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Penerapan Syariat Islam dari Sudut Pandang Media dan Perempuan di Aceh Putri Maulina
Jurnal Komunikasi Global Vol 8, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.054 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/jkg.v8i2.14959


The discourse of the Sharia implementation in Aceh in the context of media places women as the most reported group. Serambi Indonesia is one of the local print media that has intensively covered the enforcement of Sharia in Aceh. This study aims to look at the discourse of Sharia enforcement in local media and how the female audiences as active audiences interpret the discourse conveyed by the media. The theoretical approach used in this study is Reception Analysis. This study is descriptive qualitative research. Data were collected using Ferdinand de Saussure’s semiotics on six news articles of Serambi Indonesia throughout 2014 and in-depth interviews with eight female informants who were selected by purposive sampling technique. The results of the study illustrated that the dominant discourse in the media was women in Aceh were prone to violate Sharia. Findings also documented the tendency of informants to occupy oppositional reading positions that the way Serambi Indonesia covered Shariain Aceh was more likely to discriminate against women.
JURNAL TRIAS POLITIKA Vol 7, No 1 (2023): April 2023, Jurnal Trias Politika
Publisher : Universitas Riau Kepulauan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33373/jtp.v7i1.4899


ABSTRACTWomen have the ability to play a role as strategic actors in Indonesia's development, as well as women from Nagan Raya District. The purpose of this research is to dig deeper into optimizing the role of women in women's empowerment programs in partnership with the Office of Community Empowerment, Gampong, Population Control and Women's Empowerment (DPMGP4).A qualitative approach is the method of this research with informants coming from the person in charge of Sikula Geutanyoe program, which is a Student Organization Capacity Building Program for the State Administration Student Association (PPK ORMAWA HIMADISTRA) at Teuku Umar University in collaboration with DPMGP4. Data was collected by means of interviews, observation and documentation. Determination of informants with purposive sampling technique and totaling 5 people came from the person in charge of the Sikula Geutanyoe Program 3 informants and from DPMGP4 2 informants. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed through 3 stages, the first is selecting data, then presenting the data and the last step is making conclusions. The results of the research show that optimizing the role of women has been carried out through the "Sikula Geutanyoe" program. The results of this study are that optimizing the role of women has been carried out through the "Sikula Geutanyoe" program. The role of DPMGP4 of Nagan Raya Regency in empowering women is carried out through partnership programs and training provided to women by emphasizing understanding of 8 family functions, namely religious, socio-cultural, love, protection, reproductive, economic, socialization. and education, and environmental development. There is optimism from the women who are involved both in the training and in the management of the "Sikula Geutanyoe" Program to rise together and become one of the agents of development so that they can improve their standard of living for the better.ABSTRAKPerempuan mempunyai kemampuan memegang peranan sebagai aktor strategis pada pembangunan Indonesia ini, begitu juga dengan perempuan yang berasal dari Kabupaten Nagan Raya. Penelitian mempunyai tujuan menggali lebih dalam terkait optimalisasi peran perempuan dalam program pemberdayaan perempuan yang bermitra dengan Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Gampong, Pengendalian Penduduk dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan (DPMGP4). Pendekatan kualitatif menjadi metode penelitian ini dengan informan yang berasal dari penanggungjawab program Sikula Geutanyoe yang merupakan Program Peningkatan Kapasitas Organisasi Kemahasiswaan Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Administrasi Negara (PPK ORMAWA HIMADISTRA) Universitas Teuku Umar yang bekerjasama dengan DPMGP4. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara interview, pengamatan dan dokumentasi. Penentuan informan dengan teknik purposive sampling dan berjumlah 5 orang yang berasal dari penanggungjawab Program Sikula Geutanyoe 3 informan serta dari DPMGP4 2 informan. Data yang telah didapat lalu dianalisi melalui 3 tahapan, pertama penyeleksian data, lalu penyajian data dan Langkah terakhir dengan membuat kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengoptimalisasi peran perempuan telah dilakukan melalui program “Sikula Geutanyoe”. Peran DPMGP4 Kabupaten Nagan Raya dalam memberdayakan perempuan dilakukan dengan program kemitraan dan pelatihan yang diberikan kepada kaum perempuan dengan menekankan pemahaman pada 8 fungsi keluarga, yaitu keagamaan, sosial budaya, cinta kasih, perlindungan, reproduksi, ekonomi, sosialisasi dan pendidikan, dan pembinaan lingkungan. Adanya optimisme dari para perempuan yang terlibat baik dalam pelatihan maupun dalam kepengurusan Program “Sikula Geutanyoe” untuk bangkit bersamasama dan menjadi salah satu agen pembangunan sehingga dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup menjadi lebih baik.
Jurnal Media dan Komunikasi Indonesia Vol 4, No 1 (2023): MARCH
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmki.82761


 The research objective is to analyze the influence of individual characteristics and disclosure of disaster risk information on community preparedness in facing coastal floods. The methodology used is explanatory research with a quantitative approach. In this study, a questionnaire was used with the number of samples were 82 respondents who were in the desa Pasir, Kec. Johan Pahlawan, Kab.Aceh Barat. The results of this study indicate that the individual characteristics of gender, age, and final education have a significant effect on community preparedness to face coastal flooding, but are classified as quite weak. Meanwhile, the disclosure of disaster risk information, namely the intensity of media use, the frequency of media use, and the quality of information has a significant effect on community preparedness to face coastal flooding, and is classified as strong.   
Narasi Jilbab dan Realitas Simulakra di Akun Instagram @buttonscarves Putri Maulina; Ainal Fitri; Dony Arung Triantoro
Jurnal Komunikasi Global Vol 12, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jkg.v12i1.31232


