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TELAAH PEMIKIRAN EKONOMI ISLAM : YAHYA BIN ADAM AL-QARASHI (±140 H/755 M – 203 H/818 M) Juliana, Juliana; Firmansyah, Firmansyah; Pratama, Bangkit
EKSPANSI Vol 8, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

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Abstract: Most people know the works of al-Kharaj made by Abu Yusuf. Yahya bin Adam, who has a full name Yahya bin Adam bin Sulaiman al-Qarashi al-‘Umawi al-‘Umawi al-Ahwal al-Kufi, with Abu Zakariyas real name is one of the ulama or muslim scholar who also wrote kitab al-Kharaj lived during the Abbasid Caliphate in the reign of Abu Ja’far al-Manshur to al-Ma’mun. Yahya bin Adam is of people who contribute to the complete theories of taxation in Islam other than Abu Yusuf. In this research using literature study, a method that is taken by using various references are books or journals related in which includes Yahya bin Adam perspectives relating to economy. From various references can conclude some thoughts Yahya bin Adam typical associated with Economic contained in the book of al Kharaj, namely the concept of Kharaj and Jizya, Usyur, the ban on buying land Kharaj, the concept of taxation, price concept, and how to revive the dead land (Ihya’al-Mawaat). Keywords: Yahya bin Adam, Kharaj, Jizya, Ihya’al-Mawaat
International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching (IJIET) Vol 2, No 1 (2018): January 2018
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (694.832 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/ijiet.v2i1.957


This quasi-experimental study was conducted to determine the effect on accuracy and finish time of using the Japanese abacus method on the addition and multiplication performance of thirty Grade 3 pupils in selected schools in Indonesia. Fifteen formed the experimental group, were enrolled in abacus training classes outside of their respective schools, and were taught personally by the researcher through additional abacus treatment for ten meetings. The rest of the students formed the control group who do not use the abacus. Both groups were given the same pretest and posttest on addition and multiplication based on the Indonesian curriculum. Afterwards, students’ scores and finish time were analyzed using F-test and Student’s t-test. Results show that there is a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of finish time in addition, scores in multiplication, and finish time in multiplication.  Results also show that there is a significant increase in multiplication score in the experimental group from pretest to posttest. Student interviews, observations, and analyses of sample solutions revealed several errors that were parallel to Stigler’s classification.  DOI:
Decision Support System for Supplier Selection using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method Juliana, Juliana; Jasmir, Jasmir; Jusia, Pareza Alam
Scientific Journal of Informatics Vol 4, No 2 (2017): November 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sji.v4i2.12015


Technological growth is characterized by a variety of technological finds and computational methods used to facilitate human work in the era of globalization that is the method of Decision Support System (DSS) that helps decision makers to use data and models to solve problems that are not Structured. Toko Harapan Baru in making decisions in determining the best suppliers still use intuition, analysis, calculation and comparison of the manual in determining the supplier of goods to his shop takes a long time, the difficulty of searching data because there is no data processing cause is quite complicated without any particular method which gives inaccurate results. Then, Toko Harapan Baru requires a system that can be a solution to the problem that is being encountered. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is a functional hierarchy to help decision-makers better in making decisions on many objective issues.
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingua Idea Vol 9 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1281.286 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.jili.2018.9.2.1135


In reality graffiti writings sometimes create some problems to the beauty of the environment. One of the problems are the creation of graffiti writings by Me&an art community on the streetwalls that affect the cleanliness of urban. Therefore, it is needed for a media as a place for the Me&an art community to express their creativity. The objective of this study is to give solution for the problem by  providing a development media of graffiti writings for Me&an art community to become creative entrepreneur based on local wisdom of Malay Deli. This study focuses on developing graffiti writings by using and applying local wisdom values of Malay Deli. The results of this study are the sourvenirs model and the development place of graffiti writing as a media to express creativity based on local wisdom of Malay Deli. Briefly, the model of graffiti writing based on Malay Deli as a development media for Me&an art community to become creative industry entrepreneurs based the local wisdom.
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 9, No 1 (2018): JURNAL SIMETRIS VOLUME 9 NO 1 TAHUN 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (464.808 KB) | DOI: 10.24176/simet.v9i1.1646


