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Journal : Jurnal POLIMESIN

Pengaruh Panas Baja AISI 4340 Setelah Mengalami Proses Pengelasan Pada Daerah Haz, Pada Daerah Las dan Pada Bagian Dasar Muhamad Nurhasan; Iman Dirja; Reza Setiawan
Jurnal POLIMESIN Vol 19, No 1 (2021): February
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (829.739 KB) | DOI: 10.30811/jpl.v19i1.2041


AISI 4340 carbon steel is a type of steel belonging to a medium carbon alloy steel which is widely used as the main material in engines such as shafts, gears and piston connecting rods in motorized vehicles. Alloy carbon steel is one of the materials that is widely produced and used to make machine tools or parts, because alloy carbon steel has properties that can be modified, slightly ductile and tough (toughness), but some of these superior properties can experience changes when there is a variety of cooling processes, for that we need a study of the proper cooling process after the stainless steel has received heat input (due to welding), thus the properties of the crowns that are owned will not be much different when before the welding process is carried out compared to variations in cooling due to the welding process. This study aims to determine the effect of temperature in the SMAW welding process method on the microstructure. The method of research carried out using laboratory testing methods in order to determine the micro structure. The results showed that welding had an influence on the microstructure of the HAZ area and the weld area, the microstructure of the parent metal, and the HAZ area consisting of pearlite and ferrite. The result of the microstructure containing more pearlite than ferrite results in better connection quality.