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Innovation in leadership and team performance: evidence from Indonesia property agent industry Purwadita, Christianto Prasetyo; Sudiro, Achmad; Mugiono, Mugiono; Idris, Idris
MEC-J (Management and Economics Journal) Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (638.349 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/mec-j.v0i1.5221


This research aims to examine the role of innovation in the effects of transactional and transformational leadership on team performance at PropNext Reality Indonesia. The sample consist of 90 team members of PropNext Reality Indonesia. To examine the hypotheses and mediation variable, this research used Partial Least Square (PLS) and sobel test online. This research found that all hypotheses tested were positive and significant except the first hypothesis, transactional leadership has no significant effects on team performance. In addition, it also found that innovation can mediate the relationship between transactional or transformational leadership on team performance. These results confirmed and contradicted to the previous studies conducted.
Exploring organizational culture, quality assurance, and performance in higher education Idris, Idris
MEC-J (Management and Economics Journal) Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (485.539 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/mec-j.v3i2.7529


This study aims to examine the relationship between organizational culture, quality assurance, and organizational performance, and test the quality assurance can be a mediator in their relationship. The research design uses quantitative methods using a questionnaire instrument. The sample is determined based on the Slovin formula. Data were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). This research found that organizational culture can influence organizational performance and quality assurance. Also, quality assurance influences organizational performance positively and significantly. The mediation testing found that quality assurance can positively and significantly be a mediator in the relationship between organizational culture and organizational performance. This research indicates that the organizational culture climate has a very strategic role in driving the performance and implementation of the organization's quality assurance in higher education.
JURNAL WIDYA LAKSANA Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/jwl.v10i1.30121


Masih rendahnya kemampuan berbahasa inggris yang dimiliki masyarakat Desa Wisata Kemloko merupakan masalah serius yang perlu segera diberikan solusi. Apalagi dengan antusiasme wisatawan mancanegara yang datang berkunjung ke desa wisata ini untuk melihat berbagai atraksi wisata. Atas dasar tersebut, menjadi penting kiranya untuk dilakukan pelatihan bahasa inggris agar mereka terampil menggunakan bahasa inggris. Metode pengabdian masyarakat ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan partisipatif. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Kemloko dalam mengikuti pengabdian terlihat antusias. Hal ini terlihat dari upaya peserta untuk mengikuti pelatihan di tengah kegiatan sehari-hari yang padat. Peserta selalu berupaya meluangkan waktu untuk mengikuti pelatihan ini setiap minggunya. Pada pertemuan pertama masyarakat masih terlihat canggung dan enggan bertanya sehingga kegiatan masih terlihat monoton tanpa adanya dialog interaktif. Akan tetapi, suasana sangat terlihat jelas berbeda ketika pertemuan selanjutnya. Peserta selalu bertanya kepada pemateri apabila ada hal yang dibingungkan dan belum jelas sehingga serangkaian kegiatan menjadi interaktif dan berjalan lancar.Kata kunci: Pelatihan, Bahasa Inggris, Kemloko. AbstractThe low level of English language skills possessed by the people of Kemloko Tourism Village is a serious problem that needs immediate solutions. Especially with the enthusiasm of foreign tourists who come to visit this tourist village to see various tourist attractions. On this basis, it is important to conduct English language training so that they are skilled in using English. This community service method was developed using a participatory approach. The results of the service activities show that the Kemloko community in participating in the service looks enthusiastic. This can be seen from the efforts of the participants to take part in the training amidst their busy daily activities. Participants always try to take the time to attend this training every week. At the first meeting, the community still looked awkward and reluctant to ask questions so that the activities still looked monotonous without any interactive dialogue. However, the atmosphere was different during the next meeting. Participants always ask the speakers if there are things that are confused and unclear so that a series of activities become interactive and run smoothly.Keywords: Training, English, Kemloko.
Kapabilitas Masyarakat dalam Mengelola Kampoeng Heritage Kajoetangan Kota Malang Rahmawati, Mufida; Purnomo, Agus; Idris, Idris
Media Komunikasi Geografi Vol 22, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/mkg.v22i1.30254


