Aufarul Marom
Departemen Administrasi Publik Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Diponegoro

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Evaluasi Kebijakan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Melalui Program Pelatihan Keterampilan Di Kelurahan Mangunharjo Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang Yenchilia Tresna Damanik; Aufarul Marom
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 5, Nomor 3, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (72.116 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v5i3.12486


Kemiskinan merupakan permasalahan yang tidak dapat dilepaskan dari kehidupan bangsa Indonesia. Pemerintah Kota Semarang mengeluarkan Peraturan Daerah Kota Semarang nomor 4 Tahun 2008 Tentang Penanggulangan Kemiskinan di Kota Semarang yang salah satu program penanggulangan kemiskinan tersebut yaitu pelatihan keterampilan. Kelurahan Mangunharjo merupakan salah satu kelurahan sasaran program pelatihan keterampilan dengan jumlah warga miskin yang mengalami penurunan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif bersifat deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Untuk mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan program pelatihan keterampilan di Kelurahan Mangunharjo mengacu pada kriteria / indikator evaluasi kebijakan yaitu : 1) Efektivitas; 2) Kecukupan; 3) Pemerataan; 4) Responsivitas; 5) Ketepatan dan mengkaji faktor pendorong dan penghambat pelaksanaan program. Indikator efektivitas melihat ketercapaiaan tujuan dikatakan berhasil dan target sasaran sesuai dengan klasifikasi warga miskin dan database warga miskin. Dalam kriteria kecukupan perbaikan ekonomi masyarakat belum dirasakan tetapi perubahan sikap, perilaku, dan pola pikir ke arah positif. Dalam indikator pemerataan yang diperoleh pendistribusian dana yang merata dan fasilitas yang diberikan pada masyarakat sudah memadai. Dalam indikator responsivitas program pelatihan keterampilan sudah dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat serta pada indikator ketepatan ditemukan dampak positif dan negatif pelaksanaan program. Faktor pendorong yang mempengaruhi program ini yaitu sosialisasi, partisipasi masyarakat, program pemerintah yang harus dilaksanakan, dan program sesuai dengan kapasitas masyarakat. Adapun faktor penghambatnya yaitu modal, tidak dilaksanakan secara periodik, tidak berkelanjutan, dan peran pendamping masih lemah. Dengan begitu perlunya memaksimalkan monitoring dan evaluasi dari Pemerintah Kota Semarang.
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 9 Nomer 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (338.801 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v9i1.26141


ABSTRAKSI Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) adalah sebuah program perlindungan sosial yang memberikan bantuan tunai kepada Rumah Tangga Sangat Miskin (RTSM) berdasarkan persyaratan dan ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan. Program keluarga harapan merupakan program bantuan dalam upaya pengentasan kemiskinan yang dibuat oleh pemerintah. Kecamatan Semarang Utara Kota Semarang merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang menerima bantuan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) untuk mengurangi angka kemiskinan melalui fasilitas pendidikan dan kesehatan sejak tahun 2013. Penelitian ini lebih lanjut akan membahas mengenai evaluasi Program Keluarga Harapan dalam rangka mengatasi permasalahan pendidikan dan kesehatan di Kecamatan Semarang Utara Kota Semarang dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menekankan pada konsep evaluasi kebijakan publik menurut William Dunn serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya menggunakan teori Model George C Edward III. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa evaluasi kebijakan Program Keluarga Harapan belum dapat dilakukan dengan baik. Faktor pendukung dalam kebijakan ini adalah komunikasi,sumber daya manusia dan anggaran, disposisi,struktur organisasi dan faktor penghambat adalah sumber daya fasilitas. Rekomendasi yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini yaitu; pemahaman sanksi yang diberlakukan ke masyarakat, melakukan pemutakhiran data secara benar, edukasi untuk graduasi mandiri, dan melakukan pengawasan terhadap RTSM.
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 4, Nomor 3, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (344.76 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v4i3.8898


