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HEURISTIC AND THINK ALOUD TO EVALUATE USABILITY OF ACADEMIC INFORMATION SYSTEM Satrio Agung Wicaksono; Retno Indah Rokhmawati; Mochamad Chandra Saputra; Raden Arief Setiawan
Jurnal Ilmiah Kursor Vol 9 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28961/kursor.v9i1.101


Academic Information System is an essential system in performing academic activities. Universitas Brawijaya are using Academic Information System named SIAKAD-UB. SIAKAD-UB is an information systems that deal with all kinds of student details and academic related reports. SIAKAD-UB encountered many problems along with the growth of data. This study aims to discover factor impact on problems of interface usability found in existing SIAKAD-UB using Heuristic Evaluation and Think Aloud method. This study involving 3 experts and 3 operators with the purpose of the evaluation received input from the experts and users. The result of experiment are find 3 problem heuristic with score 0 which mean no usability problem, 7 problem heuristic with score 1 which mean medium priority refinement, 7 problem heuristic with score 2 which mean low priority refinement, 7 problem heuristic with score 3 which mean high priority refinement. Heuristic evaluation and think aloud find 7 aspect refinement are Visibility of system status, Match between system and the real world, User control and freedom, Consistency and standards, Recognition rather than recall, Flexibility and efficiency of use, Help and documentation.
Relationship between stress, anxiety, and depression with suicidal ideation in adolescents Heni Dwi Windarwati; Retno Lestari; Satrio Agung Wicaksono; Mira Wahyu Kusumawati; Niken Asih Laras Ati; Shofi Khaqul Ilmy; Ari Dwi Sulaksono; Desi Susanti
Jurnal Ners Vol. 17 No. 1 (2022): APRIL 2022
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v17i1.31216


Introduction: Suicide is a significant mental health problem in adolescents around the world that requires comprehensive treatment. This study aimed to examine the relationship between stress, anxiety, and depression with suicidal ideation in adolescents. Method: This research used quantitative methods with a cross-sectional approach. The number of respondents was 869 adolescents, with a total sampling technique. The instrument used to measure stress, anxiety, and depression is the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21), while the idea of suicide is measured using the Scale for Suicide Ideation (SSI) instrument. Results: The result of this study showed that teenagers who had suicidal ideation were 206 (23.7%) respondents, while 663 (76.3%) of other respondents did not have the idea of suicide. There was a significant relationship between suicidal ideation with stress levels (p-value 0.000), anxiety (p-value 0.000), and level of depression (p-value 0.000) in adolescents. Conclusion: Mental and psychological health support measures must be given to adolescents to prevent an increase in suicide ideas.
Prediksi Siswa Putus Sekolah Swasta Menggunakan Algoritma Bayesian Network (Studi Pada : SMA Islam Al Wahid Kepung) Rifky Yunus Krisnabayu; Ahmad Afif Supianto; Satrio Agung Wicaksono
Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer 2022: Publication In-Press
Publisher : Department of Computer Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jtsiskom.2022.14121


Masalah siswa putus sekolah di SMA Islam Al Wahidmembawa dampak kepada sekolah antara lain berkurangnya bantuan operasional yang diterima, berkurangnya jumlah rombongan belajar, dan hutang biaya siswa. Mempertimbangkan dampaknya bagi sekolah, penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan sistem prediksi dini siswa putus sekolah. Penelitian menggunakan Bayesian Network (BN) dengan tujuan mengetahui faktor yang paling berpengaruh, di mana tugas tersebut tidak dapat diselesaikan menggunakan naive bayes. Jumlah data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 77 siswa dengan 18 siswa berlabel putus sekolah. Hasil dari penelitian ini menghasilakn sebuah model dengan akurasi bernilai 0,935 dan nilai area under curve sebesar 0,948. Struktur BN memperlihatkan bahwa faktor nilai rerata, mengikuti ekstrakurikuler, dan penghasilan ayah merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap siswa putus sekolah. Struktur BN memperlihatkan bahwa faktor nilai rerata, mengikuti ekstrakurikuler, dan penghasilan ayah merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap siswa putus sekolah.