Kriteria yang harus dipenuhi produk yang dihasilkan dari proyek meliputi kriteria atau batasan waktu, batasan ruang lingkup, batasan biaya dan batasan kualitas. Untuk itu, maka perlu dilakukan monitoring untuk mengetahui kemajuan proyek sehingga keempat kriteria tersebut terpenuhi. Progress atau kemajuan proyek menjadi indikator dalam monitoring untuk menilai perkembangan pelaksanaan pekerjaan dibandingkan dengan rencana. Perkembangan pelaksanaan proyek harus dilaporkan secara periodik. Pada pelaksanaan proyek pembangunan belt conveyor plant 14 Hambalang, PT Unixindo Ekatama Sentana dalam melakukan monitoring perkembangan proyek belum ada sistem pelaporan yang terintegrasi dan pengolahan data masih dilakukan secara manual dengan menggunakan aplikasi Ms.Excel. Dalam penelitian ini dibangun sistem informasi monitoring pelaporan proyek untuk memudahkan monitoring kemajuan proyek. Aplikasi untuk monitoring kemajuan proyek yang dibangun dengan berbasis web menggunakan PHP dan MySQL. Tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu untuk menghasilkan sistem informasi untuk melakukan monitoring kemajuan proyek berbasis web dan tersedia sistem pelaporan kemajuan proyek yang terintegrasi sehingga memudahkanperusahaan dalam memonitoring proyek secara online. Manfaat yang diharapkan dari adanya sistem monitoring kemajuan proyek secara online adalah memudahkan proses monitoring kemajuan proyek yang dapat dilakukan secara online. Dari penelitian dihasilkan sistem informasi monitoring yang dibuat memudahkan pelaporan proyek di lapangan yang dilakukan secara online sehingga perusahaan dapat memonitor kemajuan proyek secara kontinyu dan dapat digunakan untuk menilai perkembangan pekerjaan proyek yang dibandingkan dengan perencanaan proyek sehingga dapat mengambil keputusan untuk melakukan perbaikan.Kata kunci: kemajuan proyek, pelaporan proyek, monitoring proyek berbasis web.
Jurnal Mutiara Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Mutiara Kesehatan Masyarakat
Publisher : Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia

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Correct clinical supervision of ward heads can improve work satisfaction of nurse practitioners. The research was an quantitative study with a descriptive correlation design with cross sectional approach which was aimed to analyze the correlation between clinical supervision and nurses’ work satisfaction. It was conducted at Haji Hospital, Medan. The population was 156 nurses, and 140 of them were used as the samples, taken by using total sampling technique. The data were analyzed by using univatriate analysis and bivatriate analysis with Chi-square. The results showed that the clinical supervision of the managerial function in the good category was 54.3% and the nurses stated that the satisfaction was less than 97,1%. Good implementation of clinical supervision will potentially increase nurses’ work satisfaction and the continued existence of clinical supervision needs support from nursing care institution. It is suggested to the head of Imelda Hospital Medan to send the heads of the room to attend training related to the clinical supervision so that in the execution of his duty can give more support and motivate the nurse in carrying out nursing care. Keywords: clinical supervision, work satisfaction, nurse.
Implementasi Etika Bisnis Islam Pelaku Usaha Mikro : Studi Kasus Pada Pelaku Usaha Mikro Syariah Puspa Bank Indonesia Wilayah Jawa Barat Di Bandung Tahun 2017 Juliana, Juliana; Faathir, M.; Sulthan, M. A.
Strategic : Jurnal Pendidikan Manajemen Bisnis Vol 19, No 1 (2019): Strategic
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/strategic.v19i1.17663


