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Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2016): JABM Vol. 2 No. 2, Mei 2016
Publisher : School of Business, Bogor Agricultural University (SB-IPB)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17358/jabm.2.2.172


In order to support bureaucratic reform program in the field of land services, the National Land Registry Agency issued regulations on service standards and decisions about Sapta Land Code. This study aims to analyze the levels of interest and performance of the officials of Land Registry Office in Bogor Regency and to analyze the level of satisfaction of the community on the service of the maintenance of land registry data by the Office. The analytical tool used to determine the satisfaction of the community was the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). The results showed that there is a gap between the petition of certification and completion of the certificate. The analysis results of IPA based on the dimensions of service quality maintenance of land registry data showed that overall the community is satisfied with the service quality of the Land Registry Office of Bogor Regency. This is demonstrated by the discrepancies between the performance average score of 3,54 and the interest average score of 3,49. Thus, the average score of a positive gap of 0,05 was obtained, and CSI value obtained was 71,14%. Based on the measurement of scale range using the Simamora formula, the CSI analytical results showed that the community is satisfied with the maintenance service of land records in the Land Registry Office of Bogor Regency.Keywords: satisfaction, service quality, maintenance of land registry data, IPA, CSI
Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi Vol 6, No 3 (2020): AGUSTUS 2020
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

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Klub sepakbola Himadirga Unsyiah merupakan satu-satunya klub yang pemainnya terdiri dari kalangan mahasiswa Penjaskesrek FKIP Unsyiah. Selama ini pemain Himadirga Unsyiah masih kurang dalam kemampuan shooting yang tercermin dari pertandinganpertandingan yang jarang sekali terjadi kemenangan dengan jumlah gol telak. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor di antaranya ialah kelincahan dan power otot tungkai yang masih kurang baik.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi kelincahan dan power otot tungkai dengan kecepatan bola dan kemampuan shooting bola pada pemain klub sepakbola Himadirga Unsyiah. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dan jenis penelitian korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini pemain Himadirga Unsyiah yang berjumlah 20 orang dengan teknik total sampling.Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan: (1) tes kelicahan (zig zag),(2) power otot tungkai (standing long jump)dan (3) kemampuan shooting bola. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan statistik yaitu perhitungan nilai rata- rata, standar deviasi, T score, koefisien korelasi, dan uji signifikan. Bedasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) terdapat hubungan yang signifikn antara kelinchan dengan kemampuan shooting bola sebesar (r = 0,28 ), kelincahan memberikan kontribusi sebesar ( 1,23% ) terhadap kemampuan shooting bola Pada Klub Sepakbola Himadirga Unsyiah, (2) tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kelincahan dengan kemampuan shooting bola sebesar ( r = 0,14), kelincahan memberikan kontribusi sebesar ( 0,62%) terhadap kemampuan shooting bola Pada Klub Sepakbola Himadirga Unsyiah, (3) tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan secara bersama - sama antara power otot tungkai dengan kelincahan sebesar ( R = 0,23 ), kelincahan dan power otot tungkai meberikan kontibusi sebesar ( 0,001 ) terhadap kemampuan shooting Bola Pada Klub Sepakbola Himadirga Unsyiah. Kata Kunci: Kontribusi, Kelincahan, Power Otot Tungkai, Kemampuan Shooting Bola.
Eqien - Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 3 No 1 (2016): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS “E-QIEN” Volume 1 Nomor 5, September 2016
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Dr Kh Ez Mutaqien

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (82.948 KB) | DOI: 10.34308/eqien.v3i1.36


This research discusses identification of potentially viable industries to be developed as a priority industry in Regency of Blora. Methods of data analysis used is descriptive analysis, with four data collection methods, namely desk study, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), field observations and expert discussions. The data used are primary and secondary data. The results of analysis show that the industry elected as a priority industryin Regency of Blora arethose which are based on crafts and furniture (teak wood). This is due to the fact that the industry have high added-value products, unique in the region, have strong links to resources owned by the region, as well as having the opportunities to penetrate the international market. Keywords: Priority Industry, Competitiveness,Regency of Blora
Eqien - Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 4 No 2 (2017): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN BISNIS “E-QIEN”
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Dr Kh Ez Mutaqien

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (365.133 KB) | DOI: 10.34308/eqien.v4i2.47