Increasing of using areas can causes the decreasing of green open space availability. Beside that, the decreasing of green open space also caused by judgment that the green open space is reserve area and not economical. To cover up the less area of green open space, can be done with increasing the people participations to increasing the private green open space. The purpose of this research is to find out about the policy implementation of private green open space in Pedurungan Subdistrict, Semarang City by “Five Appropriates” are Policy Accuracy, Implementation Accuracy, Target Accuracy, Environmental Accuracy and Process Accuracy. The second purpose is to find out the support and the inhibitor factors that involves in implementation process of private green open space in Pedurungan Subdistrict, Semarang City by observe in: Communication, Resources, and Authorizing Signature. The results conclude that implementation of private green open space in Pedurungan Subdistrict not optimal yet; it shows that there are people not known about implementation of private green open space yet. The inhibitor factors in implementation of private green open space in Pedurungan Subdistrict are communication that not optimal yet, and the resources that not equal yet, especially government human resource to do socialization that still definite. The support factors in policy implementation is about government commitments and responsibilities to increasing socialization about policy of private green open space in Pedurungan Subdistrict. Recommendations from the results research are: (1) To increase the private green open space directly, in order that people known about the policy; (2) Socialization can be done with interesting method; (3) increasing the human resources.
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 5, Nomor 3, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (137.375 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v5i3.12489


A market is the area of trading goods by the seller more than one good called as shopping center , markets , shops , mall , plasa , trade center and other appellation ( ministerial regulation number 70 years 2013 on guidelines arrangement and training markets , shopping malls and ) modern store . At this time , market developments very rapidly in almost every region .Each region are racing to make market area as a source of revenue ( pad ) in the form of levies .According to regional regulations semarang city no 9 2013 on regulating the traditional markets , chapter iv market management planning part 1 article 9 about the physical development of the market building paragraph 1 as market buildings which consists of the main building and other facilities with marketing attention to the aspirations of local traders . In revitalization peterongan market is also need the support of the or community participation in regulation in semarang no 9 years 2013 about setting markets, section vi the role of the community article 41 (paragraph 1 and 2 ) (.This study adopted qualitative approaches to techniquedescriptive data collection the observation, interviews and study documents. Results in the research indicated that public participation in the revitalization of pasarpeterongan already have not run well. This is evidenced by the lack of the role of the community to participate in the peterongan this market and the lack of support from the markets.The research can be seen also that public participation by the market revitalization peterongan itself. Aspects viewed in research public participation in the revitalization of pasarpeterongan in the city semarang this is mind, power, expertise, and money. Government, traders and citizens should be cooperative and pull in together to support the project of peterongan market in the city of semarang so that the implementation become more optimal.
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 8, Nomer 3, Tahun 2019
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (570.024 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v8i3.24146


To unravel the problem of congestion in the capital city of Central Java and also as a responsibility to the public, the Semarang City Government established a Bus Rapid Transit policy, as a public transportation service in the city of Semarang by using Semarang City Regulation number 12 of 2011 concerning Semarang City RPJMD 2010 - 2015 concerning the provision of Semarang Bus Rapid Transit services is 4 corridors. The purpose of this study is to analyze the evaluation of the Bus Rapid Transit policy in the city of Semarang which aims to improve public transportation and describe the inhibiting factors and drivers that influence the evaluation of BRT policies in Semarang City. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study show that in the evaluation of the Bus Rapid Transit policy in Semarang City there were problems. Factors that are considered to be an obstacle to the evaluation of the Semarang Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) policy in efforts to improve public transportation in the city of Semarang are regarding the facilities and the market facilities.
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 5, Nomor 2, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (339.735 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v5i2.11087


Dalam rangka upaya membatasi aktivitas merokok seseorang di Kota Semarang maka Pemerintah Kota Semarang mengeluarkan Peraturan Daerah Kota Semarang nomor 3 tahun 2013 tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi Kebijakan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di Puskesmas Pandanaran Kota Semarang dan aspek-aspek penghambat implementasi Kebijakan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di Puskesmas Pandanaran Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan dokumentasi.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Kebijakan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di Puskesmas Pandanaran Kota Semarang cukup baik namun masih ada beberapa kekurangan. Pada aspek komunikasi masih ada masyarakat yang kurang memahami batasan dalam wilayah Kawasan Tanpa Rokok. Dalam aspek sumberdaya Puskesmas Pandanaran memiliki kekurangan dalam tenaga keamanan dan tidak adanya dana yang dikeluarkan untuk Kawasan Tanpa Rokok. Pada aspek disposisi sikap banyak pegawai yang melakukan tugasnya secara ganda untuk menutupi kekosongan yang ada. Kemudian, aspek perubahan perilaku, setiap orang membutuhkan waktu untuk berubah dan terbiasa dengan adanya Kawasan Tanpa Rokok.Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah implementasi kebijakan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok tidak dapat berjalan dengan baik karena beberapa aspek penghambat, yaitu komunikasi, sumberdaya, disposisi sikap dan perubahan perilaku. Saran yang diberikan adalah perlu adanya penambahan pegawai terutama pada tenaga keamanan serta tingkat kemampuan dan ketegasan pegawai. Kemudian segera menyediakan media sosialisasi melalui video promosi dan informasi kesehatan secara periodik tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di Puskesmas Pandanaran Kota Semarang agar masyarakat dapat cepat mengerti tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok.
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 4, Nomor 2, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (161.81 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v4i2.8260