Buttonscarves menjadi brand fashion jilbab yang menargetkan perempuan muslim dengan kelas sosial menengah ke atas sebagai konsumennya. Melalui akun Instagram @buttonscarves, produsen fashion jilbab ini berupaya menarik perhatian konsumen dengan menciptakan beragam narasi sehingga terciptanya realitas-realitas tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah bagaimana realitas perempuan muslim dan jilbab diciptakan dalam narasi Buttonscarves di akun Instagram @buttonscarves. Peneliti juga menggunakan sudut pandang Baudrillard tentang Simulakra dan Hiperrealitas. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode analisis semiotika Jean Barudrillard terhadap sembilan teks berupa video dan foto yang ada di akun tersebut di sepanjang tahun 2022. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Instagram @buttonscarves menciptakan simulasi realitas terhadap perempuan Muslim berjilbab. Narasi simulakra dalam Instagram @buttonscarves menunjukkan hiperrealitas nilai- nilai perempuan Muslim dan jilbab yang dapat membius khalayak perempuan Muslim. Sehingga jilbab tidak lagi dipandang dari nilai-nilai aslinya, namun menjadi realitas simulakrum murni dari citra yang diciptakan oleh Buttonscarves. Buttonscarves is a hijab fashion brand that targets Muslim women belonging to the middle and upper social classes. Through the Instagram account @buttonscarves, this hijab fashion producer attracted consumers’ attention by constructing narratives that shape distinct realities. This study delves into how the Buttonscarves’ narratives on the @buttonscarves create the reality of Muslim women and the headscarf. In analyzing this phenomenon, Baudrillard's concepts of Simulacra and Hyperreality serve as theoretical underpinnings. Employing a qualitative approach, this research adopts the Jean Baudrillard Semiotics Analysis method to analyze nine texts, encompassing videos and photos posted throughout 2022. The study's findings shed light on the Instagram account’s ability to engender a simulated reality of Muslim women wearing headscarves. Simulakra's narrative on Instagram @buttonscarves shows the hyperreality of Muslim women's values and the headscarf that can anesthetize Muslim women audiences. Consequently, the headscarf is no longer seen from its original values but becomes a pure simulacrum reality of the image created by Buttonscarves.
SOURCE : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Source : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Volume 9 Nomor 2 Oktober 2023
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/source.v9i2.7706


This article discussed stunting reporting in Aceh within the framework of local media. This study aims to further examine how the local mass media constructs stunting cases in Aceh and how the trend towards emphasizing the reality of stunting is framed in the news texts. The information in this study was derived from daily stunting reports in Indonesia's Serambi region in 2021. The cases of stunting that occurred in Aceh were the subject of this study. The data collection technique was carried out by observing texts on the Serambi Indonesia Daily throughout 2021. There were 37 reports on stunting, and then the researchers selected 12 reports that were deemed relevant and representative of the research problems and themes. From the results of the analysis, two major environmental areas are identified, namely: 1) the Stunting Issues Reporting Map, which has a tendency to discuss the implementation of stunting handling and prevention in Aceh; and 2) the emphasis on resource persons from the point of view of the government and stakeholders involved in stunting prevention. The media coverage frame provides an overview and mapping of information on stunting cases from the government's point of view. As a result, it is recommended that additional research be conducted from the community's perspective as a media audience in understanding and interpreting stunting discourse in Aceh. 
Narasi Jilbab dan Realitas Simulakra di Akun Instagram @buttonscarves Putri Maulina; Ainal Fitri; Dony Arung Triantoro
Jurnal Komunikasi Global Vol 12, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jkg.v12i1.31232


Buttonscarves menjadi brand fashion jilbab yang menargetkan perempuan muslim dengan kelas sosial menengah ke atas sebagai konsumennya. Melalui akun Instagram @buttonscarves, produsen fashion jilbab ini berupaya menarik perhatian konsumen dengan menciptakan beragam narasi sehingga terciptanya realitas-realitas tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelaah bagaimana realitas perempuan muslim dan jilbab diciptakan dalam narasi Buttonscarves di akun Instagram @buttonscarves. Peneliti juga menggunakan sudut pandang Baudrillard tentang Simulakra dan Hiperrealitas. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode analisis semiotika Jean Barudrillard terhadap sembilan teks berupa video dan foto yang ada di akun tersebut di sepanjang tahun 2022. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Instagram @buttonscarves menciptakan simulasi realitas terhadap perempuan Muslim berjilbab. Narasi simulakra dalam Instagram @buttonscarves menunjukkan hiperrealitas nilai- nilai perempuan Muslim dan jilbab yang dapat membius khalayak perempuan Muslim. Sehingga jilbab tidak lagi dipandang dari nilai-nilai aslinya, namun menjadi realitas simulakrum murni dari citra yang diciptakan oleh Buttonscarves. Buttonscarves is a hijab fashion brand that targets Muslim women belonging to the middle and upper social classes. Through the Instagram account @buttonscarves, this hijab fashion producer attracted consumers’ attention by constructing narratives that shape distinct realities. This study delves into how the Buttonscarves’ narratives on the @buttonscarves create the reality of Muslim women and the headscarf. In analyzing this phenomenon, Baudrillard's concepts of Simulacra and Hyperreality serve as theoretical underpinnings. Employing a qualitative approach, this research adopts the Jean Baudrillard Semiotics Analysis method to analyze nine texts, encompassing videos and photos posted throughout 2022. The study's findings shed light on the Instagram account’s ability to engender a simulated reality of Muslim women wearing headscarves. Simulakra's narrative on Instagram @buttonscarves shows the hyperreality of Muslim women's values and the headscarf that can anesthetize Muslim women audiences. Consequently, the headscarf is no longer seen from its original values but becomes a pure simulacrum reality of the image created by Buttonscarves.