengan sistem modular sehingga dapat mudah dipindahkan dan mudah dirakit kembali. Greenhouse lipat modular ini dikembangkan dalam modul modul terpisah sehingga mudah dipindahkan dan ringan. Greenhouse ini dikembangkan terutama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna yang menginginkan greenhouse yang kompak, mudah dimobilisasi, dan mudah dirakit. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian pada prototipe yang telah dibuat, diketahui bahwa tingkat fleksibilitas greenhouse cukup baik dan dapat dirakit kurang dari 1 jam. Namun dari uji fungsional diketahui bahwa greenhouse lipat modular ini belum cukup baik untuk menyediakan suhu dan kelembapan yang optimal bagi tanaman sehingga dibutuhkan perbaikan pemilihan material dinding sidewall bawah agar sirkulasi udara secara alami dapat optimal.
Growth of Cut-Grafting Robusta Coffee Seeds Utilizing Orthotropic and Plagiotropic Rootstocks with Application Bacillus and Pseudomonas Mixture Rosyady, Muhammad Ghufron; Larassati, Larassati; Setiyono, Setiyono; Subroto, Gatot; Wijaya, Ketut Anom; Wulanjari, Distiana; Farisi, Oria Alit; Basuki, Basuki
Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology
Publisher : Green Engineering Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55043/jaast.v8i1.189


Vegetative propagation by cut-grafting has the advantage of being able to obtain seeds that inherit two superior traits from two scion clones in a relatively short time. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of using orthotropic and plagiotropic rootstocks applied by Bacillus and Pseudomonas on the early growth of robusta coffee seedlings from cut grafting. The method used was by using a completely randomized factorial design with 2 factors and was   repeated 3 times. The first factor was the use of rootstock cuttings which consisted of 2 levels, which were S1 (orthotropic stem) and S2 (plagiotropic stem). The second factor was the concentration of Bacillus and Pseudomonas which consisted of 5 levels, which were B0 (0 ml/L), B1 (20 ml/L), B2 (40 ml/L), B3 (60 ml/L) and B4 (80 ml/L). The results showed that (1) there was no interaction between the use of variatic rootstock and the application of the biological agent (2) The use of orthotropic rootstock increased plant growth, that is the number of primary roots and the number of leaves and (3) Application of the biological agent of Bacillus and Pseudomonas with concentrations of B4 increased seedling growth on all observed parameters except the number of shoots. Based on the results of this research, the benefit for coffee planters is to obtain alternative planting materials, namely from orthotropic branches. For further research, the use of orthotropic branch planting material as a scion plant can be investigated.