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Journal : Journal on Education

Pengaruh Peran Kepala Sekolah, Motivasi Kerja, dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Guru Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Kradenan Kabupaten Blora Rulie Saraswati; Ngurah Ayu Nyoman Murniati; Widya Kusumaningsih
Journal on Education Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Journal On Education: Volume 6 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Departement of Mathematics Education

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The objectives of this study are: (1) knowing the magnitude of the influence of the principal's role on teacher performance. (2) knowing the magnitude of the influence of teacher work motivation on teacher performance. (3) knowing the magnitude of the influence of the teacher's work environment on teacher performance. (4) knowing the magnitude of the influence of the role of the principal, work motivation, and work environment on the performance of elementary school teachers in Kradenan District, Blora Regency. This study used a quantitative approach. The study population was 213 teachers spread across 29 schools with a sample of 139 teachers selected by proportional random sampling to analyze validity, reliability, prerequisites, and hypothesis test data using the SPSS for Windows 25 program. The results showed (1) the magnitude of the influence of the role of the head on teacher performance by 4.6%. (2) the magnitude of the influence of work motivation on teacher performance by 12.7%. (3) the magnitude of the influence of the work environment on teacher performance by 68%. (4) the magnitude of the influence of the role of the principal, work motivation, and work environment together on teacher performance by 78.9%. The conclusion of the study showed (1) there was an influence of the role of the head on teacher performance and found deficiencies in the role of the principal as a supervisor of 0.622. (2) There was an effect of work motivation on teacher performance and a deficiency was found in work motivation in intrinsic motivation of 0.763. (3) There is an influence of the work environment on teacher performance and deficiencies are found in the work environment in the non-physical environment of 0.739. (4) There is an influence on the role of the principal, work motivation, and work environment together on teacher performance.
Co-Authors Ace Nungki Wibowo Achmad Yusuf Ahmad Hanif Ahmad Yusron Akhmad Maskon Akhyat Hidayat Akhyat Hidayat Al Mizzam Wahyu Pramana Andini Utami Ani Budi Hartanti Ardan Sirodjuddin Arri Handayani Arziska Retorika Ashafira Eka Putri Budi Riyanto Bunyamin Bunyamin Denissa Febriyanti Widyaningrum Dewi Lestari Dewi Lestari Dewi Lestari Dharmiastuti Dharmiastuti Dharmiastuti Dharmiastuti Dhukha, Ahmad Diah Rini Kuswandari Dianing Wiratmoko Didit Sulistio Diyanto Diyanto Duwi Nuvitalia Eko Budi Santoso Ema Chintya Permatasari Endang Tri Ekowati Endang Wuryandini Endang Wuryandini, Endang Ernawati Saptaningrum Fadlilah Maulani Fajar Andika Fine Reffiane Fitri, Khoirun Nisa Nurul Ghufron Abdullah Ghufron Abdullah Hartuti Hartuti Herni Mulatsih Heru Purnomo Intan Indiati Joko Saefan Jumirin, Jumirin Kasnawi Kasnawi Komariyah Komariyah Lia Puji Lestari Listiyaning Sumardiyani Mahmudah Mahmudah Meka Dewi hapsari Muhammad Prayito Muhdi Muhdi Muntianah Muntianah Musrianah Musrianah Mustowiyah Mustowiyah Ngasbun Egar Noor Miyono Noor Miyono Noor Mliyono Prayekti Kusumasari Puji Indah Diah Hastuti Puspitasari Puspitasari Rahadian Permana Jati Ranto Netty Sofiati Ridholina Ridholina Rifa’ah Rifa’ah Rosalina BR Ginting Rulie Saraswati Rustam Rustam Sahara, Winda Selamet Winarni Siti Minarsih Soedjono Soedjono Sri Hartono Sri Wijayanti Sugeng Sugeng Sukron Amri Sumarni Sumarni Suminten Suminten Sunanda Sunanda Sunandar Sunandar Suroso Suroso Susilawati Susilawati Syahida Khurmen Nafisha Syamsu Haryadi T Endang Ekowati Titik Haryati Titin Yudhiati Tri Ari Werdiningsih Tri Nuryanti Tri Ruswati Tutik Sulistyani Ummi Kaltsum Uswatun Khasanah Wawan Kurniawan Widya Kusumaningsih Yeti Yunitasari Yovitha Yuliejantiningsih Zulfa Amirulia