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Journal : Jurnal Ilmiah Global Education

Jurnal Ilmiah Global Education Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL ILMIAH GLOBAL EDUCATION, Volume 4 Nomor 2, Juni 2023
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pendidikan Nusantara Global

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55681/jige.v4i2.787


High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) is important for students' thinking skills. The application of HOTS-oriented problems to students is a crucial thing that needs to be implemented by teachers so that students have the ability to think at a higher level, and are ready to face various problems in everyday life. In fact, the level of thinking of students in Indonesia has not yet reached HOTS, so that the quality of our human resources is still lagging behind that of developed countries. This research has the aim of testing and compiling the quality of HOTS questions related to mathematics for class VIII students of SMP PGRI 2 Denpasar semester I. The development model applied to the development of this product is by applying the formative research type which is structured through several stages including preliminary, self-evaluation, and formative evaluation. The results of this study indicate that the HOTS math questions that have been developed meet valid and reliable criteria. The HOTS test results of the students obtained an average of 71.10 with a completeness percentage of 70, with (r count) > 0.361 (r table). The reliability of the test obtained is 0.940, this shows the interpretation of reliability in the high category. All items have differentiating power in the "very good" category and all questions are in the category of good difficulty level because they are in the interval 0.31-0.70. So that the HOTS mathematical questions have practical, valid, and effective qualities to improve thinking skills at a higher level for Grade VIII students at SMP PGRI 2 Denpasar.
Co-Authors ., DESAK PUTU PRAMI MEITRIANI ., Dian Rahayu Zelly Yuniati ., DR. I WAYAN SADRA, M.Ed. ., I Gede Eva Purwanta Wijaya ., I GEDE SUDIARTA ., I MADE ARYA GUNAWAN ., I NYOMAN KARIANA ., IDA AYU IKA TRISNA DEWI ., IDA AYU NGURAH SULASMINIYATI ., KADEK JUNI SUPARTONO ., KADEK WAHYU ARDI PUTRA ., Luh Irmayanti ., Made Ayu Sri Terpini ., Made Dwi Aryani ., Made Dwi Savitri ., NI KADEK ASRIANI ., Ni Luh Lita Frisdiana ., Ni Luh Sinta Suryanti ., Ni Made Yuli Antari ., Ni Putu Cista Karani Dewi ., NI PUTU MEINA AYUNINGSIH ., Ni Putu Sulastri ., NI WAYAN SANJIWANI UTAMI ., PUTU KARUNIA DEWI ., PUTU NOVITA SANTIKA DEWI ., Surya Pujawan A. A. Gede Anak Agung Ayu Sri Trisnadewi Anggreni, Ni wayan Desi Apriliani, Kadek Linda Arni Yanita Astawa, I W. P. Ayu Puskita Dewi Bedilius Gunur Desak M. P. D. Putra Dewa Gede Agung Putra Nugraha Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana, Dewa Gede Hendra Dewi, Ni Putu Rosma Dian Rahayu Zelly Yuniati . Dr. I Made Sugiarta, M.Si. . Dr.I Wayan Sadra,M.Ed . Drs.Djoko Waluyo,M.Sc . Eka Sulistya Utami Gde Made Swardhana Gde Sueken Gede Suweken Gusti Ayu Mahayukti I Gede Eric Cantona I Gede Eva Purwanta Wijaya . I GST A NGURAH TRISNA JAYANTIKA . I Gst Putu Sudiarta I GUSTI AGUNG HANDAYANI . I Gusti Lanang Agung Edi Suteja . I Gusti Ngurah Pujawan I Gusti Nyoman Yudi Hartawan I Gusti Nyoman Yudi Hartawan, S.Si . I Gusti Putu Suharta I Kadek Jeki Lesmana Putra I Komang Sesara Ariyana . I Komang Sesara Ariyana ., I Komang Sesara Ariyana I Made Candiasa I Made Chandra Adi Purnama I Made Gunamantha I Made Suarsana I Made Suarsana I Made Suwastika Dharma Arta I Made Yudana I Nengah Purna I Nyoman Gita I Nyoman Sukajaya I Putu Andre Pradnya . I Putu Lagas Mulyadinata I PUTU PASEK SURYAWAN I Putu Wisna Ariawan I W. P. Astawa I Wayan Gede Wardika I Wayan Lasmawan I WAYAN MULIANA . I Wayan Puja Astawa I Wayan Suastra I. P. Wisna Ariawan Inna, Margaretha N. Kadek Dwi Rahayu Widiartha Kadek Linda Apriliani Luh Irmayanti . Luh Nyoman Indah Yessy Wulandari Made Ayu Sri Terpini . Made Dwi Aryani . Made Dwi Savitri . Margaretha N. Inna Marjawati, Ni Putu Rina Ni Gusti Agung Dewi Wahyuniari Ni Gusti Ayu Made Armita Jayanti Ni Kadek Natia Mahadewi Ni Ketut Suarni Ni Luh Lita Frisdiana . Ni Luh Made Martini . Ni Luh Made Martini ., Ni Luh Made Martini Ni Luh Sinta Suryanti . Ni Made Adi Wiriani Ni Made Ary Wirdayanti Ni Made Ayu Sukma Dewi NI MADE DARMA LAKSMI . Ni Made Hendriana Noviantini Ni Made Miasari Ni Made Sri Mertasari Ni Made Suastini Ni Made Yuli Antari . Ni Nyoman Parwati Ni Nyoman Tri Purnami . Ni Nyoman Tri Purnami ., Ni Nyoman Tri Purnami Ni Nyoman Wulan Darma Putri Ni Putu Anik Ayu Dhana . Ni Putu Anik Ayu Dhana ., Ni Putu Anik Ayu Dhana Ni Putu Cista Karani Dewi . Ni Putu Parastuti Lestari Ni Putu Puspita Dewi Palgunadi Ni Putu Rina Marjawati Ni Putu Sri Jayanti Ni Putu Sulastri . Ni wayan Desi Anggreni NI WAYAN DIAN PERMANA DEWI . Ni Wayan Poppy Handayani Ni Wayan Suardiati Putri NL Saraswati Adnyani Nyoman Dantes Nyoman Sumiartini Octamela, Kadek Surya P. WAYAN ARTA SUYASA Phill I Gusti Putu Sudiarta Prof. Dr.I Nengah Suparta,M.Si . Purna, I Nengah Putra, Desak M. P. D. Putu Ayu Diah Anggraini Putu Mahendra Adi Putu Priwitasari . Putu Priwitasari ., Putu Priwitasari Putu Sadu Wirawan . Putu Sadu Wirawan ., Putu Sadu Wirawan Rosalia Made Veny Nidia Sari Sariyasa . Sariyasa Sariyasa Silfanus Jelatu Sri Jayanti, Ni Putu Sumiartini, Nyoman Surya Pujawan A. A. Gede . W. Sugandini WAYAN KARIASA . Wayan Sugandini