This research aims to formulate and to analyze the urgency of the establishment of Consumer Dispute Resolution Body (BPSK) in Regency of Bekasi. The method of analysis uses descriptive analysis of both qualitative and quantitative. Meanwhile, the method of data collection is done through literature studies and in-depth interviews. The results show that the urgency of the formation of BPSK in Regency of Bekasi is based on variety of reasons. First, BPSK as a government agency is established to respond to the mandate of Act No. 8 1999 to form the agency in each regency. Secondly, BPSK is formed to anticipate the momentum of the ASEAN Economic Community. Thirdly, it is also founded to react to the improvement of economic development in Regency of Bekasi, which is accompanied by the increasing level of prosperity and the level of community awareness of the rights of workers as consumers. Fourth, BPSK is constructed based on the experience of other regions which shows that consumers are in dire need of a neutral government body formed to protect the interests of consumers if they get unfair treatment from business actors. As the same time, business actors also require the same body that can objectively and impartially handle cases involving their business activities. Keywords: Consumer Protection, BPSK, Regency of Bekasi
Integrasi Spasial dan Vertikal Pasar Beras di Indonesia (Spatial and Vertical Integration ofRice Market in Indonesia) Eny Cahyaningsih; Rita Nurmalina; Agus Maulana
JURNAL PANGAN Vol. 21 No. 4 (2012): PANGAN
Publisher : Perum BULOG

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33964/jp.v21i4.194


Penelitian ini bertujuan, menganalisis integrasi spasial pasar beras di beberapa pasar ibu kota provinsi di Indonesia, integrasi vertikal pasar beras antara pasar dalam negeri dan luar negeri, respon harga beras suatu pasarjika ada shock atau goncangan di pasar lain, variasi perubahan harga beras suatu pasar, dan memberi masukan implikasi kebijakan stabilisasi harga beras di Indonesia. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Vector Error Correction Model, impuls respon dan dekomposisi ragam. Pada integrasi spasial diperoleh hasil bahwa pada perdagangan beras di Indonesia terdapat pasar-pasar acuan yaitu pasar beras di Medan, Semarang, Pontianak, Surabaya dan Jakarta. Pada integrasi vertikal, perubahan harga beras di Vietnam akan menyebabkan perubahan harga di Indonesia dan Thailand walaupun dalam skala yang relatif kecil. Berdasarkan analisis impuls respon dan dekomposisi ragam diperoleh bahwa pasar beras Indonesia sedikit terisolasi dari kedua negara. Implikasi kebijakan dari penelitian ini adalah pertama, untuk menstabilisasikan harga beras maka prioritas intervensi dari pemerintah seharusnya difokuskan pada stabilisasi harga beras di Medan, Semarang, Pontianak, Surabaya dan Jakarta. Stabilnya harga beras di wilayah tersebut akan ditransmisikan ke wilayah lain. Kedua, walaupun harga beras luar negeri tidak begitu berpengaruh pada kenaikan harga beras dalam negeri dan pasar beras Indonesia sedikit terisolasi dari Thailand dan Vietnam, pengendalian impor beras tetap perlu dilakukan untuk melindungi pendapatan petani apalagi mengingat harga beras dalam negeri lebih tinggi dibandingkan harga beras luar negeri.The goal of thisresearch is to analyze spatialintegration of ricemarkets in several markets in the provincial capital of Indonesia, the vertical integration of the rice marketbetween the domestic market and abroad, the response of a marketprice of rice if there is a shock in other markets, variations in the market price changes of rice, and its implications for price stabilization policies. Methods of analysis used in this studi are Vector Error Correction Model, impulse responseandvariance decomposition. The result of spatial integration indicates that the reference markets rice trade in Indonesia are the market in Medan, Semarang, Pontianak, Surabaya and Jakarta. In vertical integration, changes in the price of rice in Vietnam will cause price changes in Indonesia and Thailand, although in a relatively smallscale. Based on the analysis of the impulseresponse and variance decomposition, it is found that Indonesian ricemarket is slightly isolatedfrom the two countries. Policyimplication of this studyis first to stabilize the price of rice in Indonesia in which the priorities of government intervention should be focused on the rice price stabilization in Medan, Semarang, Pontianak, Surabaya and Jakarta because price stabilization in those regions could be transmitted to otherregions. Second, although rice prices abroadare not so influential in the domestic rice price increases and the Indonesian rice market is slightly isolated from Thailand and Vietnam, the rice import controls still need to be done to protect the income of farmers especiallybecause theprice of domestic rice is higher than theprice of rice outside the country. 
Selodang Mayang: Jurnal Ilmiah Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Vol 3 No 2 (2017): VOL 3 NO 2 APRIL 2017
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47521/selodangmayang.v3i2.62