Sistem Manajemen Pajak Perhotelan untuk Wajib Pajak dan Dinas Pendapatan Daerah Yusi Tyroni Mursityo; Satrio Agung Wicaksono; Admaja Herlambang; Zulkarnaen Zulkarnaen

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Pengelolan pajak daerah perhotelan merupakan permasalahan besar karena sangat riskan dan mempengaruhi pendapatan pajak daerah. Proses bisnis yang kurang efisien karena proses rekapitulasi dan perhitungan pajak serta budaya dan perilaku pegawai yang konvensional perlu diperbaiki dengan adanya perbaikan proses bisnis dan implementasi sistem manajemen pelaporan pajak hotel. Dengan memperbaiki proses bisnis dan pengembangan sistem berbasis web dengan SDLC diharapkan dapat mengelola kegiatan pelaporan secara cepat dan kegiatan kalkulasi menjadi singkat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pihak hotel dan DISPENDA sangat menyetujui implementasi sistem ini supaya pekerjaan mereka dalam menghitung dan melaporkan pajak dapat diproses secara cepat dan efisien. Kata kunci: pajak hotel; sistem manajemen pajak; otomasi laporan; e-government; DISPENDA
Determinant of Effective Family Communication among First-Grade High School Adolescents Aged 15 – 16 Years: A Multi-Centre Cross-sectional Study Heni Dwi Windarwati; Retno Lestari; Ridhoyanti Hidayah; Ahmad Afif Supianto; Satrio Agung Wicaksono; Niken Asih Laras Ati; Mira Wahyu Kusumawati; Dewa Ayu Anggi Gharbelasari; Ridwan Sofian; Phat Prapawichar
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

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Background: Family communication can become a support system for adolescents. Ineffective communication in the family causes emotional problems and poor psychological well-being in adolescents. Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the determinant factor of effective family communication in adolescents. Methods: This was a cross-sectional multi-centre design with 357 participants aged 15-16 from fve high schools in Indonesia. We used the convenience sampling method to select participants. Communication in the family questionnaire, Rosenberg Self Esteem Instrument, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21), and the Scale for Suicide Ideation (SSI) questionnaires were used to measure communication within the family, selfesteem, stress, anxiety, depression, and suicide ideation, respectively. Data were analyzed using Chi-square and binary logistics regression. Results: Most of the adolescents were male (52.1%), had harmonious families (96.6%), had economic status above the minimum wage (65.5%), had high self-esteem (88.5%), and had high social support (67.8%). However, in terms of mental health problems, as many as 47.3%, 74.2%, 72%, and 30.5% of adolescents experienced stress, anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation, respectively. The multivariate analysis concluded that gender (AOR: 0.499; 95% CI: 0.294-0.847) and socioeconomic status (AOR: 0.2.162; 95% CI: 1.296–3.608) were signifcantly correlated with family communication. Conclusion: Males adolescents are more likely to have ineffective family communication than female adolescents. Also, adolescents with a family socioeconomic status below the minimum wage have a greater risk of ineffective family communication. Therefore, it is essential to improve family communication through assertive communication training in adolescents and families in the educational and community setting.
Optimasi Komposisi Makanan Pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus dan Komplikasinya Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika Maryamah Maryamah; Rekyan Regasari Mardi Putri; Satrio Agung Wicaksono
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 1 No 4 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is the 4th largest cause of death in the world and causes more deaths than other diseases so needed serious attention is required. One that can be done is by diet therapy that is composing daily food menu. Diabetic diet is done with attention of energy, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats with precise and accurate. The calculation of the patient's energy can be done manually or with the help of a system that implements an algorithm. If done by manual process will take a long time especially if the available food is very much and diabetic diet every complication has different needs. With the help of computation process system will take place quickly and if applied a calculation algorithm will yield more optimal solution, one of the algorithm is genetic algorithm. Genetic algorithm is a heuristic method that is a search method, in implementation there are rules to obtain a better solution than the previous solution. Genetic algorithm is widely applied to various optimization problems so it is also expected to optimize the problem on the optimization of food composition. The results obtained from the research conducted are individuals in the optimal population of 250 individuals with the number of generations of 145 and the combination of cr and mr most optimal is 0.7 and 0.3 with fitnes 0. 01857.
Optimasi Scheduling untuk Proses Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) pada Data Warehouse Menggunakan Metode Round Robin Data Partitioning (Studi Kasus: Universitas XYZ) Agung Yudha Berliantara; Satrio Agung Wicaksono; Aryo Pinandito
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 1 No 11 (2017): November 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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The data in the data warehouse can be extracted from many sources through the ETL (extract, transform, and load) processes. The scheduling process in ETL data warehouse is a process that must be passed for the establishment of data warehouse. Problems that arise when performing the scheduling process for the ETL process are to perform the ETL process for very large data, it will require a very large time cost as well. If it is not handled properly, it will probably take a very long time for execution and inconsistency data. The ETL process in the conventional way (not using the Round-Robin method) will be tested and compared with the ETL process using the Round-Robin method to obtain test results for this research. The difference between these two processes is the number of partition tables used in the ETL process. In the ETL process of the Round-robin method, the table target will be partitioned into sections, whereas for the conventional way there is no need to partitioning the table target. After the trial is complete, the difference between the two methods is found in terms of execution time. Through the experiment, it is concluded that the Round-robin method gives a more efficient execution time up to 60,1% depending on the amount of data and the number of partitions used.