A clerk as human resources main in running an organization prosecuted not only have the skills and the ability of course but also is required to adhere to and obey regulation that has been set previously organization , hence needed real role of a leader to invite and affect employees to obey existing regulation by applying force leadership that effective .A style of leadership that effectively will not give influential if there is no support spirit and desire in self employees as motivation in self employees to comply with rules and norms existing in order to create prime services for the community and the goals of the organization. This research both type research ( explanation ) who tried to explain the relationship between variables as well as test a hypothesis that has been formulated , where researchers trying to find out the relationship between the style of leadership and motivation working with the awareness of discipline the land office semarang city , with the total sample 34 people employees .Data collection by observation , the questionnaire , interviews and a literature review , then analyzed in qualitative and quantitative ways .The testing of hypotheses with using analysis koefisiensi correlation rank kendall , konkordasi kendall and to know the size of the relationship between variables used koefisiensi analysis determined with the help of spss program. The research results show that the relationship with the leadership style discipline to 15.5 %, while relations with the motivation of the work of work discipline 21,9 % and discipline of work associated with the style of leadership and motivation simultaneously by 6 percent .The results of research shows that there is a positive relationship between the style of leadership and motivation of employees to work discipline employees work .Recommendations that the author of give it that is underscored the rules and good governance and working in imposing real doubtful , the need of adjustment of the style of leadership that applied by the leader with the level of maturity employees , and the last need the support of leaders such as the appreciation and praise directly as a form of appreciation to the employees.
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 7, Nomer 2, Tahun 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (135.394 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v7i2.19966


Every year Indonesia’s population have increas is one of issues that must be considered by the Indonesian government. In addressing this issue, the government launched program the Family Planning and Family Development (KKBPK) program based on Law Number 52 Year 2009 on Population and Family Planning. One of the goals of this program is to reduce maternal mortality that has not been maximized in achievement. The problem raised in this research is how the implementation of Family Planning and Family Development (KKBPK) program to decreasing Maternal mortality rate? The purpose of this study is to evaluate and determine the factors that affect the implementation of KKBPK program to decreasing maternal mortality in the city of Semarang. This research is a type of qualitative research with descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of KKBPK program to decreasing maternal mortality has been running quite well based on the evaluation indicators including effectiveness, responsiveness, and accuracy. It is good enough proven with the implementation of the objectives of the program and felt well by the community. However, other indicators such as adequacy and smoothing are still not maximally proven to the uneven distribution of services provided and there are still problems related to insufficient funds and human resources. Factors that affect the implementation of KKBPK program include consistency of communication, human resources manager, disposition and organizational structure.
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 6, Nomer 2, Tahun 2017
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.02 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v6i2.16169


E-Government makes public and private sector interact with government easily via electronic media. The problem that arises is Semarang entered the lower categories of e-government votes in 2014 by Ranking E-Government of Indonesia (PEGI) Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to assess the implementation of e-government in Semarang city and the factors that hinder the implementation of e-government in the Semarang city. The method used is qualitative descriptive. The results showed that the lack of regulations implementing e-government, the workload of human resources in some SKPD is too large, the difficulty of the installation of network infrastructure in the city, the financial resources of e-government Semarang financed by the budget; there are many benefits and no rejection from the public. Factors that hinder the implementation of e-government are the government support in terms of policy, human resource, and infrastructure resources. Overcoming limiting factor is the government of Semarang can formulate rules on the implementation of e-government so that Semarang has a reference in the implementation of e-government, SKPD provides a reliable employee in managing websites, installation and reparation of network done at night.
MEKANISME PERUMUSAN PRODUK HUKUM DAERAH (Studi Penyusunan Peraturan dan Keputusan Gubernur Provinsi Jawa Tengah) Ima Lutfiana; Aufarul Marom
Journal of Public Policy and Management Review Volume 7, Nomer 3, Tahun 2018
Publisher : Jurusan Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (196.356 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/jppmr.v7i3.21009