This research is based on the phenomena of problems that exist in MSMEs including poor administration, low product competitiveness, low human resources, lack of mastery of science, quality of service and use of quality goods (Halal Thayyib). The purpose of this study was to measure the level of implementation of Islamic Business Ethics for MSME players in the PUSPA Bank Indonesia program in West Java in Bandung in 2017. The research method used was quantitative descriptive with data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics. The number of research samples is 50 consumers from 4 MSMEs engaged in the culinary, service, fashion and craft sectors. The results of the study show that the level of implementation of Islamic Business Ethics of micro business actors guided by the PUSPA program in Bank Indonesia in West Java in 2017 was very good. This can be seen from several dimensions used, namely honesty, the use of good quality goods, Ihsan, Building good relations with Consumers and Ethics sets the price of an average value of 5.8 which means very good
Jurnal Ilmiah Lingua Idea Vol 10 No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (914.996 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/jli.v10i1.1541


This article  aims to revitalize the phylosophy of Malay motif ornament in the design of woven gedebong. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with ethnographic approach. The data were collected through observation, interview and documentation. There were four motifs used to revitalize and develop philosophical of Malay culture in the design of woven gedebong, they were flora, fauna, natural and wajik motifs. Firstly, flora motifs ornaments are from lined up flower (bunga berjajar), reap flower (bunga tampuk manggis), single florets (kuntum bujang), gundur florets, cloudy florets (kuntum awan larat), eartquake motion flower (bunga gerak gempa) on the handicraft of pencil case, cake box, skewer, kleenex box. Secondly, fauna motifs ornaments are from dragon (naga-nagaan) ant (semut beriring), twinned pigeon (merpati sekawan), return home duckling (itik pulang petang) on the handicrafts of  sandal, kleenex box, and hat. Thirdly, outer space buih selari on the handicraft of astray. And lastly, Wajik motif are from portion form wajik (wajik petak tabur) and similar title of princess wajik (wajik payung sekaki tajuk puteri) on the handicraft of bag and stationery box. The philosophical local wisdom values of Malay ornaments are the values of good behaviours, taqwa (faith) to Allah, harmony, wisdom, heroic, affection, fertility, self-knowing, fair, responsibility. The result showed that there are some Malay motif ornaments used to develop in the woven gedebong that can be useful to revitalize the Malay philosophical of local wisdom values.
Non Equivalence at Scientific Terms in Mathematics Bilingual Textbook Tarigan, Fatin Nadifa; Juliana, Juliana
SALTeL Journal (Southeast Asia Language Teaching and Learning) Vol 2, No 1: January 2019
Publisher : Association of Language Teachers in Southeast Asia (ALTSA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (498.049 KB) | DOI: 10.35307/saltel.v2i1.19


This study entails the translation of scientific terms from English into Indonesian. The objectives of this study are to investigate the problem of non-equivalence at word level found in mathematics bilingual textbook and to investigate the translation strategies used. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The data of this study were 89 words and phrases containing scientific terms. The data were collected through documentary technique. The technique of data analysis was interactive model. The finding of this study revealed that there were five problems of non-equivalence at scientific terms found in mathematics bilingual textbook. They were the source language concept is not lexicalized in the target language, the source language word is semantically complex, the source and target language make distinction in meaning, the target language lacks hyponym,  and difference in form. To solve the problems of non equivalence, it was found that four translation strategies proposed by Baker were applicable.
Upaya Meningkatkan Daya Ingat Anak Menghafal Hadits melalui Metode Gerakan Juliana, Juliana
Atfaluna: Journal of Islamic Early Childhood Education Vol 1 No 2 (2018): July-December
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/atfaluna.v1i2.923


This research aims to determine the increase in memory of children in memorization of Hadith through movement method in PAUD Darul Fikri. This type of research is classroom action research, which was held in July 2018 until August 2018. The study consisted of two cycles with four main activities present on each cycle, namely planning, observation action, and reflection. Data is analyzed using qualitative data and quantitative data. The subject in this study was a child in the Darul Fikri PAUD. A total of 17 children. The data collection techniques used are oral test and observation techniques. Oral tests include how many hadiths have been memorized and the child's ability to repeat their memorization. While the observation is done directly to see the implementation of the program of memorization of the hadith in Paud Darul Fikri.