Perbaikan Proses Bisnis Menggunakan Metode Business Process Improvement (BPI) (Studi Pada Bagian Riset Pemasaran dan Pusat Pelayanan Pelanggan PT. Petrokimia Gresik) Shinta Dewi Larasati; Satrio Agung Wicaksono; Niken Hendrakusma Wardani
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 1 No 11 (2017): November 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Marketing Research and Customer Service Center PT. Petrokimia Gresik is a division in PT. Petrokimia Gresik and under the Department of Promotion and Marketing Planning. Marketing Research and Customer Service Centers have 4 business processes, including customer satisfaction measurement, customer complaint services, market research and market segmentation research. In running a business process, Marketing Research and Customer Service Center often does not meet the specified time targets that hinder other business processes. It need a time scale for a business process cycle to know the time it takes to reach the target activity, the data for business process interests is not well documented. So, should be done analysis and modeling business processes that are expected to provide business process recommendation for more effective, efficient, adaptive. This study uses the Business Process Improvement Framework from phase 1: organizing improvements to phase 3: streamlining. From the business process conducted by the simulation result, which is the average time difference in the business process of the measurement of customer satisfaction 9 days 9 hours 54 minutes 43 seconds. Then all token targets are met on the business process recommendations. So, can be concluded that business processes recommendation are more efficient than the current business processes on the Marketing Research Division and Customer Service Center PT. Petrokimia Gresik.
Analisis Peningkatan Performa Proses ETL (Extract, Transform, Dan Loading) Pada Data Warehouse Dengan Menerapkan Delta Extraction Menggunakan Historical Table Arif Bimo Winnetou; Satrio Agung Wicaksono; Aryo Pinandito
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 4 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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In a certain period of time, most educational institutions produce data with a huge capacity from their operational activities. From those data will appear the need to obtain certain information which is useful as a material of performance evaluation or even as a material of management decision. Data warehouse is one of solutions of these needs. When the capacity and complexity of data warehouse has been increasing, then full extract technique in Extract Transform Loading (ETL) process becomes inadequate, even in others case this technique can not be applied, because this technique causes a large cost. Delta extraction can be one of the solutions of this problem because the process is to extract only the data which has been changing in ETL process. Delta extraction technique will be tested on MySQL DBMS using historical table and trigger. From the result of load test, it can be concluded that trigger gives the load to its parent table, but the waiting time that is required is still tolerable.
Optimasi Peningkatan Laba Produksi Abon dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Genetika (Studi Kasus UKM Poklahsar Berkah Lumintu - Tulungagung) Khoirin Nisa Fitrianur; Rekyan Regasari Mardi Putri; Satrio Agung Wicaksono
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 5 (2018): Mei 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Poklahsar Berkah Lumintu is a Small and Medium Business (SME) located in Gondosuli Village, Gondang District, Tulungagung Regency. As a minapolitan area with the main results of Catfish and Patin Fish. SMEs are producing various kinds of processed fish-based meals by utilizing every part of the fish. The best selling products sold on this SME namely catfish abon, Tuna abon , Patin fish abon, and Salmon abon. It Have been Proved that the abon sales is increased from year to year. In 2011 sales of catfish abon were 6336 