Pariwisata merupakan salah satu alternatif dalam memeratakan pembangunan wilayah. Kampoeng Heritage Kajoetangan baru dikembangkan sejak tahun 2018 telah menjadi salah satu prioritas pengembangan wisata budaya di Kota Malang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis kapabilitas masyarakat dalam mengelolanya. Hasil penelitian ini mengisi kekosongan dalam kajian kapabilitas masyarakat dalam mengelola daerah tujuan wisata. Data penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan teknik wawancara pada pengurus Kelompok Sadar Wisata dan warga setempat. Hasil pengumpulan data dianalisis menggunakan model interaktif dengan mengacu pada teori Inskeep tentang kapabilitas masyarakat. Hasil dari penelitian tentang kapabilitas digambarkan dalam bentuk kemampuan pengelolaan dan penyediaan fasilitas pariwisata. Namun temuan lapangan menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kapabilitas mereka masih relatif rendah karena belum seluruh masyarakat mau terlibat secara aktif. Oleh karena itu riset berikutnya disarankan untuk mengkaji terkait dampak sosial-ekonomi masyarakat dalam kegiatan pariwisata.
Transformational Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Exploring the mediation of Organizational Learning Culture and Organizational Justice Nanang A.S; Margono Setiawan; Djumilah Hadiwidjojo; Idris Idris
JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) Vol 7, No 2: SEPTEMBER 2021
Publisher : JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) manifested from employees’ positive-social behaviors that have been getting popular and beneficial to individuals and organizations, especially in the context of nurses in hospitals who are likely to works beyond the call of duties. The current study attempts to measure the mediation effects of organizational learning culture (OLC) and organizational justice (OJ) in the influence of transformational leadership (TFL) toward OCB among nurses. The current study uses questionnaires distributed to nurses in the public hospital, Tuban, Indonesia. A total of 205 out of 208 responses were collected. Then, partial least squares (PLS) were employed to examine the proposed hypothesis. The results reveal that OLC and OJ are significant predictors to promote OCB. Surprisingly, TFL does not show a significant implication on OCB. In addition, the findings of the current research prove that both OLC and OJ completely mediate the relationship between TFL and OCB. This study also proposes that managers have to encourage learning and create a fair environment in fostering employees to exhibit OCB frequently.
Eksistensi Pasar Buku Wilis Kota Malang di Era Disrupsi Muhammad Rizqon Fauroni; Sukamto Sukamto; Idris Idris
Indonesian Journal of Social Science Education (IJSSE) Vol 2, No 2 (2020): JULI
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ijsse.v2i2.3193


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keberadaan pasar tradisional di era disrupsi dan bagaimana hal itu mempengaruhi pasar dan kehidupan sosial ekonomi para penjual. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dan divalidasi dengan triangulasi. Model interaktif Miles dan Huberman digunakan sebagai teknik analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasar wilis menjadi salah satu pasar buku tradisional yang masih bertahan di era disrupsi. Selain itu, ada perubahan dalam pola transaksi yang awalnya diproses secara offline, sekarang beralih ke online. Lebih lanjut, perilaku konsumen juga telah mengalami pola yang berbeda, membaca buku konvensional beralih ke buku online. Akhirnya, ada dampak sosial ekonomi karena fenomena gangguan dalam bentuk struktur dan status sosial, dan pendapatan mereka.
Evaluasi Daya Layan Fasilitas Pendidikan di Kota Blitar Ersza Triyoga Asmaradhana; Agus Purnomo; Idris Idris
Geodika: Jurnal Kajian Ilmu dan Pendidikan Geografi Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Geografi Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/geodika.v5i1.3197