To execute the public services, it requires the legal norms in the form of local law products intentionally made by the government as the basis of public policy implementation that can provide the explicit arrangements and ensure the provision of public services in accordance with the general principles of the good government. The Legal Bureau of Regional Secretariat of Central Java has a duty to prepare the local law products in Central Java Province with the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) in charge. Based on the Legal Bureau data, in 2013-2017 the local law products in the form of the Regulations and Decisions of Governor are not appropriate between the proposed products and produced products. The aims of this study are to analyze the formulation mechanism of local law products in the Regulations and Decisions of Central Java Province’s Governor and to understand the factors affecting the preparation. The method used in this study is the qualitative descriptive. The result of this study shows that the process of Regulations and Decisions preparation of Central Java Province’s Governor is in accordance with the mechanism of public policy formulation. The factors affecting the process of Regulations and Decisions preparation of Central Java Province’s Governor are the external pressure, the old habit, the personality traits, and the external groups. Some suggestions that can be given are the Legal Bureau should propose the employee addition, the Regional Apparatus should propose the provision of training and the certification for the regulation drafters, and the Legal Bureau and the Regional Apparatus need to improve their coordination and communication.
Co-Authors Ade Putri Febriandini, Ade Putri Adib Afdholi Aditya Prabowo Agustiningsih, Dwi Ajeng Sri Sutanti Ahmad Iqbal Fuadi Aji Tri Utomo Aloysius Rengga Anis Gita Sari Anisa Kusuma Annisya Dwi Mardiyani Ari Subowo Ariyanto, Ervin Dwi Astrid Ratri Sekar Ayu Bayu Aji Prakoso Danny Marliana Budianingrum, Danny Marliana Dewi Rostyaningsih Dian Rahmadhani Dino Angga Lesmana, Dino Angga Dona Lika Indriyana, Dona Lika Ega Elyana Erni Wigianti Fana Nanda Dhevy Fathurrochman Fathurrochman Fathurrohman Fathurrohman Fathurrohman Fathurrohman Febe Kristina Febrilia Dewi Christiani Silitonga Fina Nur Cahyani Galeh Prakerti, Galeh Galuh Putri Cahyani Hapsari, Putri Ratna Hartuti Purnaweni Hendry Eka Prasetya Herbasuki Nurcahyanto Hikmah, Maulida Ainul Humairi, Kultsum Al Ida Hayu Dwimawanti Ignatia Bellatrix Ariesta Parameswari Putri Ike Elissa Juni Liana, Ike Elissa Ima Lutfiana Ines Delaney Natasha Intan Agustina Dwirahayu, Intan Agustina Kartiko Bramantyo Dwi Putro Kismartini Kismartini Kurniawati, Dini Oktavia kusuma, aryanti muhtar M. Suryaningsih, M. Margaretha Suryaningsih Maria Palupi Sandharini Mariyam Musawa Nurcahyant, Herbasuki Nurlia Septiani Pangeran Indra Pasaribu, Pangeran Indra Ragil Septiana Winastuti Raja Danial Kamarullah Ratna Safitri Rd M Ferrizqi Adzanny Retna Hanani Retnoningsih, Yenni Dyah Ricky Fernando Rifwan Kukuh liananto Rina Astuti Cahyaningrum Sri Ahmad A., Sri Ahmad Sri Suwitri Sundarso Sundarso Suryanto Muchlis Syifa Dwihastari Talia Atikah Titik Djumiarti Trie Meisyah A Ulfa Azizah Unggul Wicaksono Winarni, Sandra Ayu Winda Sofianty, Winda Windy Dwi Lestari, Windy Dwi Yenchilia Tresna Damanik Yustisia Prajna Paramita Zainal Hidayat