packs, and experienced a significant increase in 2015 of 41,000 packs. Determination of the amount of abon production is done only according to the owner's estimate that is subjective only, so often there is excess stock abon.Untuk able to overcome these problems, it needs an analysis based on sales data so as to minimize the remaining stock abon.At the right amount of production can increase the profit industry . Optimization is needed to maximize profits with certain time, materials, and capital in accordance with the limitations that have been set. Optimization of increased production abon in this study using genetic algorithm. After the implementation and research, the best result is 50 with population size = 100, generation size = 90, cr = 0.8, and mr = 0.2
Co-Authors Abdurrahman Firmansyah Achmad Marzuki Adam Hendra Brata Ade Yudys Triawan Aditya Rachmadi Admaja Dwi Herlambang Admaja Herlambang Afif Nandya Saputra Agung Yudha Berliantara Ahmad Afif Supianto Ahmad Afif Supianto Ahmad Afif Supianto Ahmad Dany Mirza Ahmad Haydar Ahmad Wicaksana Ajirizky Priagus Sunutama Ashshidiq Alfi Nur Rusydi Ali Akbar Ananta Bintang Pradana Andre Diofanu Ari Dwi Sulaksono Arief Widiyatmoko Arif Bimo Winnetou Arif Rahmadani Vinanda Aryo Pinandito Asha Akbar Permana Atika Shinta Pratiwi Azkia Samara Devi Bayu Eka Daman Puri Widodo Bayu Kurniawan Bernadetta Br Haloho Bondan Sapta Prakoso Brian Nur Islahuddin Buce Trias Hanggara Daniel Austin Dominicus Danniar Reza Firdausy Desi Susanti Dewa Ayu Anggi Gharbelasari Dhena Kamalia Fu'adi Dhevanda Savira Ibadillah Diago Ariesandika Diah Priharsari Dian Eka Ratnawati Dian Ika Fitriani Djoko Pramono Dony Febrian Syahputra Double Win Yusuf Rais Dwi Rizky Cahyo Sudibyo Edwin Nurwansyah Egy Ihza Madhani Eko Bagus Prasetyoadi Eko Ramadhanu Aryputra Evita Ilma Elina Sari Fahmi Aquinas Fahrudin Wahabi Faizatul Amalia Fajar Pradana Fathania Fadilla Fatwa Ramdani, Fatwa Fiera Arnandya Rani Firnanda Iftitah Dewi Antono Fitra Abdurrachman Bachtiar Fitra Wahyuda Gusti Rachman Nico Hammer Zoelfagar Mahdias Hanif Rafidi Herman Tolle Himawat Aryadita Hiwamat Aryadita I Gde Yuda Pratama I Gusti Ngurah Kaler Bramastha Ilmy, Shofi Khaqul Indra Kurniawan Syahputra Intan Wahyuningtias Ismiarta Aknuranda Issa Arwani Iwang Laga Sukma Jawara Wahyu Al Faraday Jhon Septiago Ginting Jibran Fawaid Jofy Eljabar Ukur Jonathan Eratmoko Widito Jovan Ricktyan Simanjuntak Junjungan Siregar Kadek Saka Andrika Putra Khoirin Nisa Fitrianur Lalu Muhammad Dzuu Mirrotin Nurkholis Lestari, Retno Lia Ninda Safitri Lizma Nur Saidah M. Abdul Algoniu M. Rizky Kurniadi Ramadhan Marshananda Aqila Kurniawan Maryamah Maryamah Masrur Anwar Mega Isma Juwita Miftahul Ulum Mira Wahyu Kusumawati Mira Wahyu Kusumawati Mochamad Chandra Saputra Mochammad Ali Hafidz Mochammad Chandra Saputra Mochammad Hafidz Mochammad Rifqi Ramadhani Mohamad Rifky Pramadanianto Mohammad Arkan Mufadho Muhammad Baghiz Firdausa Muhammad Ednan Fajri Gunadi Muhammad Fandy Fahreza Ramadhana Fauzi Muhammad Farabi Ismail Muhammad Hafidz Novriantama Muhammad Rizsky Muhammad Saifussolihin Putra Aditama Muhammad Taftiyan Ilham Akbar Muhammad Wildan Cahya Purnama Muhibbuddin Al Haqqi Nadir Ruayuanda Bakri Nanang Yudi Setiawan Nanda Adhi Winata Naufal Nuha Ardhana Niken Asih Laras Ati Niken Hendrakusma Wardani Nur Aini Nyoman Puja Satria Wibawa Phat Prapawichar Prasetya Muhamad Aditya Purbaning Dharma Shanti Handoyo Qomarul Umam Raden Arief Setiawan Rafly Dwi Marzuq Ramadhan Abdurrahman Mukhtar Rekyan Regasari Mardi Putri, Rekyan Regasari Mardi Rendy Murdiyanto Retno Indah Rokhmawati Retno Lestari Ricky Gunawan Ridhoyanti Hidayah Ridwan Sofian Rifky Yunus Krisnabayu Rifky Yunus Krisnabayu Rizky Edyatna Putra Rizky Wahyu Setiawan Satrio Hadi Wijoyo Satriyo Putra Sarjono Sausan Zahrah Selly Aqidatul Izza Shidqon Alkaaf Shinta Dewi Larasati Sila Nur Ma'rifah Taufik Brillian Nur Thariq Al Astagis Tio Rizky Bachtiar Tri Afirianto Welly Purnomo Wibisono Sukmo Wardhono Windarwati, Heni Dwi Yolanda Nailil Ula Yusi Tyroni Mursityo Yusi Tyroni Mursityo Yusuf Habib Alfatha Zulkarnaen Zulkarnaen