Salah satu masalah pendidikan adalah kesenjangan fasilitas Pendidikan dengan jumlah penduduk yang harus dilayani. Permasalahan ini muncul karena aspek keterjangkauan fasilitas. Evaluasi daya layan fasilitas pendidikan Kota Blitar penting dilakukan karena data yang ada masih belum menggambarkan secara detail terkait jumlah ketersediaan fasilitas pendidikan di tiap Kecamatan dan belum menggambarkan daya layan fasilitas pendidikan yang ada. Tujuan artikel ini adalah mengevaluasi daya layan fasilitas pendidikan pada SD, SMP, dan SMA di Kota Blitar, serta Proyeksi kebutuhan pada tahun 2030. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan metode sensus cross sectional. Data yang digunakan sebagai dasar analisis berasal dari data sekunder tentang jumlah dan lokasi fasilitas pendidikan. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis daya layan dan proyeksi kebutuhan fasilitas berdasarkan laju pertumbuhan penduduk. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa daya layan fasilitas pendidikan yang efektif hanya SMP sederajat dan SMA sederajat di Kota Blitar hanya di Kecamatan Kepanjenkidul. Dari proyeksi kebutuhan, fasilitas SD sederajat hingga SMA sederajat pada tahun 2030 di Kota Blitar masih diperlukan penambahan fasilitas, kecuali fasilitas pendidikan SMA sederajat di Kecamatan Kepanjenkidul yang tidak membutuhkan tambahan fasilitas.
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen Vol 18, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jam.2020.018.03.18


This study aims to examine the relationship between transformational leadership, organizational culture, quality assurance, and organizational performance. It also examined the mediating effect of quality assurance in the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational performance, and between organizational culture and organizational performance. The instruments in the form of Google forms were distributed to employees who work in quality assurance units in several public and private Islamic higher education institutions for 6 months, June-December 2019. 128 Data were processed and analyzed out of 135 data collected. The five-point Likert scale was used to assess the variables and to measure the items. Furthermore, Partial Least Square (PLS) was used to test the proposed hypotheses. This study found that the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational performance both directly and indirectly through quality assurance was not significant. Transformational leadership also did not affect quality assurance. On the other hand, organizational culture was proven to be able to influence high organizational performance and quality assurance. Besides, quality assurance could not mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational performance, but it can positively and significantly mediate in the relationship between organizational culture and organizational performance. The results provided by this study provide the understanding and linking among transformational leadership, organizational culture, quality assurance, and organizational performance among Islamic higher education institutions (IHEIs). While the extent of leadership research has conducted in manufactures organizations, this study shifted the focus of attention to the religious-based institutions (IHEIs).
Explorative Study of M-Commerce As a Small Business Innovation Strategy Idris Idris; Khofifatu Rohmah Adi; Agung Wiradimadja
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship (IJBE) Vol. 6 No. 2 (2020): IJBE, Vol. 6 No. 2, May 2020
Publisher : School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/ijbe.6.2.136


MSMEs have proven to be part of the national economic backbone and have survived the economic crisis that has occurred in Indonesia. However, MSMEs are required to continue to innovate in their business strategies in the rapid disruption of business. The purpose of this study is to explore the role of m-commerce in MSMEs' business innovation strategies. By a qualitative descriptive approach, this study conducted at the Tempe Chips Center in Sanan in Malang as a case study. This study used primary (informants) and secondary (works of literature) data as sources of data and collected by using observation, interview, and documentation and used purposive sampling in determining the informants. Triangulation tests carried out in order to check data from various sources in various ways and times. This study found that the use of social media and the marketplace as one of MSMEs' business strategies in marketing products is still less than optimal. Although almost all MSMEs businesses use the Whatsapp application in their business transaction processes, only a few are expanding the market through other media. In general, MSMEs are familiar with social media and the marketplace, but few of them can optimize it in marketing their products. Keywords: m-commerce, business strategy, business innovation, MSMEs
Pengembangan media pembelajaran IPS berbasis android materi kerajaan dan peninggalan Hindu-Buddha Meilia Tika Ayu Ningrum; Agus Purnomo; Idris Idris
JINoP (Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): Mei 2021
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jinop.v7i1.14344


Android-based learning media for Social Studies (SS) might reduce boredom and accelerate student learning because it conveys attractive, creative, and innovative learning materials that support independent learning. This study aims to develop android-based learning media for SS about the Kingdom and Relics of Hindu-Buddhist. It employed Research and Development (R&D) with Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE) model. Validation by material experts and linguists stated that the learning media was feasible with 61.5% and 70%. Results show that the learning media is suitable to use by 88.2%. The product trials resulted in practical products by 100% from educational practitioners, and 80.2% from students. This finding indicates that the media is effective, as can be seen, that 26 out of 32 students scored above the minimum grade. It is suggested that SS learning media are developed through further research by utilizing virtual reality technology. This may accelerate student understanding as the use of videos and pictures, and virtual reality to images and objects help depict things clearly.