Prinsip dasar Sistem Ekonomi Kapitalis adalah kebebasan kepemilikan yang dibangun di atas tiga kerangka dasar, yaitu: scarcity, value dan price. Secara ringkas bahwa aktifitas produktif yang dilakukan manusia dalam pandangan Kapitalisme merupakan suatu pengorbanan manusia yang didorong oleh insentif materi. Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir memiliki masyarakat multikultur serta memiliki sumber daya yang potensial seperti SDM yang handal, Mineral, Perikanan, Perkebunan serta posisi strategis yang menjadi urat nadi Ekspor Impor Provinsi Riau bagian Selatan. Perekonomian daerah ini jika dilihat dari Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) atas dasar harga konstan dan harga berlaku memiliki trend positif. Makalah ini memberikan gambaran bahwa: (1) Multikultur masyarakat Indragiri Hilir bukan hal yang negatif dalam menghadapi pertumbuhan ekonomi bahkan dalam Sistem Ekonomi Kapitalis yang menyerang bangsa kita saat ini dengan berbagai fasilitas yang dapat mendukung terbentuknya Ekonomi Kapitalis meskipun negara kita menganut Ekonomi Demokrasi Pancasila; (2) Kekuatan pertumbuhan ekonomi masyarakat Indragiri Hilir belum dimanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin untuk kemakmuran dan kemajuan pembangunan negerinya sendiri dalam konteks Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan Index Pertumbuhan Sumber Daya Manusia, terbukti masih rendahnya minat kuliah di Perguruan Tinggi di Tembilahan. Faktor tingginya pendapatan masyarakat mendorong kemampuan untuk membiayai sekolah di luar Indragiri Hilir; (3) Ekonomi Kapitalis dapat terbendung dengan sendirinya karena adanya geliat perekonomian masyarakat yang multikultur sehingga mengurangi arus peredaran uang keluar dari daerah , namun pemberian izin penguasaan lahan seluas-luasnya adalah fasilitas dan pintu gerbang pertama bagi sistem kapitalis dalam menjalankan usahanya. Sehingga rakyat tidak dapat mengembangkan perekonomianya melalui pengolahan tanah, perkebunan, pertanian dan perikanan dan kelautan.
Jurnal Abdimas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (JAmEB) Vol 1 No 2 (2021): JAMEB (Jurnal Abdimas Ekonomi dan Bisnis)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (219.004 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/jameb.v1i2.921


The purpose of this community service activity is to provide training to MSME actors to be able to recognize how to record their business accounting. With this accounting knowledge, MSME actors can make financial reports of their businesses. With the information presented in the financial statements, it is hoped that MSME actors can better understand how much they have to spend and how much gross profit is in their business so that they can manage and maintain the going concern of their business and can survive this pandemic. The training activities were carried out at the Cipayung sub-district office, East Jakarta. The participants are MSME business actors who are members of the Jakpreneur community, East Jakarta District. This training involved accounting lecturers from UPN Veteran Jakarta and was also assisted by students.
A Model of Service Marketing in Port Services: Empirical Study in PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), Tanjung Priok Branch Srihadi, Rati Farini; Hartoyo, Hartoyo; Sukandar, Dadang; Maulana, Agus
ASEAN Marketing Journal Vol. 8, No. 1
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Port of Tanjung Priok is one of the ports in Indonesia which has the potential to be developed into an international seaport with the level of activity and the capacity of loading and unloading. This study aims to understand the key variables that determine the service quality of the port, so as to achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty. By using Structural Equation Modeling, this study analyzes the effects of various dimensions of service quality to customer satisfaction, and the relationships formed between perceived value and customer loyalty of the port service industry in Indonesia. The sampling method used was stratified random sampling with a total of 406 respondents. The results show positive relationships between the variables. This implies that service quality is an important aspect to focus on in order for Port of Tanjung Priok to achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty.